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Rules 72 109
(1) Subject Matters of Special Proceedings: CATCH AGE SHA!C (!ules "# $ 1%&)
(a) C'ange of (a)e
(b) Adoption
(c) Trustees
(d) Constitution of *a)il+ Ho)e
(e) Hospitali,ation of -nsane Persons
(f) Absence and eat'. eclaration of
(g) Guardians'ip and Custod+ of C'ildren
(') Esc'eat
(i) (/oluntar+) issolution of Corporation
(j) Settle)ent of Estate of eceased Persons
(0) Habeas Corpus
(l) (1udicial) Appro2al of /oluntar+ !ecognition of Minor (atural C'ildren
()) !escission and !e2ocation of Adoption
(n) Cancellation or Correction of Entries in t'e Ci2il !egistr+
(#) Special Proceedings is an application or proceeding to establis' t'e status or rig't of a part+. or a
particular fact. generall+ co))enced b+ application. petition or special for) of pleading as )a+ be pro2ided
for b+ t'e particular rule or la34
Settlee!t "# Est$te "# De%e$se& Pe's"!s( )e!ue $!& P'"%ess (Rule 73)
*+,%+ %"u't +$s -u',s&,%t,"!
(1) -f t'e decedent is an in'abitant of t'e P'ilippines at t'e ti)e of 'is deat'. 3'et'er a citi,en of an
alien. 'is 3ill s'all be pro2ed. or letters of ad)inistration granted. and 'is estate settled. in t'e !TC in t'e
pro2ince in 3'ic' 'e resides at t'e ti)e of 'is deat'. and if 'e is an in'abitant of a foreign countr+. t'e !TC
of an+ pro2ince in 3'ic' 'e 'ad 'is estate4 T'e court first ta0ing cogni,ance of t'e settle)ent of t'e estate
of a decedent. s'all e5ercise jurisdiction to t'e e5clusion of all ot'er courts (Sec. 1)4
(#) 6nder !A "7&1. t'e la3 e5panding t'e jurisdiction of t'e inferior courts. MTC. MeTC and MCTC s'all
e5ercise e5clusi2e original jurisdiction o2er probate proceedings. testate and intestate. 3'ere t'e 2alue of
t'e estate does not e5ceed P#%%.%%% (outside Metro Manila) or 3'ere suc' estate does not e5ceed P8%%.%%%
(in Metro Manila)4
(9) T'e jurisdiction of t'e !TC is li)ited to t'e settle)ent and adjudication of properties of t'e deceased
and cannot e5tend to collateral )atters4
)e!ue ,! -u&,%,$l settlee!t "# est$te
(1) T'e residence of t'e decedent at t'e ti)e of 'is deat' is deter)inati2e of t'e 2enue of t'e
proceeding4 -f 'e 3as a resident (in'abitant) of t'e P'ilippines. 2enue is laid e5clusi2el+ in t'e pro2ince of
'is residence. t'e jurisdiction being 2ested in t'e !egional Trial Court t'ereof4 !esidence )eans 'is personal.
actual. or p'+sical 'abitation. 'is actual residence or place of abode4
(#) -t is onl+ 3'ere t'e decedent 3as a nonresident of t'e P'ilippines at t'e ti)e of 'is deat' t'at 2enue
lies in an+ pro2ince in 3'ic' 'e 'ad estate. and t'en C*- t'ereof first ta0ing cogni,ance of t'e proceeding
for settle)ent ac:uires jurisdiction to t'e e5clusion of ot'er courts4 T'e :uestion of residence is
deter)inati2e onl+ of t'e 2enue and does not affect t'e jurisdiction of t'e court4 Hence. t'e institution of t'e
proceeding in t'e pro2ince 3'erein t'e decedent neit'er 'ad residence nor estate does not 2itiate t'e action
of t'e probate court4
(9) ;'ere t'e proceedings 3ere instituted in t3o courts and t'e :uestion of 2enue is seasonabl+ raised.
t'e court in 3'ic' t'e proceeding 3as first filed 'as e5clusi2e jurisdiction to resol2e t'e issue (De Borja vs.
Tan, 97 Phil. 872)4
E.te!t "# -u',s&,%t,"! "# P'"/$te C"u't
(1) T'e )ain function of a probate court is to settle and li:uidate t'e estates of deceased person eit'er
su))aril+ or t'roug' t'e process of ad)inistration4 T'e !TC acting a s a probate court e5ercises but li)ited
jurisdiction. t'us it 'as no po3er to ta0e cogni,ance of and deter)ine t'e issue of title to propert+ clai)ed
b+ a t'ird person ad2ersel+ to t'e decedent unless t'e clai)ant and all ot'er parties 'a2e legal interest in
t'e propert+ consent. e5pressl+ or i)pliedl+. to t'e sub)ission of t'e :uestion to t'e probate court4 -n t'at
case. if t'e probate court allo3s t'e introduction of e2idence on o3ners'ip it is for t'e sole purpose of
deter)ining 3'et'er t'e subject properties s'ould be included in t'e in2entor+. 3'ic' is 3it'in t'e probate
court<s co)petence4 T'e deter)ination is onl+ pro2isional subject to a proper action at t'e !TC in a separate
action to resol2e t'e title4
(#) T'e jurisdiction of t'e probate court )erel+ relates to )atters 'a2ing to do 3it' t'e settle)ent of t'e
estate and t'e probate of 3ills. t'e appoint)ent and re)o2al of ad)inistrators. e5ecutors. guardians and
trustees4 T'e :uestion of o3ners'ip is. as a rule. an e5traneous )atter 3'ic' t'e probate court cannot
resol2e 3it' finalit+(Intestate Estate of Isael !e"es, #eirs of !e"es vs. !e"es, $! 1%9&87, 'ov. 2, 2((()4
P"0e's $!& Dut,es "# P'"/$te C"u't
(1) -n probate proceedings. t'e court:
(a) =rders t'e probate of t'e 3ill of t'e decedent (Sec. %, !)le 77)>
(b) Grants letters of ad)inistration of t'e part+ best entitled t'ereto or to an+ :ualified applicant (Sec. &,
!)le 79)>
(c) Super2ises and controls all acts of ad)inistration>
(d) Hears and appro2es clai)s against t'e estate of t'e deceased (Sec. 11, !)le 8*)>
(e) =rders pa+)ent of la3ful debts (Sec. 11, !)le 88)>
(f) Aut'ori,es sale. )ortgage or an+ encu)brance of real estate (Sec. 2, !)le 89)>
(g) irects t'e deli2er+ of t'e estate to t'ose entitled t'ereto (Sec. 1, !)le 9()>
(') -ssue 3arrants and processes necessar+ to co)pel t'e attendance of 3itnesses or to carr+ into effect
t'eir orders and judg)ents. and all ot'er po3ers granted t'e) b+ la3 (Sec. %, !)le 7%)>
(i) -f a person defies a probate order. it )a+ issue a 3arrant for t'e appre'ension and i)prison)ent of
suc' person until 'e perfor)s suc' order or judg)ent. or is released (Sec. %, !)le 7%)4
(#) T'e court acts as trustee. and as suc'. s'ould jealousl+ guard t'e estate and see to it t'at it is 3isel+
and econo)icall+ ad)inistered. not dissipated (Ti+ol vs. ,ano, 111 Phil. 92%)4
Su$'1 Settlee!t "# Est$tes (Rule 72)
(1) Su))ar+ settle)ent of estate is a judicial proceeding 3'erein. 3it'out t'e appoint)ent of e5ecutor
or ad)inistrator. and 3it'out dela+. t'e co)petent court su))aril+ proceeds to 2alue t'e estate of t'e
decedent> ascertain 'is debts and order pa+)ent t'ereof> allo3 'is 3ill if an+> declare 'is 'eirs. de2isee and
legatees> and distribute 'is net estate a)ong 'is 0no3n 'eirs. de2isees. and legatees. 3'o s'all t'ereupon
be entitled to recei2e and enter into t'e possession of t'e parts of t'e estate so a3arded to t'e).
respecti2el+ (Sec. 2)4
E.t'$-u&,%,$l settlee!t /1 $3'eee!t /et0ee! +e,'s( 0+e! $ll"0e&
(1) -f t'e decedent left no 3ill and no debts and t'e 'eirs are all of age. or t'e )inors are represented b+
t'eir judicial or legal representati2es dul+ aut'ori,ed for t'e purpose. t'e parties )a+. 3it'out securing
letters of ad)inistration. di2ide t'e estate a)ong t'e)sel2es as t'e+ see fit b+ )eans of a public
instru)ent filed in t'e office of t'e register of deeds. and s'ould t'e+ disagree. t'e+ )a+ do so in an
ordinar+ action of partition4 -f t'ere is onl+ one 'eir. 'e )a+ adjudicate to 'i)self t'e entire estate b+
)eans of an affida2it filed in t'e office of t'e register of deeds4 T'e parties to an e5trajudicial settle)ent.
3'et'er b+ public instru)ent or b+ stipulation in a pending action for partition. or t'e sole 'eir 3'o
adjudicates t'e entire estate to 'i)self b+ )eans of an affida2it s'all file. si)ultaneousl+ 3it' and as a
condition precedent to t'e filing of t'e public instru)ent. or stipulation in t'e action for partition. or of t'e
affida2it in t'e office of t'e register of deeds. a bond 3it' t'e said register of deeds. in an a)ount
e:ui2alent to t'e 2alue of t'e personal propert+ in2ol2ed as certified to under oat' b+ t'e parties concerned
and conditioned upon t'e pa+)ent of an+ just clai) t'at )a+ be filed under section 8 of t'is rule4 -t s'all be
presu)ed t'at t'e decedent left no debts if no creditor files a petition for letters of ad)inistration 3it'in t3o
(#) +ears after t'e deat' of t'e decedent4
T'e fact of t'e e5trajudicial settle)ent or ad)inistration s'all be publis'ed in a ne3spaper of general
circulation in t'e )anner pro2ided in t'e ne5t succeeding section> but no e5trajudicial settle)ent s'all be
binding upon an+ person 3'o 'as not participated t'erein or 'ad no notice t'ereof (Sec. 1)4
(#) E5trajudicial partition of t'e estate s'all be 2alid 3'en t'e follo3ing conditions concur:
(a) T'e decedent left no 3ill>
(b) T'e decedent left no debts. or if t'ere 3ere debts left. all 'ad been paid>
(c) T'e 'eirs are all of age or if t'e+ are )inors. t'e latter are represented b+ t'eir judicial guardian or
legal representati2e>
(d) T'e partition 3as )ade b+ )eans of a public instru)ent or affida2it dul+ filed 3it' t'e !egister of
eeds> and
(e) T'e fact of t'e e5trajudicial settle)ent or ad)inistration s'all be publis'ed in a ne3spaper of general
T0"41e$' 5'es%',5t,6e 5e',"&
(1) -t s'all be presu)ed t'at t'e decedent left no debts if no creditor files a petition for letters of
ad)inistration 3it'in t3o (#) +ears after t'e deat' of t'e decedent (Sec. 1)4
(#) -f it s'all appear at an+ ti)e 3it'in t3o (#) +ears after t'e settle)ent and distribution of an estate in
accordance 3it' t'e pro2isions of eit'er of t'e first t3o sections of t'is rule. t'at an 'eir or ot'er person 'as
been undul+ depri2ed of 'is la3ful participation in t'e estate. suc' 'eir or suc' ot'er person )a+ co)pel
t'e settle)ent of t'e estate in t'e courts in t'e )anner 'ereinafter pro2ided for t'e purpose of satisf+ing
suc' la3ful participation4 And if 3it'in t'e sa)e ti)e of t3o (#) +ears. it s'all appear t'at t'ere are debts
outstanding against t'e estate 3'ic' 'a2e not been paid. or t'at an 'eir or ot'er person 'as been undul+
depri2ed of 'is la3ful participation pa+able in )one+. t'e court 'a2ing jurisdiction of t'e estate )a+. b+
order for t'at purpose. after 'earing. settle t'e a)ount of suc' debts or la3ful participation and order 'o3
)uc' and in 3'at )anner eac' distributee s'all contribute in t'e pa+)ent t'ereof. and )a+ issue
e5ecution. if circu)stances re:uire. against t'e bond pro2ided in t'e preceding section or against t'e real
estate belonging to t'e deceased. or bot'4 Suc' bond and suc' real estate s'all re)ain c'arged 3it' a
liabilit+ to creditors. 'eirs. or ot'er persons for t'e full period of t3o (#) +ears after suc' distribution.
not3it'standing an+ transfers of real estate t'at )a+ 'a2e been )ade(Sec. -)4
A##,&$6,t "# Sel#4$&-u&,%$t,"! /1 s"le +e,'
(1) -f t'ere is onl+ one 'eir. 'e )a+ adjudicate to 'i)self t'e entire estate b+ )eans of an affida2it filed
in t'e office of t'e register of deeds (Sec. 1)4
Su$'1 settlee!t "# est$tes "# s$ll 6$lue( 0+e! $ll"0e&
(1) ;'ene2er t'e gross 2alue of t'e estate of a deceased person. 3'et'er 'e died testate or intestate.
does not e5ceed ten t'ousand pesos. and t'at fact is )ade to appear to t'e Court of *irst -nstance 'a2ing
jurisdiction of t'e estate b+ t'e petition of an interested person and upon 'earing. 3'ic' s'all be 'eld not
less t'an (1) )ont' nor )ore t'an t'ree (9) )ont's fro) t'e date of t'e last publication of a notice 3'ic'
s'all be publis'ed once a 3ee0 for t'ree (9) consecuti2e 3ee0s in a ne3spaper of general circulation in t'e
pro2ince. and after suc' ot'er notice to interested persons as t'e court )a+ direct. t'e court )a+ proceed
su))aril+. 3it'out t'e appoint)ent of an e5ecutor or ad)inistrator. and 3it'out dela+. to grant. if proper.
allo3ance of t'e 3ill. if an+ t'ere be. to deter)ine 3'o are t'e persons legall+ entitled to participate in t'e
estate. and to apportion and di2ide it a)ong t'e) after t'e pa+)ent of suc' debts of t'e estate as t'e
court s'all t'en find to be due> and suc' persons. in t'eir o3n rig't. if t'e+ are of la3ful age and legal
capacit+. or b+ t'eir guardians or trustees legall+ appointed and :ualified. if ot'er3ise. s'all t'ereupon be
entitled to recei2e and enter into t'e possession of t'e portions of t'e estate so a3arded to t'e)
respecti2el+4 T'e court s'all )a0e suc' order as )a+ be just respecting t'e costs of t'e proceedings. and all
orders and judg)ents )ade or rendered in t'e course t'ereof s'all be recorded in t'e office of t'e cler0.
and t'e order of partition or a3ard. if it in2ol2es real estate. s'all be recorded in t'e proper register<s
office (Sec. 2)4
(#) T'e court. before allo3ing a partition. )a+ re:uire t'e distributees. if propert+ ot'er t'an real is to be
distributed. to file a bond in an a)ount to be fi5ed b+ court. conditioned for t'e pa+)ent of an+ just clai)
(Sec. %)4
Ree&,es "# $33',e6e& 5$'t,es $#te' e.t'$4-u&,%,$l settlee!t "# est$te
(1) T'e creditor )a+ as0 for ad)inistration of enoug' propert+ of t'e estate sufficient to pa+ t'e debt.
but t'e 'eirs cannot pre2ent suc' ad)inistration b+ pa+ing t'e obligation (.c.ic/in0 vs. S" ,on+ien0, 21
Phil. 211)>
(#) ;'ere t'e estate 'as been su))aril+ settled. t'e unpaid creditor )a+. 3it'in t'e t3o?+ear period.
file a )otion in t'e court 3'erein suc' su))ar+ settle)ent 3as 'ad for t'e pa+)ent of 'is credit4 After t'e
lapse of t'e t3o?+ear period. an ordinar+ action )a+ be instituted against t'e distributees 3it'in t'e statute
of li)itations. but not against t'e bond4
(9) T'e action to annul a deed of e5trajudicial settle)ent on t'e ground of fraud s'ould be filed 3it'in
four +ears fro) t'e disco2er+ of t'e fraud ($erona vs. De $)1an, 2319(*(, .a" 29, 19*-)4
P'"&u%t,"! $!& P'"/$te "# *,ll (Rule 77)
N$tu'e "# 5'"/$te 5'"%ee&,!3
(1) Probate of a 3ill is a proceeding in re4 -t cannot be dispensed 3it' and substituted b+ anot'er
proceeding. judicial or e5trajudicial. 3it'out offending public polic+4 -t is )andator+ as no 3ill s'all pass
eit'er real or personal propert+ unless pro2ed and allo3ed in accordance 3it' t'e !ules4 -t is
i)prescriptible. because it is re:uired b+ public polic+ and t'e state could not 'a2e intended to defeat t'e
sa)e b+ appl+ing t'ereto t'e statute of li)itation of actions ($)evara vs. $)evara, 7- Phil. -79)4
*+" $1 5et,t,"! #"' 5'"/$te8 5e's"!s e!t,tle& t" !"t,%e
(1) An+ e5ecutor. de2isee. or legatee na)ed in a 3ill. or an+ ot'er person interested in t'e estate. )a+.
at an+ ti)e after t'e deat' of t'e testator. petition t'e court 'a2ing jurisdiction to 'a2e t'e 3ill allo3ed.
3'et'er t'e sa)e be in 'is possession or not. or is lost or destro+ed4 T'e testator 'i)self )a+. during 'is
lifeti)e. petition t'e court for t'e allo3ance of 'is 3ill (Sec. 1, !)le 7*)4
(#) T'e court s'all also cause copies of t'e notice of t'e ti)e and place fi5ed for pro2ing t'e 3ill to be
addressed to t'e designated or ot'er 0no3n 'eirs. legatees. and de2isees of t'e testator resident in t'e
P'ilippines at t'eir places of residence. and deposited in t'e post office 3it' t'e postage t'ereon prepaid at
least t3ent+ (#%) da+s before t'e 'earing. if suc' places of residence be 0no3n4 A cop+ of t'e notice )ust in
li0e )anner be )ailed to t'e person na)ed as e5ecutor. if 'e be not be petitioner> also. to an+ person
na)ed as co?e5ecutor not petitioning. if t'eir places of residence be 0no3n4 Personal ser2ice of copies of t'e
notice at least ten (1%) da+s before t'e da+ of 'earing s'all be e:ui2alent to )ailing4 -f t'e testator as0s for
t'e allo3ance of 'is o3n 3ill. notice s'all be sent onl+ to 'is co)pulsor+ 'eirs (Sec. -, !)le 7*)4
All"0$!%e "' D,s$ll"0$!%e "# *,ll (Rule 79)
C"!te!ts "# 5et,t,"! #"' $ll"0$!%e "# 0,ll
(1) A petition for t'e allo3ance of a 3ill )ust s'o3. so far as 0no3n to t'e petitioner:
(a) T'e jurisdictional facts>
(b) T'e na)es. ages. and residences of t'e 'eirs. legatees. and de2isees of t'e testator or decedent>
(c) T'e probable 2alue and c'aracter of t'e propert+ of t'e estate>
(d) T'e na)e of t'e person for 3'o) letters are pra+ed>
(e) -f t'e 3ill 'as not been deli2ered to t'e court. t'e na)e of t'e person 'a2ing custod+ of it4
@ut no defect in t'e petition s'all render 2oid t'e allo3ance of t'e 3ill. or t'e issuance of letters
testa)entar+ or of ad)inistration 3it' t'e 3ill anne5ed (Sec. 2, !)le 7*)4
G'"u!&s #"' &,s$ll"0,!3 $ 0,ll
(1) T'e 3ill s'all be disallo3ed in an+ of t'e follo3ing cases>
(a) -f not e5ecuted and attested as re:uired b+ la3>
(b) -f t'e testator 3as insane. or ot'er3ise )entall+ incapable to )a0e a 3ill. at t'e ti)e of its
(c) -f it 3as e5ecuted under duress. or t'e influence of fear. or t'reats>
(d) -f it 3as procured b+ undue and i)proper pressure and influence. on t'e part of t'e beneficiar+. or of
so)e ot'er person for 'is benefit>
(e) -f t'e signature of t'e testator 3as procured b+ fraud or tric0. and 'e did not intend t'at t'e
instru)ent s'ould be 'is 3ill at t'e ti)e of fi5ing 'is signature t'ereto(Sec. 9, !)le 7*)4
(#) Grounds under Art4 A9&. Ci2il Code:
(a) -f t'e for)alities re:uired b+ la3 'a2e not been co)plied 3it'>
(b) -f t'e testator 3as insane. or ot'er3ise )entall+ incapable of )a0ing a 3ill. at t'e ti)e of its
(c) -f it 3as e5ecuted t'roug' force or duress. or t'e influence of fear. or t'reats>
(d) -f it 3as procured b+ undue and i)proper pressure and influence. on t'e part of t'e beneficiar+ or of
so)e ot'er person>
(e) -f t'e signature of t'e testator 3as procured b+ fraud>
(f) -f t'e testator acted b+ )ista0e or did not intend t'at t'e instru)ent 'e signed s'ould be 'is 3ill at
t'e ti)e of affi5ing 'is signature t'ereto4
Re5'"/$te8 Re:u,s,tes /e#"'e 0,ll 5'"6e& "uts,&e $ll"0e& ,! t+e P+,l,55,!es8 e##e%ts "# 5'"/$te
(1) 4ill 5rove6 o)tsi6e Phili55ines a" +e allo7e6 here. ;ills pro2ed and allo3ed in a foreign countr+.
according to t'e la3s of suc' countr+. )a+ be allo3ed. filed. and recorded b+ t'e proper Court of *irst
-nstance in t'e P'ilippines (Sec. 1, !)le 77)4
(#) 4hen 7ill allo7e6, an6 effect thereof. -f it appears at t'e 'earing t'at t'e 3ill s'ould be allo3ed in
t'e P'ilippines. t'e court s'all so allo3 it. and a certificate of its allo3ance. signed b+ t'e judge. and
attested b+ t'e seal of t'e court. to 3'ic' s'all be attac'ed a cop+ of t'e 3ill. s'all be filed and recorded b+
t'e cler0. and t'e 3ill s'all 'a2e t'e sa)e effect as if originall+ pro2ed and allo3ed in suc' court (Sec. %,
!)le 77)4
(9) ;'en a 3ill is t'us allo3ed. t'e court s'all grant letters testa)entar+. or letters of ad)inistration 3it'
t'e 3ill anne5ed. and suc' letters testa)entar+ or of ad)inistration. s'all e5tend to all t'e estate of t'e
testator in t'e P'ilippines4 Suc' estate. after t'e pa+)ent of just debts and e5penses of ad)inistration.
s'all be disposed of according to suc' 3ill. so far as suc' 3ill )a+ operate upon it> and t'e residue. if an+.
s'all be disposed of as is pro2ided b+ la3 in cases of estates in t'e P'ilippines belonging to persons 3'o are
in'abitants of anot'er state or countr+ (Sec. -, !)le 77)4
(8) ,ertificate of allo7ance attache6 to 5rove6 7ill. To +e recor6e6 in the 8ffice of !e0ister of Dee6s. -f
t'e court is satisfied. upon proof ta0en and filed. t'at t'e 3ill 3as dul+ e5ecuted. and t'at t'e testator at
t'e ti)e of its e5ecution 3as of sound and disposing )ind. and not acting under duress. )enace. and undue
influence. or fraud. a certificate of its allo3ance. signed b+ t'e judge. and attested b+ t'e seal of t'e court
s'all be attac'ed to t'e 3ill and t'e 3ill and certificate filed and recorded b+ t'e cler04 Attested copies of t'e
3ill de2ising real estate and of certificate of allo3ance t'ereof. s'all be recorded in t'e register of deeds of
t'e pro2ince in 3'ic' t'e lands lie (Sec. 1%, !)le 7*)4
(B) T'e general rule uni2ersall+ recogni,ed is t'at ad)inistration e5tends onl+ to t'e assets of t'e
decedent found 3it'in t'e state or countr+ 3'ere it 3as granted. so t'at an ad)inistrator appointed in one
state or countr+ 'as no po3er o2er t'e propert+ in anot'er state or countr+ (2eon 9 $he11i vs.
.an)fact)rer:s 2ife Ins., 8( Phil. -9&)4 ;'en a person dies intestate o3ning propert+ in t'e countr+ of 'is
do)icile as 3ell as in foreign countr+. ad)inistration s'all be 'ad in bot' countries4 T'at 3'ic' is granted in
t'e jurisdiction of t'e decedent<s do)icile is ter)ed t'e principal ad)inistration. 3'ile an+ ot'er
ad)inistration is ter)ed ancillar+ ad)inistration4 T'e ancillar+ ad)inistration is proper 3'ene2er a person
dies lea2ing in a countr+ ot'er t'an t'at of 'is do)icile. propert+ to be ad)inistered in t'e nature of assets
of t'e decedent. liable for 'is indi2idual debts or to be distributed a)ong 'is 'eirs (;ohannes vs. #arve", -%
Phil. 17&)4

