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Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject


Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject
Stanley Baik
Summei Teim I 2u14

Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject

Table of Contents

I. Question 1 pg. S
II. Question 2 pg. S
III. Question S pg.4
Iv. Question 4 pg.4
v. Question S pg.4
II. Question 6 pg.S
vI. Question 7 pg.6
vII. Question 8 pg.6
vIII. Question 9 pg.7
IX. Question 1u pg.7
XI. Question 11 pg.7
XII. Question 12 pg.7

Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject
1. "#$% &' ()*+ ,&'%+&-%.' /&'&)0 )+ 1&''&)0 '%$%2120%3 4&/2 (2$+' 5+)1 0)67 6)*8, $
/&'&%)+ -)1&09 %) ()*+ '-#))8 '22 %2-#0)8)9( '*::)+%&09 82$+0&09 $0, %2$-#&093
")*8, %#2+2 ;2 $0 &1:+)/2120% 5+)1 %),$(3

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2%9&,&'()2(&-,C '711-)( '#):&*#'C 2,% *-997,&*2(&-,'

Five yeais fiom now, a visitoi woulu be able to see moie technology anu iesouices
pioviueu to suppoit stuuent leaining anu the integiation of technology within teachei
instiuctions. The uistiict technology plan is implementeu foi the next five yeais to auuiess
the technology neeus in the uistiict.

<= >$' %#2 ,&'%+&-% 2'%$;8&'#2, 82/28' )5 :+)5&-&20-( &0 %2-#0)8)9( ;( 9+$,2 82/28'3 ?5
')7 $+2 %#2'2 :+)5&-&20-&2' 6)/20 &0%) %#2 $-$,21&- -*++&-*8*13 @+2 %#2( %$*9#% &0
'2:$+$%2 '%$0,A$8)02 %2-#0)8)9( 82'')0'B-8$''2'3

No, the uistiict has not establisheu levels of pioficiency in technology by giaue levels.

Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject

C= "#$% $+2 ')12 )5 %#2 -8$''+))1 1$0$92120% '%+$%29&2' %#$% 6)+D 6&%# %#2
$1)*0% )5 %2-#0)8)9( $-%*$88( $/$&8$;82 &0 %#2 -8$''+))1'3
d. A list of clear goals and a specific implementation plan to:
1) Use technology to improve teaching and learning by supporting the district's curricular goals
and academic content standards
(2) Delineate how and when students will acquire technological and information literacy skills
needed to succeed in the classroom and the workplace
(3) Ensure appropriate access for all students
(4) Use technology to make student record keeping and assessment more efficient and supportive
of teachers' efforts to meet individual student academic needs
(5) Use technology to make teachers and administrators more accessible to parents/guardians
The technology implementation goals allows foi stuuents to have appiopiiate access to
technological iesouices available at the school site anu meet the acauemic content
stanuaius. The technology will allow teacheis, stuuents, anu paientsguaiuians to have
moie accessibility in communication anu keeping up with stuuent acauemic piogiess.

E= F)2' %#2 ,&'%+&-% #$/2 $0 &0/20%)+( '('%21 )+ ,)2' )02 022, %) ;2 ,2/28):2, %)
%+$-D %#2 %(:2 $0, $92 )5 #$+,6$+23

4. Funding and budget
e. Provision of ongoing technical support
f. The district's policy for replacing obsolete equipment
The uistiict has within the technology plan to pioviue technological suppoit anu ieplacing
obsolete equipment, but uoes not have an inventoiy system to keep tiack of the available
technological iesouices in each school site.

G= @+2 $''&'%&/2 %2-#0)8)9&2' $/$&8$;82 %) '%*,20%' 6&%# ':2-&$8 022,' $' 6288 $' %)
)%#2+ '%*,20%'7 '*-# $' H098&'# 8$09*$92 82$+02+'7 6#) 1&9#% ;2025&% 5+)1 %#2 *'2
)5 %#)'2 ,2/&-2' $0, ')5%6$+23

Theie aie no assistive technologies available to suppoit stuuents with special neeus anu
English language leaineis.

Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject

6. "#$% +2:8$-2120% -(-82 #$' ;220 ;*&8% &0%) %#2 :8$03 "&88 $,2I*$%2 5*0,&09 ;2
'2% $'&,2 5)+ +2:8$-2120%'3

4. Funding and budget
a. All costs and the current budget associated with implementing each component of the plan
b. Existing and potential funding sources
c. Options for reducing costs
d. Annual budgets for the term of the plan
e. Provision of ongoing technical support
f. The district's policy for replacing obsolete equipment
g. A process for monitoring progress and updating funding and budget decisions
The uistiict has within the technology plan to pioviue suppoit in ieplacing obsolete
equipment anu auequate funuing to pioviue foi technological iesouices. Theie is no
benchmaik oi timeline foi obtaining haiuwaie.

Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject

J= >)6 ,)2' %#2 %2-# :8$0 $,,+2'' %2-#0)8)9( :+)5&-&20-&2' $0, &05)+1$%&)0
8&%2+$-( 'D&88'3

d. A list of clear goals and a specific implementation plan to:
(1) Use technology to improve teaching and learning by supporting the district's curricular goals
and academic content standards
(2) Delineate how and when students will acquire technological and information literacy skills
needed to succeed in the classroom and the workplace
(3) Ensure appropriate access for all students
(4) Use technology to make student record keeping and assessment more efficient and supportive
of teachers' efforts to meet individual student academic needs
(5) Use technology to make teachers and administrators more accessible to parents/guardians
The technology plan mentions about uelineating how anu when stuuents will acquiie the
iesouices anu liteiaiy skills to be pioficient. The plan uoes not incluue any specific goals
oi tasks in the stuuents' tech pioficiency.

K= >)6 6&88 %#2 '-#))8 ,&'%+&-% D0)6 6#2%#2+ &1:82120%$%&)0 )5 %#&' :8$0 #$' 1$,2 $
:)'&%&/2 &1:$-% )0 %2$-#&09 $0, 82$+0&093
6. Monitoring and evaluation
a. A process for evaluating the impact of technology on student learning using the goals and
benchmarks for each component of the plan
b. A schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation on student achievement
c. How and when the results of the monitoring process and evaluation will be used
The technology plan mentions about monitoiing anu evaluating the tech implementation,
but theie aie no specifics as to how we will know if it is making a positive impact on
teaching anu leaining.

Bistiict Technology Plan Pioject
L= F)2' %#2 :8$0 $,,+2'' $ %&12 5+$12 ;( 6#&-# %#2 ,&'%+&-% :+):)'2' %) &1:82120%
%#2 /$+&)*' -)1:)020%' )5 %#2 :8$03

!"# G71#)&,(#,%#,( -) %#'&/,## '"2.. %#:#.-1 2 (")##H (- 8&:#H0#2) (#*",-.-/0 1.2,

#5 I#,*"92)J' 2,% 2 (&9#.&,# 8-) &91.#9#,(&,/ 1.2,,#% '()2(#/&#' 2,% 2*(&:&(&#'

The technology plan is uevelopeu foi thiee to five yeais anu benchmaiks aie given, but
theie is no specific timeline foi the vaiious components of the plan.

MN= F) ()* %#&0D %#&' :8$0 #$' $,,+2''2, &''*2' '*-# $' 2I*&%( 5)+ $88 '%*,20%'3

K@L E,'7)# 211)-1)&2(# 2**#'' 8-) 2.. '(7%#,('

The technology plan mentions about stuuent having appiopiiate access to the technology,
but uoes not mention about any assistive technology. 0veiall the technology plan has not
auuiesseu issues like equity foi all stuuents.

MM= F)2' %#&' :8$0 :+)/&,2 %))8' %) #28: 8)62+ %#2 $-#&2/2120% 9$:3

1. Curriculum
b. The current use of hardware and software to support teaching and learning

The technology plan iefeis to use of haiuwaie anu softwaie to suppoit stuuent leaining,
but uo not have specific tools mentioneu to help lowei the achievement gap.

M<= ?5 ()* -)*8, +2-)1120, ')12 &1:+)/2120%' %) ()*+ ,&'%+&-%O' %2-#0)8)9( %2$1
+29$+,&09 %#&' :8$07 6#$% 6)*8, %#2( ;2 $0, 6#(3

Aftei looking into my school uistiict's technology plan, I woulu like to iecommenu moie
specific uetails in all sections of the plan stating the specific goals anu tasks to accomplish
in a timely mannei. I have notice that the uistiict technology plan is veiy bioau anu
geneial so that the technology goals can be easily met. I woulu like to see the uistiict have
a plan on establisheu level of pioficiency in technology by giaue levels.

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