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Project Summary

In this chapter, the group presents the highlights, descriptive definition, long- range
objectives, feasibility criteria, history and basic conclusions of studying the business viability of
Biba Lavendera laundry shop.
A. Nae of the !nterprise
Biba Lavandera Laundry "hop
A business nae is one of the ost essential things to be prepared in starting a business.
Biba Lavandera as the priary nae of the business, originated fro the noun #ord bibo that
eans sart or bubbly. It is used to refer a person that is active and has energy. lavandera
cae upon the suggestion of $rofessor $atriarca as it appeals ore to the target audience. Biba
Lavendera soeho# gives an e%traordinary attention
&he nae Biba Lavandera is uni'ue, siple and easy to reeber. $eople #ill easily
visuali(e #hat the business is about and it #ill aid to their eory. It includes the inforation
that the business does and can easily be understood by various target ar)et.
&he business logo sho#s a bubbly girl to represent Biba, a sun to denote a bright day for
doing laundry #ith the nae of the enterprise. &he colors used are on the light shades to be ore
attractive and leave a clean and fresh iage.
B. Location
&he location of the business is at Bl) *+ lot , -inseng .oad, .obinsons /oes !ast Bgy.
"an 0ose, Antipolo 1ity. Biba Lavandera is inside the .obinsons /oes. Basically, the business
is intended for the residents of the counity because not all the residents have house helpers to
do the laundry. 2any residents are #or)ing and they are too busy to do the laundry so this )ind
of business is good enough for the people inside the counity. &he lot easures 34 s'
and the
laundry shop is e%pected to occupy 56 s'
7riginally, the location #as occupied by a salon. &he
rates of renting the place range fro ,,888php to 4,988php a onth since it is located on the
ain road: hence it projects a higher rate. &he cost of renting the place is good enough for the
productivity of the business because it is easily seen by the target audience.
&he ain location is near the .obinsons clubhouse, the chapel and the ain gate so it is
accessible for all the residents of the subdivision. An efficient site for Biba Lavandera is seen
in the counity because the need for an instant #ay to clean the resident;s clothes is high. &he
village is in the city so ra# aterials and other utilities #ill be available for the business o#ners.
This is the map of the whole Robinsons Homes East which has approximately 3, !!",!!!
occ#pied ho#ses $from wi%imapia&'
This is the exact location of the b#siness inside the Robinsons Homes'
1. <escription of the $roject
$riarily, the project is intended for the residents of .obinsons /oes and not in line
#ith any other governent advocacies. /o#ever, this ay support a clean living #hich is aied
by the <epartent of /ealth but this project is basically to help the residents lessen their
#or)load and ensure that their clothes are clean. It does not support any political aspects of the
governent or other organi(ations in the counity.
Biba Lavandera significantly acts a helper for the people #ho does not have enough tie
to do the laundry. It #ill be anaged by a partnership #ho is a resident of the counity.
&hrough that, the target ar)et is rest assured that the o#ners of the business adhere to #hat they
need to get full satisfaction. It is a very good idea to put up a laundry shop in the subdivision
because it also gives the others or the ones responsible for doing the laundry, an e%tra tie to
bond #ith other faily ebers or do other productive things. Instead of doing the laundry that
is tiring, people could just deposit their clothes in the shop and #ait for it to get done. 2ore tie
and effort #ill be saved by the residents and perhaps, it could be spent on other household
chores, doing paper #or)s and other.
&his project #ill be anaged by the people #ho )no# the feeling of being unsatisfied
#ith #hat results they get fro doing the laundry at hoe. &he o#ners thought of ore
advantages and benefits that their co- residents #ill get fro having their dirty clothes and stuffs
done in an easy anner. &he use of technology today should be able to respond to the needs and
#ants of the custoers. In that case, a laundry shop is the ans#er to the need for clean clothes in
less tie, less cost and less effort.
<. Long- range 7bjectives
&o be able to e%pand the business in other areas of the counity in its three operating
&o gain 98= of loyal custoers in a year.
&o doinate the ar)et in the counity and define the edge of Biba Lavandera laundry
shop fro its copetitor inside the subdivision in si% onths tie.
