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NAME: _________________ Date:___________________

1) A thin asphalt treatment used to waterproof and improved the texture of an asphalt
wearing surface
a prime coat
! seal coat
c tac" coat
d slurr# seal
e asphalt cement
$) %rac"s in asphalt overla# that cop# the crac"s pattern in the pavement structure
a transverse crac"s
! slippage crac"s
c reflective crac"s
d hairline crac"s
e alligator crac"s
&) 'he locali(ed upward displacement of the pavement due to swelling of the su!grade or
some portion of the pavement structure
a shoving
! upheaval
c rutting
d raveling
e depression
)) 'est of asphalt that determines if asphalt is overheated during production
a flash point test
! ductilit# test
c loss on heating
d viscosit# test
e spot test
*) 'he mass percent of air voids in asphalt mixture re+uirements shall !e within the range of
__ percent
a & to *
! ) to ,
c * to ,
d & to -
e * to .
-) 'he minimum dr# compressive strength of asphalt mixture shall have at least_______
a 1*/ psi
! &// psi
c )// psi
d $// psi
e $*/ psi
,) 0n order to compl# the re+uirements of asphalt mixture1 the 0ndex of 2etained Strength
shall not !e less than __ when tested !# AAS3'4 '1-*
a .*
! ,*
c ./
d -/
e 5/
f None of the a!ove
.) An asphalt mixture in order to !e accepta!le should not loss more than ___ percent of its
dr# strength when su!6ect to the standard immersion7compression test
a $*
! &/
c $/
d &*
e )/
f 1*
5) 2esponsi!le for the plastic properties of the asphalt and also imparts hardness
a maltenes
! Napantenes
c Asphaltene
d 8etrolene
e 3eptane
1/) 'he flow value for all traffic re+uirements for paving mixtures shall not exceed __ when
measured in /$* penetration
a 1/
! 1.
c 1-
d 1$
e $/
11) 0t is an important data in the determination of the degree of compaction of a newl#
constructed asphalt pavement
a asphalt content
! densit# of aggregates
c specific gravit#
d thic"ness of asphalt mix
e core test
1$) 'he rate of application for the !ituminous prime coat shall !e with in the range of ____
a /$ to /, liters9m
! /* to 1* liters9m
c 1/ to $/ liters9m
d 1* to $* liters9m
e $/ to &/ liters9m
1&) 'he prime coat shall !e left undistur!ed for a period of at least___hrs and shall not !e
opened for traffic until it has penetrated and cured sufficientl#
a -
! 1/
c 1$
d 1.
e $)
f &-
1)) 'he rate of application for the !ituminous tac" coat shall !e with in the range of ____
a /1 to /* liters9m
! /$ to /, liters9m
c /* to 1* liters9m
d 1/ to $/ liters9m
e 1* to $* liters9m
1*) 3#drated lime shall !e added to the asphalt mixture during the mixing operation in the
amount of ___mass percent dr# aggregates !asis
a $/ to */
! 1/ to $/
c /$ to /,
d /* to 1/
e 1* to $/
f &/ to */
1-) An asphalt emulsion that wor"s !etter to wet aggregates
a anionic
! cationic
c maltene
d a and !
e none of the a!ove
1,) 'he re+uired minimum depth of insertion of the armored stem thermometer to the asphalt
a $ in
! 1 in
c - in
d ) in
e . in
f & in
1.) 'he dividing line !etween sand and silt is ____
a /1/ mm
! //* mm
c $// mm
d ///*mm
e ///1mm
15) 0n the determination of the li+uid limit test1 the !rass cup is allowed to drop into the !ase
through a height of 1/ cm !# rotating the cran" at the rate of ___per second
a * rotations
! $ rotations
c & rotations
d ) rotations
e None of the a!ove
$/) 0n this test1 the soil is sheared to failure !# moving one part of soil sample relative to the
other part along a predetermined plane
a Direct shear test
! :nconfined compression test
c 'riaxial compression test
