Review On Related Literature and Studies

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This chapter presents the review of related literature which focuses effects of parents
migration on the rights of children
The Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) sector has been the primary source of the
countrys resiliency. t has consistently showed strong performance! with OFW deployment
increasing by an annual average of ".# percent from $%%& to $%''. (ven in periods of
economic slowdown such as the global financial crisis in $%%) and $%%"! a '$.' percent
increase in deployment was still seen. n $%''! the *hilippine Overseas (mployment
+dministration (*O(+) estimated that a total of '.,'" million land-based OFWs were
deployed in '"% countries globally.
.umber of /eployed Overseas Filipino Workers by Type0 $%%)-$%'$
T1*( $%%) $%%" $%'% $%'' $%'$
Total '!$,#!%', '!&$$!2)# '!&3%!)$# '!#)3!),' '!)%$!%,'
4andbased Workers "3&!,"" '!%"$!'#$ '!'$,!#3# '!,')!3$3 '!&,2!'##
.ew 5ires ,3#!"3, ,&"!3'2 ,&'!"## &,3!3$% &2)!232
6ehires 2"3!&$# 3&$!&&3 3)'!3'% ))'!%%3 "3#!2"'
7eabased Workers $#'!#'& ,,%!&$& ,&3!'2% ,#"!'%& ,##!)#2
Effects of parents migration on the rights of children
+ccording to Working *aper of 8nited .ations and 9hildrens Fund an overwhelming
ma:ority of OFW children are not protected against economic shocks. ;ery few of the families have
li<uid assets! since they prefer to invest in new houses and only a few have private insurance
coverage. They also appear to be more vulnerable to psycho-social shocks brought about by the
splitting-up of families. =oreover! most children of OFWs do not feel that they have active
participation in family decision-making. 9ompared to children of non-OFW parents! participation in
community and civic organi>ations is lower.

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