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Coastal Storm 10/21-10/23

State the intended goal

Coastal Storm 10/21-10/23

This Briefing Package purpose is to

present action preparedness in the threat of
strong storm events for our location.

Latest forecast trends and hazards.

What you need to kno during this event!

Low Pressure Track

Wind Gust

Wind gust to "#$"%mph

are likely.

Wind direction from the

&' shifting to the &W.

Wind damage does not

appear likely at this

Rainfall Totals

Light to moderate
rainfall e(pected.

)ainfall totals
ranging from .%# to

,inor flooding is
possi-le in lo lying

Coastal loodin!

Wave .eights "

to /ft.

,inor -each
erosion is e($

,inor coastal
flooding for resi$
dents along the
0hesapeake -ay
and 1ndian )iver


0oastal storm e(pected to develop in the afternoon tomorro

offshore of 3elmarva. The storm ill intensify as it moves sloly
northard. Storm ill loop around off the &45&6 coastlines
-efore moving into &e 'ngland.

Light to moderate impacts are e(pected for our region ith .% 7

*.+% of rain8 ind gust to "%mph and some -each erosion.
Worst impacts ill -e felt across the &ortheast states.

9urther :uestions; drop a email to delmarva(<

=nother package may -e needed if forecast change...

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