d ;oad !earing test
e %<2 test
$1) 0n the soil classification grouping1 the t#pical material of this group is fine !each sand or
fine dessert !low sand without silt or cla# fines with a ver# small amount of none7plastic
a A71
! A7*
c A7$
d A7&
e A7)
$$) 0t is the empirical indicator of cla# fraction of a !inder material in a sta!ili(ed soil
a plastic limit
! plasticit# index
c li+uid limit
d group index
e none of the a!ove
$&) Em!an"ment material is considered unsuita!le if the
a li+uid limit of soils exceeds ./ and9or plasticit# index exceeds **
! li+uid limit of soil exceeds ** and9or plasticit# limit not exceeding 1/
c li+uid limit of soil not exceeding ./
d plasticit# index is /
e c and d
$)) 0n the su!mission of samples for testing1 what is the re+uired minimum +uantit# of steel
pipe =galvani(ed) sample>
a ) pcs of 1//mm long
! $ pcs of 1//mm long
c & pcs of 1//mm long
d ) pcs of 1//mm long
e None of the a!ove
$*) 0t is the lowest moisture content at which the soil will flow upon the application of a ver#
small shearing force
a ;i+uid limit
! 8lastic limit
c 8lasticit# index
d 4ptimum moisture content
e None of the a!ove
$-) ?rom the wor"sheets data given !elow1 compute the weight of the dr# soil
wt of container @ wt of soil A *55& grams
moisture content A &&,/B
moisture loss A &&* grams
wt of container A )--) grams
a *--. grams
! -). grams
c 55) grams
d $-$& grams
e $5*. grams
$,) ?rom the ?D' wor"sheets data given1 compute the dr# densit# of soil
densit# of cali!rated sand A 1)-- g9cc
wt of sand to fill the hole A )../ g
wt of wet soil A .))/ g
moisture content of soil A 1)*/ B
a $*/ g9cc
! $1. g9cc
c $.5 g9cc
d 15- g9cc
e $&/ g9cc
$.) <ased on #our answer on C $,1 compute the degree of compaction if the MDD from the
la!orator# compaction is $&* g9cc
a .$
! .*
c ..
d 5&
e 5.
$5) Determine the densit# of cali!rated sand using the following data1
wt of water to fill the !uc"et A &$-/ "gs
wt of sand to fill the !uc"et A ).5/ "gs
a 1-*/ g9cc
! 1*// g9cc
c $*// g9cc
d 1)*/ g9cc
&/) %alculate the moisture content of the material sample with the given data !elow
wt of water A -$/ grams
wt of container @ dr# soil A $&&.5 grams
wt of container A .,$. grams
a *-/B
! *$/B
c )./B
d )$/B
e )//B
&1) Asphalt is defined !# the American Societ# for 'esting =AS'M) as a ___________
cementatious materials1 solid or semi7solid in consistenc# in which the predominating
constituents are !ituminous
a chocolate to dar" !rown
! light !lue to dar" !lue
c dar" !rown to !lac"
d none of the a!ove
&$) Defined as fluidit# or degree of hardness
a dura!ilit#
! flow
c consistenc#
d ductilit#
e none of the a!ove
&&) 'he ___test is an ar!itrar# measurement of consistenc# and is the !asis of classification of
all solid and semi7solid asphalt
a marshall test
! penetration
c flush point
d viscosit#
&)) 0t shows the effect of water on !ituminous mixture
a marshall test
! film stripping
c extraction
d immersion7compression failure
&*) Strength of concrete is principall# dependent on the
a cement factor
! volume of water
c admixture
d water7cement ratio
&-) Method or instrument to measure wor"a!ilit# on concrete mix
a air meter
! slump test
c compressive strength test
d flexural molds
&,) %oncrete specimen shall !e removed from the molds at the end of____
a $) hrs
! not less than $) hrs
c at least ). hrs
d ,$ hrs
&.) Defined as the a!ilit# to adhere aggregates in the presence of water
a adhesion
! cohesion
c sta!ilit#
d ductilit#
&5) %alculate the percent voids of compacted mix with the given data !elow
'heoritical maximum specific gravit# A $**.