Lette's Test$e!t$'1 $!& "# A&,!,st'$t,"! (Rule 7;)
(1) Cetters testa)entar+ is t'e appoint)ent issued b+ a probate court. after t'e 3ill 'as been ad)itted to
probate. to t'e e5ecutor na)ed in t'e 3ill to ad)inister t'e estate of t'e deceased testator. pro2ided t'e
e5ecutor na)ed in t'e 3ill is co)petent. accepts t'e trust and gi2es a bond (Sec. -)4
*+e! $!& t" 0+" lette's "# $&,!,st'$t,"! 3'$!te&
(1) (o person is co)petent to ser2e as e5ecutor or ad)inistrator 3'o:
(a) -s a )inor>
(b) -s not a resident of t'e P'ilippines> and
(c) -s in t'e opinion of t'e court unfit to e5ecute t'e duties of t'e trust b+ reason of drun0enness.
i)pro2idence. or 3ant of understanding or integrit+. or b+ reason of con2iction of an offense in2ol2ing )oral
turpitude (Sec. 1)4
(#) E<ec)tor of e<ec)tor not to a6inister estate. T'e e5ecutor of an e5ecutor s'all not. as suc'. ad)inister
t'e estate of t'e first testator (Sec. 2)4
(9) .arrie6 7oen a" serve. A )arried 3o)an )a+ ser2e as e5ecutri5 or ad)inistratri5. and t'e
)arriage of a single 3o)an s'all not affect 'er aut'orit+ so to ser2e under a pre2ious appoint)ent (Sec. %)4
(8) 2etters testaentar" iss)e6 7hen 7ill allo7e6. ;'en a 3ill 'as been pro2ed and allo3ed. t'e court s'all
issue letters testa)entar+ t'ereon to t'e person na)ed as e5ecutor t'erein. if 'e is co)petent. accepts t'e
trust. and gi2es bond as re:uired b+ t'ese rules (Sec. -)4
(B) 4here soe coe<ec)tors 6is=)alifie6 others a" act. ;'en all of t'e e5ecutors na)ed in a 3ill cannot
act because of inco)petenc+. refusal to accept t'e trust. or failure to gi2e bond. on t'e part of one or )ore
of t'e). letters testa)entar+ )a+ issue to suc' of t'e) as are co)petent. accept and gi2e bond. and t'e+
)a+ perfor) t'e duties and disc'arge t'e trust re:uired b+ t'e 3ill (Sec. &)4
(7) -f no e5ecutor is na)ed in t'e 3ill. or t'e e5ecutor or e5ecutors are inco)petent. refuse t'e trust. or fail
to gi2e bond. or a person dies intestate. ad)inistration s'all be granted:
(a) To t'e sur2i2ing 'usband or 3ife. as t'e case )a+ be. or ne5t of 0in. or bot'. in t'e discretion of t'e
court. or to suc' person as suc' sur2i2ing 'usband or 3ife. or ne5t of 0in. re:uests to 'a2e appointed. if
co)petent and 3illing to ser2e>
(b) -f suc' sur2i2ing 'usband or 3ife. as t'e case )a+ be. or ne5t of 0in. or t'e person selected b+ t'e). be
inco)petent or un3illing. or if t'e 'usband or 3ido3. or ne5t of 0in. neglects for t'irt+ (9%) da+s after t'e
deat' of t'e person to appl+ for ad)inistration or to re:uest t'at ad)inistration be granted to so)e ot'er
person. it )a+ be granted to one or )ore of t'e principal creditors. if co)petent and 3illing to ser2e>
(c) -f t'ere is no suc' creditor co)petent and 3illing to ser2e. it )a+ be granted to suc' ot'er person as t'e
court )a+ select (Sec. *)4
O'&e' "# 5'e#e'e!%e

(1) Priorit+ in selecting an ad)inistrator
(a) Sur2i2ing spouse. or ne5t of 0in. or bot'. or person as suc' sur2i2ing spouse. or ne5t of 0in. re:uests>
(b) =ne or )ore of t'e principal creditors $ if suc' sur2i2ing spouse. or ne5t of 0in. or t'e person
selected. be inco)petent or un3illing. or if t'e+ neglect for 9% da+s after t'e deat' of t'e decedent to appl+
for ad)inistration or to re:uest t'at ad)inistration be granted to so)e ot'er person. it )a+ be granted to.
if co)petent and 3illing to ser2e>
(c) Suc' ot'er person as t'e court )a+ select4

O55"s,t,"! t" ,ssu$!%e "# lette's test$e!t$'18 s,ult$!e"us #,l,!3 "# 5et,t,"! #"' $&,!,st'$t,"!

