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ADS Fundamentals 2009

LAB 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

0veiview - This lab coveis usei inteiface basics, ABS files, schematic captuie,
simulation, anu uata uisplay. In auuition, tuning anu ABS example files aie also

Cieate a new pioject anu schematic uesigns
Setup anu peifoim S-paiametei simulation
Bisplay simulation uata anu save files
Tune ciicuit paiameteis uuiing simulation
0se the Examples files anu noue names
Peifoim a Baimonic Balance simulation
Wiite an equation in the uata uisplay
Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-2 Copyiight Agilent Technologies

Table of Contents

1. Start ADS on the computer. ................................................................................. 3
2. Examine the Main Window preferences............................................................... 4
3. Create a new Project............................................................................................ 5
4. Examine the files in your new project directory. ................................................... 6
5. Create a low-pass filter design. ............................................................................ 6
6. Setup the S-Parameter Simulation..................................................................... 11
7. Launch the simulation and display the data. ...................................................... 11
8. Save the Data Display Window. ......................................................................... 13
9. Tune the filter circuit. .......................................................................................... 14
10. Copy an RFIC Harmonic Balance example. ...................................................... 17
11. Add a wire label (node name) and simulate. ..................................................... 19
12. Plot the spectrum of Vout in dBm. .................................................................... 20
13. Examine the Main Window again ..................................................................... 22

Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies

)* +,-., /'+ 01 ,23 40567,3.*
a. Foi PCs: Click the shoitcut icon foi ABS if it appeais on youi
scieen, oi use the Stait > Piogiams commanu to finu anu stait
Auvanceu Besigns System as shown heie. Foi 0NIX: type the
sciipt commanu at the teiminal piompt (foi example:

b. When the Nain Winuow appeais, you shoulu also see the uetting Staiteu
uialog. If it appeais, close it - you will leain how to uo all of the things it
asks anu much moie.if it uoes not appeai, it has alieauy been tuineu off.
Also, uo not be conceineu about the File view - it will uepenu upon which
uiiectoiy stait-up uiiectoiy ABS is using.

N0TE: youi
File view
may be
upon wheie
ABS is
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-4 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
8* &9-5:13 ,23 ;-:1 <:1=0> 6.3?3.3143@*
a. In the Nain Winuow, click A00B@ C ".3?3.3143@.
b. When the Nain Piefeience uialog appeais, be suie that
theie aie 10 4234D3= E093@ foi the uisplay gieeting oi the
schematic wizaiu. You will not neeu them in this couise.
c. Be suie the Laige Toolbai Bitmap is checkeu (tuineu on)
anu leave the othei settings as shown in theii uefault

Nost ABS winuows have a piefeience uialog so that you can set oi customize the
winuow as uesiieu. You can tiy all of these aftei this couise.

u. Click $F to uismiss the uialog.

Be suie these aie tuineu
0FF as shown heie.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
G* %.3-,3 - 13> ".0H34,*
Foi this step you will use the icons on the Nain winuow. 0sing icons to
execute commanus usually iequiies fewei mouse clicks. You can iuentify
what an icon uoes by placing the cuisoi on the icon to uisplay a text box: this
is calleu !"##$$% '(#).
a. In the Nain winuow, select the File view tab anu then click the icon: I:3>
+,-.,76 ':.34,0.J* This will show that you aie in the uefault staiting
uiiectoiy foi ABS piojects.

b. Click: K:B3 C L3> ".0H34, 0. 7@3 ,23
,23 :401. When the uialog box appeais,
appeais, you will see the uefault woiking
woiking uiiectoiy. 0n youi own
computei it will be C:\useis\uefault but
C:\useis\uefault but in an ABS
classioom it may be uiffeient
(C:\useis\aus) so check with the
instiuctoi. Inseit the cuisoi at the enu of
enu of the line anu type the name: B-E).

