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ࠓ࠴ࠊ࠰ࠐ࠳ࠔ࠰ࠓ࠴ࠊ࠰ࠕࠤ ࠋࠥࠧࠋࠥࠧ߿ࠤ

ߺ࠱ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ (ࠛࠤࠉࠤ)ࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰߾࠭ࠩࠕ࠯࠘ࠓࠤ࠯ࠓ࠙ࠧࠊ࠰ࠏࠣࠒࠨ࠯...
࠶࠾࠾࠵ࠩࠕ࠳࠯ࠩߺࠤߺ࠰ࠏ࠳ࠪࠓ࠴ࠤ ࠛࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰ࠕࠊࠪ࠮ࠏࠣࠊࠦߺࠥࠧ ࠛࠤࠉࠤࠖࡰࠪࠩࠏ࠯ࠓ࠴ࠤࡥࠐ߿࠰ࠏࠣࠊࠔ࠰..


ࠩ࠘ࠎࠊ࠰ࠀࠥࠧࠊࠤ ࠓࠥࠧ࠯ࠩࠏࡅࠩࠋࠤ߾࠰ࠏ߿࠰ࠊࠪ࠮ࠛࠕࠤࠓ࠙ࠧࠊ࠰ࠒࠨ࠯
ࠏ߿࠰ࡥࠏࠦࠩ࠙࠮ࠀࠥࠧࠕ߾࠰ ࠊࠄ࠰࠮ࠊࠄ࠰࠮ࠓ࠴ࠎ࠰ࠩࠛࠤ߾࠰ࠏ߿࠰ࠊࠤ...


ࠖࠨࠋࠧࠀࠥࠧࠊࠪ࠮߿ߺࠤ࠯ࠖ࠭ࠧ࠯ߺࠥࠧ ߿ࠊ߾࠰ࠊࠦࠋ࠳߾࠰࠘࠭ࠧ࠯߿࠳ࠪ߻ࠪ࠮ࠊࠤ ࠖࠨࠋࠧࠛࠐ࠳ࠪ࠮ࠏࠪߺ࠳ࠪ࠮..


ࠕࠪࠩࠒࠤ࠰࠸ߺ࠱ࠥࠏ࠰ࠀࠥࠧࠊࠤ ߾ࠣࠊࠥࠧ࠮ߺ߿߻ࠪ࠮ࠊࠤ


࠷࠵࠵ࠕ ߿ߺ࠰ࠊ߾࠰ࠒࠤࠛࠩࠕ࠯ࠛ߻߾࠰࠯ࠓ࠴ࠤ ࠖࠓ࠰࠯ࠩࠖ࠴࠱ࠤߺ࠰ࠀࡵ࡛ࡥࠏ߻ࠪ࠮ࡤߺࠊࠪ࠮ࠒࠧࠎ࠰࠯ࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠩࠊ࠳࠙ࠤ


ࠑࠥࠧࠖ࠰߻࠱ࠫࠏ࠰ࠓ࠴ࠨ࠯ࡤߺࠦ࠯࠘ࠎ࠰࠯ࠩࠕࡰࠕࠪ࠮ࠛࠓ࠱ࠥࠫ࠯ ࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰߾࠭ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ࠛࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠛߺࠪࠛࡤߺ࠭ࠩࠏ࠯ࠏࠧ߼ࡈࠥࠫࠖ࠰ ࠞࠦ࠯ࠛ࠮࠭ࠩࠓࠤ߾࠰

߽࠘࠭ࠤ࠮ࠓ࠙ࠤࠎࠤࠔߺߺ ࠒࠧࠎ࠰࠯ࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ࠓ࠱ࠤ࠯ࠓ࠱ࠤ࠯࠙ࠤ ߺࠥࠧࠕ߾࠰ࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠩࠊ࠳࠘ࠤࡥࠐ߿࠰ࠊࠔ࠰


A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the
“Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now!
࠙ࠪ࠮..ߺࠩࠖ࠯ࠓ ࠙ࠪ࠮...ߺࠩࠖ࠯ࠓ

