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More data. Volume and
variety, inside and outside the
More people. Number and
diversity of users, few of
whom may have expertise in
technology and all of whom
need an easy-to-use
application to spur creative
questions and answers, not
limit them.
More change. New business
needs, new integration
Leverage the power of Oracle
Endeca Information Discovery
Rapid app provisioning.
Fast integration of diverse
and changing information
from any source, at scale
Consumer ease of use.
Interfaces that are fast
and easy to use for
diverse and changing
IT-business collaboration.
Provides IT governance
and business and
business independence
Are You Making Decisions with Only 20% of
Your Data?
One of the new challenges facing oil and gas companies today is moremore data,
more people, and more change. Terabytes of data generated by the industry are
ignored in analyzing business performance because of its semi- or unstructured
nature. How often could answers identifying root causesanswers to the business
Why or How questionsbe found embedded in this data? Almost always.
The Unexplored Frontier of Information
Most organizations have implemented some form of business intelligence (BI) to enable employees to
monitor, analyze, and improve business performance. Yet a majority of enterprise information exists as
unstructured data beyond the reach of traditional BI environmentsin verbatim text from well logs, service
logs, drilling reports, and project manager reports; or sensor, MES, SCADA, and other field data.
Much of this data is stored outside the traditional database, in shared drives, e-mail, ad hoc repositories of
SharePoint and file backups across the company, or in external Websites. It often lacks context and affords
no apparent causal relationship between data. Because it contains a wealth of rich production, operations,
procurement, asset reliability, inventory, customer, employee, and product knowledge, it is used piecemeal
to support decisions across the enterprise, but provides an incomplete picture of the business. If harnessed,
this information could be used to proactively identify potential safety problems, unlock the mysteries of fast
or off-track drilling projects, provide insight to drill bit performance problems, and help get to the real root
causes of issues in many other areas.
Think about the vast potential stored in these reserves, untapped because its just too costly (in other words,
too difficult or too time consuming) to aggregate, consolidate, and correlate into insightful information. Until
now, mining these data sources just hasnt been cost effective or practical.

Intelligent search. Use
intuitive yet advanced search
for rapid identification of
relevant business concepts
and instant results across all
your data. Search helps users
find what they need, even if
they dont know how to ask
for it.
Interactive visualizations.
Visualize data in context to
quickly investigate root
causes and exceptions.
Contextual navigation.
Originally built for and proven
on leading consumer
Websites, interactive faceted
navigation helps users quickly
make sense of unfamiliar
data sets.
Universal data support.
Supports any data, structured
and unstructured, regardless
of schema or type.
Text enrichment and
sentiment analysis. Extract
concepts, entities, and
meaning from unstructured
text fields in databases,
e-mails, social media, and
so on.
Change the Game with Oracle Endeca Information Discovery
Enter a unique technology that unites the worlds of structured and unstructured data to provide
more-complete visibility into your business, fast. Oracle Endeca Information Discovery enables the
forensic mining and connecting of dots across multiple sources of information, to answer
traditionally elusive questions. Oracle Endeca Information Discoverys integrated search and
faceted navigation capabilities provide added benefits in making the solution easy to use for end
users of any technical skill level, whether they be engineers, geoscientists, financial analysts, or
contractors. Only Oracle Endeca Information Discovery provides a complete, integrated solution for
analysis of data from any source.
Oracle Endeca Information Discovery has helped organizations to
Maximize asset utilization and life. By making asset genealogy and traceability records more
accessible, reduce nonproductive time through improved asset management and reliability
Improve timeliness and quality of decisions at well level. Analyze massive amounts of data
from different teams and sources, while reducing the amount of time between data capture,
analysis, and implementation of resulting decisions. Understand the real root cause of issues
instead of trying to solve problems based on gut feel.
Synchronize operations with suppl y chain. Integrate multiple sources of material and field
requirements to reduce overall material spend, inventory, and inventory costs. Obtain parts
purchase versus design decision support. Recognize opportunities for supplier consolidation, or
improved leverage of buying power.
Recognize operational improvements. Analyze field service performance for improving service
profitability, conduct safety, drilling completion and project performance analysis, capital
expenditures and joint interest billing analysis, and sales and competitive analysis.
Unburden Your Overloaded IT Team
With IT already overloaded and backlogged, how do companies leverage the capabilities of Oracle
Endeca Information Discovery to facilitate increased insight? How do we help more people to
leverage more information across the enterprise? The agility that Oracle Endeca Information
Discovery provides to an organization is one of its key strengths. Unlike with traditional BI systems,
information analyzed through Oracle Endeca Information Discovery does not require a predefined
data model. This provides significant flexibility and agility in assimilating data sources quickly, with
no significant resource spend on ETL or data harmonizing.
While traditional information management projects take months to complete, Oracle Endeca
Information Discovery projects are completed in 3-6 weeks, getting critical insights and
understanding into the hands of business users, faster. The ease of use provided by Oracle Endeca
Information Discovery allows business users to be key players in the creation of discovery
applications, reducing the load on IT.
For more information about Oracle Endeca Information Discovery, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.
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