(1) An+ person interested in a 3ill )a+ state in 3riting t'e grounds 3'+ letters testa)entar+ s'ould not
issue to t'e persons na)ed t'erein e5ecutors. or an+ of t'e). and t'e court. after 'earing upon notice.
s'all pass upon t'e sufficienc+ of suc' grounds4 A petition )a+. at t'e sa)e ti)e. be filed for letters of
ad)inistration 3it' t'e 3ill anne5ed (Sec. 1, !)le 79)4
P"0e's $!& &ut,es "# E.e%ut"'s $!& A&,!,st'$t"'s8 'est',%t,"!s "! t+e 5"0e's (Rule ;2)
(1) An e5ecutor is t'e person no)inated b+ a testator to carr+ out t'e directions and re:uests in 'is 3ill
and to dispose of 'is propert+ according to 'is testa)entar+ pro2isions after 'is deat' (21 >. ;)r. %*9)4
(#) An ad)inistrator is person appointed b+ t'e court. in accordance 3it' t'e go2erning statute. to
ad)inister and settle intestate estate and suc' testate estate as no co)petent e5ecutor 3as designated b+
t'e testator4
(9) E<ec)tor or a6inistrator to have access to 5artnershi5 +oo/s an6 5ro5ert". #o7 ri0ht enforce6. T'e
e5ecutor or ad)inistrator of t'e estate of a deceased partner s'all at all ti)es 'a2e access to. and )a+
e5a)ine and ta0e copies of. boo0s and papers relating to t'e partners'ip business. and )a+ e5a)ine and
)a0e in2oices of t'e propert+ belonging to suc' partners'ip> and t'e sur2i2ing partner or partners. on
re:uest. s'all e5'ibit to 'i) all suc' boo0s. papers. and propert+ in t'eir 'ands or control4 =n t'e 3ritten
application of suc' e5ecutor or ad)inistrator. t'e court 'a2ing jurisdiction of t'e estate )a+ order an+ suc'
sur2i2ing partner or partners to freel+ per)it t'e e5ercise of t'e rig'ts. and to e5'ibit t'e boo0s. papers.
and propert+. as in t'is section pro2ided. and )a+ punis' an+ partner failing to do so for conte)pt (Sec. 1,
!)le 8-)4
(8) E<ec)tor or a6inistrator to /ee5 +)il6in0s in re5air. An e5ecutor or ad)inistrator s'all )aintain in
tenantable repair t'e 'ouses and ot'er structures and fences belonging to t'e estate. and deli2er t'e sa)e
in suc' repair to t'e 'eirs or de2isees 3'en directed so to do b+ t'e court (Sec. 2, !)le 8-)4
(B) E<ec)tor or a6inistrator to retain 7hole estate to 5a" 6e+ts, an6 to a6inister estate not 7ille6. An
e5ecutor or ad)inistrator s'all 'a2e t'e rig't to t'e possession and )anage)ent of t'e real as 3ell as t'e
personal estate of t'e deceased so long as it is necessar+ for t'e pa+)ent of t'e debts and t'e e5penses of
ad)inistration (Sec. %, !)le 8-)4
(7) An ad)inistrator of an intestate cannot e5ercise t'e rig't of legal rede)ption o2er a portion of t'e
propert+ o3ned in co))on sold b+ one of t'e ot'er co?o3ners since t'is is not 3it'in t'e po3ers of
ad)inistration (,aro vs. ,>, 11% S,!> 1()4 ;'ere t'e estate of a deceased person is alread+ t'e subject of
a testate or intestate proceeding. t'e ad)inistrator cannot enter into an+ transaction in2ol2ing it 3it'out
an+ prior appro2al of t'e Court (Estate of 8lave vs. !e"es, 12% S,!> 7*7)4 T'e rig't of an e5ecutor or
ad)inistrator to t'e possession and )anage)ent of t'e real and personal properties of t'e deceased is not
absolute and can onl+ be e5ercised so long as it is necessar+ for t'e pa+)ent of t'e debts and e5penses of
ad)inistration(.ana=)il vs. ?ille0as, 189 S,!> %%&)4
A55",!te!t "# S5e%,$l A&,!,st'$t"'
(1) ;'en t'ere is dela+ in granting letters testa)entar+ or of ad)inistration b+ an+ cause including an
appeal fro) t'e allo3ance or disallo3ance of a 3ill. t'e court )a+ appoint a special ad)inistrator to ta0e
possession and c'arge of t'e estate of t'e deceased until t'e :uestions causing t'e dela+ are decided and
e5ecutors or ad)inistrators appointed (Sec. 1, !)le 8()4
G'"u!&s #"' 'e"6$l "# $&,!,st'$t"'
(1) >6inistration revo/e6 if 7ill 6iscovere6. Procee6in0s there)5on. -f after letters of ad)inistration
'a2e been granted on t'e estate of a decedent as if 'e 'ad died intestate. 'is 3ill is pro2ed and allo3ed b+
t'e court. t'e letters of ad)inistration s'all be re2o0ed and all po3ers t'ereunder cease. and t'e
ad)inistrator s'all fort'3it' surrender t'e letters to t'e court. and render 'is account 3it'in suc' ti)e as
t'e court directs4 Proceedings for t'e issuance of letters testa)entar+ or of ad)inistration under t'e 3ill
s'all be as 'ereinbefore pro2ided (Sec. 1, !)le 82)4
(#) ,o)rt a" reove or acce5t resi0nation of e<ec)tor or a6inistrator. Procee6in0s )5on 6eath,
resi0nation, or reoval. -f an e5ecutor or ad)inistrator neglects to render 'is account and settle t'e estate
according to la3. or to perfor) an order or judg)ent of t'e court. or a dut+ e5pressl+ pro2ided b+ t'ese
rules. or absconds. or beco)es insane. or ot'er3ise incapable or unsuitable to disc'arge t'e trust. t'e court
)a+ re)o2e 'i). or. in its discretion. )a+ per)it 'i) to resign4 ;'en an e5ecutor or ad)inistrator dies.
resigns. or is re)o2ed t'e re)aining e5ecutor or ad)inistrator )a+ ad)inister t'e trust alone. unless t'e
court grants letters to so)eone to act 3it' 'i)4 -f t'ere is no re)aining e5ecutor or ad)inistrator.
ad)inistration )a+ be granted to an+ suitable person (Sec. 2, !)le 82)4
Cl$,s A3$,!st t+e Est$te (Rule ;9)
(1) Ad)inistration is for t'e purpose of li:uidation of t'e estate and distribution of t'e residue a)ong t'e
'eirs and legatees4 Ci:uidation )eans t'e deter)ination of all t'e assets of t'e estate and pa+)ent of all
debts and e5penses4
(#) T'e purpose of presentation of clai)s against decedents of t'e estate in t'e probate court is to
protect t'e estate of deceased persons4 T'at 3a+. t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator 3ill be able to e5a)ine eac'
clai) and deter)ine 3'et'er it is a proper one 3'ic' s'ould be allo3ed4 *urt'er. t'e pri)ar+ object of t'e
pro2isions re:uiring presentation is to apprise t'e ad)inistrator and t'e probate court of t'e e5istence of
t'e clai) so t'at a proper and ti)el+ arrange)ent )a+ be )ade for its pa+)ent in full or b+ 5ro
rata portion in t'e due course of t'e ad)inistration. inas)uc' as upon t'e deat' of a person. 'is entire
estate is burdened 3it' t'e pa+)ent of all 'is debts and no creditor s'all enjo+ an+ preference or priorit+>
all of t'e) s'all s'are 5ro ratain t'e li:uidation of t'e estate of t'e deceased4
T,e 0,t+,! 0+,%+ %l$,s s+$ll /e #,le&8 e.%e5t,"!s
(1) -n t'e notice pro2ided in t'e preceding section. t'e court s'all state t'e ti)e for t'e filing of clai)s
against t'e estate. 3'ic' s'all not be )ore t'an t3el2e (1#) nor less t'an si5 (7) )ont's after t'e date of
t'e first publication of t'e notice4 Ho3e2er. at an+ ti)e before an order of distribution is entered. on
application of a creditor 3'o 'as failed to file 'is clai) 3it'in t'e ti)e pre2iousl+ li)ited. t'e court )a+. for
cause s'o3n and on suc' ter)s as are e:uitable. allo3 suc' clai) to be filed 3it'in a ti)e not e5ceeding
one (1) )ont' (Sec. 2)4
St$tute "# N"!4%l$,s
(1) T'e rule re:uires certain creditors of a deceased person to present t'eir clai)s for e5a)ination and
allo3ance 3it'in a specified period. t'e purpose t'ereof being to settle t'e estate 3it' dispatc'. so t'at t'e
residue )a+ be deli2ered to t'e persons entitled t'ereto 3it'out t'eir being after3ards called upon to
respond in actions for clai)s. 3'ic'. under t'e ordinar+ statute of li)itations. 'a2e not +et
prescribed(Santos vs. .anaran0, 27 Phil. 21%)4
Cl$, "# E.e%ut"' "' $&,!,st'$t"' $3$,!st t+e Est$te
(1) -f t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator 'as a clai) against t'e estate 'e represents. 'e s'all gi2e notice
t'ereof. in 3riting. to t'e court. and t'e court s'all appoint a special ad)inistrator. 3'o s'all. in t'e
adjust)ent of suc' clai). 'a2e t'e sa)e po3er and be subject to t'e sa)e liabilit+ as t'e general
ad)inistrator or e5ecutor in t'e settle)ent of ot'er clai)s4 T'e court )a+ order t'e e5ecutor or
ad)inistrator to pa+ to t'e special ad)inistrator necessar+ funds to defend suc' clai) (Sec. 8)4
P$1e!t "# De/ts (Rule ;;)
(1) -f t'ere are sufficient properties. t'e debts s'all be paid. t'us:
(a) All debts s'all be paid in full 3it'in t'e ti)e li)ited for t'e purpose (Sec. 1)>
(b) -f t'e testator )a0es pro2ision b+ 'is 3ill. or designates t'e estate to be appropriated for t'e
pa+)ent of debts t'e+ s'all be paid according to t'e pro2isions of t'e 3ill. 3'ic' )ust be respected (Sec.
(c) -f t'e estate designated in t'e 3ill is not sufficient. suc' part of t'e estate as is not disposed of b+ 3ill
s'all be appropriated for t'e purpose (Sec. 2)>
(d) T'e personal estate not disposed of b+ 3ill s'all be first c'argeable 3it' pa+)ent of debts and
e5penses (Sec. %)>
(e) -f t'e personal estate is not sufficient. or its sale 3ould be detri)ental to t'e participants of t'e
estate. t'e real estate not disposed of b+ 3ill s'all be sold or encu)bered for t'at purpose (Sec. %)>
(f) An+ deficienc+ s'all be )et b+ contributions fro) de2isees. legatees and 'eirs 3'o 'a2e entered into
possession of portions of t'e estate before debts and e5penses 'a2e been paid (Sec. *)>
(g) T'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator s'all retain sufficient estate to pa+ contingent clai)s 3'en t'e sa)e
beco)es absolute (Sec. -)4
(#) -f t'e estate is insol2ent. t'e debts s'all be paid in t'e follo3ing )anner:
(a) T'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator s'all pa+ t'e debts in accordance 3it' t'e preference of credits
establis'ed b+ t'e Ci2il Code (Sec. 7)>
(b) (o creditor of an+ one class s'all recei2e an+ pa+)ent until t'ose of t'e preceding class are
paid (Sec. 8)>
(c) -f t'ere are no assets sufficient to pa+ t'e credits of an+ one class of creditors. eac' creditor 3it'in
suc' class s'all be paid a di2idend in proportion to 'is clai) (Sec. 8)>
(d) ;'ere t'e deceased 3as a nonresident. 'is estate in t'e P'ilippines s'all be disposed of in suc' a 3a+
t'at creditors in t'e P'ilippines and else3'ere )a+ recei2e an e:ual s'are in proportion to t'eir respecti2e
credits (Sec. 9)>
(e) Clai)s dul+ pro2ed against t'e estate of an insol2ent resident of t'e P'ilippines. t'e e5ecutor or
ad)inistrator. 'a2ing 'ad t'e opportunit+ to contest suc' clai)s. s'all e included in t'e certified list of
clai)s pro2ed against t'e deceased4 T'e o3ner of suc' clai)s s'all be entitled to a just distribution of t'e
estate in accordance 3it' t'e preceding rules if t'e propert+ of suc' deceased person in anot'er countr+ is
li0e3ise e:uall+ apportioned to t'e creditors residing in t'e P'ilippines and ot'er creditors. according to t'eir
respecti2e clai)s (Sec. 1()>
(f) -t )ust be noted t'at t'e pa+)ents of debts of t'e decedent s'all be )ade pursuant to t'e order of
t'e probate court (Sec. 11)4
(9) Tie for 5a"in0 6e+ts an6 le0acies fi<e6, or e<ten6e6 after notice, 7ithin 7hat 5erio6s. =n granting
letters testa)entar+ or ad)inistration t'e court s'all allo3 to t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator a ti)e for
disposing of t'e estate and pa+ing t'e debts and legacies of t'e deceased. 3'ic' s'all not. in t'e first
instance. e5ceed one (1) +ear> but t'e court )a+. on application of t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator and after
'earing on suc' notice of t'e ti)e and place t'erefor gi2en to all persons interested as it s'all direct. e5tend
t'e ti)e as t'e circu)stances of t'e estate re:uire not e5ceeding si5 (7) )ont's for a single e5tension nor
so t'at t'e 3'ole period allo3ed to t'e original e5ecutor or ad)inistrator s'all e5ceed t3o (#) +ears (Sec.
(8) Applicable pro2isions under t'e Ci2il Code:
Art4 ##814 ;it' reference to specific )o2able propert+ of t'e debtor. t'e follo3ing clai)s or liens s'all be
(1) uties. ta5es and fees due t'ereon to t'e State or an+ subdi2ision t'ereof>
(#) Clai)s arising fro) )isappropriation. breac' of trust. or )alfeasance b+ public officials co))itted in t'e
perfor)ance of t'eir duties. on t'e )o2ables. )one+ or securities obtained b+ t'e)>
(9) Clai)s for t'e unpaid price of )o2ables sold. on said )o2ables. so long as t'e+ are in t'e possession of
t'e debtor. up to t'e 2alue of t'e sa)e> and if t'e )o2able 'as been resold b+ t'e debtor and t'e price is
still unpaid. t'e lien )a+ be enforced on t'e price> t'is rig't is not lost b+ t'e i))obili,ation of t'e t'ing b+
destination. pro2ided it 'as not lost its for). substance and identit+> neit'er is t'e rig't lost b+ t'e sale of
t'e t'ing toget'er 3it' ot'er propert+ for a lu)p su). 3'en t'e price t'ereof can be deter)ined
(8) Credits guaranteed 3it' a pledge so long as t'e t'ings pledged are in t'e 'ands of t'e creditor. or t'ose
guaranteed b+ a c'attel )ortgage. upon t'e t'ings pledged or )ortgaged. up to t'e 2alue t'ereof>
(B) Credits for t'e )a0ing. repair. safe0eeping or preser2ation of personal propert+. on t'e )o2able t'us
)ade. repaired. 0ept or possessed>
(7) Clai)s for laborers< 3ages. on t'e goods )anufactured or t'e 3or0 done>
(") *or e5penses of sal2age. upon t'e goods sal2aged>
(A) Credits bet3een t'e landlord and t'e tenant. arising fro) t'e contract of tenanc+ on s'ares. on t'e
s'are of eac' in t'e fruits or 'ar2est>
(&) Credits for transportation. upon t'e goods carried. for t'e price of t'e contract and incidental e5penses.
until t'eir deli2er+ and for t'irt+ da+s t'ereafter>
(1%) Credits for lodging and supplies usuall+ furnis'ed to tra2ellers b+ 'otel 0eepers. on t'e )o2ables
belonging to t'e guest as long as suc' )o2ables are in t'e 'otel. but not for )one+ loaned to t'e guests>
(11) Credits for seeds and e5penses for culti2ation and 'ar2est ad2anced to t'e debtor. upon t'e fruits
(1#) Credits for rent for one +ear. upon t'e personal propert+ of t'e lessee e5isting on t'e i))o2able leased
and on t'e fruits of t'e sa)e. but not on )one+ or instru)ents of credit>
(19) Clai)s in fa2or of t'e depositor if t'e depositar+ 'as 3rongfull+ sold t'e t'ing deposited. upon t'e price
of t'e sale4
-n t'e foregoing cases. if t'e )o2ables to 3'ic' t'e lien or preference attac'es 'a2e been 3rongfull+ ta0en.
t'e creditor )a+ de)and t'e) fro) an+ possessor. 3it'in t'irt+ da+s fro) t'e unla3ful sei,ure4
Art4 ##8#4 ;it' reference to specific i))o2able propert+ and real rig'ts of t'e debtor. t'e follo3ing clai)s.
)ortgages and liens s'all be preferred. and s'all constitute an encu)brance on t'e i))o2able or real rig't:
(1) Ta5es due upon t'e land or building>
(#) *or t'e unpaid price of real propert+ sold. upon t'e i))o2able sold>
(9) Clai)s of laborers. )asons. )ec'anics and ot'er 3or0)en. as 3ell as of arc'itects. engineers and
contractors. engaged in t'e construction. reconstruction or repair of buildings. canals or ot'er 3or0s. upon
said buildings. canals or ot'er 3or0s>
(8) Clai)s of furnis'ers of )aterials used in t'e construction. reconstruction. or repair of buildings. canals or
ot'er 3or0s. upon said buildings. canals or ot'er 3or0s>
(B) Mortgage credits recorded in t'e !egistr+ of Propert+. upon t'e real estate )ortgaged>
(7) E5penses for t'e preser2ation or i)pro2e)ent of real propert+ 3'en t'e la3 aut'ori,es rei)burse)ent.
upon t'e i))o2able preser2ed or i)pro2ed>
(") Credits annotated in t'e !egistr+ of Propert+. in 2irtue of a judicial order. b+ attac')ents or e5ecutions.
upon t'e propert+ affected. and onl+ as to later credits>
(A) Clai)s of co?'eirs for 3arrant+ in t'e partition of an i))o2able a)ong t'e). upon t'e real propert+
t'us di2ided>
(&) Clai)s of donors or real propert+ for pecuniar+ c'arges or ot'er conditions i)posed upon t'e donee.
upon t'e i))o2able donated>
(1%) Credits of insurers. upon t'e propert+ insured. for t'e insurance pre)iu) for t3o +ears4
Art4 ##894 T'e clai)s or credits enu)erated in t'e t3o preceding articles s'all be considered as )ortgages
or pledges of real or personal propert+. or liens 3it'in t'e pur2ie3 of legal pro2isions go2erning insol2enc+4
Ta5es )entioned in (o4 1. article ##81. and (o4 1. article ##8#. s'all first be satisfied4
Art4 ##884 ;it' reference to ot'er propert+. real and personal. of t'e debtor. t'e follo3ing clai)s or credits
s'all be preferred in t'e order na)ed:
(1) Proper funeral e5penses for t'e debtor. or c'ildren under 'is or 'er parental aut'orit+ 3'o 'a2e no
