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10/9/2014 C Binary Tree with an Example C Code (Search, Delete, Insert Nodes) 1/14
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C Binary Tree with an Example C Code
(Search, Delete, Insert Nodes)
by Himanshu Arora on February 27, 2013
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Binary tree is the data structure to maintain data into memory of program. There exists many data
structures, but they are chosen for usage on the basis of time consumed in insert/search/delete
operations performed on data structures.
Binary tree is one of the data structures that are efficient in insertion and searching operations. Binary
tree works on O (logN) for insert/search/delete operations.
Binary tree is basically tree in which each node can have two child nodes and each child node can
itself be a small binary tree. To understand it, below is the example figure of binary tree.
Binary tree works on the rule that child nodes which are lesser than root node keep on the left side and
child nodes which are greater than root node keep on the right side. Same rule is followed in child
nodes as well that are itself sub-trees. Like in above figure, nodes (2, 4, 6) are on left side of root node
(9) and nodes (12, 15, 17) are on right side of root node (9).
We will understand binary tree through its operations. We will cover following operations.
Create binary tree
Search into binary tree
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Delete binary tree
Displaying binary tree
Creation of binary tree
Binary tree is created by inserting root node and its child nodes. We will use a C programming
language for all the examples. Below is the code snippet for insert function. It will insert nodes.
11 void insert(node ** tree, int val) {
12 node *temp = NULL;
13 if(!(*tree)) {
14 temp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
15 temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
16 temp->data = val;
17 *tree = temp;
18 return;
19 }
21 if(val < (*tree)->data) {
22 insert(&(*tree)->left, val);
23 } else if(val > (*tree)->data) {
24 insert(&(*tree)->right, val);
25 }
26 }
This function would determine the position as per value of node to be added and new node would be
added into binary tree. Function is explained in steps below and code snippet lines are mapped to
explanation steps given below.
[Lines 13-19] Check first if tree is empty, then insert node as root.
[Line 21] Check if node value to be inserted is lesser than root node value, then
a. [Line 22] Call insert() function recursively while there is non-NULL left node
b. [Lines 13-19] When reached to leftmost node as NULL, insert new node.
[Line 23] Check if node value to be inserted is greater than root node value, then
a. [Line 24] Call insert() function recursively while there is non-NULL right node
b. [Lines 13-19] When reached to rightmost node as NULL, insert new node.
Searching into binary tree
Searching is done as per value of node to be searched whether it is root node or it lies in left or right
sub-tree. Below is the code snippet for search function. It will search node into binary tree.
46 node* search(node ** tree, int val) {
47 if(!(*tree)) {
48 return NULL;
49 }
50 if(val == (*tree)->data) {
51 return *tree;
52 } else if(val < (*tree)->data) {
53 search(&((*tree)->left), val);
54 } else if(val > (*tree)->data){
55 search(&((*tree)->right), val);
56 }
57 }
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This search function would search for value of node whether node of same value already exists in
binary tree or not. If it is found, then searched node is returned otherwise NULL (i.e. no node) is
returned. Function is explained in steps below and code snippet lines are mapped to explanation steps
given below.
1. [Lines 47-49] Check first if tree is empty, then return NULL.
2. [Lines 50-51] Check if node value to be searched is equal to root node value, then return node
3. [Lines 52-53] Check if node value to be searched is lesser than root node value, then call
search() function recursively with left node
4. [Lines 54-55] Check if node value to be searched is greater than root node value, then call
search() function recursively with right node
5. Repeat step 2, 3, 4 for each recursion call of this search function until node to be searched is
Deletion of binary tree
Binary tree is deleted by removing its child nodes and root node. Below is the code snippet for
deletion of binary tree.
38 void deltree(node * tree) {
39 if (tree) {
40 deltree(tree->left);
41 deltree(tree->right);
42 free(tree);
43 }
44 }
This function would delete all nodes of binary tree in the manner left node, right node and root
node. Function is explained in steps below and code snippet lines are mapped to explanation steps
given below.
[Line 39] Check first if root node is non-NULL, then
a. [Line 40] Call deltree() function recursively while there is non-NULL left node
b. [Line 41] Call deltree() function recursively while there is non-NULL right node
c. [Line 42] Delete the node.
Displaying binary tree
Binary tree can be displayed in three forms pre-order, in-order and post-order.
Pre-order displays root node, left node and then right node.
