Project Report Format

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The format of the Industrial Training Report should be as per the given guidelines. The order of
the contents is as follows:
1. Title page
2. Declaration / Certificate
. !c"nowledgement
#. Table of contents with page numbers
$. %ain te&t
'. (ibliograph) or list of references
*. !ppendices

Size: International standard paper si+e !# ,2-*& should be used.
Page number: 0age should be numbered consecutivel) and clearl). 1o page number should be
indicated on title page2
Margin: Top 1..32 (ottom 1..3 4eft 1.$3 Right 1..3

Line spacing: 1.$

Font: Times new roman2 si+e 1./12 for te&t2 larger fonts ma) be used for headings 5
The title 0age should be of the format as follows:

Title of the Report

Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the re6uirement for the degree of

(achelor of Technolog)
Computer 7cience 5 8ngineering

%ahara9a 7ura9mal Insitute of Technolog)
!ffiliated to :uru :obind 7ingh Indraprastha ;niversit)
<ana"puri2 1ew Delhi=$>

%onth ?ear

The distribution of 0ro9ect mar"s would be :
Internal/8&ternal = 1.. mar"s

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