6 Tbs Almond Oil 4 TSP Essential Oil in Whatever Scent You'd Like 3 Tbs Water 8 Oz Citric Acid Powder 8 Oz Cornstarch 8 Oz Epsom Salts Food Coloring

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10 oz.

baking soda
6 oz. granulated citric acid
6 oz. cornstarch
6 oz. Epsom salts (finely ground)
4 t. water, divided
4-8 t. essential oil, divided
4 t. extra virgin coconut oil, divided
food coloring (optional)

Baking Soda - 8 ounces
Citric Acid - 4 ounces
Corn Starch - 4 ounces
Salts - 4 ounces
Water - .75 tbsp
Essential or Fragrance Oil - 2 tsp (for these I used a Ginger Peach.)
Oil - 2.5 tbsp (I used cherry kernel, but any light vegetable oil will work.)
Food coloring - 1 or 2 drops

2 tablespoons baking soda
1 tablespoon of citric acid (or 1/2 tablespoon cream of tartar)
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
1 tablespoon epsom salts (you can find this in any store these days)
1/4 teaspoon oil
3/4 teaspoon liquid*
a drop or two of food colouring

6 tbs almond oil
4 tsp essential oil in whatever scent youd like
3 tbs water
8 oz citric acid powder
8 oz cornstarch
8 oz epsom salts
Food coloring

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