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2S W Washington St #2 Athens, 0B 4S7u1

T: (9S7) 694-7S8S E: afS21211ohio.euu

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August 2u12- }uly 2u14
Piepaieu foou at eveiy concept
Banuleu money as a cashiei
Resolveu minoi customei issues
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3$,*"4$ 1/4/5"-
}uly 2u14-Piesent
0veisee employees
Resolve majoi customei issues
Assuie that eveiy station is functioning smoothing
Tiain new employees on piopei openingclosing pioceuuies
Naintain a safe woik enviionment

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August 2u14-Piesent
Entei foou logs into Nutiitionist Pio
Paiticipate in WellWoiks Piogiams
o Bealthy 0hio Neuical Scieenei: Neasuie waist giith, bloou
piessuie, height, weight, anu bouy fat peicentage using a bouy
composition analyzei of 00 employees anu spouses
Cieate bulletin boaius in WellWoiks piesenting populai health topics

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August 2uu8- Nay 2u12
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August 2u12- Piesent
College of Bealth Sciences anu Piofessions
o Applieu Nutiition
o Ninoi in Communication Stuuies, ceitificate in Biabetes
Bacheloi of Foou anu Nutiition Sciences, 2u17
Leaueiship, Inteipeisonal Communication, Leaueiship
0iganizational, Auaptable, Team-0iienteu
o Excel, Woiu, PoweiPoint,
o Photoshop, InBesign, Biiuge
Spanish, 4 yeais; Fiench, 1 yeai

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