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Eddie Park
A Pup With No Name / Indecision

One step out of the car and one rain drop to the forehead. Its been overcast for the last
few days but the forecast said nothing about rain, figures, well we better move fast. Parked out
front of the building my sister, mother, and I all remove ourselves from the car. Todays the day.
On the side of the one floor building is our entrance, its here where well have to go to claim our
next project. Rounding the side towards the door my eyes catch the sight of a man, his wife, and
his daughter off to the right. The family is playing with a dog, a sheep collie with a surplus of
energy and I cant help but smile as the sheep dog makes its rounds to herd up the family by
Two steps through the door and its clear to see that its a busy day, several workers are
bustling about the confined space as constant excuse mes and pardon mes are exchanged.
Volunteers brush elbows with one another as customers apologetically step out of their way. It
smells like a zoo and my allergies begin to kick. The woman at the front desk is seated in an
office chair, she seems out of it but looks up from her computer screen to address our presence.
Hi, how can I help you?
My mother speaks up. Were here for the foster program
Okay, well sign in on that sheet and Ill have Brian take you around back. Brian!
Brian, a boy in his early twenties with short blonde hair and blue eyes emerges from the
back room. "We got another?" He asks. The woman nods and Brian motions us to the door wed
entered from.
Outside of the building Brian leads us around to the back. The Delaware County SPCA
sits a stone's throw from the Media Bypass and as we make our way back the hum of rush hour
traffic can be heard overhead. We come up to a row of cages with small figures that rush
forward to greet us; puppies. Here is where we will receive our foster pup.
Its been roughly a month since our last foster dog found a home and left ours. Her name
was Sunny (Sunshine) but she was incredibly timid and eventually found her own 30 acre farm
to call home. Though my mother regretted letting her go she justified it with her new quality of
life, now its time to teach a new dog some new tricks.
We began fostering dogs back in May, the reason behind it was that for the first time in
13 years there was no dog in the house. My second childhood dog Sparky, the sweetest,
smartest basset hound Ive ever known, passed in April due to cancer; the house felt empty.
Nothing to greet you with love and excitement after a family trip, no pitter patter on the
hardwood floors late at night, a silence none of my family liked. Especially my mother.
By now Brian has gone back into where I can only assume they keep the rest of the
puppies. The tiny barks are only slightly audible as he finally returns cradling our black and
white puppy in his arms. His face quiet and his eyes inquisitive, the two week old pup doesnt
move an inch as hes passed between Brian to my mother. Well keep him for two weeks until
hes grown enough to go up for adoption and than well have to decide weather to keep him or


Driving away from the shelter my mother, sister, and I try to come up with names.
Rocko; Geno; Jack; Leo; Freddie; nothing seems to fit. The pups small frame sits in my arms on
top of a towel, his skin is loose to his bones and he shakes with the divots in the road.
Can I hold him? My sister asks. Hes in the front seat on my lap.
Well I dont know how Im gonna pull that off.
My mother makes a stop at the pet store for dog food and leaves my sister and I to get
acquainted with the pup. His eyes hang low and heavy as he nods in and out of sleep,
occasionally shifting his oversized, out of proportion paws in front of his eyes.
Eventually the pup fell asleep, only waking up to the final shifting of gears into park;


Its Saturday, Its been one week and though the pup has grown more comfortable he
has also grown more rambunctious. Weve come to the conclusion that hes a Springer
Spaniel/Lab mix. Where he used to chase the much larger cat then turn and run away hes
already grown to match its size, staging full on attacks. His recent attacks are increasingly met
with more and more backlash as he holds his ground, maybe hell learn a lesson from a good
Our last two foster dogs were just that, dogs not puppies. So now with a metaphorical
fresh slate this puppy is a whole different deal. He learns very fast compared to the previous,
hes already learned to sit and shake but has yet to be fully housetrained. The pups also begun
to tackle steps which scares me as he can now get half way up, halfway to my bedroom.
The house is in indecision which isnt uncommon but each day is another one day closer
to our inevitable choice and no one ever seems to make up their minds here.


Seven AM Monday morning and everyones up and about. I have work with my mother
and my siblings are getting ready for school. The two of them are seated eating cereal while I
proceed to make my coffee. From the back room the puppy begins to whine from his crate as
the hustle and bustle of day catches his attention. We have 5 more days.
So, do we keep him? I poll the room sipping my coffee, its hot and steam can be seen
rising up from the mug.
No, my sister Jesse speaks up and as per usual she gives no explanation.
Why? I ask.
Cus he poops and pees everywhere.
To this I tilt my head to the side and respond. Going off of that...we shouldve gotten rid of you
ages ago, that used to be ALL that you could do. She gives me evil eyes, shakes her head,
stands and leaves for school. I chuckle.
Well what about you mom?
Uhmm, I dont know, what do you think? She says
Im indifferent, and you know I am, and I know you're indecisive but I cant make a
decision for you. Last dog I did that with you sulked about giving her up for weeks. I say go
whatever way ends with less bitching.
Than no. she says.
Okay, fine by me. I say.
....Wait no, nevermind. She says.


The pups grown increasingly uncontrollable. Its Wednesday and every chance to run he
takes. He enjoys playing fetch, that is if fetch means I throw, he retrieves, then proceeds to run
circles around me and the house. Any attempt to get close he fakes me out and sprints away in
the opposite direction. The pups made it up all of the steps and what was his first order of
business you ask? To poop on my floor, thatll teach me to leave my door open.


Friday comes and its the day when we were meant to decide, indifferent as I am I spend
the day out of the house in order to avoid the constant and annoying indecision. Its 11 oclock
and Ive just gotten home and entered the house. Seated in the living room is my mother with
the puppy under one arm. A smile sparks as I believe she couldnt give him up and had finally
made a decision.
So you couldnt do it? I smirk.
Queen of indecision she says, seemingly annoyed with herself.
Ha, well that figures. Makes me the prince then.
My mother had gone to the spca earlier that day, there was an event with all of the other
foster families and those who were interested in the puppies. The puppy was adored by several
families but when it came down to it my mom was unable to let him go. The deal breaker had
been one specific event. The most interested family had brought their adult pitbull in to test
compatibility with the puppies. The pitbull playful and while the behaviorist at first said it was a
normal playful eventually found it to be overly aggressive; tossing the puppy back and forth. In
response to the roughness the puppy would cry and run to my mothers side in fear, her heavy
heart was unable to let him go, especially to a family with such a rough dog. The behaviorist told
the family a bigger dog would be more suitable and with that my mother picked up and left.
Three days pass from the event and finally my mother decides to make the call. Finally
an actual decision; a commitment. The puppy is now ours but still it has no name; the indecision
lingers. Hes gone from baby to trouble making teenager in three weeks, running from the front
room to the back hitting everything in between. Hopefully his name will prove itself apparent
before long; while hes still a new dog learning new tricks. Hopefully hell grow up strong and
smart, but thats up to us now, isnt it?


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