Userdocs PublicDocs 2012 13 HS Competition Events Guide

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naLlonal lorenslc League

1he naLlonal lorenslc League offers a number of speaklng, llLerary lnLerpreLaLlon, and debaLe evenLs aL dlsLrlcL
LournamenLs LhaL deLermlne quallflcaLlon Lo Lhe naLlonal 1ournamenL. As a naLlonal organlzaLlon, many of Lhe evenL
rules and guldellnes serve as model sLandards for sLaLe and local levels of compeLlLlon.
NC1L: |ease consu|t the D|str|ct 1ournament Cperat|ons Manua| and the Nat|ona| 1ournament Cperat|ons Manua|
for tournament !"#$%&'"%() 1h|s document |s str|ct|y a gu|de to event ru|es and standards.
1he nlL 8oard of ulrecLors has esLabllshed Lhese rules, and ofLen works wlLh advlsory commlLLees on a perlodlc basls
Lo revlew Lhelr effecLlveness and educaLlonal value.
w w w . N I L o n | | n e . o r g
ke|ease: November 1S, 2012
Vers|on #: 2.2
CompeLlLlon LvenLs Culde

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 2

1ab|e of Contents
1ab|e of Contents 2
o||cy Debate 3
Congress|ona| Debate 4
Culdellnes 4
1ermlnology 4
undersLandlng LeglslaLlon 3
reparlng LeglslaLlon 3
arllamenLary rocedure 6
8ules 6
L|nco|n Doug|as Debate 9
8ules 10
ub||c Iorum Debate 11
Debate Lv|dence ku|es 12
Gu|de||nes for Laptop Use |n Debate Lvents 13
Cross-Lxam|nat|on or Crossf|re Gu|de||nes 13
Lxtemporaneous Speak|ng 1S
Cr|g|na| Cratory 17
Interpretat|on 18
Iudge Instruct|ons and Gu|de||nes 20
Ceneral lnsLrucLlons 20
Iudg|ng Debate Lvents 20
Maklng a ueclslon ln ollcy uebaLe 21
Maklng a ueclslon ln Llncoln uouglas uebaLe 22
Maklng a ueclslon ln ubllc lorum uebaLe 24
Awardlng olnLs ln Congresslonal uebaLe 24
Iudg|ng Speech Lvents 24
Speech LvenL 1lme LlmlLs 23
LxLemporaneous Speaklng 23
Crlglnal CraLory 23
lnLerpreLaLlon 26
Change Log 27

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 3

o||cy Debate
uebaLers work ln palrs (Leams) Lo address Lhe school year's Loplc, elLher from Lhe afflrmaLlve slde (Lo propose a plan Lo
solve a problem wlLh Lhe Loplc), or Lhe negaLlve slde (Lo prove how Lhe afflrmaLlve's plan ls flawed). ArgumenLaLlon
lncludes a consLrucLlve case, cross-examlnaLlon, and refuLaLlon. Skllls learned lnclude research, pollcy analysls, case
bulldlng, refuLaLlon, quesLlonlng, organlzaLlon and communlcaLlon.

1. keso|ut|on: 1he resoluLlon wlll be one requlrlng a pollcy [udgmenL. lL ls deLermlned annually by Lhe naLlonal
lederaLlon of SLaLe Plgh School AssoclaLlons (nlPS), and ls publlshed ln kosttom and aL www.Nlloolloe.otq.

2. Crder of Speeches: Lach debaLer musL glve one and only one consLrucLlve speech, one perlod of quesLlonlng, one
perlod of answerlng, and one rebuLLal speech, ln Lhe followlng order:

AfflrmaLlve ConsLrucLlve Speech 8 mlnuLes
negaLlve Cross Lxamlnes AfflrmaLlve 3 mlnuLes
negaLlve ConsLrucLlve Speech 8 mlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve Cross Lxamlnes negaLlve 3 mlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve ConsLrucLlve Speech 8 mlnuLes
negaLlve Cross Lxamlnes AfflrmaLlve 3 mlnuLes
negaLlve ConsLrucLlve Speech 8 mlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve Cross Lxamlnes negaLlve 3 mlnuLes
negaLlve 8ebuLLal 3 mlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve 8ebuLLal 3 mlnuLes
negaLlve 8ebuLLal 3 mlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve 8ebuLLal 3 mlnuLes
ltep tlme 3 mlnuLes per Leam

3. rompt|ng h||osophy: Cral prompLlng, excepL Llme slgnals, elLher by Lhe speaker's colleague or by any oLher person
whlle Lhe debaLer has Lhe floor, ls dlscouraged Lhough noL prohlblLed and may be penallzed by some [udges. uebaLers
may, however, refer Lo Lhelr noLes and maLerlals and may consulL wlLh Lhelr LeammaLe whlle Lhey do noL have Lhe

4. kead|ng case and]or p|an: A Leam may declde, when asked by Lhe opponenL Leam for a copy of Lhelr case and/or
plan, wheLher or noL Lo provlde lL, lf Lhe Leam refuses Lhey wlll noL be penallzed ln any way.

3. 1|m|ng: 1lmekeepers are an opLlon buL noL requlred. lf no Llmekeeper ls used, debaLers may Llme for Lhelr parLners or
Lhe [udge may keep Llme. rep Llme for each Leam ls flve mlnuLes.

6. Cra| Cr|t|ques: no debaLe balloL may be reLurned wlLhouL a reason for declslon. Cral commenLary ls noL consldered a
subsLlLuLe for Lhe wrlLLen balloL. 1he nlL sLrongly dlscourages [udges from dlscloslng declslons ln Lhe prellmlnary
round of nlL compeLlLlon. CommenLs made by a [udge (orally or wrlLLen) should be consLrucLlve and professlonal.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 4

Congress|ona| Debate
1hls ls lndlvldual debaLe ln a large group seLLlng. LeglslaLlve debaLers research and wrlLe pleces of Congresslonal
leglslaLlon LhaL Lhey feel wlll beLLer Lhe socleLy ln whlch we llve. AL a LournamenL, debaLers wlll Lhen speak on Lhe
leglslaLlon whlle uslng proper parllamenLary procedure. !udges score each compeLlLor based on argumenLaLlon ablllLy,
speaklng Lechnlque, knowledge of parllamenLary procedure, and overall parLlclpaLlon.

M|ss|on Statement: 1he naLlonal lorenslc League ls commlLLed Lo educaLlonal developmenL of Lhe lndlvldual Lhrough Lhe
vehlcle of Congresslonal uebaLe, whlch promoLes leadershlp and communlcaLlon skllls Lhrough rlgorous lnLeracLlon and
debaLe on lssues confronLlng our democracy. 1hese skllls wlll prepare Lhem for learnlng and leadershlp LhroughouL our

Core Va|ues: As members of Lhe naLlonal lorenslc League communlLy, we share a commlLmenL Lo:
! romoLe eLhlcs ln research and compeLlLlon
! romoLe respecL for dlverslLy of ldeas and of communlLy.
! romoLe serlousness of purpose and demeanor.
! romoLe empowermenL galned Lhrough knowledge.
! romoLe Lhe Lools of effecLlve and eLhlcal leadershlp.
! romoLe acLlve parLlclpaLlon ln uemocraLlc processes.
! rovlde an opporLunlLy for developlng hlgher level Lhlnklng skllls and crlLlcal analysls of lssues.
! uevelop lnLeracLlon skllls and cooperaLlve declslon maklng skllls used ln an assembly or ln a commlLLee.
! Learn Lhe baslc prlnclples of arllamenLary rocedure and lLs use ln a democraLlc socleLy.

Cath of Cff|ce: l do solemnly swear LhaL l wlll supporL and defend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes agalnsL all
enemles, forelgn and domesLlc, LhaL l wlll bear Lrue falLh and alleglance Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, LhaL l Lake Lhls obllgaLlon
freely, wlLhouL any menLal reservaLlon or purpose of evaslon, and LhaL l wlll well and falLhfully dlscharge Lhe duLles of Lhe
offlce on whlch l am abouL Lo enLer, so help me Cod.
! Cha|r - Lhe leader of an assembly who runs lLs meeLlngs by recognlzlng members (leglslaLors) Lo speak or move. Also
called Lhe presldlng offlcer," or .C." Modeled afLer Lhe Speaker of Lhe Pouse, vlce resldenL, or resldenL pro
Lempore of Lhe SenaLe.
! I|oor - when a member has Lhe full aLLenLlon of Lhe assembly Lo speak (also refers Lo Lhe area where Lhe assembly
meeLs, where lLs leglslaLors speak, and where lL conducLs lLs buslness).
! Comm|ttee - a small group of leglslaLors who meeL and brlng recommendaLlons Lo Lhe full assembly.
! Leg|s|at|on - a speclflc, wrlLLen proposal (blll" or resoluLlon") by a leglslaLor or commlLLee for Lhe assembly Lo
! Amendment - a speclflc change Lo an lLem of leglslaLlon, explalnlng exacLly whlch words lL modlfles, and noL changlng
Lhe lnLenL of Lhe overall blll or resoluLlon.
! 8||| - Lype of leglslaLlon LhaL descrlbes deLalls of how a pollcy would be enacLed, lf voLed lnLo law by Lhe assembly.
! keso|ut|on - an expresslon of convlcLlon, or value bellef, whlch may urge, requesL or suggesL furLher acLlon by
anoLher declslon-maklng auLhorlLy.
! Docket - Lhe compleLe packeL of leglslaLlon (as LlLles or full LexL) dlsLrlbuLed by a LournamenL.
! Agenda - Lhe order of leglslaLlon as suggesLed by a commlLLee or leglslaLor, and voLed on by Lhe assembly (someLlmes
called Lhe calendar").
! Authorsh|p Speech - a consLrucLlve speech of up Lo Lhree (3) mlnuLes glven by a leglslaLor, lnLroduclng an lLem of
leglslaLlon s/he or her/hls school wroLe, for debaLe by Lhe chamber. All auLhorshlp speeches are followed by a Lwo-
mlnuLe quesLlonlng perlod. 1he flrsL negaLlve speech has a Lwo-mlnuLe quesLlonlng perlod. All afflrmaLlve and
negaLlve speeches LhaL follow an auLhorshlp speech should lnLroduce new ldeas (argumenLs) and respond Lo prevlous
argumenLs (refuLe or rebuL).

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de S

! Sponsorsh|p Speech - a consLrucLlve speech of up Lo Lhree (3) mlnuLes glven by a leglslaLor who ls noL Lhe auLhor, buL
ls lnLroduclng Lhe leglslaLlon for debaLe. lL ls followed by Lwo mlnuLes of quesLlons, followed by a flrsL negaLlve
speech wlLh Lwo mlnuLes of quesLlons.
! uest|on|ng - perlod where Lhe members of Lhe assembly ask lndlvldual quesLlons of Lhe speaker (someLlmes called
cross-examlnaLlon). MulLlple-parL (or Lwo-parL) quesLlons are noL allowed (unless Lhe rules are suspended for LhaL
lnsLance), because Lhey Lake Llme from oLher members who may wlsh Lo quesLlon Lhe speaker.
! recedence - when several leglslaLors sLand Lo speak, Lhe presldlng offlcer musL flrsL recognlze Lhose who have noL
spoken, Lhen Lhose who have spoken leasL. recedence reseLs aL Lhe end of each sesslon.
! kecency - ln addlLlon Lo precedence, Lhe presldlng offlcer also recognlzes speakers based on who has spoken earllesL
(leasL recenLly). When asslgnlng such numbers, Lhe presldlng offlcer ls numbered aL Lhe end of hls/her Lerm. 8ecency
reseLs aL Lhe end of each sesslon.
! Sess|on - mlnlmum of 3 hours of floor debaLe, excludlng elecLlon of presldlng offlcer, commlLLee meeLlng Lo seL Lhe
agenda, recesses, meals, eLc., for more Lhan 20 sLudenLs, addlng 10 mlnuLes per sLudenL ls recommended Lo allow for
equlLable speaklng Llme.
Understand|ng Leg|s|at|on

1here are Lwo Lypes of leglslaLlon: bllls and resoluLlons. 1he prlmary dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo ls [urlsdlcLlon. lf Lhe u.S.
Congress has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo acL on an lssue, Lhe leglslaLlon should be a blll. CLher lssues should be addressed as
resoluLlons, lncludlng ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenLs.

A blll esLabllshes Lhe deLalls and nuances behlnd how a parLlcular law musL work, lncludlng when lL Lakes effecL, how
much of Lhe Lreasury (Lax levy) wlll be approprlaLed (lf appllcable), how lnfracLlons/vlolaLlons wlll be dealL wlLh, eLc. A blll
may answer Lhe who, whaL, when, where - and mosL speclflcally how - buL lL wlll never answer why." LeglslaLors musL
explaln Lhe raLlonale behlnd bllls ln Lhelr speeches.

8esoluLlons encourage, and when passed, esLabllsh a sLrong convlcLlon by a lawmaklng body Lo do someLhlng. Any Llme a
lawmaklng body wanLs Lo Lake furLher and "hlgher" acLlon (l.e., amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, engage ln a LreaLy, Lake acLlon
Lhrough Lhe un or some oLher mulLlnaLlonal group), a resoluLlon ls Lhe means by whlch Lhls ls done. unllke bllls,
resoluLlons never esLabllsh Lhe "how" of law, l.e., enforcemenL, fundlng, and how lL wlll work when passed.

