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First Semester 2014

Mrs. Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7- Science
Week # 11 October 20, 2014
Essential Question: !hat is the nature o" science#
Objectives: escribe ho$ to set u% a controlle& e'%eri(ent, analy)e &ata, inter%ret gra%hs an&
co(e to scienti"ic conclusions using scienti"ic in*uiry.
n!ivi!ual "utorin# !urin# t$ir! %erio! rea!in# block on We!nes!a& a'ter sc$ool (:)) %m
to ):00 %m*
Sc$e!ule subject to c$an#e*
+a& ,ome-ork .esson
October 20, 2014
Stu&y "or +nit test Thurs&ay. ,ercent -rror.

.ra%hing re/ie$.
Controlle& e'%eri(ents re/ie$.
October 21, 2014
Stu&y "or +nit test Thurs&ay. Cha%ter 0 re/ie$ Cha%. 1, L2,3,4 ,art
Short ans$ers.
October 22, 2014
Stu&y "or +nit test Thurs&ay.
Sea Shells %aragra%h 50 &ue
6ntro&uction to Cha%ter 7 Lesson 1.
,ages 213 to 201 8ocabulary.
!a/es an& Light.
October 2(, 2014
Stu&y Cha%ter 7 8ocabulary +nit 1 "est Quarter "est.
Multi%le Choice. The 9ature o" Science
Cha%ters 1 an& 0.
October 24, 2014
+nit 1 "est ,art 66
Short ans$er

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