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Email Etiquette and Safety Learning Log

Name: Rachel Price

Class: 6

This learning log is designed to go with Email 101, Tips for email success.

Tip 1: Include a greeting. In the space below type a sample greeting, pretending
you are writing an email to your teacher asking for information about a homework
assignment. Hello I was wondering if .. Sincerely, Rachel Price

Tip 2: Be Clear and Concise. Write the subject for your email clearly and be brief.
The subject is about homework assignment.

Tip 3: Check your tone. Phrase your request or question about the assignment
below. I believe that.

Tip 4: Reply Carefully. In the space below type a sample reply, pretending you are
writing a reply back to your teacher asking for more information.
Well, thank you for letting me know, but I believe that . And I also wanted to
know, or well can you explain it to me differently.

Tip 5: Why should you Review before sending? Write a couple of complete
sentences explaining why you should read your email carefully before hitting send.
What are some things you should check it for? I believe that you should reread you
messages before you send them because you could have typos and grammer that is
incorrect .Secondly, you could possibly sending it to the wrong person.

Tip 6: Text formatting. List 3 reasons with examples of why shouldnt you use
fancy text formatting. 1. They might not understand it
2. They might think your writing in a different language
3. They might think you are sending signatures

Tip 7: Write the signature you would use below.
Sincerely, Rachel Price

You should avoid all caps because it wouldnt look the same as it would the regular

Tip 9: If you see Fwd: Fwd: Fwd with a lot of people copied on the email, what
should you do? Why is it not a good idea to send it on to others? Honestly I dont no.

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