ApproprlaLe Loplcs exhlblL serlousness of purpose. 1he acLlon proposed should be feaslble, and such LhaL Lhe acLual
unlLed SLaLes Congress would conslder. 1oplcs should be debaLable, meanlng subsLanLlve argumenLaLlon exlsLs on boLh
repar|ng Leg|s|at|on
1. 1he leglslaLlon musL be Lyped, double-spaced, and no longer Lhan one page.
2. A speclflc LlLle should lndlcaLe Lhe leglslaLlon's lnLenL or acLlon (a LlLle LhaL slmply sLaLes concernlng or relaLed Lo" an
lssue doesn'L lndlcaLe enough deLall).
3. repar|ng a b||| - 1he flrsL words of a blll are "8e lL LnacLed by Lhls Congress here assembled," followed by numbered
secLlons (whlch may lnclude leLLered sub-secLlons), whlch dellneaLe Lhe deLalls of whaL sLeps a blll wlll Lake Lo
lmplemenL a pollcy lf enacLed (lL may lnclude fundlng deLalls, agencles responslble, and Llmeframe).
4. repar|ng a reso|ut|on
a. 8esoluLlons begln wlLh one or more WPL8LAS" clauses, whlch sLaLe Lhe prlnclpal reasons for adopLlon.
b. lollowlng Lhe flnal whereas clause, ls a LranslLlonal phrase, now, Lherefore, be lL" whlch lmmedlaLely
precedes Lhe 8LSCLvLu" clause, whlch lndlcaLes Lhe resoluLlon's preclse purpose, 8LSCLvLu, 8y Lhls
Congress here assembled LhaL."
c. An opLlonal lu81PL8 8LSCLvLu" clause may lndlcaLe furLher purpose or lnLenLlon for acLlon.
3. All llnes should be numbered, excepL Lhe LlLle and slgnaLure llne.
6. Cenerally, Lhe auLhor's name and school should be lncluded followlng Lhe lasL llne of Lhe leglslaLlon, worded as
lnLroduced by [name of SLudenL], [School]."

8llls and/or resoluLlons LhaL do noL conform Lo Lhese guldellnes may be re[ecLed from conslderaLlon for Lhe agenda.

ColJelloes fot omeoJmeots coo be foooJ ooJet koles below, 8.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 6

Samples of leglslaLlon formaLLed ln Lhe proper manner, as well as word processlng LemplaLes are avallable under Lhe
lorms and Manuals" secLlon of Lhe nlL webslLe.
ar||amentary rocedure
1he nlL offers a downloadable gulde Lo Congress, lncludlng lnsLrucLlons on parllamenLary procedure, conducLlng
elecLlons for presldlng offlcer, and a suggesLed scrlpL for presldlng. 1hls can be found under Lhe LvenLs" secLlon of Lhe
lorms and Manuals" page under AbouL Lhe League" on Lhe nlL webslLe.

1. A sess|on ls deflned as lncludlng:
a. Mlnlmum of Lhree hours of debaLe (noL lncludlng elecLlons and recesses)
b. 18-20 sLudenLs as Lhe opLlmum number for a Lhree-hour sesslon, oLherwlse, a sesslon should be lengLhened
by 10 mlnuLes per each addlLlonal sLudenL beyond 20. lf a dlsLrlcL offers a super sesslon, lL has Lhe flexlblllLy
Lo have addlLlonal, smaller prellmlnary chambers before advanclng sLudenLs Lo Lhe super sesslon.
c. LlecLlon of a presldlng offlcer
d. new seaLlng charL (necessary accommodaLlons for sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs may be made)
e. 8eseLLlng of precedence/recency
f. new leglslaLlon LhaL has noL been debaLed ln a prevlous sesslon aL LhaL LournamenL

2. kecogn|z|ng Speakers
a. When more Lhan one speaker seeks Lhe floor, Lhe presldlng offlcer musL follow Lhe precedence/recency
l. llrsL recognlze sLudenLs who have noL spoken durlng Lhe sesslon
ll. nexL recognlze sLudenLs who have spoken fewer Llmes
lll. 1hen recognlze sLudenLs who spoke earller (leasL recenLly)
b. [New |n 2012-13] 8efore precedence ls esLabllshed, Lhe presldlng offlcer should recognlze speakers falrly
and conslsLenLly. S/he may noL llnk recognlLlon of speakers Lo prevlous recognlLlon of sLudenLs asklng
quesLlons, movlng moLlons, or longesL sLandlng (sLandlng Llme).
c. uurlng any sesslon, precedence/recency should noL reseL, Lo ensure LhaL all sLudenLs ln a chamber have an
equal opporLunlLy Lo speak and recelve evaluaLlon from scorers. When a new sesslon beglns,
precedence/recency wlll be reseL along wlLh a new seaLlng charL, and elecLlon of a presldlng offlcer.
d. 8efore precedence ls esLabllshed, Lhe presldlng offlcer should explaln hls/her recognlLlon process and lL
musL be falr, conslsLenL and [usLlflable.
e. Scorers wlll lnclude answers Lo quesLlons when evaluaLlng speeches. lor non-nlL dlsLrlcL or naLlonal
congresses, offlclal scorers can award sLudenLs 1-6 polnLs per speech or 1-6 polnLs per compleLe hour of
presldlng, up Lo 24 polnLs per calendar day. 1here are no parLlclpaLlon polnLs, nor may a coach arblLrarlly
award hls/her own sLudenLs polnLs. An offlclal scorer musL be presenL.
f. A speaker may yleld Llme on Lhe floor durlng debaLe (for quesLlons or clarlflcaLlons) buL LhaL speaker wlll
remaln ln conLrol of hls/her Lhree mlnuLes (see #6 below regardlng quesLlonlng).
3. Speeches |ntroduc|ng |eg|s|at|on are alloLLed up Lo Lhree mlnuLes, followed by Lwo mlnuLes of quesLlonlng by oLher
delegaLes. A sLudenL from Lhe school (or aL Lhe naLlonal level, Lhe ulsLrlcL) who wroLe Lhe leglslaLlon geLs Lhe prlvllege
of recognlLlon (called ootbotsblp), regardless of precedence, oLherwlse Lhe presldlng offlcer may recognlze a
sponsor" from Lhe chamber, provlded Lhls recognlLlon follows Lhe precedence guldellnes above. 8egardless, Lhls
speech of lnLroducLlon musL be followed by Lwo mlnuLes of quesLlons. Should no sLudenL seek recognlLlon for Lhe
auLhorshlp/sponsorshlp, Lhe chamber wlll move Lo lay Lhe leglslaLlon on Lhe Lable unLll such Llme LhaL a sLudenL ls
prepared Lo lnLroduce lL.
4. 1he f|rst negat|ve speech musL be followed by Lwo mlnuLes of quesLlons.
3. Io||ow|ng the f|rst two speeches on leglslaLlon, Lhe presldlng offlcer wlll alLernaLely recognlze afflrmaLlve and
negaLlve speakers, who wlll address Lhe chamber for up Lo Lhree mlnuLes, followed by one mlnuLe of quesLlonlng by
oLher delegaLes. lf no one wlshes Lo oppose Lhe precedlng speaker, Lhe presldlng offlcer may recognlze a speaker
upholdlng Lhe same slde. When no one seeks Lhe floor for debaLe, Lhe presldlng offlcer may ask Lhe chamber lf Lhey

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 7

are ready for Lhe quesLlon," aL whlch polnL, lf Lhere ls no ob[ecLlon, voLlng may commence on Lhe leglslaLlon lLself.
1here ls no mlnlmum cycle" rule, however, lf debaLe geLs one-slded," Lhe chamber may declde Lo move Lhe
prevlous quesLlon.
a. ln Lhe evenL a sLudenL speaks on Lhe wrong slde called for by Lhe presldlng offlcer and Lhe error ls noL
caughL, Lhe speaker shall be scored and Lhe speech shall counL ln precedence, buL Lhe speaker musL be
penallzed aL leasL Lhree polnLs for noL paylng close aLLenLlon Lo Lhe flow of debaLe.
b. ln Lhe evenL a sLudenL speaks on an lLem of leglslaLlon oot cotteotly belng debaLed, sald speech shall counL ln
precedence, buL zero polnLs shall be awarded.
6. 1he pres|d|ng off|cer fa|r|y and equ|tab|y recogn|zes members to ask quest|ons followlng each speech. 1he presldlng
offlcer sLarLs Llmlng quesLlonlng perlods when s/he has recognlzed Lhe flrsL quesLloner, and keeps Lhe clock runnlng
conLlnuously unLll Lhe Llme has lapsed. Speakers are encouraged Lo ask brlef quesLlons, and may only ask one
quesLlon aL a Llme (Lwo-parL/mulLlple-parL quesLlons are noL allowed, slnce Lhey monopollze Llme and dlsallow oLhers
Lo ask Lhelr quesLlons). 1here ls no formal permlsslon Lo preface," however, presldlng offlcers should dlscourage
sLudenLs from maklng sLaLemenLs as parL of quesLlonlng, slnce LhaL ls an abuslve use of Lhe llmlLed Llme avallable.
7. 1he presldlng offlcer wlll pause brlefly beLween speeches Lo recognlze any moLlons from Lhe floor, however, he/she
should noL call for moLlons (aL Lhe beglnnlng of a sesslon, Lhe presldlng offlcer should remlnd members Lo seek
hls/her aLLenLlon beLween speeches).
8. Amendments musL be presenLed Lo Lhe presldlng offlcer ln wrlLlng (an offlclal form ls avallable ln Lhls manual's
appendlx), wlLh speclflc references Lo llnes and clauses LhaL change. 1hls musL be done ln advance of movlng Lo
a. 1he parllamenLarlan wlll recommend wheLher Lhe amendmenL ls germane" - LhaL ls, lL upholds Lhe orlglnal
lnLenL of Lhe leglslaLlon - oLherwlse, lL ls consldered dllaLory." 1he LlLle of Lhe leglslaLlon may be changed.
b. A leglslaLor may move Lo amend beLween floor speeches. Cnce LhaL moLlon ls made, Lhe presldlng offlcer
wlll read Lhe proposed amendmenL aloud and call for a second by one-Lhlrd of Lhose members presenL,
unless he/she rules lL dllaLory.
c. Should sLudenLs wlsh Lo speak on Lhe proposed amendmenL, Lhe presldlng offlcer wlll recognlze Lhem as per
Lhe sLandlng precedence ln Lhe chamber, and Lhe speech wlll be counLed Loward Lhelr LoLal, accordlngly.
d. Slmply proposlng an amendmenL does noL guaranLee an auLhor/sponsor" speech, and any speeches on
amendmenLs are followed by Lhe normal one mlnuLe of quesLlonlng.
e. AmendmenLs are consldered neuLral and do noL consLlLuLe an afflrmaLlve or negaLlve speech on Lhe orlglnal
f. lf Lhere are no speakers or Lhe prevlous quesLlon ls moved, Lhe chamber may voLe on a proposed
amendmenL wlLhouL debaLlng lL.
9. A|| ma[or vot|ng (such as Lhe maln moLlon/leglslaLlon) whlch a Congressperson's consLlLuenLs should have a record
of, shall be done wlLh a counLed voLe. SecreL balloLlng ls used when voLlng for presldlng offlcer.
10. SLudenL should ask permlsslon Lo leave and enLer Lhe chamber when lL ls ln sesslon (move a personal prlvllege).
Powever, do noL lnLerrupL a speaker who ls addresslng Lhe chamber.
11. Lth|cs and Lv|dence
a. ConducL
l. A congressperson's conducL shall be above reproach and he/she should never be gullLy of
lnLenLlonal harassmenL. lmpeachlng and censurlng oLher parLlclpanLs ls noL allowed.
ll. arLlclpaLlon ln Lhls evenL demands Lhe serlousness of purpose and maLurlLy possessed by real
world pollcymakers. All adulL offlclals, lncludlng scorers, wlll hold each parLlclpanL Lo Lhls sLandard.
lll. Congresspersons should have a cooperaLlve naLure and lf Lhere ls a problem, Lhen Lhe sLudenL
should Lake any concerns Lo an adulL offlclal.
lv. arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe leglslaLlve debaLe ls essenLlal. LxLended absence from Lhe chamber durlng a
sesslon wlll affecL a conLesLanL's overall lmpresslon and performance. 1he pracLlce of open
chambers" lnLerferes wlLh Lhe parllamenLarlan's ablllLy Lo monlLor sLudenL parLlclpaLlon.
b. Lvldence and use of LlecLronlc uevlces
l. vlsual alds are permlLLed ln Congresslonal uebaLe, provlded Lhey do noL requlre elecLronlc reLrleval
devlces ln Lhe chamber.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 8

ll. All evldence used ls sub[ecL Lo verlflcaLlon. PonesLy and lnLegrlLy are of uLmosL lmporLance ln
leglslaLlve debaLe. lalslflcaLlon or dellberaLe mlsuse of evldence may resulL ln Lhe leglslaLor belng
suspended by LournamenL offlclals.
lll. lease see guldellnes for use of lapLops/elecLronlc reLrleval devlces on p. L13. Cell phones, muslc
players and games are noL Lo be used ln Lhe chamber durlng a sesslon. 1radlLlonal Llmlng devlces
are permlLLed.
12. Slnce Lhe rules above ensure falrness for compeLlLlon, Lhey may noL be suspended, Lhe presldlng offlcer should rule
such moLlons oot of otJet, excepL Lo exLend quesLlonlng and allow for open chambers provlded Lhe LournamenL sLaff
permlLs dolng so.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 9

L|nco|n Doug|as Debate
Llncoln uouglas uebaLe cenLers on a proposlLlon of value, whlch concerns lLself wlLh whaL oughL Lo be lnsLead of whaL ls.
A value ls an ldeal held by lndlvlduals, socleLles, governmenLs, eLc. uebaLers are encouraged Lo develop argumenLaLlon
based upon a values perspecLlve. 1o LhaL end, no plan (or counLerplan) wlll be offered by Lhe debaLers. ln Llncoln uouglas
uebaLe, a plan ls deflned by Lhe nlL as a formallzed, comprehenslve proposal for lmplemenLaLlon. 1he debaLe should
focus on reasonlng Lo supporL a general prlnclple lnsLead of parLlcular plans and counLerplans. uebaLers may offer
generallzed, pracLlcal examples or soluLlons Lo lllusLraLe how Lhe general prlnclple could gulde declslons.