propert+ of t'eir o3n. 3'en appro2ed b+ t'e court>
(#) Credits for ser2ices rendered t'e insol2ent b+ e)plo+ees. laborers. or 'ouse'old 'elpers for one +ear
preceding t'e co))ence)ent of t'e proceedings in insol2enc+>
(9) E5penses during t'e last illness of t'e debtor or of 'is or 'er spouse and c'ildren under 'is or 'er
parental aut'orit+. if t'e+ 'a2e no propert+ of t'eir o3n>
(8) Co)pensation due t'e laborers or t'eir dependents under la3s pro2iding for inde)nit+ for da)ages in
cases of labor accident. or illness resulting fro) t'e nature of t'e e)plo+)ent>
(B) Credits and ad2ance)ents )ade to t'e debtor for support of 'i)self or 'erself. and fa)il+. during t'e
last +ear preceding t'e insol2enc+>
(7) Support during t'e insol2enc+ proceedings. and for t'ree )ont's t'ereafter>
(") *ines and ci2il inde)nification arising fro) a cri)inal offense>
(A) Cegal e5penses. and e5penses incurred in t'e ad)inistration of t'e insol2ent<s estate for t'e co))on
interest of t'e creditors. 3'en properl+ aut'ori,ed and appro2ed b+ t'e court>
(&) Ta5es and assess)ents due t'e national go2ern)ent. ot'er t'an t'ose )entioned in articles ##81. (o4
1. and ##8#. (o4 1>
(1%) Ta5es and assess)ents due an+ pro2ince. ot'er t'an t'ose referred to in articles ##81. (o4 1. and
##8#. (o4 1>
(11) Ta5es and assess)ents due an+ cit+ or )unicipalit+. ot'er t'an t'ose indicated in articles ##81. (o4 1.
and ##8#. (o4 1>
(1#) a)ages for deat' or personal injuries caused b+ a :uasi?delict>
(19) Gifts due to public and pri2ate institutions of c'arit+ or beneficence>
(18) Credits 3'ic'. 3it'out special pri2ilege. appear in (a) a public instru)ent> or (b) in a final judg)ent. if
t'e+ 'a2e been t'e subject of litigation4 T'ese credits s'all 'a2e preference a)ong t'e)sel2es in t'e order
of priorit+ of t'e dates of t'e instru)ents and of t'e judg)ents. respecti2el+4
Art4 ##8B4 Credits of an+ ot'er 0ind or class. or b+ an+ ot'er rig't or title not co)prised in t'e four
preceding articles. s'all enjo+ no preference4
=!E! =* P!E*E!E(CE =* C!E-TS
Art4 ##874 T'ose credits 3'ic' enjo+ preference 3it' respect to specific )o2ables. e5clude all ot'ers to t'e
e5tent of t'e 2alue of t'e personal propert+ to 3'ic' t'e preference refers4
Art4 ##8"4 -f t'ere are t3o or )ore credits 3it' respect to t'e sa)e specific )o2able propert+. t'e+ s'all be
satisfied pro rata. after t'e pa+)ent of duties. ta5es and fees due t'e State or an+ subdi2ision t'ereof4
Art4 ##8A4 T'ose credits 3'ic' enjo+ preference in relation to specific real propert+ or real rig'ts. e5clude all
ot'ers to t'e e5tent of t'e 2alue of t'e i))o2able or real rig't to 3'ic' t'e preference refers4
Art4 ##8&4 -f t'ere are t3o or )ore credits 3it' respect to t'e sa)e specific real propert+ or real rig'ts. t'e+
s'all be satisfied pro rata. after t'e pa+)ent of t'e ta5es and assess)ents upon t'e i))o2able propert+ or
real rig't4
Art4 ##B%4 T'e e5cess. if an+. after t'e pa+)ent of t'e credits 3'ic' enjo+ preference 3it' respect to
specific propert+. real or personal. s'all be added to t'e free propert+ 3'ic' t'e debtor )a+ 'a2e. for t'e
pa+)ent of t'e ot'er credits4
Art4 ##B14 T'ose credits 3'ic' do not enjo+ an+ preference 3it' respect to specific propert+. and t'ose
3'ic' enjo+ preference. as to t'e a)ount not paid. s'all be satisfied according to t'e follo3ing rules:
(1) -n t'e order establis'ed in article ##88>
(#) Co))on credits referred to in article ##8B s'all be paid pro rata regardless of dates4
A%t,"!s /1 $!& $3$,!st E.e%ut"'s $!& A&,!,st'$t"'s (Rule ;7)
(1) (o action upon a clai) for t'e reco2er+ of )one+ or debts or interest t'ereon s'all be co))enced
against t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator (Sec. 1)4
A%t,"!s t+$t $1 /e /'"u3+t $3$,!st e.e%ut"'s $!& $&,!,st'$t"'s
(1) An action to reco2er real or personal propert+. or an interest t'erein. fro) t'e estate. or to enforce a
lien t'ereon. and actions to reco2er da)ages for an injur+ to person or propert+. real or personal. )a+ be
co))enced against t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator (Sec. 1)4
(#) ;'ene2er a part+ to a pending action dies. and t'e clai) is not t'ereb+ e5tinguis'ed. it s'all be t'e
dut+ of 'is counsel to infor) t'e court 3it'in t'irt+ (9%) da+s after suc' deat' of t'e fact t'ereof. and to
gi2e t'e na)e and address of 'is legal representati2e or representati2es4 *ailure of counsel to co)pl+ 3it'
t'is dut+ s'all be a ground for disciplinar+ action4 T'e 'eirs of t'e deceased )a+ be allo3ed to be
substituted for t'e deceased. 3it'out re:uiring t'e appoint)ent of an e5ecutor or ad)inistrator and t'e
court )a+ appoint a guardian ad lite) for t'e )inor 'eirs4
T'e court s'all fort'3it' order said legal representati2e or representati2es to appear and be
substituted 3it'in a period of t'irt+ (9%) da+s fro) notice4 -f no legal representati2e is na)ed b+ t'e
counsel for t'e deceased part+. or if t'e one so na)ed s'all fail to appear 3it'in t'e specified period. t'e
court )a+ order t'e opposing part+. 3it'in a specified ti)e. to procure t'e appoint)ent of an e5ecutor or
ad)inistrator for t'e estate of t'e deceased and t'e latter s'all i))ediatel+ appear for and on be'alf of t'e
deceased4 T'e court c'arges in procuring suc' appoint)ent. if defra+ed b+ t'e opposing part+. )a+ be
reco2ered as costs (Sec. 1*, !)le %)4
(9) ;'en t'e action is for reco2er+ of )one+ arising fro) contract. e5press or i)plied. and t'e defendant
dies before entr+ of final judg)ent in t'e court in 3'ic' t'e action 3as pending at t'e ti)e of suc' deat'. it
s'all not be dis)issed but s'all instead be allo3ed to continue until entr+ of final judg)ent4 A fa2orable
judg)ent obtained b+ t'e plaintiff t'erein s'all be enforced in t'e )anner especiall+ pro2ided in t'ese !ules
for prosecuting clai)s against t'e estate of a deceased person (Sec. 2(, !)le %)4
Re:u,s,tes /e#"'e %'e&,t"' $1 /',!3 $! $%t,"! #"' 'e%"6e'1 "# 5'"5e't1 #'$u&ule!tl1 %"!6e1e& /1
(1) *or t'e creditor to file and action to reco2er propert+ fraudulentl+ con2e+ed b+ t'e deceased. t'e
follo3ing re:uisites )ust be present:
(a) T'ere is a deficienc+ of assets in t'e 'ands of an e5ecutor or ad)inistrator for t'e pa+)ent of debts
and e5penses of ad)inistration>
(b) T'e deceased in 'is lifeti)e 'ad )ade or atte)pted to )a0e a fraudulent con2e+ance of 'is real or
personal propert+. or a rig't or interest t'erein. or a debt or credit. 3it' intent to defraud 'is creditors or to
a2oid an+ rig't. debt or dut+> or 'ad so con2e+ed suc' propert+. rig't. debt. or credit t'at b+ la3 t'e
con2e+ance 3ould be 2oid as against 'is creditors>
(c) T'e subject of t'e atte)pted con2e+ance 3ould be liable to attac')ent b+ an+ of t'e) in 'is lifeti)e>
(d) T'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator 'as s'o3n to 'a2e no desire to file t'e action or failed to institute t'e
sa)e 3it'in a reasonable ti)e>
(e) Cea2e is granted b+ t'e court to t'e creditor to file t'e action>
(f) A bond is filed b+ t'e creditor as prescribed in t'e !ules>
(g) T'e action b+ t'e creditor is in t'e na)e of t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator (Sec. 1()4
D,st',/ut,"! $!& P$'t,t,"! (Rule 90)
(1) @efore t'ere could be a distribution of t'e estate. t'e follo3ing t3o stages )ust be follo3ed:
(a) Pa+)ent of obligations (li:uidation of estate) $ under t'e !ules. t'e distribution of a decedent<s
assets )a+ onl+ be ordered under an+ of t'e follo3ing t'ree circu)stances: (1) 3'en t'e in'eritance ta5.
a)ong ot'er is paid> (#) 3'en a sufficient bond is gi2en to )eet t'e pa+)ent of t'e in'eritance ta5 and all
ot'er obligations> and (9) 3'en t'e pa+)ent of t'e said ta5 and all ot'er obligations 'as been pro2ided for>
(b) eclaration of 'eirs $ t'ere )ust first be declaration of 'eirs to deter)ine to 3'o) t'e residue of t'e
estate s'ould e distributed4 A separate action for t'e declaration of 'eirs is not proper4 And li0e3ise after.
not before t'e declaration of 'eirs is )ade )a+ t'e residue be distributed and deli2ered to t'e 'eirs4
(#) T'e settle)ent of a decedent<s estate is a proceeding in re 3'ic' is binding against t'e 3'ole 3orld4
All persons 'a2ing interest in t'e subject )atter in2ol2ed. 3'et'er t'e+ 3ere notified or not. are e:uall+
Sec4 14 4hen or6er for 6istri+)tion of resi6)e a6e. ;'en t'e debts. funeral c'arges. and e5penses of
ad)inistration. t'e allo3ance to t'e 3ido3. and in'eritance ta5. if an+. c'argeable to t'e estate in
accordance 3it' la3. 'a2e been paid. t'e court. on t'e application of t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator. or of a
person interested in t'e estate. and after 'earing upon notice. s'all assign t'e residue of t'e estate to t'e
persons entitled to t'e sa)e. na)ing t'e) and t'e proportions. or parts. to 3'ic' eac' is entitled. and suc'
person )a+ de)and and reco2er t'eir respecti2e s'ares fro) t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator. or an+ ot'er
person 'a2ing t'e sa)e in 'is possession4 -f t'ere is a contro2ers+ before t'e court as to 3'o are t'e la3ful
'eirs of t'e deceased person or as to t'e distributi2e s'ares to 3'ic' eac' person is entitled under t'e la3.
t'e contro2ers+ s'all be 'eard and decided as in ordinar+ cases4
(o distribution s'all be allo3ed until t'e pa+)ent of t'e obligations abo2e )entioned 'as been )ade
or pro2ided for. unless t'e distributees. or an+ of t'e). gi2e a bond. in a su) to be fi5ed b+ t'e court.
conditioned for t'e pa+)ent of said obligations 3it'in suc' ti)e as t'e court directs4
Sec4 #4 @)estions as to a6vanceent to +e 6eterine6. Duestions as to ad2ance)ent )ade. or alleged to
'a2e been )ade. b+ t'e deceased to an+ 'eir )a+ be 'eard and deter)ined b+ t'e court 'a2ing jurisdiction
of t'e estate proceedings> and t'e final order of t'e court t'ereon s'all be binding on t'e person raising t'e
:uestions and on t'e 'eir4
Sec4 94 B" 7ho e<5enses of 5artition 5ai6. -f at t'e ti)e of t'e distribution t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator
'as retained sufficient effects in 'is 'ands 3'ic' )a+ la3full+ be applied for t'e e5penses of partition of t'e
properties distributed. suc' e5penses of partition )a+ be paid b+ suc' e5ecutor or ad)inistrator 3'en it
appears e:uitable to t'e court and not inconsistent 3it' t'e intention of t'e testator> ot'er3ise. t'e+ s'all
be paid b+ t'e parties in proportion to t'eir respecti2e s'ares or interest in t'e pre)ises. and t'e
apportion)ent s'all be settled and allo3ed b+ t'e court. and. if an+ person interested in t'e partition does
not pa+ 'is proportion or s'are. t'e court )a+ issue an e5ecution in t'e na)e of t'e e5ecutor or
ad)inistrator against t'e part+ not pa+ing for t'e su) assessed4
P'"-e%t "# P$'t,t,"!
(1) Project of partition is a docu)ent prepared b+ t'e e5ecutor or ad)inistrator setting fort' t'e )anner
in 3'ic' t'e estate of t'e deceased is to be distributed a)ong t'e 'eirs4 -f t'e estate is a testate estate. t'e
project of partition )ust confor) to t'e ter)s of t'e 3ill> if intestate. t'e project of partition )ust be in
accordance 3it' t'e pro2isions of t'e Ci2il Code (,aia 6e !e"es vs. !e"es 6e Ilano, *% Phil. *29)4
Ree&1 "# $! +e,' e!t,tle& t" 'es,&ue /ut !"t 3,6e! +,s s+$'e
(1) -f t'ere is a contro2ers+ before t'e court as to 3'o are t'e la3ful 'eirs of t'e deceased person or as
to t'e distributi2e s'ares to 3'ic' eac' person is entitled under t'e la3. t'e contro2ers+ s'all be 'eard and
decided as in ordinar+ cases (Sec. 1)4
(#) T'e better practice for t'e 'eir 3'o 'as not recei2ed 'is s'are is to de)and 'is s'are t'roug' a
proper )otion in t'e sa)e probate or ad)inistration proceedings. or for reopening of t'e probate or
ad)inistrati2e proceedings if it 'ad alread+ been closed. and not t'roug' an independent action. 3'ic'
3ould be tried b+ anot'er court or judge (!aos vs. 8ct)1ar, 89 Phil. 7%()4
(9) -t 'as been 'eld t'at an order 3'ic' deter)ines t'e distributi2e s'are of t'e 'eirs of a deceased
person is appealable4 -f not appealed 3it'in t'e regle)entar+ period. it beco)es final (I5erial vs. .)Ao1,
&8 S,!>)4
(8) T'e Court allo3ed t'e continuation of a separate action to annul t'e project of partition b+ a
preterited 'eir. since t'e estate proceedings 'a2e been closed and ter)inated for o2er t'ree +ears ($)ilas
vs. ;)60e of the ,BI of Pa5an0a, -% S,!> 117). and on t'e ground of lesion. preterition and fraud (Solivio
vs. ,>, 99 Phil. 1(*9)4
I!st$!%es 0+e! 5'"/$te %"u't $1 ,ssue 0',t "# e.e%ut,"!
(1) T'e onl+ instances 3'en t'e probate court )a+ issue a 3rit of e5ecution are as follo3s:
(a) To satisf+ t'e contributi2e s'ares of de2isees. legatees and 'eirs in possession of t'e decedent<s
assets (Sec. *, !)le 88)>
(b) To enforce pa+)ent of e5penses of partition (Sec. %, !)le 9()> and
(c) To satisf+ t'e costs 3'en a person is cited for e5a)ination in probate proceedings (Sec. 1%, !)le
T'ustees (Rule 9;)
D,st,!3u,s+e& #'" e.e%ut"'>$&,!,st'$t"'
C"!&,t,"!s "# t+e ?"!&
(1) A trustee appointed b+ t'e court is re:uired to furnis' a bond and t'e ter)s of t'e trust or a statute
)a+ pro2ide t'at a trustee appointed b+ a court s'all be re:uired to furnis' a bond in order to :ualif+ 'i) to
ad)inister t'e trust (&- >. ;)r. -2&)4 Ho3e2er. t'e court )a+ until furt'er order e5e)pt a trustee under a
3ill fro) gi2ing a bond 3'en t'e testator 'as directed or re:uested suc' e5e)ption or 3'en all persons
beneficiall+ interested in t'e trust. being of full age. re:uest t'e e5e)ption4 Suc' e5e)ption )a+ be
cancelled b+ t'e court at an+ ti)e. and t'e trustee re:uired to fort'3it' file a bond (Sec. &)4 -f t'e trustee
fails to furnis' a bond as re:uired b+ t'e court. 'e fails to :ualif+ as suc'4 (onet'eless t'e trust is not
defeated b+ suc' a failure to gi2e bond4
(#) T'e follo3ing conditions s'all be dee)ed to be a part of t'e bond 3'et'er 3ritten t'erein or not:
(a) T'at t'e trustee 3ill )a0e and return to t'e court. at suc' ti)e as it )a+ order. a true in2entor+ of all
t'e real and personal estate belonging to 'i) as trustee. 3'ic' at t'e ti)e of t'e )a0ing of suc' in2entor+
s'all 'a2e co)e to 'is possession or 0no3ledge>
(b) T'at 'e 3ill )anage and dispose of all suc' estate. and fait'full+ disc'arge 'is trust in relation t'ereto.
according to la3 and t'e 3ill of t'e testator or t'e pro2isions of t'e instru)ent or order under 3'ic' 'e is
(c) T'at 'e 3ill render upon oat' at least once a +ear until 'is trust is fulfilled. unless 'e is e5cused
t'erefro) in an+ +ear b+ t'e court. a true account of t'e propert+ in 'is 'ands and of t'e )anage)ent and
disposition t'ereof. and 3ill render suc' ot'er accounts as t'e court )a+ order>
(d) T'at at t'e e5piration of 'is trust 'e 3ill settle 'is accounts in court and pa+ o2er and deli2er all t'e
estate re)aining in 'is 'ands. or due fro) 'i) on suc' settle)ent. to t'e person or persons entitled
@ut 3'en t'e trustee is appointed as a successor to a prior trustee. t'e court )a+ dispense 3it' t'e
)a0ing and return of an in2entor+. if one 'as alread+ been filed. and in suc' case t'e condition of t'e bond
s'all be dee)ed to be altered accordingl+ (Sec. *)4
Re:u,s,tes #"' t+e 'e"6$l $!& 'es,3!$t,"! "# $ t'ustee
(1) A trustee )a+ be re)o2ed upon petition to t'e proper !TC of t'e parties beneficiall+ interested. after
due notice to t'e trustee and 'earing. if it appears essential in t'e interests of t'e petitioners4 T'e court
)a+ also. after due notice to all persons interested. re)o2e a trustee 3'o is insane or ot'er3ise incapable
of disc'arging 'is trust or e2identl+ unsuitable t'erefor4 A trustee. 3'et'er appointed b+ t'e court or under
a 3ritten instru)ent. )a+ resign 'is trust if it appears to t'e court proper to allo3 suc' resignation (Sec. 8)4
(#) A trustee 3'ose acts or o)issions are suc' as to s'o3 a 3ant of reasonable fidelit+ 3ill be re)o2ed
b+ t'e court and 3'ere trust funds are to be in2ested b+ t'e trustee. neglect to in2est constitutes of itself a
breac' of trust. and is a ground for re)o2al ($is+orn vs. ,>ven6e, 11- CS -*-)4