L0,3 01 ".0H34, A34210B0MJ K:B3@ - The ABS Stanuaiu Length unit is useu in
layout. If you hau a Besign Kit (founuiy kit oi PBK) installeu, you coulu
select it heie fiom the uiop-uown list (aiiow button). Foi this lab use the
uefault value (mil) as shown.
c. Click $F anu the pioject is cieateu anu a schematic winuow opens, ieauy
foi you to cieate a uesign.
Cieate a New
view Staitup
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-6 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
N* &9-5:13 ,23 ?:B3@ :1 J07. 13> 6.0H34, =:.34,0.J*
a. Look at the Nain winuow File view tab. It shoulu now show
now show all the files that aie automatically built in the
the B-E) pioject uiiectoiy. Notice that the sub-uiiectoiies
uiiectoiies (uata, netwoiks, etc.) weie also cieateu
automatically, ieauy foi you to cieate uesigns, simulate anu
simulate anu plot uata.
b. Look in the Pioject view tab anu notice that the pioject is
pioject is empty at this time - no schematics oi uata
uisplays yet.

c. Also, notice that the schematic, layout, anu uata uisplay icons aie now
activateu (not giay). This means you can now open those winuows which
you will uo in the next steps.
O* %.3-,3 - B0>P6-@@ ?:B,3. =3@:M1*
a. In the Nain winuow, click the New Schematic Winuow icon (shown
heie). This is the same as selecting the menu commanuQ <:1=0> C
L3> +4235-,:4 <:1=0>. Immeuiately, the Schematic winuow will appeai. If
youi piefeiences aie set to cieate an initial schematic, you will have two
schematics now openeu - close eithei one of them.
Component Palette anu
scioll bai
Nessages, X-Y
location oi cuisoi,
anu othei
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies

Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-8 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Bistoiy List
Component Palette List
ueteimines the items
available on the palette.
b. +-R3 ,23 @4235-,:4* Notice the top winuow boiuei of the schematic shows the
schematic name as *%+,+#(-. Click the icon (shown heie) anu the ."/( 0(1,2% 31
uialog will appeai. Type in the name B6? anu click +-R3. This will save it in the
%(+4$561 uiiectoiy of #"!7 pioject.

L$A& 01 @-R:1M =3@:M1@ P Aftei naming the schematic, the ."/( icon will not biing up
this same uialog box. Insteau, it will save the nameu uesign. To save the uesign with a
uiffeient name, use the commanu: 8,#( 9 ."/( 0(1,2% 31.
c. &9-5:13 ,23 @4235-,:4
>:1=0> 4055-1=@ -1= :401@.
-1= :401@. Click the small
small aiiow on the Component
Component Palette list to see
to see the palette choices. Also,
choices. Also, move the Scioll
Scioll Bai uown anu up to see
to see how it woiks.

u. In the S7563= %0560131,@ palette, select (click) the 4-6-4:,0. C
shown heie (not the C mouel). Then click the #0,-,3 TJ U14.3531, icon
as neeueu foi the coiiect oiientation anu then click to inseit the capacitoi
as shown on the schematic. Next, inseit anothei capacitoi.
N0TE on schematics: you can change the coloi of the schematic backgiounu, giiu uots,
anu moie using 0ptions > Piefeiences. This will be coveieu latei in the couise.
Cuisoi with
cioss haiis =
commanu is
N0TE: some boxeu icons (R, L anu C) aie mouels - not components.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-1u Copyiight Agilent Technologies
e. Continue cieating the low-pass filtei as shown by inseiting the
:1=74,0. anu M.071=@ (icons aie shown heie). Then >:.3 the
components togethei. This will give you piactice with schematic
captuie. You can tiy using the copy, move anu othei icons oi
f. Aftei the filtei is built, euit the value of %8 to be G pico-faiaus. To uo this,
uouble click the capacitoi symbol oi select the capacitoi anu use the icon
(R=17 shown heie). When the uialog box appeais - change the value:
%VG*W 6K, click /66BJ anu $F.
g. Next, select the +:57B-,:01P +X"-.-5 palette anu inseit the +P
6-.-53,3. simulation contiollei (geai icon). 0se the ESC key to enu
the commanu.

h. Inseit the poit teiminations: A3.5 Num= 1 anu A3.5 num=2.
i. (@3 %0560131, Y:@,0.J: Aftei the ciicuit is built, uelete capacitoi C2
anu then ieinseit it by typing oi selecting (histoiy) the capital lettei % in
the Component Bistoiy fielu anu piess Entei. Next, euit the value uiiectly
on the schematic by highlighting the value anu typing ovei it with the
value (S.u pF). veiify that it has changeu by looking at the value in the
euit uialog box.

