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T01 Unit00 The Study Of History

I. Neolithic Age: Determine if the statement is True or False by selecting A for TRUE or B for FALSE.
1. Myth translates into Poetic Story.

2. Culture A meets Culture B and produces Culture AB. This is best dened as Anthropomorphism.

3. New Stone Age is best represented by the term Paleolithic.

4. Customs and traditions are elements of Human genealogy.

5. Answers to questions that could not be answered during the pre-scientic era can often be found in

6. Supernatural beings in ancient myths often have anthropomorphic qualities.

7. Migrations out of Africa eventually stretched over the entire globe. As the Neolithic Age arrived, these
migrations halted as people found ideal places to settle. One of these places was the Fertile Crescent.

8. The domestication of animals, as well as plants, were changes that marked the Neolithic Revolution.

9. The Neolithic Age witnessed the rise of agriculture. This was due to the discovery of fertilizers used to
improve soil qualities.

10. One of the earliest crops to be cultivated by humans was Wheat.

11. The abundance of food produced by agriculture, versus Hunter-Gathering, contributed to the free-time
available to rene stone tools. The specialized tools evident during this period required a great deal of
time to manufacture by hand.

12. The Paleolithic Age preceded the Neolithic Age.

II. Matching : Match the terms below with the appropriate description.
a. Rain Forest b. Good c. Region d. Resources
13. Unlike a service, this category of products is a physical item.
14. Materials, often natural, that can be put to use by people.
15. An area of the Earth where people share common cultural traits.
16. The environmental condition that develops from an annual precipitation of at least 180 inches.

Matching: Match the terms below with the appropriate description.
a. Chronology b. BCE c. AH d. AD e. Age as in Iron Age

17. A religious time designation indicating the time since the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) journeyed from
Mecca to Madinah.
18. A time designation that removes the religious reference in marking time passage. Its date still
correlates to the religious calendar.
19. A period of time that witnessed the development and employment of a particular technology by a
20. The study of time.

III. Matching: Historical Methodology. Match the terms below with the appropriate description.
a. Analysis b. Evidence c. Oral Tradition d. Research e. Context

21. The process of gathering data that will later be used to form/ support an argument.
22. This term represents several steps a scholar would perform to understand the data they have
gathered. It can serve as a lter, separating valid information from the faulty.
T01 Unit00 The Study Of History
23. A method of transmitting information from generation to generation by word-of-mouth. Though not
perfect, it can be a valuable source of evidence.
24. The facts that eventually become the supportive elements in an argument.
25. The three components of this term are so impactful in the study of history that any change in one of
them will cause a change in how the events developed.

IV. Multiple Choice: Please identify the 'best' answer by selecting a 'letter' choice on your scantron sheet.
26. Which of the following does NOT represents a Hominin?
a. Homo Sapien
b. Homo Neanderthalensis.
c. Homo Erectus.
d. Homo Habilis.

27. A trait of Hominids is
a. that all members of this group are in the direct line of evolution leading to Homo Sapiens.
b. the Bipedal mode of locomotion.
c. their ability to manufacture rened stoned tools (like those of the Neolithic Era).
d. All are traits of all Hominids.

28. Based on the map above, Mesopotamia is best associated with the region marked by the #
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

29. Specie, as a term used in the study of history, is a
a. Category of plant or animal life. b. Currency
c. Medium of Exchange d. Worthless item often in failed commercial transactions.

30. The premiere family of archaeology, particularly Human Evolutionary archaeology, are the
a. Newtons b. Wheelers c. Leakeys d. Valentins

31. The force permitting nature to identify the best adapted creature and ensure that it thrives, while also
forcing others that are less adaptable to die off, is often referred to in science as
a. Anthropomorphism b. Transcendentalism c. Natural Selection d. Evolution

32. Homo Erectus was able to migrate out of Africa for several reasons. One of these has to be that it
a. was the strongest of the Homo group of prehumans. b. was a hominid
c. built the rst sailing vessels. d. tamed re as a tool.

33. Climatic conditions may be signicantly affected by
a. Weather b. Topography c. Longitude Lines d. Cultural Values

34. Which prehuman is chronologically earlier than the rest.
T01 Unit00 The Study Of History
a. Homo Erectus b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Sapien d. Australopithecus

35. Generally, what happens to the temperature the farther away from the equator you travel?
a. Increases b. Decreases c. Stays the same d. Changes only with longitude.

36. Research, and the work it produces, can serve several purposes. Among these is
a. Expand an individual's personal knowledge. b. Inform the public.
c. Establish a new 'base' from which future researchers can begin their work. d. All are accurate.

V. Historical Methodology: Determine if the statement is True or False by selecting A for TRUE or B for FALSE.
37. Sumerian City-States were ruled by monarchs that were divine (gods).

38. Ancient Sumerians, like many Mesopotamians, were predominantly polytheistic.

39. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an ancient Mesopotamian text that can be classified as a Myth.

40. Sumerian 'needs' motivated the people to develop mathematical, architectural, and technological

41. Sumerian Monarchs had to share authority with priests, unlike other civilizations, like Egypt.

42. Pyramids is the name applied to the massive Sumerian monument forms.

43. The Nile river was absolutely critical to the survival of the city-states of Sumer, like Ur.

44. A major negative quality of the environment surrounding Sumer was that it was susceptible to
flooding from the rain of its rainforest climate.

45. The Semitic language group that came from Mesopotamia included Hebrew.

46. Though Sumer never developed into an Empire, it did influence one of the earliest empires in Human
history- Babylon.

47. Sumerian civilization can be appropriately classified as the Mother civilization of Mesopotamia.

48. Hieroglyphics is the written language form developed by Sumer.

49. The Neolithic Age was marked by increased refinement of stone tools, development of agriculture,
and abandonment of a Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle.

50. Myths are stories that have never been written-down and proven to be false by scientists.

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