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Ben Bateman 12P

Planning brief

Project name


Medium format

Horror movie extract
Length 2 minutes

Group members
Marcus stamp, Fatima Batool,
Ben Bateman
Brief overview of content It is a horror where a
person is walking home from
school and then the character
is abducted and taken to a
basement of some sort and then
the character is in apparent
Target audience The film will be aimed at both
make and females and
predominantly people between
the ages of 15-35.
Possible scheduling We decided to have this film
in the cinema on October 31

which is a significant date as
it is Halloween.

Comparable products I have
We have researched a range of
different horrors, saw for
example ad taken different
aspects from all of them and
applied them to our extract.

Representation in this extract
We have used some of the
stereotypes that you would
usually see in a horror and
applied them to this, the fact
that the women character is
usually seen as vulnerable is
put across in this extract.

How will we find out if the
product is successful?
We will carry out post
production research to see if
it had the effect we wanted on
Ben Bateman 12P

Rationale behind the text
Large build up of tension in
the extract, use of point of
view shot, facial expressions
highlighted and feelings of

How does the film match the
generic conventions
There is dark lighting which
is one of the aspects of a
horror you would usually
expect to see, also there are
sound effects and different
types of editing to create
themes of disorientation and

What are the messages
incorporated in to the text
Dont make yourself
potentially vulnerable by
using your phone in remote
areas whilst youre on your

Any resource constraints
There is a lack of time and

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