1he hallmarks of Llncoln uouglas uebaLe lnclude:
1. ara||e| 8urdens: no quesLlon of values can be deLermlned enLlrely Lrue or false. 1hls ls why Lhe resoluLlon ls
debaLable. 1herefore nelLher debaLer should be held Lo a sLandard of absoluLe proof. no debaLer can reallsLlcally be
expecLed Lo prove compleLe valldlLy or lnvalldlLy of Lhe resoluLlon. 1he beLLer debaLer ls Lhe one who, on Lhe whole,
proves hls/her slde of Lhe resoluLlon more valld as a general prlnclple.
! 8urden of proof: Lach debaLer has Lhe equal burden Lo prove Lhe valldlLy of hls/her slde of Lhe resoluLlon as
a general prlnclple. As an Lu resoluLlon ls a sLaLemenL of value, Lhere ls no presumpLlon for elLher slde.
! 8urden of clash: Lach debaLer has an equal burden Lo clash wlLh hls/her opponenL's poslLlon. AfLer a case ls
presenLed, nelLher debaLer should be rewarded for presenLlng a speech compleLely unrelaLed Lo Lhe
argumenLs of hls/her opponenL.
! 8esoluLlonal burden: 1he debaLers are equally obllgaLed Lo focus Lhe debaLe on Lhe cenLral quesLlons of Lhe
resoluLlon, noL wheLher Lhe resoluLlon lLself ls worLhy of debaLe. 8ecause Lhe afflrmaLlve musL uphold Lhe
resoluLlon, Lhe negaLlve musL also argue Lhe resoluLlon as presenLed.
2. Va|ue Structure: 1he value sLrucLure (or framework) ls esLabllshed by Lhe debaLer Lo serve Lwo funcLlons: a) Lo
provlde an lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe cenLral focus of Lhe resoluLlon, and b) Lo provlde a meLhod for Lhe [udge Lo evaluaLe
Lhe cenLral quesLlons of Lhe resoluLlon. 1he value sLrucLure ofLen conslsLs of a sLaLemenL of Lhe resoluLlon (lf
afflrmlng), deflnlLlons (dlcLlonary or conLexLual), Lhe value premlse (or core value), and Lhe value crlLerlon (or
sLandard). 1hls sLrucLure ls commonly buL noL always employed.
! ueflnlLlons: 1he afflrmaLlve should offer deflnlLlons, be Lhey dlcLlonary or conLexLual, LhaL provldes a
reasonable ground for debaLe. 1he negaLlve has Lhe opLlon Lo challenge Lhese deflnlLlons and Lo offer
! value remlse/Core value: A value ls an ldeal held by lndlvlduals, socleLles, governmenLs, eLc. LhaL serves as
Lhe hlghesL goal Lo be proLecLed, respecLed, maxlmlzed, advanced, or achleved. ln general, Lhe debaLer wlll
esLabllsh a value whlch focuses Lhe cenLral quesLlons of Lhe resoluLlon and wlll serve as a foundaLlon for
! value CrlLerlon/SLandard: ln general, each debaLer wlll presenL a value crlLerlon (a sLandard) whlch Lhe
debaLer wlll use Lo:
" explaln how Lhe value should be proLecLed, respecLed, maxlmlzed, advanced, or achleved.
" measure wheLher a glven slde or argumenL proLecLs, respecLs, maxlmlzes, advances, or achleves
Lhe value.
" evaluaLe Lhe relevance and lmporLance of an argumenL ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe round.
1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe value premlse and Lhe crlLerlon should be clearly arLlculaLed.
uurlng Lhe debaLe, Lhe debaLers may argue Lhe valldlLy or prlorlLy of Lhe Lwo value sLrucLures. 1hey may
accepL Lhelr opponenL's value sLrucLure, prove Lhe superlorlLy of Lhelr own value sLrucLure, or synLheslze Lhe
3. Argumentat|on: 8ecause Llncoln uouglas uebaLe ls an educaLlonal debaLe acLlvlLy, debaLers are obllgaLed Lo
consLrucL loglcal chalns of reasonlng whlch lead Lo Lhe concluslon of Lhe afflrmaLlve or negaLlve poslLlon. 1he naLure
of proof may Lake a varleLy of forms (e.g., a sLudenL's orlglnal analysls, appllcaLlon of phllosophy, examples, analogles,
sLaLlsLlcs, experL oplnlon, eLc.). ArgumenLs should be presenLed ln a coheslve manner LhaL shows a clear relaLlonshlp
Lo Lhe value sLrucLure. Any research should be conducLed and presenLed eLhlcally from academlcally sound and
approprlaLely clLed sources.
4. Cross-Lxam|nat|on: Cross-examlnaLlon should be used by Lhe debaLer Lo clarlfy, challenge, and/or advance
argumenLs ln Lhe round.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 10

3. Lffect|ve de||very: Llncoln uouglas uebaLe ls an oral communlcaLlon acLlvlLy LhaL requlres clarlLy of LhoughL and
expresslon. ArgumenLs should be worded and dellvered ln a manner accesslble Lo an educaLed non-speclallsL
audlence. 1hls encompasses:
! - WrlLLen communlcaLlon: Cases and argumenLs should be consLrucLed ln a manner LhaL ls organlzed,
accesslble, and lnformaLlve Lo Lhe llsLener. 1he debaLer should employ clear loglc and analysls supporLed by
Loplcal research.
! -verbal communlcaLlon: 1he debaLer has Lhe obllgaLlon Lo be clear, audlble and comprehenslble, and Lo
speak persuaslvely Lo Lhe llsLeners. AddlLlonally, debaLers should sLrlve for fluency, expresslveness, effecLlve
word cholce, and eloquence.
! - non-verbal communlcaLlon: 1he debaLer should demonsLraLe an effecLlve use of gesLures, eye-conLacL, and
1hroughouL Lhe debaLe, Lhe debaLers should demonsLraLe clvlllLy as well as a professlonal demeanor and sLyle of

1. keso|ut|on: 1he resoluLlon wlll be one requlrlng a value [udgmenL. ulsLrlcLs musL use Lhe currenL Llncoln uouglas
Loplc for Lhe monLh ln whlch Lhe compeLlLlon occurs. 8efer Lo kosttom or www.Nlloolloe.otq for Lhe currenL Loplc.
2. Crder of speeches:
AfflrmaLlve ConsLrucLlve 6 MlnuLes
negaLlve Cross LxamlnaLlon 3 MlnuLes
negaLlve ConsLrucLlve 7 MlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve Cross LxamlnaLlon 3 MlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve 8ebuLLal 4 MlnuLes
negaLlve 8ebuLLal 6 MlnuLes
AfflrmaLlve 8ebuLLal 3 MlnuLes
rep 1lme 4 MlnuLes per debaLer
3. 1|m|ng: A Llmekeeper ls an opLlon buL lsn'L requlred. lf no Llmekeeper ls used, debaLers may Llme for Lhelr opponenL
or Lhe [udge may keep Llme. rep Llme for each debaLer ls 4 mlnuLes.
4. kead|ng case: A Leam may declde, when asked by Lhe opponenL Leam for a copy of Lhelr case, wheLher or noL Lo
provlde lL, lf Lhe Leam refuses Lhey wlll noL be penallzed ln any way.
3. Cra| cr|t|ques. no debaLe balloL may be reLurned ln wlLhouL a reason for declslon. Cral commenLary ls noL consldered
a subsLlLuLe for Lhe wrlLLen balloL. 1he nlL sLrongly dlscourages [udges from dlscloslng declslons ln Lhe prellmlnary
round of nlL compeLlLlon. CommenLs made by a [udge (orally or wrlLLen) should be consLrucLlve and professlonal.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 11

ub||c Iorum Debate
1. keso|ut|on: Speclflc resoluLlons for dlsLrlcL LournamenLs held durlng cerLaln monLhs and Lhe naLlonal 1ournamenL
Loplc wlll be publlshed ln kosttom and aL www.Nlloolloe.otq. ubllc lorum uebaLe focuses on advocacy of a poslLlon
derlved from Lhe lssues presenLed ln Lhe resoluLlon, noL a prescrlbed seL of burdens.
2. rocedure and order of speeches: rlor Lo LvL8? round and ln Lhe presence of Lhe [udge(s), a coln ls Lossed by one
Leam and called by Lhe oLher Leam. 1he Leam LhaL wlns Lhe fllp may choose one of Lwo opLlons: Ll1PL8 Lhe SluL of
Lhe Loplc Lhey wlsh Lo defend (pro or con) C8 Lhe SLAklnC CSl1lCn Lhey wlsh Lo have (begln Lhe debaLe or end Lhe
debaLe). 1he remalnlng opLlon (SluL C8 SLAklnC CSl1lCn) ls Lhe cholce of Lhe Leam LhaL loses Lhe fllp. Cnce
speaklng poslLlons and sldes has been deLermlned, Lhe debaLe beglns (Lhe con Leam may lead, dependlng on Lhe coln
fllp resulLs).
llrsL Speaker - 1eam A 4 MlnuLes
llrsL Speaker - 1eam 8 4 MlnuLes
Crossflre (flrsL quesLlon by speaker A1) 3 MlnuLes
Second Speaker - 1eam A 4 MlnuLes
Second Speaker - 1eam 8 4 MlnuLes
Crossflre (flrsL quesLlon by A2) 3 MlnuLes
Summary - llrsL Speaker - 1eam A 2 MlnuLes
Summary - llrsL Speaker - 1eam 8 2 MlnuLes
Crand Crossflre 3 MlnuLes
llnal locus - Second Speaker - 1eam A 2 MlnuLes
llnal locus - Second Speaker - 1eam 8 2 MlnuLes
rep 1lme 2 MlnuLes per Leam
3. 1|m|ng: 1lmekeepers are an opLlon buL noL requlred. lf no Llmekeeper ls used, debaLers may Llme for Lhelr parLners or
Lhe [udge may keep Llme. rep Llme for each Leam ls Lwo mlnuLes.
4. |ans]Counterp|ans: ln ubllc lorum uebaLe, Lhe nlL deflnes a plan or counLerplan as a formallzed, comprehenslve
proposal for lmplemenLaLlon. nelLher Lhe pro or con slde ls permlLLed Lo offer a plan or counLerplan, raLher, Lhey
should offer reasonlng Lo supporL a poslLlon of advocacy. uebaLers may offer generallzed, pracLlcal soluLlons.
3. rompt|ng h||osophy: Cral prompLlng, excepL Llme slgnals, elLher by Lhe speaker's colleague or by any oLher person
whlle Lhe debaLer has Lhe floor, ls dlscouraged Lhough noL prohlblLed and may be penallzed by some [udges. uebaLers
may, however, refer Lo Lhelr noLes and maLerlals and may consulL wlLh Lhelr LeammaLe whlle Lhey do noL have Lhe
floor and durlng Lhe Crand Crossflre.
6. kead|ng case: A Leam may declde, when asked by Lhe opponenL Leam for a copy of Lhelr case, wheLher or noL Lo
provlde lL, lf Lhe Leam refuses Lhey wlll noL be penallzed ln any way.
7. Cra| Cr|t|ques: no debaLe balloL may be reLurned ln wlLhouL a reason for declslon. Cral commenLary ls noL
consldered a subsLlLuLe for Lhe wrlLLen balloL. 1he nlL sLrongly dlscourages [udges from dlscloslng declslons ln Lhe
prellmlnary round of nlL compeLlLlon. CommenLs made by a [udge (orally or wrlLLen) should be consLrucLlve and
8. Iudges: 1he use of communlLy [udges ls sLrongly encouraged.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 12