G'"u!&s #"' 'e"6$l $!& 'es,3!$t,"! "# $ t'ustee
(1) T'e proper !egional Trial Court )a+. upon petition of t'e parties beneficiall+ interested and after due
notice to t'e trustee and 'earing. re)o2e a trustee if suc' re)o2al appears essential in t'e interests of t'e
petitioners4 T'e court )a+ also. after due notice to all persons interested. re)o2e a trustee 3'o is insane or
ot'er3ise incapable of disc'arging 'is trust or e2identl+ unsuitable t'erefor4 A trustee. 3'et'er appointed b+
t'e court or under a 3ritten instru)ent. )a+ resign 'is trust if it appears to t'e court proper to allo3 suc'
resignation (Sec. 8)4
(#) A trustee 3'ose acts or o)issions are suc' as to s'o3 a 3ant of reasonable fidelit+ 3ill be re)o2ed
b+ t'e court and 3'ere trust funds are to be in2ested b+ t'e trustee. neglect to in2est constitutes of itself a
breac' of trust. and is a ground for re)o2al ($is+orn vs. ,>ven6e, 11- CS -*-)4

E.te!t "# $ut+"',t1 "# t'ustee
(1) A trustee appointed b+ t'e !TC s'all 'a2e t'e sa)e rig'ts. po3ers. and duties as if 'e 'ad been
appointed b+ t'e testator4 (o person succeeding to a trust as e5ecutor or ad)inistrator of a for)er trustee
s'all be re:uired to accept suc' trust(Sec. 2)4
(#) Suc' ne3 trustee s'all 'a2e and e5ercise t'e sa)e po3ers. rig'ts. and duties as if 'e 'ad been
originall+ appointed. and t'e trust estate s'all 2est in 'i) in li0e )anner as it 'ad 2ested or 3ould 'a2e
2ested. in t'e trustee in 3'ose place 'e is substituted> and t'e court )a+ order suc' con2e+ance to be
)ade b+ t'e for)er trustee or 'is representati2es. or b+ t'e ot'er re)aining trustees. as )a+ be necessar+
or proper to 2est t'e trust estate in t'e ne3 trustee. eit'er alone or jointl+ 3it' t'e ot'ers (Sec. %)4
Es%+e$t (Rule 91)
(1) Esc'eat is a proceeding 3'ereb+ t'e real and personal propert+ of a deceased person in t'e
P'ilippines. beco)e t'e propert+ of t'e state upon 'is deat'. 3it'out lea2ing an+ 3ill or legal 'eirs (21 ,;S,
Sec. 1, 5. 8-8)4
*+e! t" #,le
(1) ;'en a person dies intestate. sei,ed of real or personal propert+ in t'e P'ilippines. lea2ing no 'eir or
person b+ la3 entitled to t'e sa)e. t'e Solicitor General or 'is representati2e in be'alf of t'e !epublic of
t'e P'ilippines. )a+ file a petition in t'e Court of *irst -nstance of t'e pro2ince 3'ere t'e deceased last
resided or in 3'ic' 'e 'ad estate. if 'e resided out of t'e P'ilippines. setting fort' t'e facts. and pra+ing
t'at t'e estate of t'e deceased be declared esc'eated (Sec. 1)4
Re:u,s,tes #"' #,l,!3 "# 5et,t,"!
(1) -n order t'at a proceeding for esc'eat )a+ prosper. t'e follo3ing re:uisites )ust be present:
(a) T'at a person died intestate>
(b) T'at 'e left no 'eirs or person b+ la3 entitled to t'e sa)e> and
(c) T'at t'e deceased left properties (,it" of .anila vs. >rch+isho5 of .anila, %* Phil. 81&)4
Ree&1 "# 'es5"!&e!t $3$,!st 5et,t,"!8 5e',"& #"' #,l,!3 $ %l$,
(1) ;'en a petition for esc'eat does not state facts 3'ic' entitle t'e petitioner to t'e re)ed+ pra+ed for.
and e2en ad)itting t'e) '+pot'eticall+. it is clear t'at t'ere is no ground for t'e court to proceed to t'e
in:uisition pro2ided b+ la3. an interested part+ s'ould not be disallo3ed fro) filing a )otion to dis)iss t'e
petition 3'ic' is untenable fro) all standpoints4 And 3'en t'e )otion to dis)iss is entertained upon t'is
ground. t'e petition )a+ be dis)issed unconditionall+ and t'e petitioner is not entitled to be afforded an
opportunit+ to a)end 'is petition ($o Poco $rocer" vs. Pacific Bisc)it ,o., *& Phil. --%)4
(#) ;'ile t'e !ules do not in fact aut'ori,e t'e filing of a )otion to dis)iss t'e petition presented for t'at
purpose. and t'e !ules per)itting t'e interposition of a )otion to dis)iss to t'e co)plaint and ans3er.
respecti2el+. are not applicable to special proceedings. ne2ert'eless. t'ere is no reason of a procedural
nature 3'ic' pre2ents t'e filing of a )otion to dis)iss based upon an+ of t'e grounds pro2ided for b+ la3
for a )otion to dis)iss t'e co)plaint4 -n suc' a case. t'e )otion to dis)iss pla+s t'e role of a de)urrer
and t'e court s'ould resol2e t'e legal :uestions raised t'erein (.)nici5al ,o)ncil of San Pe6ro, 2a)0na vs.
,ole0io 6e San ;ose, *& Phil. %18)4
Gu$'&,$!s+,5 (Rules 92 97)
(1) Guardians'ip is t'e po3er of protecti2e aut'orit+ gi2en b+ la3 and i)posed on an indi2idual 3'o is
free and in t'e enjo+)ent of 'is rig'ts. o2er one 3'ose 3ea0ness on account of 'is age or ot'er infir)it+
renders 'i) unable to protect 'i)self(,"clo5e6ic 2a7 Dictionar", 9(8)4 Guardians'ip )a+ also describe t'e
relation subsisting bet3een t'e guardian and t'e 3ard4 -t in2ol2es t'e ta0ing of possession of an
)anage)ent of. t'e estate of anot'er unable to act for 'i)self4
(#) A guardian is a person la3full+ in2ested 3it' po3er and c'arged 3it' t'e dut+ of ta0ing care of a
person 3'o for so)e peculiarit+ or status or defect of age. understanding or self?control is considered
incapable of ad)inistering 'is o3n affairs(Blac/:s 2a7 Dictionar", Bifth E6itoin)4
(9) Einds of guardians:
(a) According to scope or e5ent
a) Guardian of t'e person $ one 3'o 'as been la3full+ in2ested 3it' t'e care of t'e person of )inor
3'ose fat'er is dead4 His aut'orit+ is deri2ed out of t'at of t'e parent>
b) Guardian of t'e propert+ $ t'at appointed b+ t'e court to 'a2e t'e )anage)ent of t'e estate of a
)inor or inco)petent person>
c) General guardians $ t'ose appointed b+ t'e court to 'a2e t'e care and custod+ of t'e person and of
all t'e propert+ of t'e 3ard4
(b) According to constitution
1) Cegal $ t'ose dee)ed as guardians 3it'out need of a court appoint)ent (>rt. 22&, Bail" ,o)rt)>
#) Guardian a6 lite $ t'ose appointed b+ courts of justice to prosecute or defend a )inor. insane or
person declared to be inco)petent. in an action in court> and
9) 1udicial $ t'ose 3'o are appointed b+ t'e court in pursuance to la3. as guardian for insane persons.
prodigals. )inor 'eirs or deceased 3as 2eterans and ot'er inco)petent persons4
(8) 6nder t'e *a)il+ Courts Act of 1&&" (!A A97&). t'e *a)il+ Courts are 2ested 3it' e5clusi2e original
jurisdiction o2er t'e follo3ing cases:
(a) Cri)inal case 3'ere one or )ore of t'e accused is belo3 1A +ears of age but less t'an & +ears of age.
or 3'ere one or )ore of t'e 2icti)s is a )inor at t'e ti)e of t'e co))ission of t'e offense>
(b) Petitions for guardians'ip. custod+ of c'ildren. ha+eas cor5)s in relation to t'e latter>
(c) Petitions for adoption of c'ildren and t'e re2ocation t'ereof>
(d) Co)plaints for annul)ent of )arriage. declaration of nullit+ of )arriage and t'ose relating to )arital
status and propert+ relations of 'usband and 3ife or t'ose li2ing toget'er under different status and
agree)ents. and petitions for dissolution of conjugal partners'ip of gains>
(e) Actions for support and ac0no3ledg)ent>
(f) Su))ar+ judicial proceedings broug't under t'e pro2isions of E= #%&. t'e *a)il+ Code>
(g) Petitions for declaration of status of c'ildren as abandoned. dependent or neglected c'ildren. petitions
for 2oluntar+ or in2oluntar+ co))it)ent of c'ildren> t'e suspension. ter)ination. or restoration of parental
aut'orit+ and ot'er cases cogni,able under P 7%9. E= B7 (s4 1&A7). and ot'er related la3s>
(') Petitions for t'e constitution of fa)il+ 'o)e>
(i) Cases against )inors cogni,able under t'e angerous rugs Act. as a)ended>
(j) /iolations of !A "71%. t'e Anti?C'ild Abuse Ca3. as a)ended b+ !A "7BA>
(0) Cases of do)estic 2iolence against 3o)en and c'ildren>
Ge!e'$l 5"0e's $!& &ut,es "# 3u$'&,$!s (Rule 99)
(1) T'e po3ers and duties of a guardian are:
(a) To 'a2e care and custod+ o2er t'e person of 'is 3ard. andFor t'e )anage)ent of 'is estate (Sec. 1)>
(b) To pa+ t'e just debts of 'is 3ard out of t'e latter<s estate (Sec. 2)>
(c) To bring or defend suits in be'alf of t'e 3ard. and. 3it' t'e appro2al of t'e court. co)pound for debts
due t'e 3ard and gi2e disc'arges to t'e debtor (Sec. %)>
(d) To )anage t'e estate frugall+ and 3it'out 3aste. and appl+ t'e inco)e and profits to t'e co)fortable
and suitable )aintenance of t'e 3ard and 'is fa)il+ (Sec. -)>
(e) To sell or encu)ber t'e real estate of t'e 3ard upon being aut'ori,ed to do so(Sec. -)>
(f) To join in an assent to a partition of real or personal estate 'eld b+ t'e 3ard jointl+ or in co))on
3it' ot'ers (Sec. &)4
C"!&,t,"!s "# t+e /"!& "# t+e 3u$'&,$!
(1) 6nder Sec4 1. !ule &8. t'e conditions for t'e bond of a guardian are:
(a) To file 3it' t'e court co)plete in2entor+ of t'e estate of t'e 3ard 3it'in 9 )ont's>
(b) To fait'full+ e5ecute t'e duties of 'is trust to )anage and dispose of t'e estate according to t'e !ules
for t'e best interests of t'e 3ard. and to pro2ide for t'e proper use. custod+. and education of t'e 3ard>
(c) To render a true account of all t'e estate. and of t'e )anage)ent and disposition of t'e sa)e>
(d) To settle 'is accounts 3it' t'e court and deli2er o2er all t'e estate re)aining in 'is 'ands to t'e
person entitled t'ereto>
(e) To perfor) all orders of t'e court b+ 'i) to be perfor)ed (Sec. 1D Sec. 1-, >. (%3(23(&3S,)4
Rule "! Gu$'&,$!s+,5 "6e' M,!"'s (AM 034024074SC)
(1) T'e fat'er and )ot'er s'all jointl+ e5ercise legal guardians'ip o2er t'e person and propert+ of t'eir
une)ancipated co))on c'ild 3it'out t'e necessit+ of a court appoint)ent4 T'e !ule s'all be suppletor+ to
t'e pro2isions of t'e *a)il+ Code on guardians'ip (Sec. 1)4
(#) =n grounds aut'ori,ed b+ la3. an+ relati2e or ot'er person on be'alf of a )inor. or t'e )inor 'i)self
if 18 +ears of age or o2er. )a+ petition t'e *a)il+ Court for t'e appoint)ent of a general guardian o2er t'e
person or propert+. or bot'. of suc' )inor4 T'e petition )a+ also be filed b+ t'e Secretar+ of S; and of
t'e =H in t'e case of an insane )inor 3'o needs to be 'ospitali,ed (Sec. 1)4
(9) Grounds of petition (Sec. -):
(a) eat'. continued absence. or incapacit+ of 'is parents>
(b) Suspension. depri2ation or ter)ination of parental aut'orit+>
(c) !e)arriage of 'is sur2i2ing parent. if t'e latter is found unsuitable to e5ercise parental aut'orit+> or
(d) ;'en t'e best interest of t'e )inor so re:uire4
(8) Dualifications of guardians (Sec. -)>
(a) Moral c'aracter>
(b) P'+sical. )ental and ps+c'ological condition>
(c) *inancial status>
(d) !elations'ip of trust 3it' t'e )inor>
(e) A2ailabilit+ to e5ercise t'e po3ers and duties of a guardian for t'e full period of t'e guardians'ip>
(f) Cac0 of conflict of interest 3it' t'e )inor> and
(g) Abilit+ to )anage t'e propert+ of t'e )inor4
(B) =rder of preference in t'e appoint)ent of guardian or t'e person andFor propert+ of )inor (Sec. *):
(a) T'e sur2i2ing grandparent and in case se2eral grandparents sur2i2e. t'e court s'all select an+ of
t'e) ta0ing into account all rele2ant considerations>
(b) T'e oldest brot'er or sister of t'e )inor o2er #1 +ears of age. unless unfit or dis:ualified>
(c) T'e actual custodian of t'e )inor o2er #1 +ears of age. unless unfit or dis:ualified> and
(d) An+ ot'er person. 3'o in t'e sound discretion of t'e court. 3ould ser2e t'e best interests of t'e
(7) *actors to consider in deter)ining custod+:
(a) An+ e5trajudicial agree)ent 3'ic' t'e parties )a+ 'a2e bound t'e)sel2es to co)pl+ 3it' respecting
t'e rig'ts of t'e )inor to )aintain direct contact 3it' t'e non?custodial parent on a regular basis. e5cept
3'en t'ere is an e5isting t'reat or danger of p'+sical. )ental. se5ual or e)otional 2iolence 3'ic'
endangers t'e safet+ and best interests of t'e )inor>
(b) T'e desire and abilit+ of one parent to foster an open and lo2ing relations'ip bet3een t'e )inor and
t'e ot'er parent>
(c) T'e 'ealt'. safet+ and 3elfare of t'e )inor>
(d) An+ 'istor+ of c'ild or spousal abuse b+ t'e person see0ing custod+ or 3'o 'as 'ad an+ filial
relations'ip 3it' t'e )inor. including an+one courting t'e parent>
(e) T'e nature and fre:uenc+ of contact 3it' bot' parents>
(f) Habitual use of alco'ol. dangerous drugs or regulated substances>
(g) Marital )isconduct>
(') T'e )ost suitable p'+sical. e)otional. spiritual. ps+c'ological and educational en2iron)ent for t'e
'olistic de2elop)ent and gro3t' of t'e )inor> and
(i) T'e preference of t'e )inor o2er " +ears of age and of sufficient discern)ent. unless t'e parent
c'osen is unfit (Sec. 1-, >. 'o. (%3(-3(-3S,)4
(") T'e court s'all order a social 3or0er to conduct a case stud+ of t'e )inor and all t'e prospecti2e
guardians and sub)it 'is report and reco))endation to t'e court for its guidance before t'e sc'eduled
A&"5t,"! (Rules 994100( su5e'se&e& /1 AM 02494024SC)
(1) Adoption is a juridical act 3'ic' creates bet3een t3o persons a relations'ip si)ilar to t'at 3'ic'
results fro) legiti)ate paternit+ (Prasnic/ vs. !e5)+lic, 98 Phil. **9)4
(#) Adoption is a juridical act. a proceeding in re. 3'ic' creates bet3een t'e t3o persons a relations'ip
si)ilar to t'at 3'ic' results fro) legiti)ate paternit+ and filiation4
(9) Adoption is not an ad2ersarial proceeding4 An ad2ersarial proceeding is one 'a2ing opposing parties.
contested. as distinguis'ed fro) an e< 5arte application. one of 3'ic' t'e part+ see0ing relief 'as gi2en
legal 3arning to t'e ot'er part+ and afforded t'e latter an opportunit+ to contest it e5cludes an adoption
proceeding4 -n adoption. t'ere is no particular defendant to spea0 of since t'e proceeding in2ol2es t'e
status of a person it being an action in re4
D,st,!3u,s+ &"est,% $&"5t,"! #'" ,!te'4%"u!t'1 $&"5t,"!
D"est,% A&"5t,"! I!te'4C"u!t'1 A&"5t,"!
Go2erned b+ !A ABB#. t'e o)estic Adoption Act of
1&&A> procedure go2erned b+ AM (o4 %#?%7?%#?SC.
Aug4 ##. #%%#4
Go2erned b+ !A A%89. t'e -nter?Countr+ Adoption Act
of 1&&B> procedure go2erned b+ t'e A)ended
-)ple)enting !ules and !egulations on -CAA4
Applies to do)estic adoption of *ilipino c'ildren.
3'ere t'e entire adoption process beginning fro) t'e
filing of t'e petition up to t'e issuance of t'e adoption
decree ta0es place in t'e P'ilippines4
Applies to adoption of a *ilipino c'ild in a foreign
countr+. 3'ere t'e petition for adoption is filed. t'e
super2ised trial custod+ is underta0en and t'e decree
of adoption is issued outside of t'e P'ilippines4
;'o )a+ be adopted ;'o )a+ be adopted
A c'ild legall+ a2ailable for adoption4!e:uisites:
a) @elo3 1A +ears of age> and
b) 1udiciall+ declared a2ailable for adoption4
a) Cegiti)ate sonFdaug'ter of one spouse b+ t'e
ot'er spouse>
b) -llegiti)ate sonFdaug'ter b+ a :ualified
c) Person of legal age if. prior to t'e adoption said
person 'as been consistentl+ considered and treated
b+ t'e adopterFs as 'isF'er o3n c'ild since )inorit+4
=nl+ a legall+ free c'ild )a+ be adopted4!e:uisites:
a) @elo3 1B +ears of age> and
b) Has been 2oluntaril+ or in2oluntaril+ co))itted to
t'e S; in accordance 3it' P 7%94
;'o )a+ adopt ;'o )a+ adopt
14 *ilipino Citi,ens
1) =f legal age>
#) -n possession of full ci2il capacit+ and legal
9) =f good )oral c'aracter>
8) Has not been con2icted of an+ cri)e in2ol2ing
14 *ilipino Citi,ens
1) Per)anent resident of a foreign countr+>
#) Has t'e capacit+ to act and assu)e all rig'ts
and responsibilities of parental aut'orit+ under
P'ilippine la3s>
9) Has undergone t'e appropriate counseling fro)
)oral turpitude>
B) E)otionall+ and ps+c'ologicall+ capable of
caring for c'ildren>
7) -n a position to support and care for 'isF'er
c'ildren in 0eeping 3it' t'e )eans of t'e fa)il+>
") At least 17 +ears older t'an t'e adoptee but
t'is latter re:uire)ent )a+ be 3ai2ed if (a) t'e
adopter is t'e biological parent of t'e adoptee> or (b)
t'e adopter is t'e spouse of t'e adoptee<s parent> and
A) Per)anent resident of t'e P'ilippines4
14 Aliens
1) Sa)e :ualifications as abo2e. and in addition:
#) HisF'er countr+ 'as diplo)atic relations 3it'
t'e !epublic of t'e P'ilippines>
9) HisF'er go2ern)ent allo3s t'e adoptee to
enter 'isF'er countr+ as 'isF'er adopted
8) Has been li2ing in t'e P'ilippines for at least 9
continuous +ears prior to t'e filing of t'e application
for adoption and )aintains suc' residence until t'e
adoption decree is entered> and
B) Has been certified b+ 'isF'er diplo)atic or
consular office or an+ appropriate go2ern)ent agenc+
t'at 'eFs'e 'as t'e legal capacit+ to adopt in 'isF'er
countr+4 T'is re:uire)ent )a+ be 3ai2ed if (a) a
for)er *ilipino citi,ens see0s to adopt a relati2e 3it'in
t'e 8
degree of consanguinit+ or affinit+> (b) one
see0s to adopt t'e legiti)ate sonFdaug'ter of 'isF'er
*ilipino spouse> (c) one 3'o is )arried to a *ilipino
citi,en and see0s to adopt a relati2e 3it'in t'e
an accredited counselor in countr+ of do)icile>
8) Has not been con2icted of a cri)e in2ol2ing
)oral turpitude>
B) Eligible to adopt under P'ilippine la3s>
7) -n a position to pro2ide t'e proper care and
support and to gi2e t'e necessar+ )oral 2alues and
e5a)ple to all 'is c'ildren. including t'e c'ild to be
") Agrees to up'old t'e basic rig'ts of t'e c'ild as
e)bodied under P'ilippine la3s. t'e 6( Con2ention on
!ig'ts of t'e C'ild. and to abide b+ t'e rules and
regulations issued to i)ple)ent t'e pro2isions of t'e
A) !esiding in a countr+ 3it' 3'o) t'e P'ilippines
'as diplo)atic relations and 3'ose go2ern)ent
)aintains a si)ilarl+ aut'ori,ed and accredited
agenc+ and t'at adoption is allo3ed in t'at countr+>
&) Possesses all t'e :ualifications and none of t'e
dis:ualifications pro2ided in t'e -CAA and in ot'er
applicable P'ilippine la3s>
1%) At least #" +ears of age at t'e ti)e of t'e
application> and
11) At least 17 +ears older t'an t'e c'ild to be
adopted at t'e ti)e of application. unless (a) adopted
is t'e parent b+ nature of t'e c'ild to be adopted> or
(b) adopter is t'e spouse of t'e parent b+ nature of
t'e c'ild to be adopted4
14 Aliens
1) At least #" +ears of age at t'e ti)e of t'e
degree of consanguinit+ or affinit+ of t'e *ilipino
#) At least 17 +ears older t'an t'e c'ild to be
adopted at t'e ti)e of application unless t'e adopter
is t'e parent b+ nature of t'e c'ild to be adopted or
t'e spouse of suc' parent>
9) Has t'e capacit+ to act and assu)e all rig'ts
and responsibilities of parental aut'orit+ under 'is
national la3s>
8) Has undergone t'e appropriate counseling fro)
an accredited counselor in 'isF'er countr+>
B) Has not been con2icted of a cri)e in2ol2ing
)oral turpitude>
7) Eligible to adopt under 'isF'er national la3>
") -n a position to pro2ide t'e proper care and
support and to gi2e t'e necessar+ )oral 2alues and
e5a)ple to all 'is c'ildren. including t'e c'ild to be
A) Agrees to up'old t'e basic rig'ts of t'e c'ild as
e)bodied under P'ilippine la3s. t'e 6( Con2ention on
t'e !ig'ts of t'e C'ild. and to abide b+ t'e rules and
regulations issued to i)ple)ent t'e pro2isions of t'e
&) Co)es fro) a countr+ 3it' 3'o) t'e
P'ilippines 'as diplo)atic relations and 3'ose
go2ern)ent )aintains a si)ilarl+ aut'ori,ed and
accredited agenc+ and t'at adoption is allo3ed under
'isF'er national la3s> and
1%) Possesses all t'e :ualifications and none of t'e
dis:ualifications pro2ided in t'e -CAA and in ot'er
applicable P'ilippine la3s4
!e:uire)ent of 1oint Adoption b+ Spouses !e:uire)ent of 1oint Adoption b+ Spouses
General rule: 'usband and 3ife s'all jointl+ adopt>
ot'er3ise. t'e adoption s'all not be
1) -f one spouse see0s to adopt t'e legiti)ate
sonFdaug'ter of t'e ot'er>
#) -f one spouse see0s to adopt 'isF'er o3n
illegiti)ate sonFdaug'ter but t'e ot'er spouse )ust
gi2e 'isF'er consent>
9) -f t'e spouses are legall+ separated fro) eac'
!ule: if t'e adopter is )arried. 'isF'er spouse )ust
jointl+ file for t'e adoption4
Procedure Procedure
;'ere to file application: -n t'e *a)il+ Court of t'e
pro2ince or cit+ 3'ere t'e prospecti2e parents
reside4After filing: T'e petition s'all not be set for
'earing 3it'out a case stud+ report b+ a licensed
social 3or0er4

