Ray Charles PDF

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Now answer the statements adding a T for true or a F for false depending on the

Information of the video.

1.-Ray Charles was born in 1913.
2.-He lost his sight at the age of 7.
3.-When his mother died he was 15 years old.
4.-After his mothers death, he moved to Chicago.
5.-In his early carrier, he copied the music style of Nat King Cole.
6. - in 1955 he scored the top ten R&B list.
7. - His first R&B single was I got a woman.
8. - The single Whatd say came up in 1953.
9.-His first record company with he was associated was Atlantic Records.
10.-After he moved from Atlantic Records he settled down in ABC Studios.
11.-In 1950 he released the album The genius hits the road.
12.-The single I cant stop loving you was the official song of Georgia.
13.-He was busted for drug abuse in 1965.
14.-The new generations are introduced to Ray Charles through films like: The
blues brothers, Pepsi commercials and the film starring by Jamie Fox Ray.
15. - He died for liver disease in 2004.

Key answers:
1- F
2- T
3- T
4- F
5- T
6- T
7- T
8- F
9- T
10- T
11- F
12- F
13- F
14- T
15- T

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