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Spring 2013

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1

MB0038 Management Process and Organizational Bea!iour - " #redits
$Boo% &'( B1)21*
Assignment $)0 Mar%s*
+ote( ,ac -uestion carries 10 mar%s. Ans/er all te 0uestions.
'escri1e te concept of !ision and mission in an organisation.
$a* 'efine planning.
$1* ,2plain te importance of planning.
$10 mar%s*
$3 mar%s*
$3 mar%s*
-3. $a* 45 leading is important6
$1* 4at are te caracteristics of leading6
$3 mar%s*
$3 mar%s*
-". $a* 'efine organisation 1ea!iour $OB*.
$1* 4at are te limitations of OB6
$3 mar%s*
$3 mar%s*
-3. $a* 4at is meant 15 emotional intelligence6
$1* 4at is te impact of emotional intelligence on managers6
$3 mar%s*
$3 mar%s*
-). Suppose 5ou are te 7eam Manager in a multinational compan5 $10 mar%s*
/it team strengt of 10 mem1ers. 8ou are gi!en te responsi1ilit5
of ensuring tat te team gi!es e2cellent performance or results.
4at are te %e5 issues 5ou a!e to andle in team 1uilding6

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