Super2ised Trial Custod+:
a) Te)porar+ parental aut'orit+ is 2ested in
prospecti2e adopter>
b) Period is at least 7 )ont's. but )a+ be
reduced b+ t'e court ot) 5ro5ioor upon )otion>
c) -f adopter is alien. t'e la3 )andatoril+ re:uires
co)pletion of t'e 7?)ont' trial custod+ and )a+ not
be reduced. e5cept if: (1) a for)er *ilipino citi,en
see0s to adopt a relati2e 3it'in 8
degree of
consanguinit+ or affinit+> (#) one see0s to adopt t'e
legiti)ate sonFdaug'ter of 'isF'er *ilipino spouse> (9)
one 3'o is )arried to a *ilipino citi,en and see0s to
adopt jointl+ 3it' 'isF'er spouse a relati2e 3it'in t'e
degree of consanguinit+ or affinit+ of t'e *ilipino

;'ere to file application: Eit'er in (a) *a)il+ Court
'a2ing jurisdiction o2er t'e place 3'ere t'e c'ild
resides or )a+ be found. or (b) -nter?Countr+
Adoption @oard (-CA@) t'roug' an inter)ediate
agenc+. 3'et'er go2ern)ental or an aut'ori,ed and
accredited agenc+. in t'e countr+ of t'e prospecti2e
adopti2e parents4After filing: (a) if filed in t'e *C.
court deter)ines sufficienc+ of petition in respect to
for) and substance. after 3'ic'. petition is
trans)itted to -CA@> (b) if petition is alread+ 3it'
-CA@. it conducts )atc'ing of t'e applicant 3it' an
adopti2e c'ild> (c) after )atc')a0ing. t'e c'ild is
personall+ fetc'ed b+ t'e applicant for t'e trial
custod+ 3'ic' ta0es place outside of t'e P'ilippines4

Super2ised Trial Custod+:
a) T'is process ta0es place outside of t'e countr+
and under t'e super2ision of t'e foreign adoption
b) *or a period of 7 )ont's>
c) -f unsuccessful. -CA@ s'all loo0 for anot'er
prospecti2e applicant4 !epatriation of t'e c'ild is to be
ecree of Adoption: -ssued b+ P'ilippine *a)il+
Consent !e:uired: ;ritten consent of t'e follo3ing to
t'e adoption is re:uired. in t'e for) of affida2it: (1)
adoptee. if 1% +ears of age or o2er> (#) biological
parentFs of t'e c'ild. if 0no3n. or t'e legal guardian.
or t'e proper go2ern)ent instru)entalit+ 3'ic' 'as
legal custod+ of t'e c'ild> (9) legiti)ate and adopted
sons or daug'ters. 1% +ears of age or o2er. of t'e
adopterFs and adoptee. if an+> (8) illegiti)ate
sonsFdaug'ters. 1% +ears of age of o2er. of t'e
adopter if li2ing 3it' said adopter and t'e latter<s
spouse. if an+> (B) spouse. if an+. of t'e person
adopting or to be adopted4
resorted onl+ as a last resort>
d) -f successful. -CA@ trans)its a 3ritten consent
for t'e adoption to be e5ecuted b+ t'e S;. and t'e
applicant t'en files a petition for adoption in 'isF'er
ecree of Adoption: -ssued b+ a foreign court4
Consent !e:uired:
(1) ;ritten consent of biological or adopted c'ildren
abo2e 1% +ears of age. in t'e for) of s3orn state)ent
is re:uired to be attac'ed to t'e application to be filed
3it' t'e *C or -CA@>
(#) -f a satisfactor+ pre?adopti2e relations'ip is
for)ed bet3een t'e applicant and t'e c'ild. t'e
3ritten consent to t'e adoption e5ecuted b+ t'e
S; is re:uired4

D"est,% A&"5t,"! A%t (RA ;7728 AM 024094024SC)
E##e%ts "# $&"5t,"!
(1) Transfer of parental aut'orit+ $ e5cept in cases 3'ere t'e biological parent is t'e spouse of t'e
adopter. t'e parental aut'orit+ of t'e biological parents s'all ter)inate and t'e sa)e s'all be 2ested in t'e
adopters (Sec. 1*)4
(#) Cegiti)ac+ $ t'e adoptee s'all be considered t'e legiti)ate sonFdaug'ter of t'e adopter(s) for all
intents and purposes and as suc' is entitled to all t'e rig'ts and obligations pro2ided b+ la3 to legiti)ate
sonsFdaug'ters born to t'e) 3it'out discri)ination of an+ 0ind (Sec. 17)4
(9) Successional rig'ts
(a) -n legal and intestate succession. t'e adopter(s) and t'e adoptee s'all 'a2e reciprocal rig'ts of
succession 3it'out distinction fro) legiti)ate filiation (Sec. 18)>
(b) Ho3e2er. if t'e adoptee and 'isF'er biological parent(s) 'ad left a 3ill. t'e la3 on testa)entar+
succession s'all go2ern (Sec. 18)>
(c) Art4 1A(9) of t'e *a)il+ Code and Sec4 1A. Art / of !A ABB# pro2ide t'at t'e adoptee re)ains an
intestate 'eir of 'isF'er biological parent (8+iter Dict) in In re In the .atter of >6o5tion of Ste5hanie 'at"
>stor0a $arcia, -&- S,!> &-1)4
(8) -ssuance of ne3 certificate and first na)e and surna)e of adoptee
(a) T'e adoption decree s'all state t'e na)e b+ 3'ic' t'e c'ild is to be 0no3n(Sec. 1%)4 An a)ended
certificate of birt' s'all be issued b+ t'e Ci2il !egistr+ attesting to t'e fact t'at t'e adoptee is t'e c'ild of
t'e adopter(s) b+ being registered 3it' 'isF'er surna)e (Sec. 1-)>
(b) T'e original certificate of birt' s'all be sta)ped Ecancelle6F 3it' t'e annotation of t'e issuance of an
a)ended birt' certificate in its place and s'all be sealed in t'e ci2il registr+ records4 T'e ne3 birt'
certificate to be issued to t'e adoptee s'all not bear an+ notation t'at it is an a)ended issue (Sec. 1-)>
(c) All records. boo0s. and papers relating to t'e adoption cases in t'e files of t'e court. t'e S;. or
an+ ot'er agenc+ or institution participating in t'e adoption proceedings s'all be 0ept strictl+ confidential
and t'e court )a+ order its release under t'e follo3ing conditions onl+: (1) t'e disclosure of t'e infor)ation
to a t'ird person is necessar+ for purposes connected 3it' or arising out of t'e adoption> (#) t'e disclosure
3ill be for t'e best interest of t'e adoptee> and (9) t'e court )a+ restrict t'e purposes for 3'ic' it )a+ be
used (Sec. 1&)4
I!st$!%es 0+e! $&"5t,"! $1 /e 'es%,!&e&
(1) Grounds for rescission:
(a) !epeated p'+sical and 2erbal )altreat)ent b+ t'e adopter(s) despite 'a2ing undergone counseling>
(b) Atte)pt on t'e life of t'e adoptee>
(c) Se5ual assault or 2iolence> or
(d) Abandon)ent and failure to co)pl+ 3it' parental obligations (Sec. 19)4
(#) Prescripti2e period:
(a) -f incapacitated $ 3it'in fi2e (B) +ears after 'e reac'es t'e age of )ajorit+>
(b) -f inco)petent at t'e ti)e of t'e adoption $ 3it'in fi2e (B) +ears after reco2er+ fro) suc'
inco)petenc+ (Sec. 21, !)le on >6o5tion)4
E##e%ts "# 'es%,ss,"! "# $&"5t,"!
(1) Parental aut'orit+ of t'e adoptee<s biological parent(s). if 0no3n. or t'e legal custod+ of t'e S;
s'all be restored if t'e adoptee is still a )inor or incapacitated>
(#) !eciprocal rig'ts and obligations of t'e adopter(s) and t'e adoptee to eac' ot'er s'all be
(9) Cancellation of t'e a)ended certificate of birt' of t'e adoptee and restoration of 'isF'er original birt'
certificate> and
(8) Succession rig'ts s'all re2ert to its status prior to adoption. but onl+ as of t'e date of judg)ent of
judicial rescission4 /ested rig'ts ac:uired prior to judicial rescission s'all be respected (Sec. 2()4

I!te'4C"u!t'1 A&"5t,"! (RA ;023)
(1) -nter?Countr+ Adoption refers to t'e socio?legal process of adopting a *ilipino c'ild b+ a foreigner or a
*ilipino citi,en per)anentl+ residing abroad 3'ere t'e petition is filed. t'e super2ised trial custod+ is
underta0en. and t'e decree of adoption is issued in t'e P'ilippines (Sec. %GaH)4
*+e! $ll"0e&
(1) -nter?countr+ adoptions are allo3ed 3'en t'e sa)e s'all pro2e beneficial to t'e c'ild<s best interests.
and s'all ser2e and protect 'isF'er funda)ental rig'ts (Sec. 2)4
(#) -t is allo3ed 3'en all t'e re:uire)ents and standards set fort' under !A A%89 are co)plied 3it'4
Fu!%t,"!s "# t+e RTC
(1) An application to adopt a *ilipino c'ild s'all be filed eit'er 3it' t'e P'ilippine !egional Trial Court
'a2ing jurisdiction o2er t'e c'ild. or 3it' t'e @oard. t'roug' an inter)ediate agenc+. 3'et'er go2ern)ental
or an aut'ori,ed and accredited agenc+. in t'e countr+ of t'e prospecti2e adopti2e parents. 3'ic'
application s'all be in accordance 3it' t'e re:uire)ents as set fort' in t'e i)ple)enting rules and
regulations (Sec. 1()4
@?est I!te'est "# t+e M,!"'A St$!&$'&
(1) -n case of custod+ cases of )inor c'ildren. t'e court after 'earing and bearing in )ind t'e best
interest of t'e )inor. s'all a3ard t'e custod+ as 3ill be for t'e )inor<s best interests4
(#) T'e totalit+ of t'e circu)stances and conditions as are )ost congenial to t'e sur2i2al. protection. and
feelings of securit+ of t'e )inor and )ost encouraging to 'is p'+sical. ps+c'ological and e)otional
de2elop)ent4 -t also )eans t'e least detri)ental a2ailable alternati2e for safeguarding t'e gro3t' and
de2elop)ent of t'e )inor4
*',t "# Habeas Corpus (Rule 102)
(1) ;rit of ha+eas cor5)s is a 3rit 3'ic' 'as been estee)ed to t'e best and onl+ sufficient defense of
personal freedo) 'a2ing for its object t'e speed+ release b+ judicial decree of persons 3'o are illegall+
restrained of t'eir libert+. or illegall+ detained fro) t'e control of t'ose 3'o are entitled to t'eir
custod+ (Ballentine:s 2a7 Dictionar", 2
E6itionD 'ava vs. $ataitan, 9( Phil. 172)4
(#) T'e 3rit of ha+eas cor5)s s'all e5tend to all cases of illegal confine)ent or detention b+ 3'ic' an+
person is depri2ed of 'is libert+. or b+ 3'ic' t'e rig'tful custod+ of an+ person is 3it''eld fro) t'e person
entitled t'ereto4 T'e function of t'e special proceeding of ha+eas cor5)s is to in:uire into t'e legalit+ of
one<s detention4 -n all petitions for ha+eas cor5)s. t'e court )ust in:uire into e2er+ p'ase and aspect of t'e
petitioner<s detention fro) t'e )o)ent petitioner 3as ta0en into custod+ up to t'e )o)ent t'e court
passes upon t'e )erits of t'e petition and onl+ after suc' scrutin+ can t'e court satisf+ itself t'at t'e due
process clause of t'e Constitution 'as been satisfied4 Ho3e2er. once t'e person detained is dul+ c'arged in
court. 'e )a+ no longer :uestion 'is detention b+ a petition for t'e issuance of a 3rit of ha+eas cor5)s4 His
re)ed+ t'en is t'e :uas'al of t'e infor)ation andFor t'e 3arrant of arrest dul+ issued4 T'e reason for t'e
issuance of t'e 3rit e2en beco)es )ore una2ailing 3'en t'e person detained files a bond for 'is te)porar+
release (Sec. 1D Bernarte vs. ,>, 7& S,>D -(( G8ct. 18, 199*H)4
(9) #a+eas cor5)s )a+ not be used as a )eans of obtaining e2idence on t'e 3'ereabouts of a person. or
as a )eans of finding out 3'o 'as specificall+ abducted or caused t'e disappearance of a certain
person (.artine1 vs. Dir. $en. .en6o1a, $! 1&%79&, >)0. 17, 2((*)4
(8) T'e 3rits of ha+eas cor5)s and certiorari )a+ be ancillar+ to eac' ot'er 3'ere necessar+ to gi2e
effect to t'e super2isor+ po3ers of t'e 'ig'er courts4 A 3rit ofha+eas cor5)s reac'es t'e bod+ and t'e
jurisdictional )atters. but not t'e record4 A 3rit of certiorari reac'es t'e record but not t'e bod+4 Hence. a
3rit of ha+eas cor5)s)a+ be used 3it' t'e 3rit of certiorari for t'e purpose of re2ie3 ($alve1 vs. ,>, 2%7
S,!> *8&)4
(B) T'e general rule is t'at t'e release. 3'et'er per)anent or te)porar+. of a detained person renders
t'e petition for ha+eas cor5)s )oot and acade)ic. unless t'ere are restraints attac'ed to 'is release 3'ic'
precludes freedo) of action. in 3'ic' case t'e Court can still in:uire into t'e nature of 'is in2oluntar+
restraint4 Petitioner<s te)porar+ release does not render t'e petition for 3rit )oot and
acade)ic(?illavicencio vs. 2)/+an, %9 Phil. 778)4
(7) So)e instances 3'en t'e 3rit )a+ issue:
(a) To in:uire into t'e legalit+ of an order of confine)ent b+ a court )artial (80vir vs. Dir. of Prisons, 8(
Phil. -(1)>
(b) To test t'e legalit+ of an alien<s confine)ent and proposed e5pulsion fro) t'e P'ilippines (2ao Tan0
B)n vs. Ba+re, 81 Phil. *82)>
(c) To enable parents to regain custod+ of a )inor c'ild. e2en if t'e latter be in t'e custod+ of a t'ird
person of 'er o3n free 3ill (SalvaAa vs. $aela, && Phil. *8()>
(d) To obtain freedo) for an accused confined for failure to post bail 3'ere t'e prosecuting officer
unreasonabl+ dela+s trial b+ continued postpone)ent (,on6e vs. !ivera, -& Phil. *&()>
(e) To gi2e retroacti2e effect to a penal pro2ision fa2orable to t'e accused 3'en t'e trial judge 'as lost
jurisdiction b+ 2irtue of t'e finalit+ of t'e judg)ent of con2iction (!o6ri0)e1 vs. Dir. of Prisons, &7 Phil.
(f) To deter)ine t'e constitutionalit+ of a statute (Peo5le vs. ?era, *& Phil. **)>
(g) To per)it an alien to land in t'e P'ilippines (The #)an vs. ,ollector of ,)stos, &- Phil. 129)>
(') To put an end to an i))oral situation. as 3'en a )inor girl. alt'oug' preferring to sta+ 3it' 'er
e)plo+er. )aintains illicit relations'ip 3it' 'i) (.aca1o vs. ')Ae1, 2312772, ;an. 2-, 19&*)>
(i) ;'en a bond gi2en b+ an accused entitled t'ereto is not ad)itted or e5cessi2e bail is re:uired of
'i) (In re Dic/, %8 Phil. -1)>
(j) To deter)ine t'e legalit+ of an e5tradition (CS vs. !a)scher, 119 CS -(7)>
(0) To deter)ine t'e legalit+ of t'e action of a legislati2e bod+ in punis'ing a citi,en for conte)pt (2o5e1
vs. Delos !e"es, && Phil. 17()>
(l) To obtain freedo) after ser2ing )ini)u) sentence 3'en t'e penalt+ under an old la3 'as been
reduced b+ an a)endator+ la34
C"!te!ts "# t+e 5et,t,"!
(1) Application for t'e 3rit s'all be b+ petition signed and 2erified eit'er b+ t'e part+ for 3'ose relief it is
intended. or b+ so)e person on 'is be'alf. and s'all set fort':
(a) T'at t'e person in 3'ose be'alf t'e application is )ade is i)prisoned or restrained of 'is libert+>
(b) T'e officer or na)e of t'e person b+ 3'o) 'e is so i)prisoned or restrained> or. if bot' are un0no3n
or uncertain. suc' officer or person )a+ be described b+ an assu)ed appellation. and t'e person 3'o is
ser2ed 3it' t'e 3rit s'all be dee)ed t'e person intended>
(c) T'e place 3'ere 'e is so i)prisoned or restrained. if 0no3n>
(d) A cop+ of t'e co))it)ent or cause of detention of suc' person. if it can be procured 3it'out i)pairing
t'e efficienc+ of t'e re)ed+> or. if t'e i)prison)ent or restraint is 3it'out an+ legal aut'orit+. suc' fact
s'all appear (Sec. %)4

