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5 Life Lessons from Self-Empowerment Pioneers

by Florence Scovel Shinn and Louise Hay

Lesson One: Foriveness
Florence Scovel Shinn: !hen someone has been
un"ust to you# you are $lled with wrath and
resentment% &ou cannot forive that person% 'imes
rolls by# and another person does the same thin% (t
is because you have a picture of in"ustice enraved in
your subconscious% 'here is only one way to
neutrali)e it% *e absolutely undisturbed by the
in"ustice# and send oodwill to all concerned%
Louise Hay: ( love and accept others e+actly as they
are riht now% 'he door to my heart opens inward% (
move throuh foriveness to love%
Lesson 'wo: Self-Esteem
Florence Scovel Shinn: ,o one -eeps you out of your
ood but yourself% . thouht-form of self-pity is one
of the most danerous you can have% 'he more you
pity yourself# the worse thins et% *e above the
worry belt# in consciousness# and then you will have
instantaneous manifestations% &our success#
happiness or abundance comes to pass in the
/twin-lin of an eye%0
Louise Hay: ( am a manet for all ood because (
choose to thin- positively% ( love and approve of
myself and easily choose thouhts that nourish me%
Lesson 'hree: 1oney
Florence Scovel Shinn: 1oney is a symbol of freedom
and is part of the 2ivine Plan% 'here is an invisible
supply for you to draw upon% (t is the ban- of the
imaination% *e rateful for what you have# and you
will attract more to be rateful for% 3ratitude is the
law of increase# and complaint is the law of decrease%
4ontinually ive than-s for what you have# and for
manifestation of invisible supply%
Louise Hay: ( truly believe that we are here to bless
and prosper each other% Life supports me in wondrous
Lesson Four: Health
Florence Scovel Shinn: . person who is low-spirited
or inharmonious will contract a cold5 a happy#
fearless person will be immune to erms% For
e+ample# a woman oes out in cold weather in
evenin clothes6lihtly clad6but is 7uite
comfortable# for she feels she is loo-in well and is
$lled with anticipation for a happy evenin% (f the
same woman is dressed in an unbecomin own or in
a bad humor# she will come bac- complainin of a
cold and discomfort and have a couh the ne+t day% .
harmonious person is never vibratin at the same
rate as a erm%
Louise Hay: 1y body is a mirror of my inner thouhts
and beliefs% ( love and approve of myself and easily
choose thouhts that nourish me%
Lesson Five: Future Possibilities
Florence Scovel Shinn: 2o not limit yourself to a one-
station radio of life% 'une in with (n$nite (ntellience%
Loo- with ama)ement at that which is before you%
!ith the $+ed idea that your supply comes from
(n$nite (ntellience# you will always be provided for#
in both bi and little ways% 'he bi thins in life will
come easily if you have no doubts or fears% So live
fully in today# and brin your future into the now%
Louise Hay: Life loves me8 ( am safe in the 9niverse#
which fully loves and supports me%
::( am so e+cited we "ust published Florence Scovel
Shinn;s boo- 'he 1aic Path of (ntuition which has
never been published before# but was written in

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