My Senator Is A Well Know Person in The Detroit

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Adopt-A-Legislator 1

My Senator is a well know person in the Detroit, MI area. His name is Senator
Coleman A Yong !r. Mr. Yong is the son o" or #rst $la%k Mayor o" the City o"
Detroit, so I gess i" was in his &lood to &e in politi%s. Yong gradated "rom Charter
A%ademy High S%hool as the 'aledi%torian o" his %lass and was re%ogni(ed &y the
Cali"ornia State Assem&ly.
He has stdied at )ayne State *ni'ersity a"ter trans"erring "rom A(sa +a%i#%
*ni'ersity, where he was a mem&er o" the "oot&all team and ma,ored in
Commni%ations and +astoring.
His pro"essional e-perien%e in%ldes working as an intern "or the Detroit City
Con%il .esear%h / Analysis Di'ision "or S&way .estarants. Sin%e 0112, Yong
has hosted 3he Yong 45e%t, a Detroit Li'e, and %all6in talk show %on%erning %rrent
a5airs, %ommnity ad'o%a%y and sports. I e-mailed at #rst and didn7t get a
3he ne-t time I tried to %onta%t his o8%e I was greeted with a 'ery warm respond,
the women on the other end o" the phone told me to go to the we&site "or all the
in"ormation that I had ask a&ot.
In my #nding Mr. Yong has &een in o8%e "rom !anary 1, 0111 is term will end
!anary 1, 0112. His +arty is the Demo%rati% +arty. His Salary is 9:1,;<2 a year.
+rior o8%e was Mi%higan Hose o" .epresentati'e in 0112to 0111.
Mr. Coleman Ale-ander Yong !r. is Mi%higan State Senate representing Distri%t 1.
He %rrently ser'es as Assistant Minority Ca%s Chair. Mr. Yong has ser'ed on the
Adopt-A-Legislator 0
"ollowing %ommittees= 4d%ation, 4nergy and 3e%hnology, Lo%al >o'ernment? and
4le%tions @i%e-Chair, Atdoor .e%reation and 3orism, @i%e-%hair, .e"orms,
.estr%tring and .ein'enting, @i%e-%hair. Some o" the $ills are as "ollowed=
1. $ill ;0; .epeal %riminal penalties "or mari,ana possession A%to&er 1;, 011B, to
repeal %riminal san%tions on possession o" one on%e or less o" mari,ana, and
instead athori(e a %i'il penalty o" 902, and 921 to 9111 "or s&seCent 'iolations.
0. .esoltion <:= Designating A%to&er 011B Domesti% @iolen%e Awareness
Month in the State o" Mi%higan.
B. Senate $ill BB1= .epeal e-panded emergen%y manager powers. 3o repeal the
0110 law that greatly e-panded the powers o" emergen%y managers appointed &y
the state to re"orm the #nan%es o" #s%ally "ailed s%hool distri%ts and mni%ipalities.
D. He was against the Senate $ill DDBB? 4nd atomati% ta- in%reases to pay nion
%ontra%t lawsit ,dgments. It passed BB to 2 in the Senate on De%em&er 10, 011B.
3o re'ise a pro'ision that reCires s%hool property ta-es &e raised to pay o5
lawsit-related ,dgments against a s%hool distri%t, &y esta&lishing that this does
not apply i" the lawsit was to en"or%e a s%hool employee nion %ontra%t or other
%ontra%t that spe%i#%ally relates to s%hool operations.
3he hose added a nm&er o" e-%eptions, in%lding "or %ertain s%hools nder the
re%ei'ership o" an 4mergen%y Manager, "or %ertain disptes &etween a s%hool
distri%t and an Intermediate S%hool Distri%t or the s%hool employee pension system,
and more.
Adopt-A-Legislator B
3he primary ele%tion was held on Agst 2, 011D and a general ele%tion will take
pla%e on Eo'em&erD, 011D. In%m&ent Coleman Yong !r. was nopposed in the
Demo%rati% primary.
1. Hose o" .epresentati'es 'oting re%ord )e&site
0. $ills, Isses, )e&site http=FFyong.senatedems.%omFnewsF0
Adopt-A-Legislator D
Ms. 4dith Smith
MA.Y>.A@4 CALL4>4
+ro"essor D M%Millan
Adopt-A-Legislator 2

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