School Newsletter October 2014

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Stainsacre Lane, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO22 4HS

Tel: 01947 602856 Fax: 01947 605748

Email: Website:

Eskdale School

Date: 16
October 2014

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we approach half term I would again like to thank you for your support since we came back in September.

The most important news for next week is that the local authority has organised an independent review of
the school. This will be conducted like an OFSTED inspection and will be carried out on Wednesday 22nd and
Thursday 23rd October. Many of you added your views on Parent View before our OFSTED in December, if
you could do the same again that would be really helpful. The page can be found via this link or via the OFSTED website.

We have had a busy term with the Pearl of Africa Choir, Engineering themed activities for all pupils, many
sports fixture and our Open evening.

Our Y7 pupils have done really well settling in to their new school, some of us underestimate just how difficult
some of our young people find the change and they all deserve praise at the way they have made progress
with us.

Please can you continue to ensure that your child has the correct uniform, is properly equipped with a pen,
spare pen, pencil and ruler, and also has the necessary extras of PE kit, cookery ingredients relevant to that

Also, please remember to write your childs name and tutor group on the back of cheques for dinner money
to ensure they are credited to the correct account.

Please remember to use our website for important information - it will be changing soon so you should find it
easier to use. You can also follow us on twitter @EskdaleSchool.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S Whelan

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