Jazmyn M. Johnson: Qualification Summary

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Jazmyn M.

9414 Ryans Way
Perry Hall, 21128
Contact Number: (609)82!019
"!ma#l: $a%myn$o&nson20'(ma#l)com
ePort*ol#o: &tt+:,,---)$a%myn$)-eebly)com
Qualification Summary
.#croso*t /**#ce Pro*#c#ency
(Wor0, "1cel, Po-erPo#nt,
3ele+&one 4 5ront 6es2 Rece+t#on
Customer 7er8#ce
6ata "ntry (40WP.)
90m#n#strat#8e 7u++ort
:nter+ersonal 72#lls
Cl#ent Relat#on
Con*#0ent#al#ty an0 Com+la#nt
7al#sbury ;n#8ers#ty, 7al#sbury, .6
Psyc&olo(y .a$or ("1+ecte0 (ra0uat#on < .ay 201)
H#(& 7c&ool 6#+loma (201=)
Par28#lle H#(& 7c&ool, Par28#lle, .6 212=4
Work Experience
Crossmar2 >alt#more, .6
In-store Demo Event Specialist 2014 < +resent
?reets 7am@s Club customers)
Pro8#0es customer ser8#ce)
"**ect#8ely commun#cate t&e *eatures an0 bene*#ts o* t&e +ro0ucts)
?#8es out +ro0uct sam+les)
Pre+ares +ro0uct 0emos)
.a#nta#ns a +ro*ess#onal a++earance cons#stent -#t& t&e reAu#rements o* t&e $ob)
Pro+erly sets u+ an0 +re+ares "8ent 3able *or e1ecut#on)
9ss#sts -#t& +re+arat#on *or cl#ent 8#s#ts an0 com+letes au0#t correct#ons)
>u#l0s an0 ma#nta#ns ra++ort -#t& store +ersonnel to e**ect#8ely meet com+any
an0 cl#ent ob$ect#8es)
Com+letes e1+ense re+orts as +er Com+any Pol#cy)
Jazmyn M. Johnson
9414 Ryans Way
Perry Hall, 21128
Contact Number: (609)82!019
"!ma#l: $a%myn$o&nson20'(ma#l)com
ePort*ol#o: &tt+:,,---)$a%myn$)-eebly)com
.a&o(any Rose Ha#r 7alon P&#la0el+&#a, P9
Receptionist 2010!201=
Coor0#nat#n( t&e *ront 0es2 0ut#es)
Han0l#n( t&e cler#cal an0 a0m#n#strat#8e tas2s)
6#recte0 cl#ents to su#table &a#rstyl#st)
Rece#8e0 an0 met 8#s#tors #n a +ro*ess#onal manner)
7#(ne0 +eo+le #n an0 c&ec2e0 t&e#r #0ent#ty)
9ns-ere0 an0 *or-ar0e0 +&one calls)
7c&e0ule0 cl#ent a++o#ntments)
Retr#e8e0 an0 2e+t trac2 o* +ayments *or ser8#ces)
6e!escalate0 an(ry customers an0 &an0le0 com+la#nts)

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