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Erica Burke
Capital City and Flag
Capital City: Brussels
Primary Language and
Language: Dutch-speaking in the north and
French-speaking in the south.
Religion: Catholicism, is the largest religion in
Tourist Attraction #1
Brussels town hall
stands 315ft high and
has a statue of Saint
Michael slaying a
demon. One of the
most popular tourist
attraction in Belgium.
Tourist Attraction #2
Antwerp is known
for its funky
bars/restaurants and
numerous festivals.
Tomates aux Crevettes
Potage au Cresson
Stereotypes About People in
1) Belgians are easy to get along with and they
are extremely pleasant, even when dealing
with strangers.
2) Belgians have no sense of style in the way
they dress, night life, or general outlook.
1) The 13th day of any month is unlucky.
2) If 13 people sit at a table, then one will die
that year or become seriously ill.
Hand Gestures
1) To point with your index finger is impolite.
2) When talking to someone do not put your
hands in your pockets, it is considered rude.
Etiquette and Body Language
1) It is considered impolite to snap your
2) Back slapping is considered offensive.
Relationship Building
Start with small talk to build trust.
Communication Styles in
Decision Making
A brief handshake is an appropriate greeting
between strangers or acquaintances, and once a
relationship is formed, a kissing of the air
beside someone's cheek is a friendly greeting.
However, men do not practice this ritual with
other men.
Power Structures in decision
Most Belgian companies are structured in one
of two ways: with simple, horizontal
organization and collective consultation, or
with clear and strict hierarchies and
autonomously operating leaders.
Body Language
Similarity: keeping eye contact is very
important, failure to do so shows lack of
Difference: They dont use hand gestures much.
Communication Styles
Similarity: Shaking hands when greeting
someone new.
Differences: Among friends you have to greet
with an air kiss.
Power Structures
Similarity: Decision making can be slow, as
every detail is examined and considered.
Difference: The type of company has more to do
with geographic location than company size.
Social Network Sites
Most popular social networking sites in
Belgium are google and MSN.
Individualism Vs.
This dimension refers to the degree to which culture emphasize the importance
of individuals as opposed to groups, such as the extended family or an
Belgians favor individual and private opinions, taking care of themselves and
immediate family rather than belonging to a group.
Large or Small Power
This dimension refers to the degree to which power is distributed unequally.
Belgium is a small power distance culture which means that power still remains
within a leader but there is more of a two way communication between those in
authority and subordinates.
Strong or Weak Uncertainty
This dimension refers to the degree to which ambiguity and uncertainty are
tolerated and absolute truths are avoided.
Belgium is a strong uncertainty avoidance, followers create a feeling of security
by relying heavily on leaders.
Masculinity vs. Femininity
This dimension refers to the degree to which gender roles are differentiated and
Belgium is a Masculine culture. Males have more important roles than females.
Compare and Contrast
Both the U.S and Belgium Favor Individualism.
Individualism reinforces people's reliance on
self, and encourages a greater concern with one
s own interests.
Compare and Contrast
Both the U.S and Belgium are Small Power
Distance Cultures. They play down the
importance of inequalities in power and wealth
as much as possible.
Compare and Contrast
Belgium is a strong certainty avoidance while
the U.S is a weak uncertainty avoidance. The U.
S leaders are more inclined to take risks,
tolerate deviance, and encourage employees not
to back down but to speak their mind.
Compare and Contrast
Both the U.S and Belgium are more of a
Current Events
1) Brussels museum shooting.
2) Donald Tusk, the new head of Europe.
Bucher, R. (2014). Diversity consciousness: Opening our minds to people, cultures, and opportunities. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Prentice Hall
Belgium News. (2014, January 1). Retrieved September 26, 2014, from
Hofstede. (n.d.). THE HOFSTEDE CENTRE. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from
Colgan, A. (n.d.). Belgium. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from

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