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Unit 1 Study Guide

1. What are the three branches of Government?

a. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
2. Why did our founding fathers believe e needed them?
a. !o they could chec" and balance each other so no one #art gets to
much #oer
$. What are the %rimary &unctions of each branch?
a. Legislative'(a"es the las
b. Executive' enforces the las
c. Judicial' inter#rets the la
). What are the to #arts of *ongress?
a. +ouse of re#resentatives
b. !enate
,. Which -ranch is *ongress in?
a. Legislature
.. What is a bicameral Legislature?
a. /t means that the legislature branch has to houses. 0he +ouse of
1e#resentatives and the house of senate.
2. Which -ranch is the %resident in?
a. Executive
3. Which -ranch is the !u#reme *ourt in?
a. Judicial
4. Which branch can declare a la unconstitutional?
a. Judicial
15. What is Judicial 1evie?
a. 1evie by the 6! !u#reme *ourt of the *onstitutional validity of a
legislative act
11. What is the only ay to create a la once it is declared
a. 0o change the constitution.
12. What are the names of the current #eo#le ho 7ll these #ositions?
a. %resident of the 6nited !tates
i. 8bama
b. 9ice %resident of the 6nited !tates
i. Joe -iden
c. !#ea"er of the +ouse
i. John -oehner
d. !enate (a:ority Leader
i. +arry 1eid
e. *hief Justice of the !u#reme *ourt
i. John 1oberts
1$. 0y#es of Government
a. ;irect ;emocracy
i. Everyone votes on everything
b. 1e#ublic
i. (any grou#s re#resent the entire orld then they vote on
things for the #eo#le
c. <uthoritarian
i. 8ne leader
1. (onarch
a. =ueen, "ings, em#erors
2. ;ictatorshi#
a. !heer #oer >military?
d. *a#italism
i. %eo#le on their on business
e. <narchy
i. @o government
f. 1evolutionary
i. 0he short time here a grou# ta"es over until a real set
government ill ta"e control
g. 0heocracy
i. -ased on a god or goddess
h. 8ligarchy
i. 8ne grou# of #eo#le runs the country usually ealthy

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