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Artifact Title: Praxis II Scores

Date: April 5, 2014

Artifact Description

This artifact is a score sheet from the Elementary Education Content Knowledge Praxis II
test required for education licensing. This was a computer delivered test taken at the
Prometric Center in Madison, Wisconsin.


Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment

This experience best aligns with Standard 1: Content and Curriculum The teacher
understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or
she teaches and can create learning experiences that makes these aspects of subject
matter meaningful for students.

This best aligns with Standard 1 because this test was to evaluate a future
teachers understanding of the content of authentic disciplines (Social Studies, Language
Arts, and Science) taught to elementary students. The Praxis II reflects Standard 1,
because it is an exam that is reflective of the content and curriculum present in all
primary classes. An above passing score on this test demonstrates how knowledgeable
one is about content areas that are most important to students educations.

As a result of this experience, I am more competent in relation to this standard
because I can appreciate all the material that it is essential to teach my students in order
for them to receive an exceptional education. I know what science concepts are
important to cover, what countries are important to explore, and what language essentials
must be taught.

UW-Platteville Knowledge, Skill and Disposition Alignment

This experience best aligns with KSD1.a: Demonstrates Knowledge of Content and
Pedagogy- The candidate displays extensive content knowledge of his/her subject areas
and demonstrates a continuing search for new content knowledge, resources, and best
instructional practices, while understanding student diversity and student misconceptions
and misunderstandings as key to the teaching process.

The experience of my tutoring best aligns with this KSD because taking the
Praxis II content knowledge exam demonstrates that I am knowledgeable in the important
core content areas taught to elementary students. Students will learn through these

I am more competent after this experience because I can present my knowledge
content material and create better ideas of ways to create instructional goals for my
students to meet in these content areas. It also made me consider how misunderstandings
could occur while teaching these topics, and how I can differentiate the way I present
material to students in the future.

Secondary KSDs:

KSD4.e.-Grows and Develops Professionally
KSD1.b.-Demonstrates Knowledge of Students


What I learned about teaching/learning from this experience:

Being tested on the content reinforced many important topics I had not reviewed in quite
awhile. This brought me to realizing that I have a lot to review and will continue to keep
learning and building my base of content knowledge. Taking this test allowed me to
explore these discipline areas again as an adult and as someone with the mindset of a
prospective teacher. That process took me a step further thinking about how I could
present them appropriately and engagingly to students in the future so they could learn as
much information and knowledge about the subjects as possible. Preparing for this exam
I was able to learn different teaching strategies to counteract student deficiencies. I better
understand the importance of continually furthering my education of teaching and

What I learned about myself as a prospective educator as a result of this experience:

What I learned about myself as a prospective educator from taking this test is that I want
to teach my students what they need to know, because those things are also important for
them to know. I learned that, as a teacher, I will have to incorporate differentiation
throughout teaching a lesson if I want all of my students to comprehend what Im
teaching. Taking this content knowledge exam put into perspective the level of
knowledge I need to teach my students and the level of learning they need to be at, and
succeed in understanding.

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