C"!te!ts "# t+e Retu'!
(1) ;'en t'e person to be produced is i)prisoned or restrained b+ an officer. t'e person 3'o )a0es t'e
return s'all state t'erein. and in ot'er cases t'e person in 3'ose custod+ t'e prisoner is found s'all state.
in 3riting to t'e court or judge before 3'o) t'e 3rit is returnable. plainl+ and une:ui2ocabl+:
(a) ;'et'er 'e 'as or 'as not t'e part+ in 'is custod+ or po3er. or under restraint>
(b) -f 'e 'as t'e part+ in 'is custod+ or po3er. or under restraint. t'e aut'orit+ and t'e true and 3'ole
cause t'ereof. set fort' at large. 3it' a cop+ of t'e 3rit. order. e5ecution. or ot'er process. if an+. upon
3'ic' t'e part+ is 'eld>
(c) -f t'e part+ is in 'is custod+ or po3er or is restrained b+ 'i). and is not produced. particularl+ t'e
nature and gra2it+ of t'e sic0ness or infir)it+ of suc' part+ b+ reason of 3'ic' 'e cannot. 3it'out danger.
be broug't before t'e court or judge>
(d) -f 'e 'as 'ad t'e part+ in 'is custod+ or po3er. or under restraint. and 'as transferred suc' custod+ or
restraint to anot'er. particularl+ to 3'o). at 3'at ti)e. for 3'at cause. and b+ 3'at aut'orit+ suc' transfer
3as )ade (Sec. 1()4
D,st,!3u,s+ 5e'e5t"'1 0',t #'" 5'el,,!$'1 %,t$t,"!
Pe'e5t"'1 0',t P'el,,!$'1 %,t$t,"!
6nconditionall+ co))ands t'e respondent to 'a2e t'e
bod+ of t'e detained person before t'e court at a ti)e
and place t'erein specified>
!e:uires t'e respondent to appear and s'o3 cause
3'+ t'e pere)ptor+ 3rit s'ould not be granted
(2ee Iic/ #on vs. ,ollector of ,)stos, -1 Phil. &*%)
*+e! !"t 5'"5e'>$55l,%$/le
(1) -nstances 3'en t'e 3rit of ha+eas cor5)s is not proper are:
(a) *or asserting or 2indicating denial of rig't to bail ($alve1 vs. ,>, 2%7 S,!> *8&)>
(b) *or correcting errors in appreciation of facts or appreciation of la3 $ 3'ere t'e trial court 'ad no
jurisdiction o2er t'e cause. o2er t'e person of t'e accused. and to i)pose t'e penalt+ pro2ided for b+ la3.
t'e )ista0e co))itted b+ t'e trial court. in t'e appreciation of t'e facts andFor in t'e appreciation of t'e
la3 cannot be corrected b+ ha+eas cor5)s (Sotto vs. Director of Prisons, .a" %(, 19*2)>
(c) =nce a person detained is dul+ c'arged in court. 'e )a+ no longer file a petition for ha+eas cor5)s4
His re)ed+ 3ould be to :uas' t'e infor)ation or 3arrant(!o6ri0)e1 vs. ;)60e Bonifacio, 'ov. 2*, 2((()4

*+e! 0',t &,s$ll"0e&>&,s%+$'3e&
(1) -f it appears t'at t'e person alleged to be restrained of 'is libert+ is in t'e custod+ of an officer under
process issued b+ a court or judge or b+ 2irtue of a judg)ent or order of a court of record. and t'at t'e
court or judge 'ad jurisdiction to issue t'e process. render t'e judg)ent. or )a0e t'e order. t'e 3rit s'all
not be allo3ed> or if t'e jurisdiction appears after t'e 3rit is allo3ed. t'e person s'all not be disc'arged b+
reason of an+ infor)alit+ or defect in t'e process. judg)ent. or order4 (or s'all an+t'ing in t'is rule be 'eld
to aut'ori,e t'e disc'arge of a person c'arged 3it' or con2icted of an offense in t'e P'ilippines. or of a
person suffering i)prison)ent under la3ful judg)ent (Sec. -)4
D,st,!3u,s+ #'" 0',t "# Amparo $!& Habeas Data
*',t "# Habeas Corpus *',t "# Amparo *',t "# Habeas D$t$
A re)ed+ a2ailable to an+ person. it
co2ers cases of illegal confine)ent
or detention b+ 3'ic' an+ person is
depri2ed of 'is libert+. or b+ 3'ic'
t'e rig'tful custod+ of an+ person is
3it''eld fro) t'e person entitled
A re)ed+ a2ailable to an+ person
3'ose rig't to life. libert+ and
securit+ is 2iolated or t'reatened
3it' 2iolation b+ an unla3ful act or
o)ission of a public official or
e)plo+ee. or of a pri2ate indi2idual
or entit+4 T'e 3rit co2ers
e5trajudicial 0illings and enforced
disappearances or t'reats t'ereof4
A re)ed+ a2ailable to an+ person
3'ose rig't to pri2ac+ in life. libert+
or securit+ is 2iolated or t'reatened
b+ an unla3ful act or o)ission of a
public official or e)plo+ee. or of a
pri2ate indi2idual or entit+ engaged
in t'e gat'ering. collecting or
storing of data or infor)ation
regarding t'e person. fa)il+. 'o)e
and correspondence of t'e
aggrie2ed part+4
;'o )a+ file petition:@+ t'e part+
for 3'ose relief it is intended. or b+
so)e person on 'is be'alf4
;'o )a+ file (in order):a) An+
)e)ber of t'e i))ediate fa)il+:
spouse. c'ildren and parents of t'e
aggrie2ed part+>
b) An+ ascendant. descendant or
collateral relati2e of aggrie2ed part+
3it'in t'e 8
ci2il degree of
consanguinit+ or affinit+>
c) An+ concerned citi,en.
organi,ation. association or
institution. if no 0no3n )e)ber of
;'o )a+ file (in order):a) An+
)e)ber of t'e i))ediate fa)il+:
spouse. c'ildren and parents of t'e
aggrie2ed part+>
b) An+ ascendant. descendant or
collateral relati2e of aggrie2ed part+
3it'in t'e 8
ci2il degree of
consanguinit+ or affinit+4
i))ediate fa)il+4
;'ere to file:!TC. enforceable
3it'in its area of jurisdiction4
CA or SC. enforceable an+3'ere in
t'e P'ilippines4
;'ere to file:!TC. Sandiganba+an.
;rit is enforceable an+3'ere in t'e
;'ere to file:!TC. SC. CA.
;rit is also enforceable an+3'ere in
t'e P'ilippines4
Petitioner is e5e)pted to pa+
doc0et and ot'er la3ful fees4
-ndigent petitioner is e5e)pted to
pa+ doc0et and ot'er la3ful fees4
;'en issued:*ort'3it' 3'en a
petition t'erefor is presented and it
appears t'at t'e 3rit oug't to
;'en issued:-))ediatel+ if on its
face it oug't to be issued>
Ser2ed i))ediatel+>
Su))ar+ 'earing set not later t'an
se2en (") da+s fro) date of
;'en issued:-))ediatel+ if on its
face it oug't to be issued>
Ser2ed 3it'in 9 da+s fro) issuance>
Su))ar+ 'earing set not later t'an
ten (1%) 3or0 da+s fro) date of
Contents of 2erified petition:
(a) T'at t'e person in 3'ose
be'alf t'e application is )ade is
i)prisoned or restrained of 'is
(b) T'e officer or na)e of t'e
person b+ 3'o) 'e is so
i)prisoned or restrained> or. if bot'
are un0no3n or uncertain. suc'
officer or person )a+ be described
b+ an assu)ed appellation. and t'e
person 3'o is ser2ed 3it' t'e 3rit
s'all be dee)ed t'e person
(c) T'e place 3'ere 'e is so
i)prisoned or restrained. if 0no3n>
(d) A cop+ of t'e co))it)ent or
cause of detention of suc' person.
Contents of 2erified petition:a)
Personal circu)stances of petitioner
and of respondent responsible for
t'e t'reat. act or o)ission>
b) /iolated or t'reatened rig't to
life. libert+ and securit+ of
aggrie2ed part+. and 'o3
co))itted 3it' attendance
circu)stances detailed in
supporting affida2its>
c) -n2estigation conducted.
specif+ing na)es. personal
circu)stances and addresses of
in2estigating aut'orit+ or
indi2iduals. as 3ell as )anner and
conduct of in2estigation toget'er
3it' an+ report>
d) Actions and recourses ta0en
b+ petitioner to deter)ine t'e fate
Contents of 2erified petition:a)
Personal circu)stances of petitioner
and respondent>
b) T'e )anner t'e rig't to pri2ac+
is 2iolated or t'reatened and 'o3 it
affects t'e rig't to life. libert+ or
securit+ of aggrie2ed part+>
c) Actions and recourses ta0en b+
petitioner to secure t'e data or
d) Cocation of files. registers or
databases. go2ern)ent office. and
t'e person in c'arge. in possession
or in control of t'e data or
infor)ation. if 0no3n>
e) !eliefs pra+ed for. 3'ic' )a+
include t'e updating. rectification.
suppression or destruction of t'e
if it can be procured 3it'out
i)pairing t'e efficienc+ of t'e
re)ed+> or. if t'e i)prison)ent or
restraint is 3it'out an+ legal
aut'orit+. suc' fact s'all appear
or 3'ereabouts of aggrie2ed part+
and identit+ of person responsible
for t'e t'reat. act or o)ission> and
e) T'e relief pra+ed for4
f) Ma+ include general pra+er
for ot'er just and e:uitable reliefs4
database or infor)ation or files 0ept
b+ respondent>
f) -n case of t'reats. relief )a+
include a pra+er for an order
enjoining t'e act co)plained of> and
g) Suc' ot'er reliefs as are just
and e:uitable4
Contents of return:
a) ;'et'er 'e 'as or 'as not t'e
part+ in 'is custod+ or po3er. or
under restraint>
b) -f 'e 'as t'e part+ in 'is
custod+ or po3er. or under
restraint. t'e aut'orit+ and t'e true
and 3'ole cause t'ereof. set fort'
at large. 3it' a cop+ of t'e 3rit.
order. e5ecution. or ot'er process.
if an+. upon 3'ic' t'e part+ is 'eld>
c) -f t'e part+ is in 'is custod+ or
po3er or is restrained b+ 'i). and
is not produced. particularl+ t'e
nature and gra2it+ of t'e sic0ness
or infir)it+ of suc' part+ b+ reason
of 3'ic' 'e cannot. 3it'out danger.
be broug't before t'e court or
d) -f 'e 'as 'ad t'e part+ in 'is
custod+ or po3er. or under
restraint. and 'as transferred suc'
custod+ or restraint to anot'er.
particularl+ to 3'o). at 3'at ti)e.
for 3'at cause. and b+ 3'at
Contents of return:a) Ca3ful
b) Steps or actions ta0en to
deter)ine 3'ereabouts of
aggrie2ed part+>
c) All rele2ant infor)ation
pertaining to t'reat. act or o)ission
against aggrie2ed part+>
d) -f respondent is a public official
or e)plo+ee. furt'er state: (1)
2erif+ t'e identit+ of aggrie2ed> (#)
reco2er and preser2e e2idence
related to deat' or disappearance of
person identified in petition> (9)
identif+ 3itnesses and t'eir
state)ents> (8) deter)ine cause.
)anner. location and ti)e of deat'
or disappearance as 3ell as pattern
or practice> (B) identif+ and
appre'end personFs in2ol2ed in t'e
deat'Fdisappearance> (7) bring
suspected offenders before a
co)petent court4

Contents of return:a) Ca3ful
defenses suc' as national securit+.
state secrets. pri2ileged
co))unications. confidentialit+ of
source of infor)ation>
b) isclosure of dataFinfo about
petitioner. nature of dataFinfo.
purpose of collection>
c) Steps or actions ta0en b+
respondent to ensure securit+ and
confidentialit+ of data or
d) Currenc+ and accurac+ of data
or infor)ation>
e) =t'er allegations rele2ant to
resolution of t'e proceedings4
G A general denial of t'e allegations
in t'e petition is not allo3ed4
aut'orit+ suc' transfer 3as )ade4
Effects of failure to file return:T'e
court. justice or judge s'all proceed
to 'ear t'e petition e< 5arte4

Effects of failure to file return:T'e
court. justice or judge s'all proceed
to 'ear t'e petition e< 5arte.
granting t'e petitioner suc' relief as
t'e petition )a+ 3arrant unless t'e
court in its discretion re:uires
petitioner to sub)it e2idence4
Procedure for 'earing:T'e 'earing
on t'e petition s'all be su))ar+4
Ho3e2er t'e court. justice or judge
)a+ call for a preli)inar+
conference to si)plif+ t'e issues
and deter)ine t'e possibilit+ of
obtaining stipulations and
ad)issions fro) t'e parties4
T'e 'earing s'all be fro) da+ to
da+ until co)pleted and gi2en t'e
sa)e priorit+ as petitions
for ha+eas cor5)s4
Procedure for 'earing:T'e 'earing
on t'e petition s'all be su))ar+4
Ho3e2er t'e court. justice or judge
)a+ call for a preli)inar+
conference to si)plif+ t'e issues
and deter)ine t'e possibilit+ of
obtaining stipulations and
ad)issions fro) t'e parties4

-nteri) reliefs a2ailable before final
judg)ent:a) Te)porar+ Protection
=rder $ protected in a go2ern)ent
agenc+ of b+ an accredited person
or pri2ate institution capable of
0eeping and securing t'eir safet+>
b) -nspection =rder $ 3it' a
lifeti)e of B da+s 3'ic' )a+ be
e5tended. )a+ be opposed on t'e
ground of national securit+ or
pri2ileged infor)ation. allo3s entr+
into and inspect. )easure. sur2e+
or p'otograp' t'e propert+>
c) Production =rder $ to re:uire
respondents to produce and per)it
inspection. cop+ing or
((ot applicable)
p'otograp'ing of docu)ents.
papers. boo0s. accounts. letters.
p'otograp's. objects or tangible
t'ings t'at contain e2idence4
Effect of filing cri)inal action:A
cri)inal action first filed e5cludes
t'e filing of t'e 3rit> relief s'all be
b+ )otion in t'e cri)inal case4 A
cri)inal case filed subse:uentl+
s'all be consolidated 3it' t'e
petition for t'e 3rit of a5aro4
Effect of filing cri)inal action:A
cri)inal action first filed e5cludes
t'e filing of t'e 3rit> relief s'all be
b+ )otion in t'e cri)inal case> A
cri)inal case filed subse:uentl+
s'all be consolidated 3it' t'e
petition for t'e 3rit ofha+eas 6ata4
Appeal:To t'e SC under !ule 8B.
3it'in 8A 'ours fro) notice of
judg)ent(Tan ,hin #)i vs.
!o6ri0)e1, $! 1%7&71, Se5t. 21,
A 3rit of ha+eas cor5)sdoes not lie
3'ere petitioner 'as t'e re)ed+ of
appeal or certioraribecause it 3ill
not be per)itted to perfor) t'e
functions of a 3rit of error or appeal
for t'e purpose of re2ie3ing )ere
errors or irregularities in t'e
proceedings of a court 'a2ing
jurisdiction o2er t'e person and t'e
subject )atter ($alve1 vs. ,>, $!
11-(-*, 8ct. 2-, 199-)4
Appeal:To t'e SC under !ule 8B.
3it'in B da+s fro) notice of ad2erse
judg)ent. to be gi2en t'e sa)e
priorit+ asha+eas cor5)s cases4
Appeal:To t'e SC under !ule 8B.
3it'in B da+s fro) notice of
judg)ent or final order. to be gi2en
t'e sa)e priorit+ as ha+eas
cor5)sand a5aro cases4
Duantu) of proof:@+ substantial
e2idence4 Pri2ate respondent to
pro2e ordinar+ diligence 3as
obser2ed in t'e perfor)ance of
dut+4 Public officialFe)plo+ee
respondent to pro2e e5traordinar+
diligence 3as obser2ed. and cannot
in2o0e t'e presu)ption t'at official
dut+ 'as been regularl+ perfor)ed