<ul" specific gravit# A $)1&
a ***B
! )--B
c */-B
d *--B
)/) Dhat is the allowa!le phosphorus content of steel !ars as re+uired !# the D8D3 standard
a -B
! )B
c *B
d &B
)1) Sample should !e ta"en and sent to the regional offices or an# private testing la!oratories
accredited !# D8D3 for testing1 with a________
a la!orator# result
! 0dentification card
c la!orator# testing card
d none of the a!ove
)$) Sampling re+uirements for strength and a!sorption test for none reinforced concrete
sewer1 storm drain and culvert pipe
a not to exceed $B of the num!er of pipes of each si(e
! /*/B of the num!er of pipes of each si(e !ut not less than two =$)
c 1 sample for each si(e for ever# $* pcs
d 1*B of the num!er of pipes of each si(e !ut not less than three =&)
e $ samples for each si(e for ever# */ pcs
)&) Minimum test re+uirement for galvani(ed iron sheet is____
a 1 sheet in each lot of $*// sheets or a fraction thereof
! 1 sheet of each lot of $* sheets or a fraction thereof
c 1 sheet in each lot of $*/ sheets or a fraction thereof
d None of the a!ove
))) Defined as the resistance to disintegration due to the detrimental effects of traffic1 water1
air and temperature changes
a strength
! sta!ilit#
c dura!ilit#
d permea!ilit#
)*) Defined as the a!ilit# of the pavement to !end repeatedl# without crac"ing and to
conform to variations of the underl#ing !ase
a viscosit#
! flexi!ilit#
c sta!ilit#
d none of the a!ove
)-) Approximatel# a ____ long specimen shall !e o!tained to represent a 1/1/// "gs of steel
a /* meter
! $/ meter
c 1/ meter
d 1* meter
),) %ommon method of assessing strength and stress of !oth su!grades and pavement
a flexural strength test
! field densit# test
c california !earing ratio test
d compressive strength test
e direct shear test
).) _______is essential to produce maximum contact !etween the !itumen7coated aggregate
for the development of sta!ilit# in the mixture
a compaction effort
! degree of compaction
c 6o!7mix formula
d none of the a!ove
)5) Defined as the resistance to displacement under the sustained or repeated loadings
a sta!ilit#
! flexi!ilit#
c displacement
d compacti!ilit#
*/) 0n 8%%8 the depth of the wea"ened plane 6oint should at all times not !e less than
____while the width should not !e more than______
a )/ mmE * mm
! */ mmE - mm
c )* mmE * mm
d )/ mmE - mm
e */ mmE ) mm
*1) 'he transverse construction 6oint or cold 6oint is constructed when there is an interruption
of more than _____ minutes in the 8%%8 concreting operation
a &/
! )*
c -/
d ,*
e 5/
*$) 0mmediatel# after the finishing operations have !een completed and the concrete
sufficientl# set1 the surface of the newl# placed concrete shall !e cured for a period of
____ hours
a ).
! $)
c ,$
d 5-
*&) 0n 8%%81 forms shall remain in place undistur!ed for not less than ___ hours after
concrete pouring
a 1$
! $)
c ,$
d &-
e ).
*)) Dhat t#pe of asphalt9!itumen which is viscous li+uid o!tained from the distillation of
coal and wood
a li+uid asphalt
! tar
c petroleum asphalt
d asphalt emulsion
e asphaltene
**) 'he num!er of measurement made on the asphalt core specimen to determine the
'hic"ness of asphalt pavement
*-) Sampling of asphalt !itamin is 1 sample for ever#
a 1// drums or $/ m t
! $// drums or )/ m t
c */ drums or 1/ m t
d $/ drums or ) m t
*,) 'he solid portion of the paint which imparts important properties to the finished
a residue
! vehicle
c pigment
d volatile
e resin
*.) A Department 4rder here!# directed no acceptance and final pa#ment shall !e made on
completed concrete and asphalt pavements unless core test for thic"ness determination
is conducted
a D 4 F 1&*
! D 4 F 11/
c D 4 F 1**
d D 4 F 115
*5) 2oc" pieces for ga!ions shall !e generall# uniforml# graded in si(es ranging from
a 1// to $// mm
! $// to &// mm
c ,* to 1// mm
d &// to )*/ mm
-/) Dhen the li+uid limit or plastic limit cannot !e determined1 the 81 shall !e reported as__
a (ero
! not applica!le =N A)
c Non7plastic =N 8)
d No 81
e No G1
-1) 'est that determined the presence of in6aroas organic compounds in natural sands
Dhich are to !e used in cement mortar or concrete
a organic compounds
! organic impurities
c organic sands
d soundness test
-$) 0n %alifornia <earing ratio test1 the specimen is soa"ed for ____hours
a &- hours
! 5- hours
c ,$ hours
d -$ hours
-&) Determined the effective asphalt content given the following data:
Asphalt content *)/B
A!sorption /.&B
a *&*
! *$*
c *1/
d )-1
-)) :nsuita!le materials are soil with a li+uid limit exceeding _____
a &*
