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Madison Middle Prep

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________

I Can Statements: I can determine the
main idea(s) of an
informational text
based on key details.
I can summarize an
informational text.
I can explain
between people,
events, and ideas in a
historical, scientific,
or technical text
using specific details
in the text. (RI.5.3)
I can make
inferences using
quotes from the text.
I can determine the
meaning of
unfamiliar academic
and domain-specific
words/phrases using
context (RI.5.4)

CCSS: RI.5.1, RI.5.2,
RI.5.3, RI.5.4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________
Lesson Title Getting the Gist Identifying Vocabulary Introduction-Close Read,
Why does Meg Lowman
Research the Rainforest?

Opening Bell Ringer-(10
mins) Grammar
Bell Ringer- Grammar
Review (10 mins)
Bell Ringer- Grammar
Review (10 mins)
Bell Ringer Grammar
Review (10 mins)
Bell Ringer- Grammar
I Can
Discuss I can (7
mins) statements
Discuss I can
statements (5 mins)
Discuss I can statements
(5 mins)
Discuss I can statements
(5 mins)

Work Time Guided Practice
Reading for Gist
(25 mins):
Sloth Canopy
Researcher: Bryson
Voirin Interview
and First Question
Introduce the
learning targets: I
can determine the
gist of an interview
with scientist
Bryson Voirin, and
I can determine
the meaning of
new words from
context in an
Annotating Text for
Vocabulary and Key
Details (20 mins)
Tell students that they
are going to continue to
read the interview with
Bryson Voirin, paying
attention to key
vocabulary as well as to
text features that help
them find information
about rainforests.
Tell students to
annotate for vocabulary
as well as information
that helps them
understand the
B. Group Read and
Discussion: Who Is Meg
Lowman? (30 minutes)
Place students in their
reading groups.
Distribute the Meg
Lowman Note-catcher and
display it on a document
camera or as a chart on the
Tell students that they
will hear the first few pages
read aloud. They should
follow along and
look/listen for ideas that
answer two questions:
* What does Meg Lowman
study in the rainforests?
Read Aloud and Main Idea:
What Skills Do Scientists in
the Rainforest Need? (20
Distribute the Close
Reading Note-catcher and
display using a document
camera. Focus students on
the first section Immerse
Yourself! First Read pages
9-11. Have students follow
along silently and record
any words or phrases from
the text that stand out, or
that you think are
important, in the left
column of your Note-
catcher. Students will
Finish any previous
lesson activities that
were not completed from
the day(s) before.

ANET Assessment
Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________
interview with
scientist Bryson
Voirin. Guide
students to the
meaning of gist as
a quick mini lesson.
Next, ask students
to just focus on the
first interview
question and
answer. Have them
read it for gist,
underlining any
words they dont
Ask the class to
share out what
they think the gist
of this first
interview question
is. Listen for ideas
such as: It is about
a scientist who
studies sloths: how
they act, what they
eat, and where
they live. Have
students write the
gist in the margin
of the interview,
* What were Meg
Lowmans interests as a

Now that we have read and
recorded information
about what Meg Lowman
studies and what her
interests were as a child,
what inferences can we
make about why Meg
Lowman conducts research
in the rainforests? What
details from the text
support those inferences?

write the main idea of
pages 8-10 in the right
hand column of the note-
First Read: The
Biodiversity of the Blue
Creek Rainforest (20
Ask students to join their
group members, and turn
to page 12 of The Most
Beautiful Roof in the
World. Remind students
that when they first read,
they will be focusing on the
main ideas of the text. As
they have other
opportunities to reread the
text, they will focus on the
descriptive words that
Kathryn Lasky uses to tell
readers about biodiversity.
Read page 12 aloud while
students follow along
Ask students to briefly
discuss what this page is
mostly about, with their
group members.

Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________
next to the first

C. Vocabulary
Work: Starting a
Glossary (20
Cold call students
to share out the
words they
underlined and
listen for the words
biologist, ecology,
and sloths. Ask
students: Could
you figure out the
meaning of any of
these words by
using context
clues? If so, what
other words and/or
sentences helped
you determine
what the word

Questions: Sloth
Canopy Researcher:
Bryson Voirin
Remaining Interview
Questions and Answers
(30 minutes) :

Distribute the Text-
Dependent Questions
for Interview with
Sloth Canopy
Researcher: Bryson
Voirin to each student.
Invite students to
briefly review the gists
they wrote about
Questions 1 to 3 of the
Place students in pairs.
Read the remaining
questions and answers
of the interview (4
through 7) aloud and
ask students to follow
along in their text.
Have students work
Read-aloud and Main Idea:
How Meg Lowman Studies
the Rainforest (30
Focus students on the
paragraph on page 4 that
begins with the phrase
When Meg is at Selby
Gardens . . . Read pages
48 aloud to students, as
they read along silently.
(End with And it has been
exciting . . . tops of trees in
the tanks of bromeliads.)
Ask students to briefly
discuss the gist of the read-
aloud with their group
members. Invite several
students to share aloud,
listening for: how Meg
prepares/preserves the
samples she collects, or
similar ideas.

Second Read: Answering
Text-Dependent Questions
(25 minutes)
Distribute the Text-
Dependent Questions, The
Most Beautiful Roof in the
World, page 12 (one per
Ask students to read
through each of the
questions on their own.
Then ask students to work
with their group for 7 to 8
minutes to go back into the
text on page 12 and discuss
their responses to each
Ask students to consider
the following question:
* How does the author
use language to paint a
picture of the biodiversity
of the rainforest?
Give students several
minutes to look back at
page 12 of The Most
Beautiful Roof in the World

Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________
with their partner first
to discuss and then to
write answers to the
four text-dependent
questions. As students
work, circulate among
partners to check their
understanding based on
their responses and
After approximately 8
to 10 minutes, lead a
class discussion of
student responses.
Focus students
attention on the first
Move on to the
second question. As
each text-dependent
question is reviewed,
elicit answers from
different pairs of

to identify three to five
words that really stood out
for them in painting the
picture of the biodiversity
of the rainforest.

Next, focus students
attention on key
vocabulary from the text.
Post vocabulary words on
the board and ask students
to suggest definitions
and/or synonyms using
context clues (vocabulary
words listed in Module 2A
Unit 2 Lesson4)

D. Further Reading
and Vocabulary
Work: Sloth
Rereading: What Else
Can We Learn from
Bryson Voirins
Research about the

Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________
Researcher: Bryson
Voirin Interview
and Third
Questions (20
Tell students that
they will now do
the same process
with the next
chunk of the
Ask them to
independently read
the second and
third questions of
the interview,
underlining any
words they dont
Ask students to
determine the gist
of the second and
third interview
questions with
their partner.

Rainforest? (15
Tell students that they
are going to reread the
entire article with their
partner, looking for new
things they can learn
about the rainforest.
Introduce the learning
target: I can read the
interview with scientist
Bryson Voirin with
fluency. Ask student
pairs to determine their
roles: One person will
be the interviewer, and
the other will be Bryson
Voirin. Give students
about 5 minutes to read
aloud. As students read,
move throughout the
room, offering feedback
based on the fluency
After about 5 minutes,
ask students to discuss
the new things they
were able to learn about
rainforests during this
read of the interview.
Have students record
Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________
new things they learned

Exit ticket (7 mins)-
Which of the
following answer
choices gives the
gist of the fourth
question? (Provide
A, B, C, D answer
choices on exit


Exit Ticket-(10 mins)
- Bryson Voirin tells
readers to go outside
and explore things if
they are interested in
biology. What feeling
about being a biologist
does the word explore
create for someone
reading this interview?
How would the reader
feel about being a
biologist if he used the
word see instead?

-When the interviewer
asks Bryson Voirin,
What inspired you to
first study science?
Bryson Voirin says he
was always fascinated
with National
Geographic. What does
the word fascinated
mean in that sentence?
What in the text makes
you think so?
Exit Ticket (7 mins)- Which
of the following gives the
main idea/gist of pages 4-
8? (Provide A, B, C, D
answer choices on exit

Text-dependent questions:
Exit ticket-(7 mins)
The third paragraph
describes how When a
tree falls new creatures
move in and take over the
altered habitats. What
does the phrase altered
habitats mean in this
sentence? Support your
answer with evidence from
the text.

ANET Assessment
Madison Middle Prep
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Names: ____Lewis, Gordon, Egan_____________________________________________________________
Week of _Oct 20-24_______________________________________________________________________________________

Closure Activity

Answer final
student questions
and dismiss
Answer final student
questions and dismiss
Answer final student
questions and dismiss
Answer final student
questions and dismiss
Answer final student
questions and dismiss

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