A. English Attitude Survey B. Learning Styles

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Name _______________________________________

A. English Attitude Survey

B. Learning Styles

Do you agree or disagree with each of the statements

below? Write the number that indicates how you feel in
each of the spaces.

Do you know your preferred learning style? To get a sense

of what your learning style is, do the exercise below.


Strongly agree
No opinion
Strongly disagree

1. I enjoy learning languages.

2. I talk in English as often as I can.
3. I read a lot in English.
4. I want to be able to write in English.
5. I enjoy listening to music in English.
6. I will have many more employment
opportunities if I speak English well.
7. I wish I had more hours of English in my

Suppose that you are at a party surrounded by people who

look, act, and speak differently from you.
Do you decide to sit back, observe,
listen carefully, take your time and
learn from watching what others say
and how they act?
Do you ask yourself questions and
make guesses about what is going
on based on what you see and hear?
Do you wait to say something until
you are pretty sure you will not
make any errors?
Do you experiment with things you
have learned in other situations in
an attempt to communicate in this
new situation?
Do you wish you could see the new
words you are hearing in writing?
Do you jump right in and begin
talking to the people at the party
and sharing in the activity even if
your language is pretty minimal?

8. I like to talk with native English speakers.

9. I would study English even if it were not
required at school.

C. The big question!

Is language learning a game or a task for you?

10. If I speak English well I can travel to other

countries and understand more people.

below 0


0 4

Maybe we can change your mind.

5 10


11 16

You like English!

18 20

Move to New York right now!




Student Information Sheet

Name: ______________________________
Age: _________
Email Address: _________________________________
(If you want to give it out)
Interesting Facts about Me
Do you have any siblings (brothers or sisters?)
List their names and ages.


Do you have any pets?

Type of Animal

Actor/ Actress:


School Subject:
Flavor of ice cream:
Thing to do in your free time:
Tell me three things you are good at:
If I had one wish, it would be
If I had a million dollars, I would
After I graduate, I want to
Tell me what one of your teachers did last year that you
liked: __________________________________________
Draw what you think would be the perfect day for you.

Singer/ Musical Artist:
TV Show:

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