to e2ade responsibilit+ or liabilit+4
Rules "! Cust"&1 "# M,!"'s $!& *',t "# Habeas Corpus ,! Rel$t,"! t" Cust"&1 "# M,!"'s (AM N".
(1) T'e *a)il+ Court 'as e5clusi2e original jurisdiction to 'ear petitions for custod+ of )inors and t'e
issuance of t'e 3rit of ha+eas cor5)s in relation to custod+ of )inors4 T'e Court is tas0ed 3it' t'e dut+ of
pro)ulgating special rules or procedure for t'e disposition of fa)il+ cases 3it' t'e best interests of t'e
)inor as pri)ar+ consideration. ta0ing into account t'e 6nited (ations Con2ention on t'e !ig'ts of t'e
C'ild4 -t s'ould be clarified t'at t'e 3rit is issued b+ t'e *a)il+ Court onl+ in relation to custod+ of )inors4
An ordinar+ petition for ha+eas cor5)s s'ould be filed in t'e regular Court4 T'e issue of c'ild custod+ )a+ be
tac0led b+ t'e *a)il+ Court 3it'out need of a separate petition for custod+ being filed4
(#) T'e Co))ittee c'ose t'e p'rase Han+ person clai)ing custod+I as it is broad enoug' to co2er t'e
follo3ing: (a) t'e unla3ful depri2ation of t'e custod+ of a )inor> or (b) 3'ic' parent s'all 'a2e t'e care and
custod+ of a )inor. 3'en suc' parent is in t'e )idst of nullit+. annul)ent or legal separation
proceedings (Sec. 2)4
(9) T'e 'earings on custod+ of )inors )a+. at t'e discretion of t'e court. be closed to t'e public and t'e
records of t'e case s'all not be released to non?parties 3it'out its appro2al (Sec. 21)4
(8) A )otion to dis)iss t'e petition is not allo3ed e5cept on t'e ground of lac0 of jurisdiction o2er t'e
subject )atter or o2er t'e parties4 An+ ot'er ground t'at )ig't 3arrant t'e dis)issal of t'e petition s'all be
raised as an affir)ati2e defense in t'e ans3er (Sec. *)4
(B) 6pon t'e filing of t'e 2erified ans3er of t'e e5piration of t'e period to file it. t'e court )a+ order a
social 3or0er to )a0e a case stud+ of t'e )inor and t'e parties and to sub)it a report and reco))endation
to t'e court at least t'ree da+s before t'e sc'eduled pre?trial (Sec. 8)4
(7) Hold eparture =rder $ T'e )inor c'ild subject of t'e petition s'all not be broug't out of t'e countr+
3it'out prior order fro) t'e court 3'ile t'e petition is pending4 T'e court ot) 5ro5io or upon application
under oat' )a+ issue e< 5arte a 'old departure order addressed to t'e @- of t'e =1 a cop+ of t'e 'old
departure order 3it'in #8 'ours fro) its issuance and t'roug' t'e fastest a2ailable )eans of
trans)ittal (Sec.1*)4
Writ of Amparo (AM N". 07494124SC)
C"6e'$3e8 D,st,!3u,s+ #'" +$/e$s %"'5us $!& +$/e$s &$t$8 *+" $1 #,le8 C"!te!ts "# 'etu'!8
E##e%ts "# #$,lu'e t" #,le 'etu'!8 P'"%e&u'e #"' +e$',!38 I!st,tut,"! "# se5$'$te $%t,"!8 E##e%t "#
#,l,!3 "# $ %',,!$l $%t,"!8 C"!s"l,&$t,"!8 I!te', 'el,e#s $6$,l$/le t" 5et,t,"!e' $!& 'es5"!&e!t8
Bu$!tu "# 5'""# ,! $55l,%$t,"! #"' ,ssu$!%e "# 0',t "# Amparo

(1) See table abo2e4
D,##e'e!%es /et0ee! A5$'" $!& se$'%+ 0$''$!t
O!,/us 0$,6e' 'ule

*',t "# Habeas Data (AM N". 0;414194SC)
S%"5e "# 0',t8 A6$,l$/,l,t1 "# 0',t8 D,st,!3u,s+ #'" Habeas Corpus $!&Amparo8 *+" $1 #,le8
C"!te!ts "# t+e 5et,t,"!8 C"!s"l,&$t,"!8 E##e%t "# #,l,!3 "# $ %',,!$l $%t,"!8 I!st,tut,"! "# se5$'$te

(1) See table abo2e4
I!st$!%es 0+e! 5et,t,"! /e +e$'& ,! %+$/e's
(1) A 'earing in c'a)bers )a+ be conducted 3'ere t'e respondent in2o0es t'e defense t'at t'e release
of t'e data or infor)ation in :uestion s'all co)pro)ise national securit+ or state secrets. or 3'en t'e data
or infor)ation cannot be di2ulged to t'e public due to its nature or pri2ileged c'aracter (Sec. 12)4

C+$!3e "# N$e (Rule 103)
D,##e'e!%es u!&e' Rule 103( RA 902; $!& Rule 10;

Rule 103 RA 902; Rule 10;
Petition s'ould be filed in t'e !TC
3'ere t'e petitioner resides
Petitions filed 3it' t'e cit+ or
)unicipal ci2il registrar. or 3it'
consul general for citi,ens li2ing
/erified petition filed in t'e !TC
3'ere t'e corresponding Ci2il
!egistr+ is located
Ci2il !egistrar is not a part+4
Solicitor General to be notified b+
ser2ice of a cop+ of petition4
Ci2il !egistrar is an indispensable
part+4 -f not )ade a part+.
proceedings are null and 2oid4
!eason: 'e is interested part+ in
protecting t'e integrit+ of public
docu)ents4 Solicitor General )ust
also be notified b+ ser2ice of a cop+
of t'e petition4
Petition is filed b+ t'e person
desiring to c'ange 'is na)e
/erified petition in t'e for) of
affida2it is filed b+ an+ person
'a2ing direct and personal interest
in t'e correction
@+ a person interested in an+ acts.
e2ent. order or decree
-n2ol2es c'ange of na)e onl+ -n2ol2es first na)e and nic0na)e All cancellation or correction of
entries of: (a) birt's> (b) )arriages>
(c) deat's> (d) legal separation> (e)
judg)ents or annul)ents of
)arriage> (f) judg)ents declaring
)arriages 2oid fro) t'e beginning>
(g) legiti)ations> (') adoptions> (i)
ac0no3ledg)ents of natural
c'ildren> (j) naturali,ations> (0)
election. loss or reco2er+ of
citi,ens'ip> (l) ci2il interdiction> ())
judicial deter)ination of filiation>
(n) 2oluntar+ e)ancipation of a
)inor> and (o) c'anges of na)e4
-n2ol2es substantial c'anges -n2ol2es clerical or t+pograp'ical
Substantial and ad2ersar+ if c'ange
affects t'e ci2il status. citi,ens'ip or
nationalit+ of a part+> Su))ar+ if
in2ol2es )ere clerical
errors (!e5)+lic vs. ?alencia, 1-1
S,!> -*2)4
Grounds:(a) (a)e is ridiculous.
dis'onorable or e5tre)el+ difficult
to 3rite or pronounce>
(b) C'ange is a legal
conse:uence of legiti)ation or
(c) C'ange 3ill a2oid confusion>
(d) =ne 'as continuousl+ used
and been 0no3n since c'ild'ood b+
a *ilipino na)e and 3as una3are of
alien parentage>
(e) C'ange is based on a sincere
desire to adopt a *ilipino na)e to
erase signs of for)er alienage. all in
good fait' and 3it'out prejudice to
an+bod+> and
(f) Surna)e causes
e)barrass)ent and t'ere is no
s'o3ing t'at t'e desired c'ange of
na)e 3as for a fraudulent purpose.
or t'at t'e c'ange of na)e 3ould
prejudice public interest(!e5)+lic
vs. #ernan6e1, *8 S,>D 279)D
!e5)+lic vs. >vila, 122 S,!> -8%)4
Grounds:a) *irst na)e or
nic0na)e is found to be ridiculous.
tainted 3it' dis'onor or e5tre)el+
difficult to 3rite or pronounce>
b) T'e first na)e or nic0na)e
'as been 'abituall+ and continuous
used b+ petitioner publicl+ 0no3n
b+ t'at first na)e or nic0na)e in
t'e co))unit+>
c) C'ange 3ill a2oid confusion4
Grounds:Cancellation or correction
of entries of: (a) birt's> (b)
)arriages> (c) deat's> (d) legal
separation> (e) judg)ents or
annul)ents of )arriage> (f)
judg)ents declaring )arriages 2oid
fro) t'e beginning> (g)
legiti)ations> (') adoptions> (i)
ac0no3ledg)ents of natural
c'ildren> (j) naturali,ations> (0)
election. loss or reco2er+ of
citi,ens'ip> (l) ci2il interdiction> ())
judicial deter)ination of filiation>
(n) 2oluntar+ e)ancipation of a
)inor> and (o) c'anges of na)e4
=rder for 'earing to be publis'ed
once a 3ee0 for t'ree consecuti2e
3ee0s in a ne3spaper of general
circulation in t'e pro2ince4
Petition s'all be publis'ed at least
once a 3ee0 for t3o consecuti2e
3ee0s in a ne3spaper of general
circulation4Also to be posted in a
conspicuous place for ten
consecuti2e da+s4
=rder s'all also be publis'ed once a
3ee0 for t'ree consecuti2e 3ee0s in
a ne3spaper of general circulation in
t'e pro2ince. and court s'all cause
reasonable notice to persons na)ed
in t'e petition4
Entr+ is correct but petitioner
desires to c'ange t'e entr+
Entr+ is incorrect4 Cancellation or correction of correct
or incorrect entries
An appropriate ad2ersar+
An appropriate ad)inistrati2e
An appropriate su))ar+ or
ad2ersar+ proceeding depending on
!e:uires judicial order oes not re:uire judicial order4 irected or c'anged b+ t'e cit+ or
)unicipal ci2il registrar or consul
general 3it'out judicial order
Ser2ice of judg)ent s'all be upon
t'e ci2il register concerned
Trans)ittal of decision to ci2il
registrar general
Ser2ice of judg)ent s'all be upon
t'e ci2il register concerned
Appeal )a+ be a2ailed of if
judg)ent or final order rendered
affects substantial rig'ts of person
-n case denied b+ t'e cit+ or
)unicipal ci2il registrar or t'e
consul general. petitioner )a+
eit'er appeal t'e decision to t'e
ci2il register general or file
appropriate petition 3it' proper
court b+ petition for re2ie3 under
!ule 894
Appeal )a+ be a2ailed of if
judg)ent or final order rendered
affects substantial rig'ts of person
appealing. to t'e !TC or to t'e CA4
G'"u!&s #"' %+$!3e "# !$e
(g) ;'en t'e na)e is ridiculous. dis'onorable or e5tre)el+ difficult to 3rite or pronounce>
(') ;'en t'e c'ange is a legal conse:uence of legiti)ation or adoption>
(i) ;'en t'e c'ange 3ill a2oid confusion>
(j) ;'en one 'as continuousl+ used and been 0no3n since c'ild'ood b+ a *ilipino na)e and 3as
una3are of alien parentage>
(0) ;'en t'e c'ange is based on a sincere desire to adopt a *ilipino na)e to erase signs of for)er
alienage. all in good fait' and 3it'out prejudice to an+bod+> and
(l) ;'en t'e surna)e causes e)barrass)ent and t'ere is no s'o3ing t'at t'e desired c'ange of na)e
3as for a fraudulent purpose. or t'at t'e c'ange of na)e 3ould prejudice public interest (!e5)+lic vs.
#ernan6e1, *8 S,>D 279)D !e5)+lic vs. >vila, 122 S,!> -8%)4
A/se!tees (Rule 107)
(1) Stages of absence:
(a) pro2isional absence
(b) declaration of absence
(c) presu)ption of deat'
Pu'5"se "# t+e Rule
(1) T'e purpose of t'e !ule is to allo3 t'e court to appoint an ad)inistrator or representati2e to ta0e
care of t'e propert+ of t'e person 3'o is soug't to be judiciall+ declared absent4 -t also ai)s to 'a2e t'e
court appoint t'e present spouse as ad)inistrator or ad)inistratri5 of t'e absent spouse<s properties. or for
t'e separation of properties of t'e spouses4
*+" $1 #,le8 0+e! t" #,le
(1) T'e follo3ing )a+ file an application for t'e declaration of absence of a person:
(a) Spouse present>
(b) Heirs instituted in a 3ill. 3'o )a+ present an aut'entic cop+ of t'e sa)e>
(c) !elati2es 3'o 3ould succeed b+ t'e la3 of intestac+> and
(d) T'ose 3'o 'a2e o2er t'e propert+ of t'e absentee so)e rig't subordinated to t'e condition of 'is
deat' (Sec. 2)4
(#) After t'e lapse of t3o (#) +ears fro) 'is disappearance and 3it'out an+ ne3s about t'e absentee or
since t'e receipt of t'e last ne3s. or of fi2e (B) +ears in case t'e absentee 'as left a person in c'arge of t'e
ad)inistration of 'is propert+. t'e declaration of 'is absence and appoint)ent of a trustee or ad)inistrator
)a+ be applied for (Sec. 2)4
(9) ;'en a person disappears fro) 'is do)icile. 'is 3'ereabouts being un0no3n. and 3it'out 'a2ing left
an agent to ad)inister 'is propert+. or t'e po3er conferred upon t'e agent 'as e5pired. an+ interested
part+. relati2e or friend. )a+ petition t'e Court of *irst -nstance of t'e place 3'ere t'e absentee resided
before 'is disappearance for t'e appoint)ent of a person to represent 'i) pro2isionall+ in all t'at )a+ be
necessar+ (Sec. 1)4

C$!%ell$t,"! "' C"''e%t,"! "# E!t',es ,! t+e C,6,l Re3,st'1 (Rule 10;)
E!t',es su/-e%t t" %$!%ell$t,"! "' %"''e%t,"! u!&e' Rule 10;( ,! 'el$t,"! t" RA 902;
(1) 6pon good and 2alid grounds. t'e follo3ing entries in t'e ci2il register )a+ be cancelled or corrected:
(a) birt's> (b) )arriages> (c) deat's> (d) legal separations> (e) judg)ents of annul)ents of )arriage> (f)
judg)ents declaring )arriages 2oid fro) t'e beginning> (g) legiti)ations> (') adoptions> (i)
ac0no3ledg)ents of natural c'ildren> (j) naturali,ation (0) election. loss or reco2er+ of citi,ens'ip (l) ci2il
interdiction> ()) judicial deter)ination of filiation> (n) 2oluntar+ e)ancipation of a )inor> and (a) c'anges
of na)e (Sec. 2, !)le 1(8)4
(#) T'e petition for c'ange of first na)es or nic0na)es )a+ be allo3ed 3'en suc' na)es or nic0na)es
are ridiculous. tainted 3it' dis'onor or e5tre)el+ difficult to 3rite or pronounce> or t'e ne3 na)e or
nic0na)e 'as been used 'abituall+ and continuousl+ petitioner and 'as been publicl+ 0no3n b+ t'at first
na)e or nic0na)e in t'e co))unit+> or t'e c'ange 3ill a2oid confusion (Sec. -, !> 9(-8)4

A55e$ls ,! S5e%,$l P'"%ee&,!3 (Rule 109)
Cu&3e!ts $!& "'&e's #"' 0+,%+ $55e$l $1 /e t$De!
(1) An interested person )a+ appeal in special proceedings fro) an order or judg)ent rendered b+ a Court
of *irst -nstance or a 1u2enile and o)estic !elations Court. 3'ere suc' order or judg)ent:
(a) Allo3s or disallo3s a 3ill>
(b) eter)ines 3'o are t'e la3ful 'eirs of a deceased person. or t'e distributi2e s'are of t'e estate to
3'ic' suc' person is entitled>
(c) Allo3s or disallo3s. in 3'ole or in part. an+ clai) against t'e estate of a deceased person. or an+ clai)
presented on be'alf of t'e estate in offset to a clai) against it>
(d) Settles t'e account of an e5ecutor. ad)inistrator. trustee or guardian>
(e) Constitutes. in proceedings relating to t'e settle)ent of t'e estate of a deceased person. or t'e
ad)inistration of a trustee or guardian. a final deter)ination in t'e lo3er court of t'e rig'ts of t'e part+
appealing. e5cept t'at no appeal s'all be allo3ed fro) t'e appoint)ent of a special ad)inistrator> and
(f) -s t'e final order or judg)ent rendered in t'e case. and affects t'e substantial rig'ts of t'e person
appealing. unless it be an order granting or den+ing a )otion for a ne3 trial or for reconsideration (Sec. 1)4
*+e! t" $55e$l
(1) Appeals in special proceedings necessitate a record on appeal as t'e original record s'ould re)ain
3it' t'e trial court. 'ence t'e regle)entar+ period of t'irt+ (9%) da+s is pro2ided for t'e perfection of
appeals in special proceedings4
M"&es "# $55e$l
(1) ;'ile under t'e concept in ordinar+ ci2il actions so)e of t'e orders stated in Sec4 1 )a+ be
considered interlocutor+. t'e nature of special proceedings declares t'e) as appealable orders. as
e5ceptions to t'e pro2isions of Sec4. !ule 814 T'us:
(a) =rdinar+ appeal. T'e appeal to t'e CA in cases decided b+ t'e !TC in t'e e5ercise of its original
jurisdiction s'all be ta0en b+ filing a notice of appeal 3it' t'e court 3'ic' rendered t'e judg)ent or final
order appealed fro) and ser2ing a cop+ t'ereof upon t'e ad2erse part+4 (o record on appeal s'all be
re:uired e5cept in special proceedings and ot'er cases of )ultiple or separate appeals 3'ere t'e la3 or t'e
!ules so re:uire4 -n suc' cases. t'e record on appeal s'all be filed and ser2ed in li0e )anner4
(b) Petition for re2ie34 T'e appeal to t'e CA in cases decided b+ t'e !TC in t'e e5ercise of its appellate
jurisdiction s'all be b+ petition for re2ie3 in accordance 3it' !ule 8#4
(c) Petition for re2ie3 on certiorari4 -n all cases 3'ere onl+ :uestions of la3 are raised or in2ol2ed. t'e
appeal s'all be to t'e SC b+ petition for re2ie3 on certiorari in accordance 3it' !ule 8B4
Rule "! A&6$!%e D,st',/ut,"!
(1) (ot3it'standing a pending contro2ers+ or appeal in proceedings to settle t'e estate of a decedent.
t'e court )a+. in its discretion and upon suc' ter)s as it )a+ dee) proper and just. per)it t'at suc' part
of t'e estate as )a+ not be affected b+ t'e contro2ers+ or appeal be distributed a)ong t'e 'eirs or
legatees. upon co)pliance 3it' t'e conditions set fort' in !ule &% of t'ese rules (Sec. 2)4

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