&o establish a good brand to custoers and gain brand loyalty in its first three onths of
operation by prevailing a socially responsible enterprise.
&o increase profits in half a year;s tie.
!. >easibility 1riteria
As a socially responsible business, it adheres to the responsibility of having a good
ipact on the environent. $rofitability is not just the ajor ai of the project but also to be a
socially responsible business by prooting a healthy environent in a siple #ay of #earing
clean clothes. According to .enteria ?388*@, a laundry industry is a recession- proof industry
because everyone has dirty clothes. A laundry business has been a sleeper and has also stayed
#ell belo# the radar, but profitability is very visible in this )ind of business.
0udging the viability of the project, it is iportant to consider aspects li)e ho# it is able
to operate in the ar)et, ho# it differs fro other laundry shops inside the subdivision and ho#
long it stays in spite of the copetition. Its profitability can not be judged on the first onths of
its operation though, because this )ind of industry gives higher cash returns if it attracts
custoers in a long- run basis.
>. /ighlights of the $roject
i. /istory
&he project cae about the thought of a business partnership bet#een the group ebers
originating fro a #ater refilling station up to the laundry shop. &hin)ing of #hat business to put
up that suit inside the .obinsons /oes is really the ain thing. A #ater refilling station ay be
viable in the location ho#ever a lot of copetitors are already operating inside the counity so
the group though of a different business #here in the target audience could focus their attention
into: and that is a laundry shop.
Laundry shops are seen to be a need for the residents of the counity. &his )ind of
business does not re'uire uch effort for the custoers and the business o#ners as #ell. >or the
custoers, it is as easy as leaving their dirty clothes in the shop and return after it is done. >or
the business o#ners, hiring fe# eployees that #ould anage the business is just the only tas)
to do. !ployees #ill be needed for operating the laundry achines. &hus, the group thought of
this )ind of business for practicability and deand fro the target audience. It #ill be a good
help for eeting the custoer;s e%pectations through satisfying their needs and #ants.
ii. $roject &ietable "tatus
&he project is e%pected to be in operation for ten years and be able to be prooted to a
different stage at a later tie such as e%tending a detergent store near the laundry shop. &he
business #ill still be operational after the e%pected year: ho#ever the focus of the business #ill
be ore on the e%pansion of the industry.
$resently, the business is in the stage of introducing a ne# brand in the ar)et. A
laundry shop is not ne# in the ar)et though so product innovation and sales anageent are
iportant in order for the business to gro#. &he launching of the business has to be uni'ue and
catchy to attract prospects in the future and develop a loyalty for the brand.
iii. Nature of the Industry
Laundry industry is a strong and energetic business. Also, #hat a)es it ore appealing
to the ar)et is the fact that this steadfast service industry continues to gro# and succeed. &he
deographic trends to#ard an even greater d#elling segent of the population forecast
continued success.
&he biggest threat for the business is the copetition. 1onsidering that the business site is
inside a subdivision, it is possible that other businessen #ould thin) of putting up the sae
business and hence, the ar)et #ill be ore segented and it yields a saller target ar)et for
the laundry shop. /o#ever in the long- run, the business #ill not just doinate the #hole
subdivision but #ill also e%tend to other places li)e the nearby subdivisions near the Antipolo
church and probably other areas li)e &aytay, 1ainta or $asig.
Laundry shops are easily anaged through the use of ne# technology. It lessens the tie
and effort that are spent in getting the clothes cleaned. &he noral tie spent in getting dirty
clothes cleaned is li)e t#o hours depending on the nuber of clothes to be #ashed and its si(es.
