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Millionaire Project Proposal

by Gabby, Rosalie, Cole, Zach, and Sarah

There are nearly one billion malnourished people in the world, but the approximately forty
million tons of food wasted by the US households, retailers, and food services each year would
be enough to satisfy the hunger of every one of them.

Purpose- Our group would like to create an extremely healthy preservative to preserve the food
for extensive lengths of time. Also, we want to help the one billion malnourished people that
need food.

In order to create this substance, germicides will have to be included. Germicides are a
chemical agent that rapidly kills microorganisms. We will need specific germicides including
bactericide, fungicide, sporicide, and viricide. Also, in order to destruct the microorganisms we
will need sterilization, disinfection, antisepsis, and antioxidants.

Materials and costs:
phenols (carboxylic acid)- could not find
alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol - $0.79c per fluid ounce)
surface active agents (soaps, detergents)- $159.00 for a 32oz bottle
halogens (iodine - $8.30 per 100g, chlorine - $0.15 per 100g)
ions of heavy metals (mercury $0.74 per 100g, silver)
chlorhexidine- $7.99 for 8 fluid ounces
alkylating agents (formaldehyde .2 - .4%, glutaraldehyde, ethylene oxide,
BHA - $27.70 for 100g
BHT - $32.50 for 100g
sulfur dioxide - 10 liter $63.00
phydroxiybenzoic acid - could not find
EDTA - $5.00 for 600mg
4,050 squared ft to lease(warehouse) -$5,994 per month
Starting 12 people in company- salary $40,000 per year
liability insurance - $3,000 per year

1. Buy warehouse and materials to make product
2. Develop product
3. Figure out distribution
4. Continue to get more workers and grow as a company
5. Get product approved for public use
6. Patent product
7. Get product on the market

Facility- lab with controlled temperature at all times having to do with the chemical you are
working with. It will have to have good hygenic practices, hazard analysis, crytical controlled
point, and should address both food safety control and assurance activities in order to garantee
food safety.

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