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Vivian Torres

(720) 355-7643
Vivian.t rrs @ g m a il .c om
Five years customer service exerience
!ilingual "nglis# an$ %anis#
"xcellent oral an$ &ritten communication
(etail-oriente$) ositive) outgoing) an$
ent#usiastic ersonality
%'ille$ $eveloing relations#is an$
rovi$ing excetional in$ivi$uali*e$
+om,orta-le &it# a ,ast ace$ environment
%ervice "xcellence certi,ie$
.-ility to esta-lis# riorities an$ meet
/uic' learner) 00 1ey -y touc#
%'ille$ in 2icroso,t 3,,ice
4ro,icient in 2icroso,t "xcel in ,inancial
mo$eling an$ analysis
Professional Experience
2arriott at 5ate&ay 4ar') .urora) +3 %etem-er 2003 6 4resent
Banquet Captain
4rearation o, t#e area or room ,or a ,unction7event) rior to t#e guest8s arrival ranging ,rom 20 to 200 guests
5reet all guest) an$ lea$ t#e events on a $aily -asis
"nsure t#at all ,oo$ an$ -everage items are roerly serve$
%c#e$uling) an$ assigning $uties ,or grou o, 00 in$ivi$uals (-an9uet sta,,)
1ee communication consistent -et&een sales team) an$ 'itc#en
"nsure t#at sta,, mem-ers return all e9uiment to t#e storage area an$ t#at t#e room7area is le,t clean an$ ti$y
+omile c#ec's ,rom t#e -an9uet event or$er) ensuring t#e correct num-er o, items7ersons are c#arge$ ,or) an$
t#e c#ec' is oste$ on t#e master account on +:;<
;#e Village at +=+) +entennial) +3 3cto-er 2002 6 2ay 2003
Hospitality Coordinator
:nsecte$ $ining an$ serving areas to ensure cleanliness an$ roer setu
.ssigne$ resi$ents to ta-les suita-le ,or t#eir nee$s an$ accor$ing to rotation so t#at servers receive an
aroriate num-er o, seating8s
+ommunicate$ &it# resi$ents to ensure satis,action &it# ,oo$ an$ service) to reson$ to comlaints) or to ma'e
%uervise$ an$ coor$inate$ activities o, $ining room sta,, to ensure t#at resi$ents receive$ romt an$ courteous
.ssiste$ &it# rearing an$ serving ,oo$ an$ -everages
:ntervie&e$) train) an$ suervise ,oo$ an$ -everage service sta,,
4lane$ arties or ot#er secial events an$ services ,or grous o, resi$ents
;#e Village at +=+) +entennial) +3 3cto-er 2000 6 3cto-er 2002
>e9ueste$ an$ recor$e$ customer or$ers) an$ comute -ills using cas# receits
%electe$ ,oo$ items ,rom serving or storage areas an$ lace t#em in $is#es
%erve$ customers in eating laces t#at seciali*e in ,ast service an$ inexensive carry-out ,oo$
%erve$ ,oo$ an$ -everages to guests at -an9uets or ot#er social ,unctions
+lean an$ organi*e$ eating an$ service areas
?eritage +lu-) (enver) +3 @anuary 2000 6 @anuary 2002
5reete$ guests an$ seat t#em at ta-les or in &aiting areas
+leane$ an$ organi*e$ eating an$ service areas
%erve$ customers in eating laces t#at seciali*e in ,ast service
:nsecte$ $ining an$ serving areas to ensure cleanliness an$ roer setu
>e9ueste$ an$ recor$e$ customer or$ers) an$ comute$ -ills using cas# registers
An$ergroun$ %tation) .urora) +3 Bovem-er 200C 6 3cto-er 2000

Cashier/Sale Associate
;ic'ete$) arrange$ an$ $islay merc#an$ise to romote sales
+leane$ s#elves) counters) an$ ta-les
"xc#ange$ merc#an$ise ,or customers an$ accet returns
(escri-e$ merc#an$ise an$ exlaine$ use) oeration) an$ care o, merc#an$ise to customers
4lace$ secial or$ers or call ot#er stores to ,in$ $esire$ item
3ene$ an$ close$ cas# registers
5reete$ customers an$ ascertain &#at eac# customer &ants or nee$s.
+omute$ sales rices) total urc#ases an$ receive$ an$ rocess cas# or cre$it ayment.
2etroolitan %tate +ollege) (enver) +3 @anuary 2002 6 4resent
a!orD Butrition E (ietetics
5ate&ay ?ig# %c#ool) .urora) +3 .ugust 200F- 2ay 2000
High School "iplo#a) 2ay 2000
%tu$ent 5overnment - .ug 200F to 2ay 2000
+#eerlea$er - .ug 200F to 2ay 2000
F!=. - .ug 2000 to 2ay 2000
Vice 4resi$ent o, .&ar$s
+olora$o ?ositality %uervisor (2004)
%erv%a,e Foo$ ?an$ler ("x. 2007)
%ervice "xcellence
;:4s traine$

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