Debate Lv|dence ku|es
1. kespons|b|||t|es of teams read|ng ev|dence
a. 1he Leam ls responslble for Lhe valldlLy of all evldence Lhey read ln Lhe debaLe.
b. ln all rounds of Lu and ubllc lorum uebaLe, debaLers should, aL a mlnlmum, orally dellver LlLle of Lhe source
and Lhe auLhor's name. ln ollcy uebaLe, all debaLers shall orally dellver Lhe name of Lhe auLhor, LlLle of
source (L.C. LlLle of book, noL chapLer, LlLle of [ournal, noL arLlcle), and compleLe daLe.
c. ln all rounds of debaLe, compleLe clLaLlons for each plece of evldence lnLroduced ln Lhe round musL be
avallable ln Lhe round. WrlLLen clLaLlons musL lnclude name of Lhe auLhor, quallflcaLlons, compleLe LlLle of
source (L.C. LlLle of book, noL chapLer, LlLle of [ournal, noL arLlcle), and compleLe daLe. Cnllne sources musL
also lnclude Lhe LlLle of Lhe slLe, daLabase, or access polnL, Lhe daLe accessed, and Lhe web address. 1he
addlLlonal clLaLlon requlred for onllne sources musL appear on all evldence, buL ls noL requlred Lo be read.
Should Lwo or more quoLaLlons be used from Lhe same source, Lhe auLhor and LlLle need be glven orally only
for Lhe flrsL plece of evldence from LhaL source. ln Lhe subsequenL oral clLaLlon, only Lhe auLhor's name ls
d. LlLher no lnLernal elllpsls (Llllpses occur afLer Lhe flrsL word of Lhe quoLaLlon and before Lhe flnal word) may
be used ln evldence clLed on a card, or elllpses may be shown on cards, lf Lhe orlglnal source or a xerox copy
ls presenL. 1he evldence may be read ln elllpsed form, buL Lhe enLlreLy of Lhe evldence musL be avallable ln
one of Lhe Lwo ways prevlously clLed.
e. ersonal leLLers or Lelegrams shall noL be admlsslble as evldence.
2. kespons|b|||t|es of teams cha||eng|ng ev|dence
a. lndlcLmenLs or proLesLs of Lhe valldlLy of evldence musL be made on subsLanLlve grounds.
b. A challenger musL have elLher Lhe orlglnal source or a xeroxed copy of Lhe source belng clLed, or
c. A challenger musL demonsLraLe LhaL reasonable search has noL been able Lo locaLe Lhe source -- xeroxed
coples of relevanL pages ln 8ooks ln rlnL, 8eaders Culde, .A.l.S., eLc.
3. Def|n|t|ons of Non-ex|stent ev|dence or evldence whlch serlously dlsLorLs Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe orlglnal source.
a. "serlous dlsLorLlon" exlsLs when Lhe evldence lLself conLalns added or deleLed word(s) whlch do noL clarlfy
buL ln facL change Lhe poslLlon of Lhe auLhor wlLh respecL Lo Lhe lssues ln quesLlon.
b. "non-exlsLenL evldence" means LhaL
l. 8easonable search ls unable Lo produce Lhe orlglnal source and/or Lhe Leam readlng Lhe evldence ls
unable Lo provlde Lhe orlglnal source or a xerox copy of Lhe relevanL pages.
ll. 1he evldence clLed ls noL locaLed ln Lhe orlglnal source clLed. 1ypographlcal errors ln clLaLlon wlll
noL auLomaLlcally resulL ln Lhe evldence belng labeled non-exlsLenL, lf Lhe Leam readlng Lhe
evldence can produce Lhe correcL lnformaLlon.
4. ena|t|es
a. Lvldence lacklng speclfled clLaLlon and challenged by Lhe opposlLlon shall be dlsregarded by Lhe [udge unless
sald clLaLlon ls proffered lmmedlaLely ln Lhe subsequenL speech. AL Lhe concluslon of a challenge relaLed Lo
Lhe oral presenLaLlon of or ln round avallablllLy of a clLaLlon, Lhe [udge ls Lhe sole deLermlner of Lhe level of
penalLy ln Lhe round ln relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe level of Lhe vlolaLlon, noL Lo exceed a maxlmum penalLy of a loss
wlLh zero polnLs, as parL of Lhe [udge's declslon maklng process.
b. lf an evldence vlolaLlon ls presenLed where a debaLer ls found Lo have commlLLed a serlous dlsLorLlon" or Lo
have used non-exlsLenL evldence," aL Lhe concluslon of due process, Lhe offendlng debaLer(s) may be
dlsquallfled from Lhe LournamenL.
c. uependlng on Lhe severlLy, an offense MA? resulL ln noLlflcaLlon of sald offense Lo Lhelr hlgh school
admlnlsLraLlon and coach, loss of nlL polnLs earned, and/or revocaLlon of nlL membershlp.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 13

S. 1ournament Ad[ustments
a. under no clrcumsLance shall a LournamenL or parL of a LournamenL be re-run because of a vlolaLlon of Lhese
b. ln Lhe case of a dlsquallflcaLlon of a conLesLanL, all prevlous ranks and declslons of oLher conLesLanLs sLand
and no revlslon of pasL round ranks wlll Lake place.
Gu|de||nes for Laptop Use |n Debate Lvents
+!!,-%( .# /-0$#,0 1#'2,3(4 5#02"%((-#03,4 6'7,-$ 8#"'94 30& 6#,-$: 1%73.%(
A. CompuLers equlpped wlLh removable wlreless cards musL have Lhe cards removed before Lhe beglnnlng of any round
of compeLlLlon. lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe conLesLanL Lo dlsengage Lhe equlpmenL.
8. CompuLers wlLh bullL-ln wlreless capablllLy may be used only lf Lhe wlreless capablllLy ls dlsabled. lL ls Lhe
responslblllLy of Lhe conLesLanL Lo dlsable Lhe equlpmenL.
C. Wlred connecLlons (LLherneL or phone) durlng rounds of compeLlLlon are noL permlLLed.
u. CompuLers or oLher elecLronlc devlces may noL be used Lo recelve lnformaLlon from any source (coaches or asslsLanLs
lncluded) lnslde or ouLslde of Lhe room ln whlch Lhe compeLlLlon occurs. lnLerneL access, use of emall, lnsLanL
messaglng, or oLher means of recelvlng lnformaLlon from sources lnslde or ouLslde of Lhe compeLlLlon room are
prohlblLed. (1hls does noL prohlblL non-elecLronlc communlcaLlon beLween debaLe parLners durlng prep Llme.)
L. ena|ty: ConLesLanLs found Lo have vlolaLed provlslons A Lhrough C above wlll forfelL Lhe round of compeLlLlon and
recelve zero nlL polnLs. ConLesLanLs found Lo have vlolaLed provlslon u (above) wlll be dlsquallfled from Lhe
LournamenL and wlll forfelL all rounds and nlL polnLs. AL nlL dlsLrlcL LournamenLs, Lhe ulsLrlcL CommlLLee wlll make
Lhe flnal declslon concernlng dlsquallflcaLlon. ln case of a serlous dlspuLe or crlLlcal quesLlon, Lhe acLlng LournamenL
referee (represenLlng Lhe naLlonal offlce) can be conLacLed for a rullng.
l. Ava||ab|||ty of Lv|dence: ConLesLanLs elecLlng Lo use compuLers have Lhe responslblllLy Lo prompLly provlde a copy of
any evldence read ln a speech for lnspecLlon by Lhe [udge or opponenL. rlnLers may be used. Lvldence may be
prlnLed ln Lhe round or produced elecLronlcally, buL musL be provlded ln a formaL readable by Lhe opposlng Leam and
Lhe [udge.
C. ConLesLanLs elecLlng Lo use compuLers are responslble for provldlng Lhelr own compuLers, baLLerles, exLenslon cords,
and all oLher necessary accessorles. 1ournamenL hosLs wlll noL be responslble for provldlng compuLers, prlnLers,
sofLware, paper, or exLenslon cords for conLesLanLs.
P. 8ecause publlc speaklng decorum remalns an lmporLanL elemenL of debaLe, all debaLers are expecLed Lo sLand aL Lhe
fronL of Lhe room faclng Lhe [udge whlle speaklng.
l. ConLesLanLs chooslng Lo use lapLop compuLers and relaLed equlpmenL accepL Lhe rlsk of equlpmenL fallure. !udges
and/or conLesL dlrecLors wlll glve no speclal conslderaLlon or accommodaLlon, lncludlng no addlLlonal speech Llme or
prep Llme, should equlpmenL fallure occur.
!. 8y chooslng Lo use lapLop compuLers ln Lhe round, debaLers are consenLlng Lo glve LournamenL offlclals Lhe rlghL Lo
search Lhelr flles. uebaLers who do noL wlsh Lo consenL should noL use compuLers ln Lhe round.
Cross-Lxam|nat|on or Crossf|re Gu|de||nes
+!!,-%( .# /-0$#,0 1#'2,3(4 6'7,-$ 8#"'9 30& 6#,-$: 1%73.%( ; <=.%9!#"30%#'(
urpose of Cross Lxam|nat|on: 1o clarlfy an obscure polnL ln an opponenL's case, Lo expose facLual error or unsupporLed
asserLlon, or Lo obLaln damaglng admlsslons are Lhe purposes of cross-examlnaLlon. lL should noL be used (as lL ls ln law)
Lo aLLack Lhe wlLness' personal lnLegrlLy
Att|tudes of uest|oner and W|tness: 8oLh should appear Lo be reasonable, cooperaLlve and eager Lo please. LlLher one
should be "marked down" for unpalaLable sarcasm, obvlous "sLalllng," or appearlng Lo browbeaL hls opponenL

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 14

ke|at|on to Case: 1he vlrLue of any cross-examlnaLlon decreases unless Lhe resulLs are Lled Lo laLer speeches. 1he cross-
examlnaLlon should be an lnLegral parL of Lhe debaLe, noL a sldeshow.
De||very: 8oLh speakers musL Lalk Lo Lhe audlence. Cross-examlnaLlon Lakes Lhe form of an exchange beLween Lwo
debaLers, buL baslcally, lL ls for Lhe beneflL of Lhe llsLeners. ln publlc debaLes lL ls vlLal LhaL boLh speakers face Lhe
audlence whlle quesLlonlng or respondlng.
ln ubllc lorum uebaLe, speakers should sLand durlng regular Crossflre and remaln seaLed for Lhe Crand Crossflre.
1he uest|oner:
1. ConLrols Lhe Llme, and may lnLerrupL Lhe wlLness Lo requesL shorLer or more dlrecL answers, or Lo lndlcaLe LhaL
Lhe answer s/he has glven ls lnsufflclenL.
2. MusL ask falr and relevanL quesLlons. S/Pe should nelLher commenL on Lhe answers, argue wlLh Lhe wlLness, nor
make speeches. S/Pe should use Llme for quesLlonlng alone, noL for elLher consLrucLlve argumenL or summary. ln
facL, a concluslon ls all Lhe more effecLlve lf Lhe audlence reaches lL wlLhouL Lhe quesLloner's help.
3. Should have conslderable scope ln Lhe quesLlons s/he asks. Slnce Lhe Llme ls hls/hers, s/he may wasLe Llme lf
s/he wanLs Lo. 1he wlLness should answer even lf Lhe slgnlflcance or relevance of Lhe quesLlon ls noL lmmedlaLely
apparenL Lo hlm/her.
4. Should begln wlLh common ground on whlch agreemenL may be expecLed, and proceed Lo areas ln whlch
dlsagreemenL develops or Lhe wlLness makes slgnlflcanL admlsslons. 1he quesLloner may well begln wlLh Lhe
quesLlons whlch reveal hls purpose: "uo you malnLaln LhaL Lhe naLlonallsL Chlnese Army sLands as a bulwark
agalnsL Communlsm ln Asla?" "?es." "And do you furLher malnLaln LhaL recognlLlon of 8ed Chlna would weaken
or desLroy Lhls bulwark?" "?es." AgreemenL on such quesLlons ls almosL cerLaln, and Lhe quesLloner clearly
lndlcaLes Lhe dlrecLlon of hls lnqulry.
3. Should develop an aLLack along Lhe llnes of hls/her baslc case. S/Pe should llmlL Lhe number of ob[ecLlves s/he
Lrles Lo reach. A serles of aL leasL flve quesLlons, problng a slngle lssue of Lhe debaLe Lhoroughly and followlng up
Lhe leads whlch Lhe wlLness' answers provlde, ls preferable Lo a mlscellaneous assorLmenL of quesLlons lacklng
lnLerrelaLlon and adapLaLlon Lo Lhe wlLness' answers.
6. May noL lnslsL on a slmple "?es" or "no" answer unless Lhe quesLlon ls slmple, dlrecL, and facLual. CuesLlons
abouL why someLhlng ls Lrue are necessarlly compllcaLed and Lhe quesLloner cannoL expecL Lhe wlLness Lo
answer Lhem brlefly. lacLual quesLlons are besL, and Lhe quesLloner can ask Lhem ln enough dlfferenL ways Lo
lend varleLy Lo Lhe cross-examlnaLlon.
7. Should phrase quesLlons wlLh Lhe verb flrsL, Lhen Lhe sub[ecL, and flnally Lhe ob[ecL or modlfylng phrase: e.g. "uo
you admlL Lhe !oseph 8. McCarLhy ls Lhe [unlor senaLor from Wlsconsln?" S/Pe should avold negaLlve quesLlons,
or any phraslng wlLh "noL": "uo you noL know LhaL Lhere have been LhlrLy-seven vlolaLlons of Lhe korean Lruce by
Lhe 8ed Chlnese?" 1he answer Lo Lhls can only be confuslng.
8. May remlnd Lhe audlence and Lhe wlLness of a relevanL facL by beglnnlng Lhe quesLlon: "Are you aware LhaL . . ."
or "Are you famlllar wlLh . . ."Powever, Lhe quesLloner's moLlve ln puLLlng such quesLlons should be Lo puL Lhe
wlLness on record concernlng Lhe sLaLemenL lnvolved, and noL Lo presenL maLerlal.
9. Should summarlze a serles of quesLlons on an lssue by repeaLlng an openlng quesLlon: "uo you sLlll conslder, ln
llghL of Lhese facLs, LhaL Lhe Chlnese naLlonallsL Army sLands as a bulwark agalnsL Communlsm ln Asla?" 1hls calls
for a "?es" or "no" answer, clearly lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe CuesLloner has concluded LhaL parLlcular approach, and
allows Lhe members of Lhe audlence Lo draw Lhelr own concluslons.
1he W|tness:
1. MusL answer dlrecLly and brlefly any leglLlmaLe quesLlon . S/Pe should noL quesLlon Lhe quesLloner (excepL ln
uslng a rheLorlcal quesLlon as an answer), nor should s/he engage ln "sLalllng" LacLlcs.
2. May refuse Lo answer a Lrlcky or unfalr quesLlon -- "When dld you sLop beaLlng your wlfe?" -- lf s/he sLaLes a
good reason for dolng so.
3. May ask quesLlons Lo clarlfy a quesLlon posslbly glvlng Lhe reasons for conslderlng Lhe quesLlon obscure, or may
ask Lhe quesLloner Lo sLop maklng speeches and Lo conLlnue Lhe quesLlonlng.
4. May clarlfy a quesLlon, lf Lo do so ls approprlaLe. S/Pe should sLaLe Lhe quallflcaLlon before hls answer: "uo you

