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Regret Letter

Hello _______,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with/talk to us regarding
opportunities at _________ Software.

We have arefully reviewed your andidature against __!ompany" #urrent
re$uirements and we do not have a position suita%le to your profile & at
the present moment.

The deision is not %ased on any single aspet %ut a om%ination of
relevant e'periene, ompany re$uirements, and the other pool of
andidates availa%le for the position.

(gain, thanks for your interest and time.

)est Regards,
Reeived from* +umar ,arayan&(-./0# (-./

Thank you for your reent appliation for employment with 3name of

We regret to inform you that there are no openings in our firm at this
time. While we know this is disappointing news, we would like to retain
your appliation in our files for future openings.

Thank you for your interest in working for our ompany.

Thanks 5 regards,
Reeived from* ,irmala 6raias !"
2ear ________
Thank you for attending the interview 7or group seletion event8 with us
on 7date8 at 7loation8 for the position of 7position8. we regret to
inform you of our ina%ility to offer you a vaany suita%le for you at
present. We wish to point out that this is no refletion on your
potential %ut only reflets our present onstraints in the way of
offering you a position %efitting your eduation and apa%ilities.
Thank you for the interest e'pressed in our #ompany. We wish you a
%right and suessful areer.

9ours truly,
Reeived :rom* #handra Shekhar Savita shekhar;

,ame and address of andidate. 2ate
2ear 7<r/<s/<rs/<iss Surname8
Thank you for attending the interview 7or group seletion event8 with us
on 7date8 at 7loation8 for the position of 7position8.
While you presented yourself e'tremely well and impressed us very muh,
= regret that we are not on this oasion a%le to offer you the
position, due to there %eing other %etter $ualified 7or more suita%ly
$ualified8 andidates.
= thank you for the interest and enthusiasm you have shown and wish you
all the %est for the future.
)est wishes, et

Hope a%ove will help you.

Reeived :rom* #handra Shekhar Savita shekhar;

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