/o#ever, the laundry industry belongs to the service industry #here the product is priarily the
service given to the custoers. &a)e note of the service, it coprises of the use of detergent
soaps to be used for the clothes, the #ater consuption, space to be saved by the custoers in
hanging their clothes to dry and the electricity that can be saved for ironing the. -enerally, this
)ind of industry is really seen on the go for the target audience because of convenience and
iv. 2ode of >inancing and Investent costs
&he ode of financing #ill be fro the partnership of Alburo sisters. It #ill coe fro
the savings of both and this business #ill be their priary investent. A laundry shop is a not big
business that needs an e%travagant capital so there is no need to borro# fro the ban) or a
lending copany. &he partners chose to finance the business because it #ill lessen the cost of
&he estiated cost of the total business is AAAAAAAAAAAA. >unds #ill be allocated as
follo#s ?php@B
"tore rental
&otal price of the e'uipents ?appro%@
"tore renovation
$a detailed analysis of costs will be f#rther disc#ssed on the followin( chapters&
v. Investent costs
-. 2ajor Assuptions and "uary of >indings
i. 2ar)et >easibility
ii. &echnical >easibility
iii. >inancial >easibility
iv. "ocio- econoic >easibility
v. 2anageent >easibility
/. 1onclusion of the "tudy
Market Study
&his chapter covers the ost iportant part of the project that intends to define the si(e,
nature and gro#th of the deand for the product, description and price of the product, supply
situation, nature of copetition, different ar)eting factors affecting the ar)et of the product
and the ar)eting progra needed.
A. $roduct <escription
B. <eand- "upply Analysis
1. 4 $;s "tudy
<. >actors Affecting the 2ar)et
!. "urvey .esults
>. Analysis of <ata -athered
-. 1onclusions and .ecoendations
Technical Study
In this chapter, the group presents the products, anufacturing process, plant si(e and production
schedule, achinery and e'uipent, plant location and layout, building facilities and the ra# aterial and
supplies for the operation of Biba Lavandera laundry shop.
A. "ervices
Biba Lavandera #ill be providing custoers #ith the follo#ing laundry servicesB Cash,
<ry, >old ?C<>@, $ressing, /and Cash, and <ry 1leaning services.
Cash, <ry,>old or C<> is the ost coon sought service fro a laundry shop. &his
service provides basic achine #ashing and drying: and folding for custoers; clothes,
coforters, to#els, curtains and seat covers #ith or #ithout foa. &his process is done #ith the
aid of #ashing achines and dryers. Cashing achines perfor several rinses after the ain
#ash to reove ost of the detergent. &hen, the clothing #ould be placed on a clothes dryer or
tuble dryer that is used to reove oisture fro a load of clothing and other te%tiles. &hen, the
clothes or garents #ould be anually folded and bagged for pic) up for the custoers.
$ressing or Ironing or soothing is the #or) of using a heated tool, or tools, such as an
iron to reove #rin)les fro fabric. Ironing #or)s by loosening the bonds bet#een the long-
chain polyer olecules in the fibers of the aterial. Chile the olecules are hot, the fibers are
straightened by the #eight of the iron, and they hold their ne# shape as they cool. "oe fabrics,
such as cotton, re'uire the addition of #ater to loosen the interolecular bonds. Aside fro this,
ironing ay also be used as a gerDparasite )illing hygienic operation. 2ost ironing is done on
an ironing board, a sall, portable, foldable table #ith a heat resistant top. "oe coercial-
grade ironing boards incorporate a heating eleent and a pedal-operated vacuu to pull air
through the board and dry the garent. But technology has paved its #ay in iproving the
traditional iron to stea irons #hich allo# pressing #ithout an ironing board.
/and Cashing is the traditional anual cleaning of clothes. "oe delicate clothing pieces
re'uire gentle cleansing, thus the need for hand #ashing service. &he laundry #or)er #ould
#ash the specified clothing one by one by hand and bar soap and the clothing #ould also be air-
dryed before it could be folded.
<ry 1leaning is a cleaning process for clothing and te%tiles using an organic solvent
rather than #ater. &he solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene ?perchloroethylene@,
abbreviated EpercE in the industry and Edry-cleaning fluidE by the public. <ry cleaning is
necessary for cleaning ites #hich #ould other#ise be daaged by #ater and soap or detergent.