In-order displays left node, root node and then right node.
Post-order displays left node, right node and then root node.
Below is the code snippet for display of binary tree.
28 void print_preorder(node * tree) {
29 if (tree) {
30 printf("%d\n",tree->data);
31 print_preorder(tree->left);
32 print_preorder(tree->right);
33 }
34 }
35 void print_inorder(node * tree) {
36 if (tree) {
37 print_inorder(tree->left);
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38 printf("%d\n",tree->data);
39 print_inorder(tree->right);
40 }
41 }
42 void print_postorder(node * tree) {
43 if (tree) {
44 print_postorder(tree->left);
45 print_postorder(tree->right);
46 printf("%d\n",tree->data);
47 }
48 }
These functions would display binary tree in pre-order, in-order and post-order respectively. Function
is explained in steps below and code snippet lines are mapped to explanation steps given below.
Pre-order display
a. [Line 30] Display value of root node.
b. [Line 31] Call print_preorder() function recursively while there is non-NULL left node
c. [Line 32] Call print_preorder() function recursively while there is non-NULL right node
In-order display
a. [Line 37]Call print_inorder() function recursively while there is non-NULL left node
b. [Line38] Display value of root node.
c. [Line 39] Call print_inorder() function recursively while there is non-NULL right node
Post-order display
a. [Line 44] Call print_postorder() function recursively while there is non-NULL left node
b. [Line 45] Call print_postorder() function recursively while there is non-NULL right node
c. [Line46] Display value of root node.
Working program
It is noted that above code snippets are parts of below C program. This below program would be
working basic program for binary tree.
struct bin_tree {
int data;
struct bin_tree * right, * left;
typedef struct bin_tree node;
void insert(node ** tree, int val)
node *temp = NULL;
temp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
temp->data = val;
*tree = temp;
if(val < (*tree)->data)
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insert(&(*tree)->left, val);
else if(val > (*tree)->data)
insert(&(*tree)->right, val);
void print_preorder(node * tree)
if (tree)
void print_inorder(node * tree)
if (tree)
void print_postorder(node * tree)
if (tree)
void deltree(node * tree)
if (tree)
node* search(node ** tree, int val)
return NULL;
if(val < (*tree)->data)
search(&((*tree)->left), val);
else if(val > (*tree)->data)
search(&((*tree)->right), val);
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else if(val == (*tree)->data)
return *tree;
void main()
node *root;
node *tmp;
//int i;
root = NULL;
/* Inserting nodes into tree */
insert(&root, 9);
insert(&root, 4);
insert(&root, 15);
insert(&root, 6);
insert(&root, 12);
insert(&root, 17);
insert(&root, 2);
/* Printing nodes of tree */
printf("Pre Order Display\n");
printf("In Order Display\n");
printf("Post Order Display\n");
/* Search node into tree */
tmp = search(&root, 4);
if (tmp)
printf("Searched node=%d\n", tmp->data);
printf("Data Not found in tree.\n");
/* Deleting all nodes of tree */
Output of Program:
It is noted that binary tree figure used at top of article can be referred to under output of program and
display of binary tree in pre-order, in-order and post-order forms.
$ ./a.out
Pre Order Display
In Order Display
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Post Order Display
Searched node=4
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Tags: Binary Tree Deletion, Binary Tree in C, Binary Tree Remove, Binary Tree Remove Node,
Binary Tree Search C Code, C Binary Tree Insert, C Binary Tree Search, Display Binary Tree,
Optimal Binary Search Tree
{ 21 comments read them below or add one }
1 Bob February 27, 2013 at 9:45 am
Cool. Thanks for the explanation.
With C++ STL Libraries, we dont have to write this but it is good to know basics.
If you have time, it may be a good idea of going thru the C++ STL libraries and give example
code to do this as well as others (e.g. maps, vectors) to show to use them
2 marcio February 27, 2013 at 10:18 am
When you say O (log N): N is the number of nodes or the height of the tree?
3 bhupesh February 27, 2013 at 12:36 pm
nice explanation. But binary tree doesnt have any rule regarding the key value of a node. Its
binary search tree.
4 Gaurang S February 27, 2013 at 1:41 pm
Good article!