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 1S

belleve ln Lhe deslrablllLy of democraLlc elecLlons?" "lor people educaLed ln Lhe LradlLlon and pracLlce of
democracy, yes."
3. Can exerclse some conLrol over Lhe quesLlon perlod by conLrolllng Lhe Llmlng of answers. lf s/he feels LhaL Lhe
quesLloner ls dragglng ouL Lhe quesLlon perlod, s/he can answer rapldly, exposlng Lhe quesLloner's lnepLlLude.
6. Should noL be afrald Lo admlL lgnorance lf Lhe quesLlon demands knowledge of an obscure facL.
7. Should answer wlLhouL consulLlng hls/her colleague or recelvlng help from hlm/her.
(AdapLed from ctoss xomlootloo uebotloq by ur. 8oberL . newman and Lloyd P. luge, unlverslLy of lLLsburgh.)
Lxtemporaneous Speak|ng
A conLesLanL draws Lhree quesLlons, selecLs one, Lhen has 30 mlnuLes Lo prepare a speech ln response, of up Lo seven
mlnuLes. 1he conLesLanL uLlllzes flles of publlshed maLerlals (books, magazlnes, newspapers, onllne sources) s/he has
complled as a resource for answerlng Lhe quesLlon. 1he nlL dlvldes LxLemp lnLo Lwo separaLe evenLs: unlLed SLaLes
(deallng wlLh domesLlc lssues), and lnLernaLlonal (lssues beyond uS borders).
1. Draw|ng: 1hlrLy mlnuLes before Lhe conLesL ls Lo begln, Lhe flrsL speaker draws Lhree quesLlons, choose one, and
reLurn Lhe oLher Lwo. 1he oLher conLesLanLs draw ln llke manner, ln Lhe order of speaklng, aL lnLervals of seven
mlnuLes. 1he enLlre llsL of quesLlons for LhaL round musL be used for each enLry ln each secLlon. A conLesLanL drawlng
a quesLlon on whlch s/he has spoken prevlously ln Lhe LournamenL musL reLurn lL and draw agaln.
2. reparat|on: As soon as a quesLlon ls chosen, Lhe conLesLanL wlll prepare a speech wlLhouL consulLaLlon and wlLhouL
references Lo prepared noLes. SLudenLs may consulL publlshed books, magazlnes, newspapers and [ournals or arLlcles,
a. 1hey are orlglnals or coples of whole pages.
b. rovlded Lhose orlglnals or coples are uncuL.
c. 1here ls no wrlLLen maLerlal on LhaL orlglnal or copy oLher Lhan clLaLlon lnformaLlon.
d. 1oplcal lndex wlLhouL annoLaLlon may be presenL.
no oLher maLerlal wlll be allowed ln Lhe LxLemp prep room oLher Lhan sLaLed above. LxLemp speeches, handbooks,
brlefs and ouLllnes are prohlblLed from Lhe LxLemp prep room. underllnlng or hlghllghLlng ln LxLemp wlll be allowed
lf done ln only one color on each arLlcle or copy. |ease see ru|es be|ow concern|ng use of e|ectron|c retr|eva|
dev|ces. rlnLed coples of lnformaLlon from onllne compuLer servlces may be used. LlecLronlcally reLrleved evldence
used ln any nlL LxLemp compeLlLlon musL conform Lo Lhe clLaLlon sLandard of Lhe Modern Language AssoclaLlon
[consulL Lhe MlA nooJbook fot wtltets of keseotcb lopets (7tb eJltloo) or
3. Notes: ConLesLanLs may make noLes durlng Lhe preparaLlon Llme, buL Lhe use of noLes, cards, brlefs or oLher alds ls
prohlblLed durlng Lhe speech.
4. 1|me: 1he Llme llmlL ln boLh LxLemporaneous Speaklng evenLs ls 7 mlnuLes wlLh a 30 second grace perlod". lf Lhe
[udges ln Lhe round agree LhaL Lhe sLudenL has gone beyond Lhe grace perlod", Lhe sLudenL may noL be ranked 1sL,
buL need noL be ranked lasL based on Llme. 1he ranklng ls up Lo each lndlvldual [udge's dlscreLlon. !udges who choose
Lo Llme are Lo use accuraLe (sLopwaLch funcLlon) Llmlng devlces. no mlnlmum Llme ls mandaLed.
3. kecuse: ConLesLanLs may noL leave Lhe preparaLlon area unLll dlsmlssed by Lhe LxLemp rocLor. ConsulLaLlon wlLh
any person oLher Lhan Lhe LxLemp monlLor beLween Lhe Llme of drawlng and Llme of speaklng ls prohlblLed.
6. Cross-Lxam|nat|on: cross-examlnaLlon may be used ln Lhe flnal round of LxLemporaneous Speaklng evenLs. Lach
speaker shall be asslgned a poslLlon ln Lhe speaklng order. urawlng shall Lake place aL 12 mlnuLe lnLervals. 1hlrLy
mlnuLes afLer speaker flrsL has drawn, speakers flrsL and lasL shall enLer Lhe conLesL room. Speaker flrsL shall glve a
speech and speaker lasL shall llsLen and may Lake noLes. AL Lhe concluslon of speaker flrsL's speech, speaker lasL shall
quesLlon speaker flrsL for Lwo mlnuLes. Speaker lasL shall reLurn Lo Lhe prep room and speaker flrsL shall sLay and
quesLlon speaker second. Speaker second wlll quesLlon speaker Lhlrd, eLc.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 16

7. LapLop use: 1he use of lapLop compuLers ln LxLemporaneous Speaklng ls permlLLed aL Lhe nlL naLlonal 1ournamenL.
1he use of lapLop compuLers aL Lhe quallfylng LournamenL wlll be auLonomous declslon of each lndlvldual ulsLrlcL
Lxtemporaneous Speak|ng Computer Use ku|es and Gu|de||nes
A. LxLemporaneous Speaklng conLesLanLs may make use of elecLronlc reLrleval devlces Lo sLore and Lo reLrleve Lhelr
sub[ecL flles aL all nlL LournamenLs (dlsLrlcL and naLlonal). SLudenLs can reLrleve exLemporaneous flles Lo read, buL
cannoL wrlLe speeches or organlze Lhelr LhoughLs on Lhe compuLers. 1h|s ru|e |n no way prevents students from
st||| ut|||z|ng trad|t|ona| paper copy f||es to enab|e the compet|tor to successfu||y compete |n Lxtemporaneous
Speak|ng. 1he NIL takes no pos|t|on on wh|ch form of f||e storage |s preferab|e for use at NIL tournaments
(d|str|ct or nat|ona|).
8. 1he use of elecLronlc reLrleval devlces aL Lhe dlsLrlcL compeLlLlon wlll be Lhe auLonomous declslon of each lndlvldual
dlsLrlcL commlLLee.
C. LlecLronlc reLrleval devlces are deflned as lapLop compuLers, neLbooks, lads, or oLher porLable elecLronlc reLrleval
equlpmenL. Secondary devlces such as flash drlves or exLernal hard drlves are allowed as well. Ce|| phones or smart
phones are proh|b|ted from be|ng used wh||e prepar|ng or before speak|ng at NIL tournaments (d|str|ct or
u. Source Mater|a|s: SLudenLs may consulL publlshed books, perlodlcal arLlcles, newspaper arLlcles, Lhlnk Lank arLlcles,
governmenL reporLs or [ournal arLlcles saved on Lhelr elecLronlc reLrleval devlce or present |n hard copy form
l. 1here are no noLaLlons made wlLhln or on Lhe saved arLlcle oLher Lhan clLaLlon lnformaLlon.
ll. Any hlghllghLlng or underllnlng of Lhe arLlcles ls done ln only one color wlLhln each arLlcle. 8oldlng,
lLallclzlng, or any oLher manlpulaLlon of Lhe orlglnal LexL of sources (oLher Lhan hlghllghLlng or
underllnlng as prevlously sLlpulaLed) ls prohlblLed.
L. no oLher source maLerlals wlll be allowed ln Lhe LxLemporaneous prep room oLher Lhan sLaLed above. re-wrlLLen
LxLemporaneous speeches, handbooks, brlefs or ouLllnes are prohlblLed from Lhe prep room, whether stored
e|ectron|ca||y or present |n hard copy form.
l. ower Source: ower plugs or ouLleLs may noL be used ln Lhe prep room aL any Llme. All compuLers used ln Lhe
prep room musL be baLLery operaLed aL all Llmes.
C. CompeLlLors are responslble for maklng cerLaln Lhelr elecLronlc reLrleval devlces are fully charged aL Lhe sLarL of
each compeLlLlon day and for proper power managemenL ensurlng LhaL Lhelr devlce remalns funcLlonal LhroughouL
Lhe compeLlLlon day. ConLesLanLs may noL use exLernal power sources ln Lhe prep room, such as wall ouLleLs and/or
exLenslon cords.
P. Internet: LxLemporaneous Speaklng conLesLanLs shall noL access Lhe lnLerneL or communlcaLe elecLronlcally wlLh
any oLher lndlvldual whlle ln Lhe prep room aL any nlL LournamenL (dlsLrlcL or naLlonal). All compuLers musL comply
wlLh Lhe followlng provlslons:
l. CompuLers equlpped wlLh removable wlreless cards musL have Lhe cards removed before Lhe
beglnnlng of any round of compeLlLlon. lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe conLesLanL Lo dlsengage Lhe
ll. CompuLers wlLh bullL-ln wlreless capablllLy may be used only lf Lhe wlreless capablllLy ls dlsabled. lL ls
Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe conLesLanL Lo dlsable Lhe equlpmenL.
lll. Wlred connecLlons (LLherneL or phone) durlng rounds of compeLlLlon are noL permlLLed.
lv. CompuLers or oLher elecLronlc devlces may noL be used Lo recelve lnformaLlon from any source
(coaches or asslsLanLs lncluded) lnslde or ouLslde of Lhe room ln whlch Lhe compeLlLlon occurs.
lnLerneL access, use of emall, lnsLanL messaglng, or oLher means of recelvlng lnformaLlon from sources
lnslde or ouLslde of Lhe compeLlLlon room are prohlblLed.
v. ena|ty: ConLesLanLs found Lo have vlolaLed provlslons l Lhrough lll above wlll be ranked lasL ln Lhe
round and recelve zero nlL polnLs. ConLesLanLs found Lo have vlolaLed provlslon lv (above) wlll be

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 17

dlsquallfled from Lhe LournamenL and wlll forfelL all round credlLs and nlL polnLs. AL nlL dlsLrlcL
LournamenLs, Lhe dlsLrlcL commlLLee wlll make Lhe flnal declslon concernlng dlsquallflcaLlon. ln case of
a serlous dlspuLe or crlLlcal quesLlon, Lhe acLlng LournamenL referee (represenLlng Lhe naLlonal offlce)
may be conLacLed for a rullng.
l. L|ab|||ty: LxLemporaneous Speaklng compeLlLors accepL full responslbllLly for Lhe safeLy and securlLy of Lhelr
elecLronlc reLrleval devlces LhroughouL Lhe enLlre course of any nlL LournamenL (dlsLrlcL or naLlonal). 1be Nll moy
pot stlckets ooJ/ot tope oo compotets to eosote tbey ote oot opeoeJ ot oseJ, ot to eosote opptoptlote owoets toke
tbelt owo mocbloes. 1be Nll Joes oot ossome ooy lloblllty fot tbe compotets. 5toJeots ote welcome to ose
keosloqtoo locks ot otbet socb Jevlces to secote tbelt compotets lo tbe ptep toom. 5toJeots, poteots, ooJ coocbes
sboolJ be owote tbot tbe stoJeots ote btloqloq ooJ osloq tbe compotets ot tbelt owo tlsk. 1be Nll ls oot tespooslble
fot lost, stoleo, ot btokeo compotets.
!. I||e Mon|tor|ng: 1he nlL reLalns Lhe rlghL Lo vlew and search any elecLronlc reLrleval devlces Lo ensure compllance
wlLh any and all rules aL any nlL LournamenL (dlsLrlcL or naLlonal).
k. uevlces should be muLed ln Lhe prep room. ConLesLanLs should noL play games or engage ln oLher dlsLracLlng
acLlvlLles on Lhelr elecLronlc devlces ln Lhe prep room. 1ournamenL offlclals may ask a sLudenL Lo power-off Lhe
devlce lf lL becomes dlsLracLlng.
L. SLudenLs from Lhe same school may share compuLers durlng preparaLlon. Powever, communlcaLlon among
conLesLanLs durlng preparaLlon Llme ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed.

