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The Ancient

By Maria Xykis 6Kr
What is the sundial? Why was
it made?
The sundial is a way the Ancient
Chinese told time. They used it for the
reason we use clocks which is for many
reasons. One of them being for arranging
times to meet up with people, or just to see
how much time of day is left.
How does it work?
The way the sundial works is by the
position of the sun. Since the sun rises in the
east and sets in the west, its constantly
moving. So, when its a sunny day, the
gnomon (the thin rod or straight edge on
the sundial) casts a shadow on the sundial.
However, there is some math involved. In
order to tell the correct time, the sundial will
need to have an even amount of spacing
between the numbers on the sundial.

Who invented it? When?
Nobody is quite sure who invented the
sundial, except for the fact that obviously,
the Ancient Chinese did. However, a Greek
philosopher named Anaximander invented
the gnomon before the actual sundial was
made. Archeologists figured out the sundial
(by the Ancient Chinese) was invented in
the year 600 B.C.
Do people still use sundials?
Today, people do not use sundials.
Instead, we use clocks to tell the time.
However, some people have a sundial just
for decoration or an artifact.
Thanks for Learning About the
Ancient Chinese Sundial!

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