1. I think the explanation and algorithms mentioned are of a Binary search tree (BST)
2. Also for a Binary search tree worst case insert/delete/search would be O(N), where N is the
number of elements. The worst case for insertion would occur when the elements are in
ascending or descending order in which nodes will keep on appending to right or to left
5 Georgi K March 1, 2013 at 2:22 am
It is nice to have a simple C implementation a lot of embedded micros have no C++ at all,
neither STL.
For me search() didnt find the 4 element, so I added this one:
node* search2(node * tree, int val) {
if( ! tree ) return NULL;
if(val data) {
return search2(tree->left, val);
} else if(val > tree->data) {
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return search2(tree->right, val);
return tree;
6 DuskoKoscica March 4, 2013 at 2:43 am
It is nice, but in some case binary tree is not good enough, and yes you can use the hip.
But, what I would like to read about, is the tree that can have many sub trees..
Like multy way tree..
That would be nice article
7 Robert Nix March 27, 2013 at 1:07 pm
A function missing from your program and description is balancing the binary tree
Given your implementation, the worst possible data you could feed the program would be a pre-
sorted list, because all the values would cascade down the right side of the tree, never using the
left nodes at all. This, effectively, would simply be a linked list, with a lot of non-useful
compares of the left node addresses.
Adding a tree balancing routine to be called after insertions would solve this problem.
8 Payal April 7, 2013 at 4:46 am
search isnt working:(
9 Joe May 6, 2013 at 5:36 pm
Can you point me in the direction to applying this to strings instead of integers? Saying building
a tree with H,G,A, etc
10 Robert Nix May 7, 2013 at 6:45 pm
Since its just a comparison, the code should work equally well for numbers or letters. Just
change the variable type used.
11 DuskoKoscica May 8, 2013 at 7:08 am
Now it might sound funny, but if you wanna combine the char and int or float, and some other
things you could use unions, and struct, and so on
12 wisnusakti May 27, 2013 at 6:46 pm
tanks. but function search isnt working, and in function insert temp that never used
13 debbie xu June 19, 2013 at 12:26 pm
tmp = search(&root, 4); could be tmp = search(root,4), of course you need to change the
prototype of search into node* search(node * tree, int val) and implementation inside
Either way, I also ran into problem with search: actually the code found the searched node, its
just that the simple assignment of tmp=xxx doesnt work. I printed out the value returned
from search() before it returns, and the tmp after it has been assigned to the search() result, they
dont match !!! cant figure out why. so I added a third parameter into search() to get the result
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as following:
node* search(node * tree, int val, node **found)
*found = NULL;
return NULL;
if(val data)
search(((tree)->left), val, found);
else if(val > (tree)->data)
search(((tree)->right), val, found);
else if(val == (tree)->data)
*found = tree;
return tree;
and call it in main like this:
tmp1 = search(root, 15, &tmp2);
Now tmp2 points to the right node, but tmp1 points to some garbage.
Anybody can figure out why the original search() result cant be assigned correctly? I used gcc
on Linux 2.6.25.
14 debbie June 19, 2013 at 1:15 pm
figured it out, the recursive call didnt return the value. should be like this:
if(val data)
return search(((tree)->left), val, found);
else if(val > (tree)->data)
return search(((tree)->right), val, found);
and forget about adding a third parameter into search, no need for it.
15 Habib Beidoun September 26, 2013 at 2:48 am
Fix the search function by adding return in front of the two recursive search calls, e.g.,
return search(&((*tree)->left), val);
The function search does not really require a pointer to a pointer in the first argument (a pointer
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would suffice), as that value is not used by the caller and there is already a return.
16 Andrew November 2, 2013 at 12:06 pm
Hi. Its a good explanation of BST. But I have a question about your deltree function.
C language is the language where function parameters are always passed by value.
In this function you pass root pointer as node *root. How free()-function can delete its value
and free a memory?
17 M.Z.M.Hanafy January 30, 2014 at 12:16 am
Thank you so much. Its really excellent work.
18 arul April 15, 2014 at 7:54 am
awesome examples
19 Raghu April 28, 2014 at 3:16 am
Hi.. I just have clarification Please some one help me
When calling insert function what is the need to pass root it with & rather than just root and
De-refrenecing it **?
We can achieve it by passing just root and with single * De-referencing?.
20 NB.Gowri July 31, 2014 at 8:11 am
but tis is program for binary search tree not binary tree.plz anybody post the code for binary
21 Nirav August 6, 2014 at 9:40 am
This is Binary Search Tree, not Binary Tree.
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