&he cleaning process of dry cleaning is ore tie consuing copared to the usual #ash, dry,
fold process, but there are clothing that re'uires such service li)e go#ns and barongs, coats,
suits, dresses, jac)ets, caps and nec)ties. &he international -IN!&!F laundry sybol for dry
cleaning is a circle. It ay have a letter $ inside to indicate perchloroethylene solvent, or a letter
> inside to indicate a hydrocarbon solvent. A bar underneath the circle indicates that only ild
cleaning processes should be used. A crossed out epty circle indicates that no dry cleaning is
B. 2anufacturing $rocess
&here are different processes involved in a laundry business depending on the specified
service ordered by the custoer and the service re'uired #ith the type of garent or fabric. Ce
also have the International Cashing "ybols to refer to in #ashing the clothes to assure the
custoers that their clothing is handled in the best #ay by a custoer-satisfaction oriented
"a#h $ry old Ser%ice Per &' (ilo "a#h Load
>or &hin -arents including >or &hic) -arents such as
Bed "heets, 1urtains, &o#els and Blan)ets and 1oforters.
"eat 1overs #ith or #ithout >oa.
Pre##in) Ser%ice
*and "a#hin) Proce##
1. $lant "i(e and $roduction "chedule
<. 2achinery and !'uipent
3 Chilpool &opload Cashers 2odel B 4$C&C9+89
3*"uper 1apacity $lus
58.9 Gg. <ry Linen 1apacity
>ully Autoatic Casher #ith "ilver $anel
!%ta .oll Action Agitator
2agi1lean Lint >ilter
$olypropylene 7uter &ub
<irect <rive "yste
!%tra .inse 7ption
"elf Balancing Bas)et and &ub
.at-$roof Base
&ripod "uspension "yste
MO$EL 4$C&C9+89
LOA$ CAPACIT+ 58.9 Ggs.
"AS*ER T+PE &op Load
SPIN SPEE$ 698 rp
NO, O "AS* PRO!RAMS + cycles
Soak"a#h UNCTIONS No
"ATER USA!E /er "AS* I* Liters
CONTROL T+PE $ush Button D Gnob
COLOR BiscuitDChite
NET $IMENSIONS 0h121d3 in inche# 43.9 F 3* F 36.9
PO"ER SOURCE 338J D 68/(
NET "EI!*T *3 Ggs.
!ROSS "EI!*T *I Ggs.
3 Chirlpool <ryers 2odel B 4$C!<9+89
58.9 G-. >ully Autoatic !lectric <ryer #ith "ilver $anel
Autoatic <ry
-entle /eat "yste
.eovable Lint >ilter
!nd-of-1ycle "ignal
Crin)le "hield
Kuiet <ry Noise .eduction
MO$EL .4$C!<9+89
LOA$ CAPACIT+ 58.9 Ggs
ACCU$R+ SENSOR $R+IN! Autoatic <ry
REMO4A.LE LINT ILTER &op 2ounted
CONTROL T+PE $ush Button and Gnob
MATERIAL AN$ INIS* !nael, $o#der 1oated
PO"ER SOURCE 338J D 68/(
"ATTA!E 9488C
COLOR Biscuit D Chite
NET $IMENSIONS 0h121d3 in inche# 43.9 F 3+ F 3I
NET "EI!*T 9, Ggs.
!ROSS "EI!*T 96 Ggs.
5 <ry 1leaner
!. $lant Location
>. $lant Layout
-. Building >acilities
/. .a# 2aterials and "upplies
I. Ltilities
0. Caste <isposal
G. $roduction 1ost
i. <irect 2aterials
ii. <irect Labor
iii. 2anufacturing 7verhead
L. $lant 7rgani(ation
2. Appendices
i. $lant LayoutD !'uipent
ii. !'uipent flo# sheet
iii. !'uipent listing and cost
iv. Ltilities calculation
v. $lant facilities brea)do#n of cost
vi. $rojected cost of production
Socio5 Economic Study
A. "ocio- !conoic Benefits
i. !ployent and Incoe
ii. &a%es
iii. "upply of coodities
iv. <eand for aterials
Or)ani6ation and Mana)ement Study
A. >orulation of -oals and 7bjectives
B. Basic 1onsiderations
1. >ors of 7#nership
<. 7rgani(ational 1hart
!. 7fficers and Gey $ersonnel
>. $roject "chedule
En%ironmental Im/act Analy#i#

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