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BalanceAK | 2014 Candidate Questionnaire

Dear Candidate,

BalanceAK represents a broad coalition of Alaskan organizations committed to improving social justice and strengthening
communities for all through education and dialogue. We invite you to participate in our candidate questionnaire. BalanceAK has
polled Alaskans to learn what they think about important issues like housing, minimum wage, native rights, LGBT community,
and much more. Now, we are reaching out to you with the same questions.

How to Participate:
The following pages contain a series of 15 questions on a wide range of issues. It should take about 10 minutes to complete.
The last page has an open-ended text box for you to further elaborate your answers.
After completing the survey, please save the PDF, and send it as an attachment to
Your completed survey will be posted on with other candidates responses. The results of the public opinion
poll will also be on the website.

We hope you will join us in this discussion of issues important to Alaskans. Please submit your response no later than 5 p.m.,
Friday, October 3. All poll results and candidate responses will be made available after Wednesday, October 15. An email will
be sent to all candidates who participated notifying you of the release of results.

Thank you for committing to Alaskas future by running for office.


BalanceAK |

Coalition Members include:
Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN)
Alaska AFL-CIO
Alaska Institute for Justice
Alaskans Together for Equality
Alaska Women for Political Action
First Alaskans Institute (FAI)
Identity, Inc.
League of Women Voters of Alaska
NAACP Anchorage Chapter
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest
Pride Foundation
YWCA Alaska

Candidate's First Name Candidate's Last Name
District Number/Letter Community
1. Which of the following do you feel is the most pressing social issue in Alaska the one issue you personally are most
concerned about? The social issues are:
Broadening economic opportunities so more families can achieve financial stability
Broadening access to family planning and reproductive services
Broadening Alaska Native rights and self-governance in accordance with tribal ethics, morals, and justice
Broadening rights for women through equal pay for equal work
Broadening access to early voting rights in Rural Alaska
Broadening rights of Non-discrimination for the states gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people
Broadening educational rights for Alaskas children to include funding for pre-K and after-school programs
Broadening Alaska Native rights, especially for priority access to fish, game, and plants on their ancestral
None of these
Not Sure
Below are some statements others have made. Please indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat
disagree, or strongly disagree with each.
Can't Say
2. Adequate funding for the public schools educating all
Alaska's children, K through 12, is more a social issue
than a financial issue.
3. Alaska should include lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people in the state's non-discrimination
4. The State of Alaska needs to work with Native Tribal
governments to share civil and criminal jurisdiction in
Native communities.
5. What do you feel would be a fair and decent monthly
wage or salary that is the minimum necessary to support a
family of four in your community?
6. On average, Alaska Women earn 67 cents for every dollar
earned by a man in this state. Do you strongly favor,
somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose
legislation to eliminate this gender pay gap and provide
equal pay for equal work?
Strongly Favor
Somewhat Favor
Somewhat Oppose
Strongly Oppose
Can't Say
7. And, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat
oppose or strongly oppose guaranteed access to 14
consecutive days of early voting in Rural Alaska, prior to
both primary and general elections just as Urban Alaska
already has?
Strongly Favor
Somewhat Favor
Somewhat Oppose
Strongly Oppose
Can't Say
8. Do you feel that access to a full range of family planning
and reproductive health services is a very important
component of health care; is it somewhat important; not too
important; or is it not an important component of healthcare
at all?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Too Important
Not An Important Component At All
Can't Say
9. And, do you feel that all Alaskans generally have access
to quality healthcare?
Can't Say
If yes, skip to #11.
If no, proceed to #10
10. (IF NO IN Q9:) Do you feel that the lack of access to
quality health care in Alaska is due more to geographical
issues or due more to affordability issues?
Geographical Issues
Affordability Issues
Can't Say
Federal law protects the traditional hunting, fishing and gathering rights of Alaska Natives on federally managed lands,
sometimes known as subsistence rights and provides for co-management for some subsistence resources. However, the
state of Alaska does not provide similar protections, or subsistence rights, or co-management opportunities on Alaska
managed state lands with sovereign tribal governments and Native entities.
Can't Say
11. Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat
oppose or strongly oppose the state of Alaska working
with Alaska Natives and Native entities to ensure
Native people have an equal voice in the management
of subsistence resources on Alaska state lands?
12. And, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor,
somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose Alaska Natives
having priority access to the fish, game, and plant
resources on the Alaska Native peoples ancestral
13. Do you feel Alaska should provide equal access to pre-
kindergarten programs for all its children?
Can't Say
14. There are some who want the state to invest in a public-
private partnership to create an Alaska Housing Trust Fund
that would create jobs and provide affordable housing
across the state. How do you feel about this idea?
A Very Good Idea
Somewhat Of A Good Idea
Somewhat Of A Bad Idea
A Very Bad Idea
Cant Say
15. Do you feel that immigration status should determine
ones ability to get a drivers license from the State of
Can't Say
If there are any answers that you would like to explain in further, please do so here, and note which question you are
addressing (e.g. Q8:).

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