ࠞࠦ࠯ࡵࠧ ࠕࠪ࠮ࠩࠌࡅࠩࠛࠤ߾࠰ࠀࠎ࠰࠯߿ࠧࡤߺࠄ࠰ࠛࠤ࠯ࠩ߻ࡅࠩ࠵ࡅ߻ࠪ࠮ࠊࠪ࠮߿ߺࠤ࠯

ߺ࠱ࠩࠎࠤ࠰ࠩࠌࡅࠩࠛࠤ߾࠰ࠀࠎ࠰࠯߿ࠧࡤߺࠄ࠰ߺࠥࠧ ࠓࡥࠓ߾࠰ࠒࠨ࠯ࠏࠣࠒࠨ࠯

KNU PEACE COUNCIL ࠑࠥࠧࠖ࠰ࠓ࠴ࠨ࠯߻࠱ࠫࠏ࠰ࠩ߿ࠤࠕ߾࠰ࡵࠧ

ࠒࠧࠎ࠰࠯ࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠩࠊ࠳ࠀࡵ࡛ࡥࠏࠩࠎࠊࠤ ߺ࠱ࠩࠎࠤ࠰ࠊࠥࠧ࠮ࠎࠪ࠮ࠓࠀࠥࠧ߾࠰ࠒࠨ࠯ࠩࠖ

ࠊࠥࠧ߾࠰࠯ࠕ߾࠰࠯࠘ࠤ࠯ࠩ߻ࠣ߾࠰࠯ࠩࠀࠤ߾࠰ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ࠓ࠱ࠤ࠯ࠓ࠱ࠤ࠯ࠕࠪ࠮࠷࠵࠵ࠕ ߿ߺ࠰ࠊ߾࠰ࠒࠤࠛࠩࠕ࠯ࠛ߻߾࠰࠯ࠊࠧࠎ࠰࠯ߺ

ࠄ࠳ࠎ࠰࠮࠷ ࠄ࠳ࠎ࠰࠮ࠩࠏࠣ߾࠰࠯ࠊࠤࠩࠊࠤ߾࠰ ࡤߺࠏ࠰(ߺ࠱ࠏ࠰)ࠓࡥࠏࠄ࠰࠮ࠕ࠴ࠤࠒࠨ࠯


ࠑࠧࠌ࡜࠘ࠕࠉ࠭ ߼߿ࡍࠤࠓࠥ ࠍࠓࡢ࠭ ࠘ࠕࠉ࠭ ߼߿ࡍࠤࠓࠥ ߽࠘࠭࠭ ࠘ࠕࠉ࠭ ߼ࠎ࠰࠯(ࠩ࠘ࠎࠊ࠰)߿ࠤࠓࠥ


ࡥࠓࠎ࠰ࠓࠤࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰߾࠭࠘ࠤ࠯ࠩࠊ࠳ ࠒࠔ࠰ࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰߾࠭ࠓ࠴ࠤࠏࠪࡥࠐ߿࠰ࡥࠐ߿࠰ ࠊࡥ߻ࠤ࠯ࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰߾࠭࠘ࠤ࠯߻࠭ࠔࠨࠐࠥࠧ࠮ࠓ߿ࠞ࠰࠯߿ࠤ࠯ࡤߺࠏࠣࠎࠪ࠮

ߺࠧࠖࠛࠊ࠳߾࠰࠯ࠩࠕ࠯ࠓ࠴ࠬ࠯߻࠱ࠫࠏ࠰ࠩ࠙ࠤ߾࠰࠯ ࠞࠦ࠯࠘ࠎ࠰࠮

A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the
“Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now!
ࠩࠌࡅࠩࠛࠤ߾࠰ࠀࠎ࠰࠯߿ࠧࡤߺࠄ࠰ࠊࠥࠧ࠮ࠞࠦ࠯ࠊ߾࠰ࠞࠦ࠯ࠊࠥࠧ࠮ߺࠥࠧ ࠐࠓ࠰࠯ࠋࠤ࠯ࠊࠤࠖࡰࠊ࠰ࠕߺ࠰ߺࠏ࠭ࠧࠓ࠴ࠎ࠰ࠀࠥࠧࠕ߾࠰
࠷࠵࠵࠾ࡵࠥࠧ࠵߾࠰ࠒࠤࠖߺࠧࠎ࠰ࠩࠖࠤߺ࠰ࠓ࠴ ࡥࠏࠄ࠰࠮ࠓ࠴ࠤࠏࠣ
࠻ ࠖࠩࠖࠤߺ࠰ࠖࠥࠧࠏࠣࠩ࠘࠯ࠊࠔ࠰..ࠛࠪࠌࠦࠛ߻࠱ࠥࠎ࠰ߺ࠱ࠕ߾࠰ ࠖࡰࠊ࠰ࠩࠏ࠯ࠐࠥࠧ࠮ࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰߾࠭ࠩࠊࠤ࠰ࠛࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠛߺࠪߺ

࠘ࠊ߾࠰࠯߿ࠤࠕ࠴߾࠰࠯ࠖ߾࠰࠯ࠏ࠳ࠪࠓ࠴ࠤࠩࡥࠏࠤ߻ࠪ࠮ࠊࠪ࠮ ࠕࠪ߻࠱ࠫࠏ࠰ ߻߾࠰ࠕࠦ ࠕࠪ࠮߿ߺࠤ࠯

ࠛ߿ࠥࠧ࠯ࠕߺ ࠓࠦ࠯ࠓࠦࠊࠤࠩࠊ࠳ ࠛ࠘߿࠰ࠩࡥࠏࠤ߾࠰࠯߻ࠥࠧ߾࠰࠯ࠩࠎࠊࠔ࠰ࠀࠥࠧ ...

ࠩࠛ࠯ ࠛ߿ࠥࠧ࠯ࠕߺࠥࠧࠩࡥࠏࠤࠖࠥࠧߺ࠰ߺ࠳ࠤ..ࠓࠦࠊࠤ ࠓ߻࠱ࠥࠎ࠰࠯ࠎࠪ࠮(ࠛ࠘߿࠰ࠓࠩࡥࠏࠤ߾࠰࠯ࠎࠪ࠮)
ࠛ߿ࠥࠧ࠯ࠕࠏࠪ ߻࠱ࠥࠎ࠰࠯ࠖࠥࠧߺ࠰(ࠛ࠘߿࠰ࠩࡥࠏࠤ߾࠰࠯ࠖࠥࠧߺ࠰)ࠩࠊࠤ࠮ ࠖࠥࠧ࠮...


ࠩࡤߺࠤ߾࠰ࡥࠐࠬࠏࠪࡥࠐ߿࠰ࡥࠐ߿࠰ ࠛࠓࠪࠏࠪࡥࠐ߿࠰ࡥࠐ߿࠰
ࡤߺ࠳ߺ࠰߻ࠧࠊ࠰ࡵࠥࠧ߾࠰ࠐࠥࠧ࠮ߺ ࠛࠍࠥߺࠏࠪ

ࠊࠕࠧࠊ࠰ࠩ߻ࠣ߾࠰࠯ࠩࠀࠤ߾࠰ ࠊࠥࠎ࠰ࠩࠕ࠴ࠤߺ࠰ࠐࠥࠎ࠰

ࠛࠩࠓࠕࠥߺࠎ࠰ࡥࠏ߾࠰ࠏࠓ࠴ࠤ ߿߿࠰ࠓ࠱ߺ࠰ࡵ࠴ࠤࠓࠐ࠳߾࠰࠮ࠕ߾࠰
ࠛࠩࠓࠕࠥߺࠎ࠰࠰ࠋࠪࠓ࠴ࠤ ࠊࠥࠧ࠰ߺ࠰߻ࠥࠧ࠰ߺ࠰ࠕࠖࠥࠓ࠰࠮ࠓࠔ࠰..

ࠛࠩࠓࠕࠥߺࠎ࠰ ࠘ࠓࡢࠊࠩ࠙ࠤ߾࠰࠯ࠩ߼࠱ࠤ࠮ࠒࠧࠕ࠴࠰

ࡥࠓࠎ࠰ࠓࠤࡥࠏࠄ࠰ࠛ߿ࠥࠧ࠯ࠕ࠘ࠄ࠰ ࠔ߻ࠧࠛ߻ࠣ
ࠛ߻ࠥ࠱ࠎ࠰ࠕ࠴ࠥ߻ࠥࠧߺ࠰ ࠛࠓ࠴ࠨࠓࠖ࠳ࠎ࠰ࠓࠦ ࡥࠏࠫࡥࠏ߾࠰࠘߾࠰࠮ࠩࠏ࠘ࠄ࠰..
ࠓࡥࠏࠫࡥࠏ߾࠰ࠏࠣߺ ߺࠧࠖࠤ࠯ࠎࠪ࠮ࠊࠕࠧࠊ࠰ࡤߺࠦ࠯ࠀࠦ ࠛࠩ࠙ࠤ߾࠰࠯ࠩ߿࠱࠯ࠎࠪ࠮ࠩ߿࠱࠯ࡵ࠴ࠥࠓ࠰ࠩࠕࠤ߾࠰࠯ࠕࠩࠏࠩࠊࠤ࠮ࠓࠄ࠰..


A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, simply open the document you want to convert, click “print”, select the
“Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! Get yours now!

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