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Rooster Tale

October 2014
Volume 2, Issue 1
Gods theme for the
weekend is Remember to
take all things to the Lord
in Prayer. The verse for
the weekend is Jeremiah
33:3 which says Call to
me and I will answer
you* I believe if we
can remember to turn to
the Lord, and to those
Christians he puts in our
lives for a time, with all
our concerns and needs we
will be richly blessed
beyond our imagination
at the least that has been
my experience!

Hi Im Jerry
Stoneberger and I have
been truly blessed to be
asked to be the Lay-Leader
for the next Denver
Koinonia weekend retreat.
For me life has been a
journey filled with many
ups and downs, joys and
hurts, disappointments and
blessings! I would guess
it is the same for all of us,
but as for me I learned at
a very early age (5)
When in a fix, Phil
4:6**, and the Lord has
truly blessed me! You see
when I was only 5
suddenly I could no
longer walk, stricken by a
rare bone disorder, I
found myself in a full
body cast for months and
could do nothing but turn
to the Lord in Prayer, but
thats all I needed to do
I learned then the power
of prayer, I was healed
and lived a normal and
blessed life. But you
dont need to remember
that story, just remember
to turn to God!

Sincerely, Your friend in
Jerry Stoneberger ,
Lay Leader K115 <><

K-115 is coming soon!
*Jeremiah 33:3 NIV
Call to me and I will
answer you and tell you
great and unsearchable
things you do not know.
**Philippians 4:6 NIV
Do not be anxious about
anything, but in every
situation, by prayer and
petition, with
thanksgiving, present your
requests to God
Inside this issue:
Palanka Party
Oct. 25
Noveber 2
After weekend
November 15

Prayer Wheel Sign-up
You are encouraged to support K-115
by signing up to pray during the
retreat. Please go to our website at and
sign-up for our around-the-clock
Prayer Vigil held during the weekend
of October 31 November 2. Select
an available time slot and pray for
one hour wherever you are. Since
our weekends are founded on prayer,
this is a wonderful way to support
Gods plan for the retreat.

Rooster Tale
Article from a
New Koinonian
Prayers and
Definition of
Palanka Party

Col orado Koinoni a

Time is the indefinite
continued process of
existence and events in the
past, present, and future
regarded as a whole. Time
is to plan, schedule, or
arrange when something
should happen or be done.

Hi, my name is Randy
Huffman and my first
weekend was K-114.
What I liked best about
the weekend was giving
back to God what He
gives me everyday -
A Good Use Of His Time

Time. Handing over my
watch and cell phone
allowed me to focus and
spend time with Him.
Gone was the wake up at
5:30, be at work or church
by 8:00 and then eat lunch
or rush home to watch the
Broncos by 11:30.

Ephesians 5:15-17 says
"Look carefully then how
you walk, not as unwise
but as wise, making the
best use of the time,
because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be
foolish, but understand
what the will of the Lord
is." K-114 allowed me to
focus on my relationship
with God while coming
together in worship and
praise with other
believers. And now I find
myself answering Gods
call to be part of the K-
115 team where I can
serve Him by serving
others. My prayer is that
we all use the time given
to us daily to seek and do
His will.

About two and a half
years ago the Colorado
Koinonia Board chose to
quit producing the Rooster
Tale. The current Board
has decided to bring it
back, and have asked me
to edit it.

I plan to make this a
resource where you can
learn more about your
fellow Koinonians, and
whats going on in the
Koinonia Kommunity.

Were Baaaack
I need your help to
make this a publication
worth reading. Let me
know of any prayer
requests or praise reports
that you would like
published in the RT. If
you have a short about
how you have been
blessed by Koinonia, send
it to me. If you have a
suggestion to make it
better let me know.

The Rooster Tale will
be published monthly,
except in December and
June. The November
issue will include
deadlines for 2015. Next
deadline is Sunday,
November 9
. Please
send articles to Christine
Pancoast at

Articles need to adhere to the
general purpose and policies
of Colorado Koinonia and
they may be edited in
regards to space and
Koinonia policies.

Oct. 25 5pm K-115 Palanka Party & Team Dedication
Oct. 31- Nov. 2 K-115 @ Highlands Pres. Camp
Nov. 2 6:30am K-115 Mananitas
Nov. 8 1pm Koinonia Thanksgiving Outreach
Nov. 9 Rooster Tale Deadline
Nov. 15 2pm Post Weekend Potluck @ Good Shepard Presbyterian Church
Dec. 7 Caroling Ultreya time and location to be announced

Youll find more information about these events in this newsletter
at our website

Colorado Koinonia Kalendar

K-114 allowed me to
focus on my
relationship with God
while coming together
in worship and praise
with other believers.

We have an opportunity to serve the homeless
in downtown Denver in cooperation with
David Cliftons Ministries on
November 8, 2014

We will be gathering at 1:00 p.m. to carpool, as downtown parking is limited.
(location to be determined later, see our website for updates)
We will be serving from approximately 2:00-5:00pm
We are in need of food servers, cooks, set up and cleanup crews, hair cutters,
intercessors, and servants for food box and toiletry item assembly,
and clothing distribution.
Needs: Hot Meats, Side Dishes, Desserts, Beverages, Heavy Duty Paper Products,
Serving Utensils, Toiletry Items, Winter Clothing Donations. *Food needs to be in large
disposable pans and ready to serve.
For more information contact Elaine Johnson at

Denver Thanksgiving Outreach Koinonia Ultreya
The Koinonia family would like to rejoice in your praise and pray for your needs. Send
any prayer requests or praise reports to Christine at More timely
Prayer Requests can be sent out through the Colorado Koinonia website

Prayers for the team and new Koinonians during K-115
Praise report Claire M and Kim R were married in July.
Praise report Kelly M and Mike R were married in September
Praise report Christina W and Randy H are engaged to be married

Prayers & Praise
In the Koinonia
Community Palanka
means "a gift of love" or a
movement in someone's
heart to do for others. On
the weekend there were
many examples of palanka
- your bed tags, nametags,
kups, the name banner,
and gifts left on your bed.
Now that you are a
Guide to the Lingo - Palanka
Kononian you too can
participate in giving
palanka. I would like to
invite you to help prepare
for K-115 by attending the
Palanka Party on Oct. 25,
and Mananitas on
Sunday, Nov. 2.
Mananitas is a wonderful
opportunity to show the
new Koinonians they are
loved and accepted before
they put on their masks for
the day. To be a part of
Mananitas all you need to do
is show up at 6:30 a.m. in the
Main Meeting Room at
Highlands Presbyterian
Camp. If you are planning
to stay for meals be sure to
sign up and pay at the
Palanka Party.


Colorado Koinonia
1189 Candleglow St
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Palanka Party And Team Dedication K-115

Saturday, October 25
5-9 p.m.

The Palanka that we have received on a weekend has blessed us all.
Now is your chance to bless the participants on K-115. Everyone's help is needed
and appreciated. You don't have to be crafty or clever to contribute.
If you are capable of using a pair of scissors or a bottle of glue there is a job for you.

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church - 10785 Melody Drive, Northglenn, Colorado
(I-25 to 104
, W to Melody Dr, N to roundabout, take 3
turn out of roundabout,
church will be on your left)

Bring a snack, your nametag, kup, bed palanka, a non-perishable food item
for the churchs food bank and money for Mananitas breakfast.

After Weekend Ultreya

Saturday, November 15, 2 p.m.

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church

This is a potluck, so bring a dish to share, your nametag, kup
and a non-perishable food item.

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