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1. Circle the correct answer: 2p
Welcome to / in London.
1. Are you fifteen? Yes, I am / Im.
2. Johns / Johns father is here.
3. Emily is in / at home today.
4. Are you hungry? No, I not / Im not .

2. Write a or an before these words: 1 p
an ale
1. address !. e"ercise #oo$
2. %ideo 4. .hungry #oy

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: 2p
&his is his um#rella.
a' he #' his c' he(s

). * am in room. !. at +or$.
a' my #' * c' *(m a' ,is #' ,e(s c'he
-. *s this #oo$? 4. .a #ig school.
a' you(re #' your c' you a' *ts #' *t c' *t(s
.. &hat(s .en.
a' she(s #' her c' she

4 . Write these numbers in words: 2p
/ . 0 fi%e
). /-0 . !. /10
-. /20 . 4. /)-0 ..

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