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Sample Credit Report

Below is a sample credit report with typical components labeled. The components are
described in the legend.

Credit Report Agency Name

Biographical Information Please address all future
Jane Doe correspondence to:
555 Market Street
2 City, State 00000 Credit Reporting Agency
Business Address
Personal Information City State 00000
Social Security Number 000-00-0000 (800) 555-5555
Date of Birth 08-30-66
4 Last Reported Employment: ABC Hospital Date of Report: 10/30/06
Previous Address
999 Main Street Report Number: 123456789
5 City, State, 00000

Public Information
Lien Filed 12/04; Any District Court; Case Number 00-000-000; Amount $27,045; Class-state;
Released 09/05; Verified 01/06
Bankruptcy filed 10/00; Any District Court; Case Number 000000; Liabilities-$35,000; Personal;
Individual; Discharged 09/02; Assets--$3,000

Account Information

6 Company National Bank XXX Store XYZ Auto ABC

Account Number 0123 98-7654 2468

7 Account Type Joint Revolving Installment

8 Date Opened 12/03/05 04/15/03 11/04/04

Date of Last Activity 09/06/06 08/23/06 09/01/06

9 High Credit $2489 $597 $5698

10 Terms NA NA $225 month

Balance $0 $0 $4225
Past Due $0 $0 $225

11 Status Paid as agreed Paid as agreed 30 days late

12 Reported Since 01/01/06 05/01/03 12/01//04

13 Last Reported 10/01/06 10/01/06 10/01/06

14 Previous Payment History 1 time 30 days late On time 3 times 30 days late

15 Consumer Statement:

16 Inquiries
Store XYZ 04/15/03
AutoWorld 11/04/04
Local Bank XXX 11/04/04
PRM Credit 12/15/04
Capital Bank 12/03/05
Sample Credit Report


Information on Credit Report Description

1. Biographical Information Your current address — check for accuracy.

2. Personal Information Personal information may include your name, social security number, employers,
telephone numbers, etc. All variations of this information will be listed so you can
confirm that the information belongs to you.

3. Report Number Report Number — You will need this number to refer to this credit report if you
contact customer support.

4. Previous Address Your previous address(es)—check for accuracy.

5. Public Information Public information comes from federal district bankruptcy records, state and county
court records, tax liens and monetary judgments, and in some states, overdue child
support records. Public records can remain on your credit report for up to 7 years for
some items, up to 10 years for bankruptcy, and 15 years for unpaid tax liens.

6. Company Name Provider of account information

7. Account Type Account type indicates the type of account

(Open = entire balance due each month; Revolving = payment amount changes
monthly; Installment = fixed number of payments; Joint = owned by two or more people)

8. Date Opened The date this account was opened.

9. High Credit High credit is the maximum amount that has been charged to that account.

10. Terms Terms indicates the amount of the monthly payment due

11. Status Indicates the current status of the account/timeliness of payment. (Approved, not used;
Paid as agreed; 30 days past due; 60 days past due; 90 days past due; 120 past due
or collection amount; 180 days past due; Chapter 13 Bankruptcy; Derogatory =
foreclosure; Chapter 7, 11, or 12 Bankruptcy)

12. Reported Since Reported since indicates the length of time the creditor has reported on that account

13. Last Reported Last reported indicates the most recent update of activity for the account from the

14. Previous Payment History Previous payment history shows a record of on-time or late payments, and how many

15. Consumer Statement Any statement provided by you appears here.

16. Inquires Companies who obtained a copy of your credit report. Inquiries remain on your report
up to two years.

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