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Melissa Mays
Tutoring: 3:45-4:30 MTWTH
Grade Science

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I would like to welcome you to Eighth Grade Science. I am looking forward to a very
exciting and rewarding year. I am a graduate of Texas A & M University with a B.S. degree in
Agricultural Leadership and Development. My approach to teaching science involves an inquiry-
based, hands-on approach. There will be many opportunities for laboratory investigations this
year. We will spend time learning to use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and
interpret data. Our units of study will include: Inquiry; Earth Science; Living Systems; the
Chemical Nature of Matter; Forces and Motions; Investigations and Experimentations; The
critical thinking process will be integral to our investigation of science. Additional emphasis will
be on preparation for the STAAR standardized test in the spring.

I maintain a Web Page with important course information and homework assignments. The Web
page is updated weekly. You can access the Web Pages by going to:
Grades will be posted weekly through home access. Progress reports will be mailed every four
weeks during each semester. Students are expected to keep assignments into their notebook. In
addition, students are expected to keep assignments into their notebook.

Below is a guideline to campus-wide classroom behavior expectations, rationale, and
consequences for all students.

Campus Classroom Expectations:
Be in your assigned seat/or in line and ready to work when the tardy bell rings
Have paper, pencils, notebooks and all needed supplies every day
Keep hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Follow directions of all school personnel

Being in class on time and prepared to learn is essential for academic success
Treating others with respect creates a positive learning environment
To keep everyone safe, students must always follow the directions of school personnel

Consequences for inappropriate behavior:
Offense Non Verbal (or Verbal) warning
Offense Non Verbal (or Verbal) warning and parental contact
Offense Teacher assigned detention for 3
misbehavior and parental contact
Offense Counselor Referral
Offense Office referral for disciplinary actions


Assignments: During each nine-week grading period, students are expected to complete the
tasks listed below:
Participate during class discussions and activities, including oral presentations
Complete all assignments and turn in on time
Create thoughtful journal entries that indicate comprehension of lessons taught
Satisfactory performance on all assignments, quizzes, tests and exams
Only legible written assignments will be accepted

I have the highest expectations that all students and I am committed to designing lessons that
engage and challenge students to be profound lifelong learners.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me by e-mail or call the school office at

Melissa A. Mays
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STUDENT NAME__________________SIGNATURE_________________________
PARENT NAME___________________ SIGNATURE_________________________
Phone#____________________Email Address______________________________

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