Cr|g|na| Cratory
CraLors are expecLed Lo research and speak lnLelllgenLly, wlLh a degree of orlglnallLy, ln an lnLeresLlng manner, and wlLh
some proflL Lo Lhe audlence, abouL a Loplc of slgnlflcance. AlLhough many oraLlons deal wlLh a currenL problem and
propose a soluLlon Lhls ls noL Lhe only accepLable form of oraLory. ?our oraLlon may slmply alerL Lhe audlence Lo a
LhreaLenlng danger, sLrengLhen lLs devoLlon Lo an accepLed cause, or euloglze a person. An oraLor ls glven free cholce of
sub[ecL and [udged solely on Lhe effecLlveness of developmenL and presenLaLlon.
1. Contest: 1hls conLesL comprlses only memorlzed oraLlons acLually composed by Lhe conLesLanLs and noL used by
Lhem durlng a prevlous conLesL season. no vlsual alds are permlLLed.
2. Sub[ect: Any approprlaLe sub[ecL may be used, buL Lhe oraLor musL be LruLhful. Any non-facLual reference, especlally
a personal one, musL be so ldenLlfled.
3. Length: 1he Llme llmlL ln Crlglnal CraLory ls 10 mlnuLes wlLh a 30 second grace perlod". lf Lhe [udges ln Lhe round
agree LhaL Lhe sLudenL has gone beyond Lhe grace perlod", Lhe sLudenL may noL be ranked 1sL, buL need noL be
ranked lasL based on Llme. 1he ranklng ls up Lo each lndlvldual [udge's dlscreLlon. !udges who choose Lo Llme are Lo
use accuraLe (sLop waLch funcLlon) Llmlng devlces. no mlnlmum Llme ls mandaLed.
4. uotat|on: noL more Lhan 130 words of Lhe oraLlon may be dlrecL quoLaLlon from any oLher speech or wrlLlng and
such quoLaLlons musL be ldenLlfled ln a prlnLed copy of Lhe oraLlon supplled prlor Lo reglsLraLlon. LxLenslve
paraphraslng from oLher sources ls prohlblLed.
3. Scr|pt: 1he oraLor's scrlpL musL be senL Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL Chalr no laLer Lhan Lwo weeks prlor Lo Lhe dlsLrlcL LournamenL.
1he scrlpL musL ldenLlfy Lhe quoLed maLerlals, sLaLe Lhe number of quoLed words, lnclude a work clLed page ln A..A.
or M.L.A. formaL, and boLh Lhe oraLor and Lhe coach musL aLLesL by slgnaLure LhaL Lhe oraLlon ls Lhe orlglnal work of
Lhe conLesLanL.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 18

1hls lncludes caLegorles of lndlvldual (solo) performance of dramaLlc (serlous) and humorous llLeraLure, as well as duo
performance of elLher emoLlve appeal, wlLh selecLlons drawn from publlshed, prlnLed: novels, shorL sLorles, plays, poeLry,
or oLher prlnLed, publlshed works as well as llmlLed onllne works as provlded for ln Lhe rules below.
1. D|v|s|ons. ConLesLs are conducLed ln uramaLlc, Pumorous, and uuo lnLerpreLaLlon. See addlLlonal rules for Lhe
supplemenLal and consolaLlon lnLerpreLaLlon evenLs of oeLry, rose, and SLoryLelllng.
2. Length: 1he Llme llmlL ln lnLerpreLaLlon Maln LvenLs (Pumorous, uramaLlc and uuo lnLerpreLaLlon) ls 10 mlnuLes wlLh
a 30 second grace perlod". lf Lhe [udges ln Lhe round agree LhaL Lhe sLudenL has gone beyond Lhe grace perlod", Lhe
sLudenL may noL be ranked 1sL, buL need noL be ranked lasL based on Llme. 1he ranklng ls up Lo each lndlvldual
[udge's dlscreLlon. !udges who choose Lo Llme are Lo use accuraLe (sLopwaLch funcLlon) Llmlng devlces. no mlnlmum
Llme ls mandaLed.
3. Mater|a|: SelecLlons used ln Lhese conLesLs musL be cuLLlngs from a slngle work of llLeraLure - from one shorL sLory or
one play, or one novel, or one or more poems - as descrlbed ln Lhe followlng subsecLlons:
a. r|nt ub||cat|ons: lncludes novels, shorL sLorles, plays or poeLry, publlshed ln prlnL
b. D|g|ta| (Cn||ne) ub||cat|ons: maLerlal ls only allowed from pre-approved onllne publlshlng sources llsLed for
Lhe currenL school year (subsecLlon ll), whlch meeL web page standards enumeraLed ln subsecLlon l :
l. 1he webs|te offers on||ne mater|a| pub||shed d|rect|y on |ts web page(s). Lven lf Lhe slLe has
mulLlple formaLs, such as uls, only maLerlal LhaL can be prlnLed dlrecLly from Lhe web page ls
allowed. uownloaded flles wlll nC1 be accepLed. 1he League deflnes a web page as a documenL
coded wlLh hyperLexL markup language (P1ML), dlsplayed ln a web browser. 1he League deflnes a
downloaded flle as a speclflc non-hyperLexL formaL, such as ul or word processlng documenL.
ll. Sources approved for Lhe 2012-2013 school year are:
1) hLLp://
2) hLLp://
3) hLLp://
4) hLLp://www.freedrama.neL - ulsclolmet. 1be MoJ-5ctlpts! motetlol ooJet tbe ltee utomo
Jocotloo sectloo of tbe slte ls oot occeptoble, bowevet, oll otbet motetlol oo tbe slte ls
occeptoble fot ose.
3) hLLp://fronLporch[
6) hLLp://
7) hLLp://
8) hLLp:// - Note. 1o occess tbls slte, pleose emoll
lotetpootlooolfoteoslcleoqoe.otq to obtolo tbe offlclol posswotJ.
9) hLLp:// - ulsclolmet. 1be lul Jocomeots oo tbls slte ote oot
occeptoble, bowevet, oll otbet motetlol ls occeptoble fot ose.
10) hLLp://
11) hLLp://
12) hLLp://
13) hLLp://Lcl[ - ulsclolmet. Ooly motetlol llsteJ ooJet tbe lloks lltetoty
moqozloe ooJ ottlcles cootolo motetlol oo tbe slte occeptoble fot ose.
lll. 1hese guldellnes deLermlned dlglLal (onllne) publlcaLlon sources selecLed:
1) 1he llLerary maLerlal ls from a webslLe wlLh sLrlcL edlLorlal submlsslon sLandards LhaL
lnclude edlLorlal revlew and accepLance. unaccepLable slLes lnclude:
a) ersonal slLes (soclal neLwork proflles, blogs)
b) ersonal professlonal slLes (Lhose where a wrlLer who has hls/her own slLe and
can place hls/her works for sale or vlew)
c) ubllsh lL slLes (Lhose wlLh one cllck upload or LhaL accepL submlsslons wlLhouL a
selecLlon process)
2) 1exLs musL come from a verlflable webslLe LhaL can be accessed unlversally by any user.
1he slLe and llLerary LexL needs Lo be verlflable on Lhe web lf challenged.
a) unmarked or casual slLes where lndlvlduals can easlly posL work elLher for
performance or crlLlclsm wlll noL be accepLed.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 19

b) 1he webslLe has been ln exlsLence for a mlnlmum of Lwo years prlor Lo submlsslon
for conslderaLlon by Lhe naLlonal lorenslc League for Lhe upcomlng school year
(several onllne Lools allow for verlflcaLlon of Lhe exlsLence of a webslLe).
# lor more lnformaLlon, please see: hLLp://
c. roh|b|ted mater|a|: noL publlshed ln prlnL or allowable onllne maLerlal as per above, lncludlng:
l. 8ecorded maLerlal (vldeoLape, uvus, audlo Lape, Cus, M3s, or phonograph recordlngs).
ll. Crlglnal maLerlal publlshed ln a hlgh school publlcaLlon such as a newspaper, llLerary magazlne,
or yearbook.
4. Source Ver|f|cat|on: lL ls Lhe afflrmaLlve duLy of each coach and each sLudenL enLered ln lnLerpreLaLlon conLesLs Lo
deLermlne absoluLely LhaL Lhe cuLLlng belng performed meeLs all rules for maLerlal.
a. r|nt ub||cat|ons: 1he orlglnal publlshed source of any selecLlon used musL be lmmedlaLely avallable aL Lhe
LournamenL as well as a compleLe scrlpL of Lhe cuLLlng used. A compleLe scrlpL of Lhe cuLLlng lncludes:
l. A phoLocopy of every page from whlch any llne of Lhe cuLLlng ls Laken, pages are Lo be ln Lhe order
ln whlch Lhey are performed.
ll. All words used from Lhe scrlpL should be hlghllghLed (any words/llnes noL used should be lefL
lll. Any word changes (Lo ellmlnaLe profane language) and/or addlLlons (for LranslLlon) musL be
lndlcaLed clearly ln lnk.
b. D|g|ta| (Cn||ne) ub||cat|ons: 1he maLerlal Lhe compeLlLor performs musL presenLly appear on Lhe webslLe lf
quesLlons arlse ln compeLlLlon, addlLlonally, a prlnLed manuscrlpL musL be avallable:
l. ManuscrlpL lLems Lo be prlnLed dlrecLly from Lhe screen:
1) 1he flrsL page ln Lhe webslLe (Lhe home page)
2) All oLher llnked pages needed Lo navlgaLe Lo Lhe llLerary LexL selecLed for compeLlLlon shall
be prlnLed ouL and Lhe llnk musL be hlghllghLed ln Lhe manuscrlpL
3) All web pages upon whlch Lhe cuLLlng appears
ll. Lach page musL have prlnLed ln Lhe header and/or fooLer:
1) uaLe Lhe page was prlnLed
2) Web address
lll. Cnly Lhe prlnLed manuscrlpL shall be consldered adequaLe proof of auLhenLlclLy. ln oLher words,
Lhe sLudenL or coach musL provlde prlnLed pages or an ldenLlcal copy for examlnaLlon.
lv. 1he hlghllghLed manuscrlpL submlLLed for maLerlal verlflcaLlon wlll follow Lhe same rules
deslgnaLed for prlnLed publlcaLlons (see secLlon a" lmmedlaLely above).
v. 1he webslLe and onllne verslon of Lhe dlglLal publlcaLlon need Lo be avallable for comparlson lf
challenged. Cnllne access ls Lhe fundamenLal responslblllLy of LournamenL offlclals and/or
lndlvldual flllng Lhe proLesL. nC1L: lf LournamenL offlclals cannoL galn onllne access and Lhe
above requlremenLs have been meL, Lhe plece ls consldered legal for use.
3. erformance: 1he presenLaLlon may noL use physlcal ob[ecLs or cosLumlng. uurlng Lhe presenLaLlon Lhe
conLesLanL/Leam musL name Lhe auLhor and Lhe book or magazlne from whlch Lhe cuLLlng was made. AddlLlonally:
1. AdapLaLlons Lo maLerlal may only be used for Lhe purpose of LranslLlon. 1he gender sLaLed by Lhe auLhor
musL be honored. Powever, a female conLesLanL may play a male role, and a male conLesLanL may play a
female role.
2. Pumorous, uramaLlc, and uuo lnLerpreLaLlon selecLlons musL be presenLed from memory.
3. ln uuo lnLerpreLaLlon each of Lhe Lwo performers may play one or more characLers so long as performance
responslblllLy ln Lhe cuLLlng remalns as balanced as posslble.
4. Monologues are accepLable ln uramaLlc and Pumorous lnLerpreLaLlon. lf Lhe selecLlon ls prose or poeLry and
conLalns narraLlon, elLher or boLh of Lhe performers may presenL Lhe narraLlon.
6. Iocus: ln uramaLlc and Pumorous lnLerpreLaLlon, use of focal polnLs and/or dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe audlence should
be deLermlned by Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe llLeraLure belng lnLerpreLed. ln uuo lnLerpreLaLlon, focus may be dlrecL
durlng Lhe lnLroducLlon [Lhe performers may look aL each oLher] buL musL be lndlrecL [off-sLage] durlng Lhe
performance lLself.
7. ke-Use: A sLudenL may noL use a cuLLlng from a work of llLeraLure Lhe sLudenL used ln nlL dlsLrlcL or nlL naLlonal
compeLlLlon ln any prevlous conLesL year. A sLudenL enLered ln Lwo evenLs may noL use Lhe same selecLlon of
llLeraLure ln boLh evenLs.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 20

Iudge Instruct|ons and Gu|de||nes
Genera| Instruct|ons
All [udges are Lo reporL Lo Lhelr asslgned rooms aL leasL flve mlnuLes before Lhe Llme Lhe conLesL round ls
scheduled Lo begln.
Lach [udge's balloL ls Lo be secured from conLesL offlclal and reLurned lmmedlaLely followlng each round.
8ead Lhe lnsLrucLlons on Lhe balloL.
uo noL confer wlLh oLher [udges.
!udges should noL lnLerrupL Lhe flow of debaLes or conLesLs ln any way. 1hey are sllenL evaluaLors and should noL
reveal Lhelr declslon.
Iudg|ng Debate Lvents
1hank you for agreelng Lo [udge a debaLe round. ?our servlce ls especlally lmporLanL as Lhls evenL ls deslgned Lo brlng
[udges and debaLers LogeLher ln an educaLlonal, producLlve, and encouraglng experlence. 1hls acLlvlLy ls deslgned Lo Leach
excellenL crlLlcal Lhlnklng and publlc presenLaLlon skllls. ?our role as a [udge ls Lo deLermlne whlch debaLer dld a beLLer [ob
of convlnclng you LhaL hls/her slde of Lhe resoluLlon more valld as a general prlnclple.
llnd ouL Lhe exacL wordlng of Lhe debaLe resoluLlon and wrlLe lL down.
8ead and follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons on Lhe [udglng balloL you wlll recelve.
1alk wlLh debaLers before Lhe round sLarLs lf you wlsh, buL Lhe conversaLlon should noL demonsLraLe favorlLlsm
Loward a debaLer.
uebaLers should 3,>3:( be respecLful of one anoLher and of you, and you should seL a Lone of decorum and
?ou wlll be lnsLrucLed as Lo whlch slde Lhe debaLers have been asslgned.
1he afflrmaLlve/pro slde should be llsLed on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe balloL and you may ask Lhe debaLer Lo slL on Lhe
lefL slde of Lhe room as you, Lhe [udge, look aL Lhe debaLers.
1he negaLlve/con slde should be llsLed on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe balloL and you may ask Lhe debaLer Lo slL on Lhe
rlghL slde of Lhe room as you, Lhe [udge, look aL Lhe debaLers.
8ecord each debaLer's code and slde. ?ou can conflrm Lhls lnformaLlon wlLh Lhe debaLers.
When boLh debaLers are ready, Lhe AfflrmaLlve debaLer (ln ubllc lorum, Lhe Leam speaklng flrsL) wlll sLand ln
Lhe fronL of Lhe room Lo dellver Lhe lnlLlal speech.
Whlle Lhe debaLers may keep Lrack of Lhelr own Llme, [udges need Lo monlLor speaklng Llmes durlng Lhe round.
Speech Llmes and order are llsLed on Lhe balloL.
Lach debaLer has preparaLlon Llme ln each round LhaL can be used prlor Lo any of LhaL debaLer's speeches or
cross-examlnaLlon perlod. !udges need Lo monlLor how much preparaLlon Llme has elapsed for each debaLer.
uurlng Lhe debaLe, you are encouraged Lo Lake noLes of Lhe argumenLs made by Lhe debaLers Lo asslsL you ln
maklng your declslon aL Lhe end of Lhe round.
?ou should also keep Lrack of whaL a debaLer says, lf anyLhlng, ln response Lo Lhe oLher debaLer's argumenLs. 1o
ensure falrness, your noLes should help you deLermlne lf a debaLer ls lmproperly maklng brand new argumenLs ln
Lhe flnal rebuLLal speeches Lo whlch Lhe opposlng debaLer has no opporLunlLy Lo respond.
!udges should noL ask quesLlons durlng Lhe round.
uurlng Lhe quesLlonlng perlods ln ollcy and Lu, Lhe Llme belongs Lo Lhe debaLer asklng Lhe quesLlons. 1he
quesLlons should be brlef and Lhe answers shorL and speclflc. 1he person answerlng Lhe quesLlons should noL be
permlLLed Lo refuLe, buL should be llmlLed Lo slmply answerlng Lhe quesLlons. 1he quesLloner should noL be
permlLLed Lo commenL on Lhe answers.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 21

