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Week 7

Day 1
Joshua and Caleb
Read Numbers 13: 1- 16
1- What has God asked Moses to do?
2- Which tribe was Caleb from ? Verse 6
3- Which tribe was Hoshea (Joshua) from? Verse 8 and verse 16

Day 2
Read Numbers 13:17-20
Complete the Following
And see what is the land is like, whether the people who dwell in it are
..or ..,few or .,whether the
land they dwell in is good or bad, whether the cities they inhabit are
like.or..,whether the land is
rich or.,and whether there are ..there or not.
Be of Good.., and bring some of
the.of the land.

Day 3
Read Numbers 13:21 -25
Circle T or F, and write down the correct answer if the statement is
There, cut down a branch with one cluster of Grapes, they carried it
between two trees T F
They also brought some of the Pomegranates and Apples T F

They returned from spying out the land after 40 days T F.

Day 4

Read Numbers 13:26-
1- What did the spies tell Moses and the Whole Congregation about the
Land that they saw?
2-What was Caleb Opinion? Verse 30
4- In verse 32, they Gave the children of Israel a bad report about
the Land which they had spied out, Explain.

Day 5
Whom the people of Israel had believed, Caleb report or the rest of the
Do you think that all people of Israel had the faith in God as Caleb did?

What will you feel or think if you were the only one among your friends
who believe and have a strong faith in God?
Day 6
Read Numbers 14: 22-24
Who are the ones entered the Promise Land from among all the
People of Israel?
What are the Characters in these men who entered the Promised Land?

Day 7
Think of a family member or a friend who might need encouragement
and support, Pray for him or her and give him or her a word of love,
support and Courage so they may over come their Fear.
You may write them a note, with Bible Verse Reminding them with
Gods Love to them

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