FR Rev Webquest

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Names: _________________

Period: _________________
French Revolution Webquest
We have learned about absolutism and how monarchs abused their power in Europe.
The Enlightenment sought to shed the light of reason on traditional ideas about
government, and some thinkers encouraged the people to revolt. This activity will help
you see how both absolute monarchies and the Enlightenment are related to the
French evolution, and will give you a basic overview of the events surrounding this
period of unrest.
Write your answers on your own sheet of paper. Be sure to write the questions as well.
MARIE ANTOINETTE: htt:!!"""#marie$antoinette#or%! &'o to (Articles) and
then (Marie Antoinette: *io%rah+),#
1. Who were her parents?
2. Who did she marry and why?
3. Read about her Extraa!ant "ife#. What do the last three para!raphs of this
se$tion say about this topi$?
%. What was the &iamond 'e$(la$e )ffair?
*. What was her ni$(name and why?
+. What was she quoted as sayin! when told that people were starin! in ,ran$e?
-. Read .arie )ntoinette/s letter to her mother. What is she des$ribin!? 0ow does
she feel about the ,ren$h people?
1. Read the first two para!raphs at
http233www.fordham.edu3halsall3mod31111marieantoinette.html. 0ow did .arie
)ntoinette use her ran( as queen friolously?
T6E FREN/6 RE7O80TION: """#histor+"i9#com!oldre%ime#htm
4. 0ow was so$iety or!ani5ed?
16. 7li$( ri!ht arrow to 8he Reolt of the 'obility#. 0ow did the (in! attempt to
sole the finan$ial $risis?
11. What was the response to his a$tion?
12. 7li$( ri!ht arrow to 8he Estates 9eneral#. 0ow did the 3
Estate want to ote:
and why?
13. What was the (in!/s response?
1%. 7li$( arrow to 8he Reolt of Bour!eosie#. What was the 'ational )ssembly?
1*. Why did the 'ational )ssembly hae to !o to a tennis $ourt?
1+. 7li$( arrow to 8he 8ennis 7ourt ;ath#. What was this?
1-. 7li$( to 8he 'ational )ssembly<8he Ri!hts of .an#. What was the
&e$laration of the Ri!hts of .an?
11. 7li$( arrow to 8he =tormin! of the Bastille#. Why did they want to !o here?
14. Who was the leader of the stormin! of the Bastille and what happened to him?
26. 7li$( to Women/s .ar$h to >ersailles#. What was the purpose of this eent?
21. 7li$( to 8he ?arisian .ob#. Who were the sans@$ulottes?
22. 9o to =preadin! the 9ospel of Reolution#. &raw the ,ren$h fla!.
23. Explain the ,ren$h fla!.
2%. 9o to 8he Exe$ution of "ouis A>B.# What were "ouis A>B/s last words?
2*. 9o to 8he Rei!n of 8error#. What too( pla$e durin! the Rei!n of 8error?
2+. Who led the Rei!n of 8error? When was he arrested?
2-. 9o to 8he &ire$tory#. Who $ame to power in 1-44?

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