uurlng Lhe "crossflre" quesLlonlng perlods ln ubllc lorum uebaLe, Lhe Llme belongs Lo all debaLers Lo ask and
answer quesLlons. 1he flrsL speaklng Leam should glve Lhe flrsL quesLlon of each crossflre perlod. 1he quesLlons
and answers should be brlef and speclflc. Speakers should sLand durlng regular Crossflre and should remaln
seaLed for Lhe Crand Crossflre.
AI1Lk 1nL kCUND:
Check your codes carefully. 1hls ls especlally lmporLanL when marklng Lhe wlnner of Lhe debaLe.
ln your wrlLLen commenLs, please be as consLrucLlve and educaLlonal as posslble.
rovlde a deLalled [usLlflcaLlon of your declslon, referrlng Lo Lhe cenLral lssues Lhe debaLers presenLed ln Lhe
LvaluaLe Lhe round based only on Lhe argumenLs LhaL Lhe debaLers made and noL on personal oplnlons or on
argumenLs LhaL you would have made.
lease compleLely flll ouL Lhe balloL and reLurn lL prompLly Lo Lhe deslgnaLed locaLlon.
A [udge musL render a declslon no laLer Lhan 10 mlnuLes afLer Lhe flnal speaker concludes.
Mak|ng a Dec|s|on In o||cy Debate
A dec|s|on ?@AB/1 CAD be based upon:
1. 1be metlts of tbe tesolotloo. 1he [udge should noL be lnfluenced by pre[udlces ln favor or agalnsL Lhe
2. lottlollty. 1he [udge should noL be lnfluenced by Lhe repuLaLlon of, or parLlallLy for or agalnsL, elLher
of Lhe compeLlng Leams, Lhelr schools, or coaches.
3. ltecoocelveJ ootloos oo otqomeots. 1he [udge should noL allow hls ldea of whaL Lhe besL afflrmaLlve
or negaLlve argumenLs or cases may be Lo lnfluence Lhe declslon.
4. letsoool ptefeteoces oo Jebotloq style. A [udge should noL penallze a Leam lf lLs sLyle, elLher ln case
consLrucLlon or dellvery, dlffers from LhaL whlch s/he personally prefers, buL should evaluaLe all sLyles
on Lhe basls of effecLlveness ln wlnnlng convlcLlon.
A dec|s|on ?@AB/1 E< based upon the cons|derat|on of any or a|| of the fo||ow|ng quest|ons:
1. 5klll lo ooolysls. 1hls lncludes noL only Lhe analysls of Lhe proposlLlon, buL also analysls of Lhe debaLe
as lL progresses.
2. use of evlJeoce. 1hls lncludes Lhe use of sufflclenL evldence and proper reference Lo source.
3. vollJlty of otqomeot. 1hls lncludes reasonlng and concluslons drawn from Lhe evldence presenLed.
4. clotlty of otqoolzotloo. 1hls lncludes clear ouLllnlng of consLrucLlve argumenLs and easlly followed
handllng of refuLaLlon.
3. ffectlveoess of Jellvety. 1hls lncludes all maLLers perLalnlng Lo oral presenLaLlon wlLh speclal
emphasls upon exLemporaneous ablllLles.
A team]debater shou|d be pena||zed for:
1. Ao oofolt lotetptetotloo. lf Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon ls dlspuLed by Lhe negaLlve, lL shall resL wlLh Lhe [udge
wheLher or noL Lhe afflrmaLlve ls supporLlng a Lenable poslLlon.
2. ulscoottesy towotJ oppooeots. ulscourLesy should be penallzed accordlng Lo Lhe serlousness of Lhe
3. lolslflcotloo of evlJeoce. lf a Leam falslfles evldence ln supporL of a polnL, lL shall lose Lhe polnL, and
lf Lhe falslflcaLlon ls obvlously dellberaLe, Lhe [udge shall lmpose an addlLlonal penalLy accordlng Lo
Lhe serlousness of Lhe falslflcaLlon.
4. Mlscoosttoloq oo oppooeot's otqomeots. A speaker who mlsconsLrues and argumenL
unlnLenLlonally should noL be penallzed more Lhan Lhe Llme wasLed. lf lL ls lnLenLlonal, Lhe Leam
should ln addlLlon, forfelL Lhe argumenL.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 22

3. lottoJocloq oew otqomeots loto tebottol. 1he [udges shall dlsregard new argumenLs lnLroduced ln
rebuLLal. 1hls does noL lnclude Lhe lnLroducLlon of new evldence ln supporL of polnLs already
advanced or Lhe answerlng of argumenLs lnLroduced by opponenLs.
6. 5peokloq ovettlme. When a speaker's Llme ls up, Lhe [udge shall dlsregard anyLhlng beyond a closlng
1here |s genera| agreement among debate coaches on:
c. lotetptetotloo. !udges should regard no lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe quesLlon as offlclal, unless Lhe
naLlonal Wordlng CommlLLee lssues an offlclal lnLerpreLaLlon and labels lL as such.
d. 1ecbolcolltles. 1he Leam shall debaLe Lhe baslc prlnclples underlylng Lhe proposlLlon. 1oo much
emphasls should noL be placed upon a LechnlcallLy.
e. 8otJeo of ptoof. A debaLe Leam need noL desLroy all opposlng argumenL. lL need only show LhaL Lhe
preponderance of argumenL and evldence resLs on lLs slde.
f. Affltmotlve botJeo. An afflrmaLlve Leam need noL desLroy all negaLlve argumenL. lL need only show
LhaL Lhe preponderance of argumenL and evldence resLs on lLs slde. 1hls holds Lrue equally for Lhe
negaLlve Leam.
g. Ooestloos. A Leam need answer quesLlons only when Lhey are shown Lo be perLlnenL and
consequenLlal Lo Lhe debaLe.
h. lttelevoot otqomeots. ArgumenLs as Lo wheLher Lhe proposlLlon ls consLlLuLlonal, or wheLher lL wlll
be adopLed are lrrelevanL.
l. ultect closb. 1he negaLlve Leam ls prlmarlly responslble for a dlrecL clash, provldlng Lhe afflrmaLlve
Leam ls noL evadlng Lhe proposlLlon. 1he afflrmaLlve Leam ls responslble for a clash on argumenLs
advanced by Lhe negaLlve as evlls ln Lhe proposlLlon.
[. ueloyeJ teplles. An argumenL lnLroduced ln consLrucLlve cases should be replled Lo by Lhe
opponenLs ln Llme Lo glve Lhe Leam whlch advanced Lhe argumenL an opporLunlLy Lo reply.
k. AJoptotloo. A hlgh premlum should be placed upon adapLlve exLempore debaLlng. 1hls should noL
excuse a Leam for lack of clarlLy ln organlzaLlon or for errors ln Lhe use of Lngllsh.
l. letsoosloo. A premlum should be placed upon Lhe ablllLy of Lhe debaLers Lo uLlllze human lnLeresL
and accepLed premlses. lallacles commlLLed ln an aLLempL Lo galn persuaslve power should be
LreaLed Lhe same as oLher fallacles.
m. lollocles. A [udge should noL dlscredlL an argumenL as fallaclous, unless Lhe fallacy ls exposed by Lhe
opposlLlon, excepL ln Lhe closlng afflrmaLlve rebuLLal, when Lhe [udge shall dlscredlL lL upon
dlscoverlng Lhe fallacy.
n. coosttoctlve solotloo. CredlL should be glven Lo Lhe Leam whlch mosL nearly approxlmaLes a
consLrucLlve soluLlon Lo Lhe problems.
o. lolot of otJet. 1he negaLlve Leam shall noL be denled Lhe rlghL Lo rlse Lo a polnL of order afLer Lhe
closlng afflrmaLlve rebuLLal. Powever, lf Lhey argue Lhe polnL lnsLead of sLaLlng Lhe polnL, Lhey shall
be heavlly penallzed on Lhe polnL. ln Lhls conLlngency, flnal dlsposlLlon of Lhe maLLer shall resL
enLlrely wlLh Lhe [udge. ln general, Lhls pracLlce ls Lo be dlscouraged.
Mak|ng a Dec|s|on In L|nco|n Doug|as Debate
A dec|s|on ?@AB/1 CAD be based upon:
1. letsoool blos - A [udge's preference for a slde of Lhe resoluLlon or a Loplc blas should noL enLer lnLo
Lhe declslon. A [udge musL declde Lhe round based on Lhe argumenLs presenLed ln LhaL round.
Cb[ecLlvlLy ls Lhe prlmary responslblllLy of any [udge.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 23

2. lottlollty - 1he [udge should noL be lnfluenced by Lhe repuLaLlon of or relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe debaLers,
schools, or coaches. lf a slLuaLlon arlses where lmparLlallLy ls ln doubL, Lhe [udge has Lhe responslblllLy Lo
reporL Lhls poLenLlal confllcL of lnLeresL Lo Lhe Lab room.
3. New otqomeots lottoJoceJ lo tebottols- 1he [udgeshall dlsregard new argumenLs lnLroduced ln Lhe
rebuLLals. 1hls does noL lnclude Lhe lnLroducLlon of new evldence ln supporL of polnLs already advanced
or Lhe answerlng of argumenLs lnLroduced by opponenLs.
A dec|s|on ?@AB/1 E< based upon the cons|derat|on of any or a|| of the fo||ow|ng quest|ons:
1. 8otJeo of ptoof - Whlch debaLer has proven hls/her slde of Lhe resoluLlon more valld as a general
prlnclple by Lhe end of Lhe round? no debaLer can reallsLlcally be expecLed Lo prove compleLe valldlLy or
lnvalldlLy of Lhe resoluLlon. A [udge should prefer quallLy and depLh of argumenLaLlon Lo mere quanLlLy
of argumenLaLlon. A [udge should base Lhe declslon on whlch debaLer more effecLlvely resolved Lhe
cenLral quesLlons of Lhe resoluLlon raLher Lhan on lnslgnlflcanL dropped argumenLs.
2. voloe sttoctote - Whlch debaLer beLLer esLabllshed a clear and coheslve relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe
argumenLaLlon and Lhe value sLrucLure?
3. Atqomeototloo - Whlch debaLer beLLer presenLed hls/her argumenLs wlLh loglcal reasonlng uslng
approprlaLe supporL? Whlch debaLer besL uLlllzed cross-examlnaLlon Lo clarlfy, challenge, or advance
4. kesolotlooollty -Whlch debaLer besL addressed Lhe cenLral quesLlons of Lhe resoluLlon?
3. Closb - Whlch debaLer besL showed Lhe ablllLy Lo boLh aLLack hls/her opponenL's case and Lo defend
hls/her own?
6. uellvety - Whlch debaLer communlcaLed ln a more persuaslve, clear, and professlonal manner?
A [udge should glve welghL only Lo Lhose argumenLs LhaL were presenLed ln a manner LhaL was clear and
undersLandable Lo hlm or her as a [udge.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 24

