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Year 8 Geology

Click on the below website to help you answer the questions:
1. What is a volcano?
2. There are three main categories of volcanoes what are they?
3. Why do volcanoes erupt?
4. Draw and label the volcano diagram
5. What is the theory of continental drift?
6. Copy out the table showing the different types of volcanoes
7. What is the difference between magma and lava?
8. What is the ring of fire?
9. What percentage of the earths earthquakes occurs in this region?
10. Mt St Helens in the US caused a huge amount of damage. How far
away was the explosion heard?
11. Closer to home was the explosion of Krakatoa. Where is this? When did
it erupt and how big was the eruption?
12. What causes Tsunamis?
Many of the worlds volcanoes are under the sea. Click on this link to learn
Read the information on the right hand side of the picture and click on the next
button until you go through the 15 slides.

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