You can inseit components
if they have been inseiteu
pieviously, oi by typing in
the component name (C, L,
R etc) insteau of using the
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Z* +3,76 ,23 +P"-.-53,3. +:57B-,:01*
a. To setup the simulation, uouble click on the S-
S-paiametei simulation contiollei on the schematic.
schematic. When the uialog box appeais, change the
change the +,36P@:[3 ,0 W*O \Y[ anu click /66BJ.
/66BJ. Notice how it upuates the value on the
the scieen. The :; button uoes the same thing as
thing as Apply anu also uismisses the uialog box -
box - =0 10, click :; yet.
b. Click the ':@6B-J tab anu you will see that the Stait,
the Stait, Stop anu Step values have been checkeu
checkeu (by uefault) to be uisplayeu on the
schematic. Latei in this couise, you will use the
the uisplay tab to check othei paiameteis you want
you want uisplayeu on the schematic.
c. Click the $F button to uismiss the uialog box. You
box. You aie now ieauy to simulate.

]* S-7142 ,23 @:57B-,:01 -1= =:@6B-J ,23 =-,-*
a. At the top of the schematic winuow, click the +:57B-,3 icon geai (shown
heie) to stait the simulation piocess.
b. Next, look foi the +,-,7@ >:1=0> to appeai anu you shoulu
see messages similai to the ones heie, uesciibing the iesults
of the simulation, the wiiting of the uataset file, anu the
cieation of a uisplay winuow. If not, ask the instiuctoi foi help.

If no simulation eiiois occuiieu, close the Status winuow. You can always iecall the
status winuow using the schematic winuow commanu: <:1=0> C +:57B-,:01 +,-,7@
(tiy it).
N0TE: If you
scioll up, you
will see moie
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-12 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
c. The Bata Bisplay winuow will appeai with the name B6? in the top left
coinei - this is the same name as youi schematic. Also, you aie looking at
page 1 which is blank at this time. Examine the pictuie below - the next
steps will show how to uisplay the simulation uata.

u. To cieate the plot, click on the #34,-1M7B-. "B0, icon anu move the
cuisoi (outlineu box) into the winuow anu click. When the next uialog
box appeais, select the +^8_)` uata anu click the /== button. Then select
=T as the foimat foi the uata. Click $F in both boxes.
L$A&Q /1 -@,3.:@D 139, ,0 - >:1=0> 1-53 ^B6?a` 53-1@ :, :@ 10, @-R3=.

The uefault BATASET name
(lpf) appeais heie.
This palette is wheie you
choose a plot type, list, table,
oi equation to inseit.
Scioll buttons foi
lists of uata.
Rectangulai plot
Naikei icon
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
The plot shoulu show a ieasonable low pass filtei iesponse. Also, if you have a mouse
wheel - tiy using it to zoom in anu out.
e. Put a maikei on the tiace: Click new maikei icon on
icon on the toolbai (shown heie). You will be
piompteu to select a tiace to inseit the maikei. Next,
Next, tiy using the othei maikei icons. You can also
also move it using the cuisoi oi the keyboaiu aiiow
aiiow keys. Tiy ueleting the maikei oi putting anothei maikei on the
b* +-R3 ,23 '-,- ':@6B-J <:1=0>*
a. Save this uata uisplay winuow: 0se the K:B3 C +-R3 /@ commanu anu use
the next uialog box to save it with the uefault name B6?. This means that it
will be saveu as a *==@ file (uata uisplay seivei) in the pioject uiiectoiy
anu it will have access to all uata (.us files oi uatasets) in the -"+"
uiiectoiy. This step shows you that uata uisplay winuows aie saveu in
the pioject uiiectoiy anu not in the uata uiiectoiy. 0nly uata (uatasets)
aie stoieu in the uata uiiectoiy.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-14 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
b. Close the uata uisplay winuow using: K:B3 C %B0@3.
c. Re-open the saveu uata uisplay by clicking the '-,- ':@6B-J :401 (shown
heie) fiom the Schematic oi Nain winuow. Aftei the winuow opens, click
the 0pen icon foluei (shown heie). Select B6?*==@ in the uialog anu click
$631. It will ieappeai with youi S21 plot. Also, notice that the uefault
uataset name (lpf) iemains fiom youi pievious simulation. KEEP TBIS
WINB0W 0PEN foi the next steps.