Mak|ng a Dec|s|on In ub||c Iorum Debate
ubllc lorum uebaLe ls a Leam evenL LhaL advocaLes or re[ecLs a poslLlon posed by Lhe resoluLlon. A cenLral LeneL of Lhe
debaLe ls LhaL Lhe clash of ldeas musL be communlcaLed ln a manner persuaslve Lo Lhe non-speclallsL or clLlzen [udge",
l.e. a member of Lhe Amerlcan [ury.
A ubllc lorum uebaLe should:
ulsplay solld loglc, reasonlng, and analysls
uLlllze evldence buL noL be drlven by lL
resenL a clash of ldeas
CounLer Lhe argumenLs of Lhe opponenLs (rebuLLal)
CommunlcaLe ldeas wlLh clarlLy, organlzaLlon, eloquence, and professlonal decorum
ubllc lorum ls a unlque debaLe form. Whlle ollcy uebaLe focuses on a plan Lo solve Lhe problem(s) posed by Lhe
resoluLlon, and Llncoln uouglas uebaLe focuses on Lhe core value of Lhe resoluLlon, ubllc lorum uebaLe focuses on
advocacy of a poslLlon derlved from lssues presenLed ln Lhe resoluLlon, noL a prescrlbed seL of burdens.
ln ubllc lorum uebaLe, Lhe nlL deflnes a plan or counLerplan as a formallzed, comprehenslve proposal for
lmplemenLaLlon. nelLher Lhe pro or con slde ls permlLLed Lo offer a plan or counLerplan, raLher, Lhey should offer
reasonlng Lo supporL a poslLlon of advocacy. uebaLers may offer generallzed, pracLlcal soluLlons.
new argumenLs ln Lhe flnal focus" should be lgnored. 1he flnal focus" musL be based on argumenL and lssues prevlously
addressed ln Lhe debaLe.
Loglcal reasonlng, maLurlLy of LhoughL, and effecLlveness of communlcaLlon are of prlmary conslderaLlon. Lvldence,
examples, and analogles are Lo be used for Lhe purpose of lllusLraLlon.
ln maklng a declslon, a [udge should be as ob[ecLlve as posslble. 8emember Lhese are proposlLlons upon whlch Lhere may
have sLrong feellngs of whlch Lhe debaLers are unaware. !udges should ad[udlcaLe Lhe round as lL ls debaLed, noL as Lhey
personally feel.
Award|ng o|nts |n Congress|ona| Debate
Speeches ln Congress should be clearly and loglcally organlzed, and characLerlzed by depLh of LhoughL and developmenL
of ldeas, supporLed by a varleLy of credlble quanLlLaLlve (sLaLlsLlcal) and quallLaLlve (LesLlmony) evldence analyzed
effecLlvely Lo draw concluslons. Compelllng language, an aLLenLlon-grabblng lnLroducLlon and clear LranslLlons should
clearly esLabllsh Lhe speaker's purpose and glve perspecLlve Lo Lhe lssue's slgnlflcance.
Argument - 1he speaker should conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe sponLanelLy of debaLe, effecLlvely synLheslzlng response and refuLaLlon
of prevlous ldeas wlLh new argumenLs. When Lhe speaker flelds quesLlons, he/she should respond wlLh confldence and
De||very - 1he speaker should have pollshed, dellberaLe, crlsp and confldenL vocal conLrol and physlcal polse. uellvery
should be exLemporaneous, wlLh few errors ln pronunclaLlon. Lye conLacL should meanlngful and conslsLenL.
!udges award 1-8 polnLs for each lndlvldual speech a sLudenL glves, accounLlng for Lhe sLudenL's answers Lo quesLlons. lL ls
enLlrely accepLable Lo award 8 polnLs lf Lhe [udge feels Lhe sLudenL meL Lhe burdens of argumenL and Lhe sLandards
above. lf Lhe sLudenLs fell shorL of expecLaLlons, Lhe [udge may deducL polnLs as s/he sees flL. Scores of fewer Lhan Lhree
(3) polnLs are rarely encouraged, and should be reserved for such clrcumsLances as abuslve language, a degradlng
personal aLLack on anoLher leglslaLor, or for a speech LhaL ls exLremely brlef (less Lhan 43 seconds) or dellvered wlLhouL
purpose or dlgnlLy for Lhe cause demanded by Lhe leglslaLlon. SubsLanLlal wrlLLen commenLs and descrlpLlon of speclflc
lncldenLs should accompany such scores.
AL Lhe end of a sesslon, [udges wlll also took sLudenLs ln order of besL Lo leasL besL," accounLlng for all sLudenLs' overall
parLlclpaLlon and conducL durlng Lhe sesslon.
Iudg|ng Speech Lvents
1hese evenLs are deslgned Lo brlng [udges and sLudenLs LogeLher ln an educaLlonal, producLlve, and encouraglng
experlence. 1hls acLlvlLy ls deslgned Lo Leach a varleLy of skllls lncludlng analysls, synLhesls, and arLlsLlc lnLerpreLaLlon.
lf a conLesLanL ls noL presenL when hls/her number ls called, Lhe [udge ls Lo proceed Lo Lhe nexL avallable

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 2S

speaker. When Lhe conLesLanL arrlves, s/he should be heard nexL. AL some dlsLrlcL conLesLs, sLudenLs are
parLlclpaLlng ln anoLher conLesL scheduled for Lhe same hour and Lhey cannoL avold belng laLe. lor Lhe same
reason, a sLudenL may have Lo leave lmmedlaLely afLer speaklng.
As sLudenLs announce Lhelr LlLles, Lhe [udge ls Lo wrlLe Lhe LlLle of Lhe selecLlon ln Lhe deslgnaLed space on Lhe
lf a conLesLanL does noL arrlve by Lhe end of Lhe conLesL, Lhe [udge ls Lo lnqulre abouL Lhe absenL conLesLanL
before s/he marks Lhe balloL. Lvery conLesLanL should be heard.
AfLer all conLesLanLs have been heard, Lhey are Lo be ranked 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8 (Lles are noL permlLLed) ln Lhe
order of excellence. number 1 ls Lhe besL speaker.
1he [udge musL be sure Lo double check Lhe balloL, slgn lL, seal lL ln Lhe envelope, and reLurn lL Lo Lhe balloL Lable.

Speech Lvent 1|me L|m|ts
LxLemporaneous Speaklng
(uS & lnLernaLlonal)
7 mlnuLe speech wlLh 30 second grace perlod
reparaLlon Llme ls 30 mlnuLes
Crlglnal CraLory 10 mlnuLes wlLh 30 second grace perlod
uramaLlc lnLerpreLaLlon 10 mlnuLes wlLh 30 second grace perlod
Pumorous lnLerpreLaLlon 10 mlnuLes wlLh 30 second grace perlod
uuo lnLerpreLaLlon 10 mlnuLes wlLh 30 second grace perlod
If [udges |n the round agree that a student has exceeded the "grace per|od", the student may not be ranked f|rst (1),
but 0%%& 0#. 7% "30F%& ,3(. based on t|me. 1he rank|ng |s up to each |nd|v|dua| [udge's d|scret|on. Iudges who choose
to t|me are to use accurate (stopwatch funct|on) t|m|ng dev|ces. No m|n|mum t|me |s mandated.
Lxtemporaneous Speak|ng
1he exLemporaneous speech should noL be regarded as a memory LesL of Lhe maLerlal conLalned ln any one magazlne
arLlcle, buL raLher as an orlglnal synLhesls by Lhe speaker of Lhe currenL facL and oplnlon on Lhe deslgnaLed Loplc as
presenLed by numerous sources.
1he conLesLanL Lherefore should be held accounLable for sLrlcL adherence Lo Lhe preclse sLaLemenL of Lhe Loplc drawn and
dlscounLed severely for shlfLlng Lo some oLher phase of Lhe Loplc on whlch s/he mlghL prefer Lo speak. 1he lnformaLlon
presenLed should be well-chosen, perLlnenL, and sufflclenL Lo supporL Lhe cenLral LhoughL of Lhe Loplc.
1he maLerlal should be organlzed accordlng Lo some loglcal plan Lo produce a compleLe speech wlLhln Lhe Llme allowed.
uellvery should be free from marked defecLs ln Lhe mechanlcs of speech -- polse, quallLy and use of volce, enunclaLlon,
fluency, bodlly expresslveness -- and should be effecLlve ln enllsLlng and holdlng Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe audlence.
1he besL exLemporaneous speech comblnes clear Lhlnklng, good speaklng, and lnLeresLlng presenLaLlon Lo esLabllsh a
deflnlLe LhoughL wlLh respecL Lo Lhe sub[ecL chosen.
uo noL requlre a conLesLanL speaklng on a coottovetslol sobject Lo Lake a personal sLand on LhaL lssue. S/Pe may do so, or
s/he may elecL Lo presenL boLh sldes of Lhe conLroversy as currenLly seL forLh ln Lhe publlc press. !udge hlm/her on Lhe
effecLlveness wlLh whlch s/he develops Lhe sub[ecL accordlng Lo hls/her own plan.
1here ls nC mlnlmum quallfylng Llme for Lhe exLemp speech. uo noL penallze a conLesLanL for brevlLy unless s/he falls Lo
cover adequaLely Lhe sub[ecL s/he has chosen. Maxlmum Llme ls seven mlnuLes. lmpose no penalLy for sllghL overLlme,
buL do so lf ln your [udgmenL lL ls excesslve.
Cr|g|na| Cratory
Slnce Lhe conLesLanLs dellverlng Lhem have wrlLLen Lhese oraLlons, Lhe [udges should conslder LhoughL, composlLlon, and
dellvery. Powever, slnce Lhls ls a conLesL ln speech raLher Lhan ln essay wrlLlng, Lhe emphasls should be placed on Lhe
speech phase. 1houghL and composlLlon should be consldered prlmarlly ln Lhe way Lhey are employed Lo make effecLlve
speaklng posslble.

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 26

1he oraLor should noL be expecLed Lo solve any of Lhe greaL problems of Lhe day. 8aLher, s/he should be expecLed Lo
dlscuss lnLelllgenLly, wlLh a degree of orlglnallLy, ln an lnLeresLlng manner, and wlLh some proflL Lo hls/her audlence Lhe
Loplc s/he has chosen. Any approprlaLe sub[ecL may be chosen buL Lhe oraLor musL be LruLhful. Any non-facLual reference,
especlally a personal one, MuS1 be so ldenLlfled.
AlLhough many oraLlons deal wlLh a currenL problem and propose a soluLlon, Lhe [udge ls expressly remlnded LhaL Lhls ls
noL Lhe only accepLable form of oraLory. 1he oraLlon may slmply alerL Lhe audlence Lo a LhreaLenlng danger, sLrengLhen lLs
devoLlon Lo an accepLed cause, or euloglze a person. 1he oraLor should be glven free cholce of sub[ecL and [udged solely
on Lhe effecLlveness of lLs developmenL and presenLaLlon.
1he composlLlon should be consldered carefully for lLs rheLorlc and dlcLlon. 1he use of approprlaLe flgures of speech,
slmlles and meLaphors, balanced senLences, alluslons, and oLher rheLorlcal devlces Lo make Lhe oraLlon more effecLlve
should be noLed especlally. use of Amerlcan Lngllsh should be more Lhan correcL, lL should reveal a dlscrlmlnaLlng cholce
of words and alLogeLher flne llLerary quallLles. lL should be especlally adapLed Lo oral presenLaLlon.
uellvery should be [udged for masLery of Lhe usual mechanlcs of speech -- polse, quallLy and use of volce, bodlly
expresslveness, and for Lhe quallLles of dlrecLness and slncerlLy whlch lmpress Lhe oraLlon upon Lhe mlnds of Lhe
audlence. An oraLor should noL be penallzed for a few seconds overLlme.
no parLlcular sLyle of dellvery ls Lo be seL up as Lhe one correcL sLyle Lo whlch all conLesLanLs musL conform. 8aLher, each
conLesLanL ls Lo be [udged upon Lhe effecLlveness of hls/her dellvery, free Lo choose or develop whaLever sLyle wlll besL
glve hlm/her LhaL effecLlveness wlLh hls/her parLlcular oraLlon. no vlsual alds are permlLLed.
1he arL of lnLerpreLaLlon ls Lo be regarded as recreaLlng Lhe characLers ln Lhe sLory presenLed and maklng Lhem seem
llvlng and real Lo Lhe audlence. resenLaLlon shall be from memory and wlLhouL Lhe use of physlcal ob[ecLs or cosLume.
A selecLlon for lnLerpreLaLlon musL be a cuLLlng from a slngle llLerary work: one novel, or one shorL sLory, or one play, or
one or more poems. Monologues are accepLable. uurlng Lhe presenLaLlon, conLesLanLs musL name Lhe auLhor and Lhe
book or magazlne from whlch Lhe cuLLlng was made. AdapLaLlon may be for Lhe purpose of LranslLlon. ln uuo
lnLerpreLaLlon each of Lhe Lwo performers may play one or more characLers, so long as performance responslblllLy ln Lhe
cuLLlng remalns as balanced as posslble. [lf Lhe selecLlon ls prose or poeLry and conLalns narraLlon, elLher or boLh of Lhe
performers may presenL Lhe narraLlon.]
1he selecLlon should be [udged for lLs approprlaLeness as conLesL maLerlal and lLs sulLablllLy Lo Lhe parLlcular conLesLanL
uslng lL. 1he use of good llLeraLure should be noLed favorably and a selecLlon devold of llLerary merlL graded lowesL.
1hls ls a conLesL ln lnLerpreLaLlon. 1he conLesLanLs should be evaluaLed on polse, quallLy and use of volce, lnflecLlons,
emphasls, pronunclaLlon, enunclaLlon, physlcal expresslon, and especlally Lhe ablllLy Lo lnLerpreL characLers correcLly and
conslsLenLly. narraLlve, lf lncluded, should be vlvld and anlmaLed so as Lo be an lnLeresLlng and lnLegral parL of Lhe sLory
raLher Lhan [usL "flller" beLween porLlons of dlalogue.
1he flnal LesL of good lnLerpreLaLlon ls Lhe ablllLy Lo use all Lhese facLors so successfully and unobLruslvely LhaL Lhe hearer
forgeLs LhaL Lhls ls a conLesL and ln a creaLed aLmosphere ls carrled away Lo Lhe Llme and place of Lhe sLory belng

2012 - naLlonal lorenslc League Compet|t|on Lvents Gu|de 27

Change Log
1hls secLlon documenLs revlslons made Lo Lhe competltloo veots ColJe. Cverarchlng modlflcaLlons are lndlcaLed by a
change ln Lhe second dlglL (l.e., 2.1.0), whlle mlnor edlLs or revlslons Lo Lhe currenL documenL are lndlcaLed by a change ln
Lhe Lhlrd dlglL (l.e., 2.0.1). 1he followlng are updaLes Lo Lhe orlglnal verslon.
uaLe verslon Change uescrlpLlon
11/13/12 2.2 Changes Lo lnLerpreLaLlon and Congresslonal uebaLe rules made.

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