Provisional Vision

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Provisional Vision Statement: 10/21/2014 Name:

Constructivist Teaching Both Student-Centered Teaching

At its essence, constructivist teaching is about treating
students as active sense-makers by focusing on the process
by which they develop new knowledge and understandings.

The locus of the learning
is shifted to students.

The teacher has an active
role to play.

At its essence, student-centered teaching is about
engaging students actively in work that reflects
their interests, identities, and choices.

Teaching in a constructivist way necessarily means

Thinking of oneself as a guide or facilitator, rather than
as a dispenser of knowledge.

Structuring tasks in a way that encourages students to
construct key ideas/concepts themselves.

Surfacing and attending to students prior knowledge.

Continually asking students to articulate their thinking,
and to respond constructively to the thinking of others.

Embracing uncertainty, confusion, and messiness as
part of the learning process.

Helping students to notice changes in their thinking.

Teaching in a student-centered way necessarily

Making sure that students are doing
something active with their brains and/or
bodies, rather than sitting passively.

Choosing content that reflects a deep
understanding of what students know, who
students are, and what students care about.

Teaching in a constructivist way might sometimes mean

Using inquiry structures rather than lectures.

Teaching in a student-centered way might sometimes

Involving students in the process of deciding
what they learn.

Involving students in the process of deciding
how they will pursue a predetermined set of
Constructivist Teaching Both Student-Centered Teaching
At its essence, constructivist teaching is about

At its essence, student-centered teaching is

Teaching in a constructivist way necessarily means

Teaching in a student-centered way necessarily

Teaching in a constructivist way might sometimes mean

Teaching in a student-centered way might sometimes

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