! **
c ./
d 1//
-*) Dhat is the oven dr#ing temperature for moisture content determination>
a 1-/ % @1/ %
! 11/ % @ * %
c 1$/ % @ * %
d None of the a!ove
--) 'he unit pressure greater than which progressive settlement will occur leading to
a !earing value
! !earing capacit#
c !earing formula
d !earing pressure
-,) 0f the re+uired thic"ness for su!!ase or !ase is 1*/ mm or less1 this ma#!e spread and
%ompacted ____ la#er=s)
a one la#er
! two la#er
c three la#er
d none of the a!ove
-.) At least how man# sets of concrete !eam samples will #ou get and shall1 represent a
&&/ m
of pavement1 $&/ mm depth or fraction thereof placed each da#> Holume of
concrete not more that ,* m
a $ sets
! & sets
c 1 sets
d None of the a!ove
-5) Dhat is the average deficient thic"ness per lot of cores specimen where no pa#ment is
recommended on the pro6ect>
a more than $/ mm
! more than $* mm
c more than 1* mm
d more than * mm
,/) 'he recommended t#pe of 8ortland %ement to !e used in concreting unless otherwise
provided for in the special provision
a '#pe 178
! '#pe1
c 'I8E 11 J H
d '#pe 1H
,1) 'he mass percent of wear or a!rasion loss of coarse aggregate used when tested !#
AAS3'4 '75- should not exceed:
a */B
! )/B
c )*B
d &/B
,$) 'he weepholes shall !e placed at the lowest points where free outlets for water can !e
4!tain and shall !e spread not more than
a & m center to center
! 1 m center to center
c $ K m center to center
d $ m center to center
,&) A concrete core was measured1 $&,1$&*1 $&)1 $&*1 $)11 $&11 $&/1 $&,1 $)$1 if
the design thic"ness is $&/ mm1 what will !e the average thic"ness of the concrete
core in accordance with AAS3'4 1). >
a $&-
! $&*
c $&$
d $&)
e $&&
,)) :sing the standard proctor test or AAS3'4 '755 for moisture densit# relation test1
what is the recommended no of !lows per la#er >
a &/ !lows
! ,* !lows
c $* !lows
d *- !lows
,*) %oncrete vi!rators shall operate a maximum spacing of _____
a -/ mm
! &/ in
c -/ cm
d &/ cm
,-) All washed aggregates shall !e stoc" pilled or !inned for draining at least _____hrs
!efore !eing !atched
a 1$ hrs
! * hrs
c $) hrs
d ) hrs
,,) Mortar that is not used within ____after the water has !een added shall !e discarded
a &/ minutes
! 5/ minutes
c 1 hour
,.) Minimum diameter of ga!ions per standard specification re+uirements
a $,/ mm
! &// mm
c $*/ mm
d 1,/ mm
,5) AAS3'4 Designation for 8lastic ;imit test
a AAS3'4 '7.5
! AAS3'4 '755
c AAS3'4 '75/
d AAS3'4 '751
./) <ituminous mixture will !e measured !e:
a linear meter
! tones
c gm9cm
d s+mtrs
.1) Si(e of asphalt core specimen for thic"ness and densit# determination
a At least 1*/ mm L 1*/ mm
! 1// mm dia1 full depth
c All of the a!ove
d None of the a!ove
.$) Determine the !ul" specific gravit# at a compacted asphalt core with the given data
Deight in air A $1)* gm
SSD A 151& gm
weight in water A 1/// gm
a $)&
! $&)
c $&*
d Non of the a!ove
.&) A core sample shall !e ta"en for ever# __ if no core was ta"en at the end of each da#Ms
a 1// lm per lane
! 1// lm per width
c 1// lm per lane or a fraction thereof
d All of the a!ove
.)) 'he moisture content corresponding to the intersection of the flow curve with the ___
shoc" ordinate shall !e ta"en as the li+uid limit of the soil
a $/
! $*
c 1*
d &/
.*) 'est specimen re+uired for items &1178ortland cement %oncrete 8avement
a concrete mold
! concrete c#linder
c concrete !eam
d all of the a!ove
.-) 2e+uired slump of 8%%8 if vi!rated
a )/ to ,* mm
! &/ to )/ mm
c 1/ to )/ mm
d )/ to ,* mm
.,) ?orms for 8%%8 shall remain in place undistur!ed for not less than ___ hrs after concrete
a $)
! 1$
c 1.
d ,
..) %oncrete shall !e thoroughl# consolidated !# means of
a 'amper
! Hi!rator
c plate compactor
d tamping rod
.5) ?lexural Strength of 8%%8 when tested at &
a $) M8a
! )*/ M8a
c &./ M8a
d None of the a!ove
5/) Sampling of %3< is______ units for ever# 1/1/// units or a fraction thereof
a Six =-)
! ?our =))
c three =&)
d two =$)
51) Minimum individual compressive strength re+uired for load !earing %3<
a )1) M8a
! **/ M8a
c -5/ M8a
d &)* M8a
5$) Sampling of cone Aggregates for +ualit# test is one =1) sample for ever# ____cu!ic
a ,* mN
! 11*// mN
c &// mN
d None of the a!ove
5&) 'est on cement which measures how fresh the cement is
a soundness test
! fineness test
c loss ignition test
d time of setting test
5)) 'est of 2einforcing Steel !ars which determines the percentage of phosphorous
a 'ension test
! #ield test
c chemical test
d ph#sical test

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