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Peter the Great

Peter the the great was the greatest czar
In Russia... hes known as a tsar
He helped Russia climb to the top
Building their Navy without a stop
If it wasnt for him they wouldnt have come this far
Thats why he is known as a star
(Verse 1)
In 1672 Peter was born
But it wasn't till later in his life when he was adorn
Peter the 1st was the the son of Alexis
The only healthy boy made him so very precious
(Verse 2)
[When Peter was 10 the ruler died
He was the most eligible but he was too young
So he shared his reign with his half brother and Sophia
Ivan his brother soon died and all that was left was Sophia]
Sophia however grew hatred over time
Growing so much she tried to commit a crime
She wanted peter dead but no one would be her partner in crime
So she removed and Peter had all the power
So he began his real reign which started within the hour
(Verse 3)
Peter knew that Russia needed improvement
So he went to Europe but it wasnt for amusement
He wanted to see how they had thrived
And he didnt care if Russia was derived
The king of England was happy to help Peter out
He was a trading partner he had already sought out
When Peter got back he had learned many things
He also had gained advice from many kings
He built many cities to mock the great ones of Europe
And building his Navy in which he could hope
That it would help to defeat any military on the globe
There were many reasons why Peter was known as great
He modernized all of Russia making it up to date
His army grew strong and he used them to dictate
The way the nobles dressed and also fashioned
By the end of his time Russia was one of the most
Powerful countries in Eastern Europe
As Peter grew older his achievements became bigger
His accomplishments kept coming but they were ended by a fever
(Ending Verse)
Peter died early 1725
When his devotion to his crew claimed his live ((life))
He jumped overboard into freezing water
To help a fellow soldier treading in the water
He caught the fever he could not get rid of
And he died leaving his grandson the new tsar

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