c* A713 ,23 ?:B,3. 4:.47:,*
This step intiouuces the ABS tuning featuie that allows you to tune paiametei values of
components anu see the simulation iesults in the uata uisplay. In this step, you fiist
select the components anu then select the tuning featuie. If you select the tuning
featuie fiist, you must select the component paiameteis anu not the components.
a. Position the Bata Bisplay anu the +4235-,:4 winuows so you
can see them both on the scieen. If necessaiy, ie-size the
winuows anu use I:3> /BB.
b. Now, stait the tunei by clicking the commanu: +:57B-,3
C A71:1M oi click the Tune Paiameteis icon (shown
view All
0pen an existing
Bata Bisplay
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
c. Immeuiately, the status (simulation) winuow will appeai along with the Tune
Contiol uialog box (shown heie). uo aheau anu click on the % paiametei foi the
C1 capacitoi as shown heie. When you uo, the tunable paiametei will appeai in
the Tune contiollei anu the paiametei will appeai with {t} to show that it is
enableu foi tuning. Anothei way to select the paiametei is next.

u. Click on the inuuctoi symbol anu when the small uialog appeais, click on the L
anu 0K. This will auu the inuuctoi in the tune contiollei.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-16 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
e. Aiiange you Bata Bisplay winuow with the S-21 plot so that you can see it along
with the Tunei. Place a maikei on the S uBz uata point as shown heie. Then tiy
moving the tunei sliueis anu see how the tiace is automatically upuateu as if you
weie tuning with an instiument. You can also tiy typing in the value oi change
the way the sliuei is useu.

f. Inciease the ;-9 values to Z foi both paiameteis anu continue tuning to get a
typical low-pass filtei iesponse: about -S uB neai 2 uBz, as shown heie - move
the maikei to 2 uBz to see this.

g. Stoie the tiace by clicking on the +,0.3 button anu $F as shown heie. Then
move the tuning sliueis again - the stoieu tiace iemains (uasheu line) while the
new tiace iesponus to the tuning. Tiaces can be stoieu iecalleu anu maue
visible as neeueu. uo aheau anu tiy these anu otheis to bettei unueistanu how
the tunei woiks.

h. 0se the %B0@3 button on the tunei to close it. Then +-R3 the uata
uisplay anu the schematic using the +-R3 icon (in both winuows)
shown heie. Finally, close all the winuows, except the ABS Nain
winuow. Next, you will use Baimonic Balance with an ABS example.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
U;"$#A/LA L$A&Q (@:1M /'+ &9-56B3@
All of the examples shippeu with ABS can be examineu in the
the Examples uiiectoiy. Bowevei, to use them foi youi uesign
uesign woik, you must copy the files into anothei uiiectoiy. In
In geneial, the examples uiiectoiy is ieau-only anu the files must
must iemain unchangeu. The following steps will give you some
some expeiience leveiaging examples foi youi own use.
)W* %06J -1 #KU% Y-.501:4 T-B-143 39-56B3*
a. uo to the ABS Nain winuow, File view tab, anu click on the
I:3> &9-56B3 ':.34,0.J icon to see the list of example
topics but uo not go any fuithei, simply look at the choices.
Afteiwaiu, click on the view Cuiient Woiking Biiectoiy icon
to see that you aie still in the lab1 pioject.
b. You aie going to copy a schematic uesign fiom one of the
example uiiectoiies into the lab1 pioject (netwoiks). In the
ABS Nain winuow, click K:B3 C %06J '3@:M1 anu the Copy
Besign uialog will appeai.
c. Select: K.05 '3@:M1: This is wheie you get the example
uesign. When the uialog appeais, select &9-56B3 ':.34,0.J
anu T.0>@3. Then use the uialog boxes, uouble clicking on
#KU% C -56B:?:3.X6.H C 13,>0.D@ C YT,3@,*=@1 anu 0pen.

u. Specify the A0 "-,2: Select <0.D:1M ':.34,0.J, which shoulu be the 13,>0.D@
uiiectoiy of the lab_1 pioject (shown heie). Also check the box: %06J '3@:M1
Y:3.-.42J. Click $F anu a copy of the BBtest anu its hieiaichy (sub-ciicuits)
will be copieu into youi lab1_pioject.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-18 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
e. Aftei the copy is complete, open a @4235-,:4 >:1=0> anu use the icon oi File
>0pen Besign to open the YT,3@,*=@1. As shown heie, this is the top-level
hieiaichy of the BBtest.usn. This is wheie the Baimonic Balance simulation is
set up. To see the amplifiei sub-ciicuit click on the amplifiei symbol anu then
click the icon: "7@2 :1,0 Y:3.-.42J.

f. Notice that the sub-ciicuit has seveial
biaseu uevices with the mouel
uesciiption (mouel caiu) shown. Click
the "06 $7, 0? Y:3.-.42J to go back
to the top level wheie the simulation is
set up.

Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
g. Aftei you ietuin to the uppei level,
examine the Y-.501:4 T-B-143
401,.0BB3. by uouble clicking on it oi by
selecting it anu clicking the euit icon
(shown heie).
h. The Baimonic Balance contiollei has
many tabs foi setting up simulation
paiameteis. The puipose of this step is to
get you acquainteu with the simulation
contiollei anu not to use all the settings.
Look thiough the tabs, uo not make any
changes, anu %-143B when you aie uone.

))* /== - >:.3 B-E3B ^10=3 1-53` -1= @:57B-,3*
a. Click on the L-53 icon (shown heie). When
the uialog appeais, type in the name I:1 anu
click on the wiie oi noue at the input to the
amplifiei. Click Close when finisheu. The
schematic now has a vin anu a vout wiie

b. Click the +:57B-,3 button. When the
simulation finishes, the noue voltages at vin
anu vout will be available in the Bata
Euit Component
The simulatoi is set to calculate 96u NBz with S haimonics (oiuei).
Notice that the v_1Tone souice (schematic) fiequency is also 96u NBz.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-2u Copyiight Agilent Technologies
)8* "B0, ,23 @634,.75 0? I07, :1 =T5*
a. When the uata uisplay winuow opens, select the Rectangulai Plot anu
inseit it. Immeuiately, anothei uialog will appeai wheie you select I07,
anu click /==. Next, the uialog will ask you foi the foimat: +634,.75 :1
=T5. Click $F anu $F again, anu the plot will appeai.
b. Put a 5-.D3. on the fiist tone to veiify that it is 96u NBz.

c. Inseit an equation by selecting the Eqn icon anu
inseiting it on the uata uisplay. Immeuiately,
anothei uialog will appeai.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
u. Wiite the equation in the fielu with a mistake in spelling the noue name.
Foi example, wiite a voltage gain equation as: \-:1 V I07,dI1. Click
Apply anu you will see how the eiioi is iecognizeu.

e. Coiiect the spelling to vin, click /66BJ again anu
$F. The coiiect equation will appeai.
L$A& 01 =-,- =:@6B-J 3e7-,:01@: If the equation is ieu in coloi, then it is invaliu.
f. To list the equation value of uain, inseit a list by selecting the S:@,
the S:@, icon. When the uialog appeais, click the aiiow anu scioll
scioll uown to the Equations list. When it appeais select the uain
the uain equation anu Auu it anu click 0K.

You shoulu see a list of uain: the complex voltage foi
each fiequency calculateu by youi equation anu the
Baimonic Balance uata. Actually, this ciicuit ieally has
moie cuiient gain than voltage gain.
g. Close all the winuows - =0 10, @-R3 the files in
files in this lab. You will not neeu this lab oi any
oi any of its files to continue.
Type: I1 to see a mistake.
Lab 1: Circuit Simulation Fundamentals

1-22 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
)G* &9-5:13 ,23 ;-:1 <:1=0> -M-:1
a. Notice that the Pioject view tab in the main
main winuow now shows youi saveu uesigns anu
uesigns anu uata uisplays.
b. Any uesign oi uata uisplay can be openeu by
by uouble clicking on any of them - tiy it anu
anu then close them using the Nain Winuow
Winuow commanu: File > Close All.

ENB 0F LAB EXERCISE - if you have time, tiy the Extia Exeicises.

&fA#/ &f&#%U+&+Q uo these only if you have auuitional time. 0theiwise, you can uo
them foi piactice aftei completing the couise.
1. Tiy seaiching foi an example of -46. using the example
seaich icon.
2. uo back to the BBtest simulation anu inciease the 0iuei
in the Baimonic Balance simulatoi to 7. Simulate again anu note what
happens. Also, change the value of Fieq to 94u anu note what happens -
you can leain about simulation eiiois fiom this type of exeicise.
S. Wiite anothei equation foi the BBtest iesults:
uain_funu = vout|1j vin|1j
Beteimine what the biacketeu value of |1j is uoing in the equation.
4. uo back to the LPF uesign anu open the uata uisplay page. Tiy wiiting an
equation foi the phase of S21 anu then plot it:

S. Examine any othei examples that aie inteiesting to you.

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