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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1

MB0039 Business Communication- 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1!!"
Assi#nment Set- 1 (0 Marks"
$ote: Ans%er a&& 'uestions (%it( 300 to 400 %ords eac(" must )e %ritten %it(in -* +a#es, -ac(
.uestion carries 10 marks / 1000
.1, 1ist t(e )arriers to effecti2e communication, 3(at are t(e %a4s in %(ic( an or#anisation
can o2ercome t(e )arriers to communication5
.!, -6+&ain t(e different t4+es of 2er)a& communication,
.3, 3rite s(ort notes on:
a, S.37 tec(ni'ue of readin#
), Memo 8980 10 marks
898 0 10 marks
10 marks
.4, -6+&ain some of t(e a++roac(es for (and&in# customer com+&aints and &istenin# to customers,
10 marks
.8, 3(at are some of t(e conse'uences of s+e&&in# and +unctuation errors: redundancies: c&ic(;s
and misuse of %ords5 10 marks
10 marks ., -6+&ain t(e different de&i2er4 st4&es t(at s+eakers can se&ect for t(eir +resentation,

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