Taiping Homestay Application Form

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Name / Nama:

IC Number / Nombor IC:  

Gender / Jantina:  

Permanent Address / Alamat  


Contact Number / Nombor  


Occupation / Pekerjaan:  

Homestay Start Date / Tarikh  

Mula Homestay:

Homestay End Date / Tarikh  

Tamat Homestay:

Homestay Fee (RM)/  

Bayaran Homestay (RM):

Applicant’s Name & Signature

Regulation Condition:-
1. Your Booking Fee must be pay prior to your arrival. Once a booking is made, the Booking Fee is NOT-Refundable
under any circumstances.
2. Homestay Fees must be settle prior your stay and it is NOT-Refundable if you cancel Homestay after arrival or leave
the homestay before the end date of your stay.
3. Keep the house condition clean. Damages to the Homestay property or accidents and breakages happen in some cases
you will be required to pay for any damage you cause, even if it was an accident.

Syarat & Peraturan:-

1. Deposit penempahan perlu dibuat sebelum ketibaan. Wang deposit yang telah dibayar TIDAK akan dikembalikan
dengan apa-apa keadaan.
2. Bayaran penuh perlu dijelaskan sebelum penginapan dan bayaran tersebut TIDAK akan dikembalikan sekiranya
pembatalan dibuat oleh anda atau meninggalkan Homestay lebih awal daripada tarikh yang ditetapkan.
3. Jaga kebersihan rumah dalam keadaan baik. Sekiranya terdapat sebarangan kerosakan harta benda Homestay mengikut
keadaan tertentu anda akan dikenakan bayaran ganti rugi walaupun kerosakan itu secara kemalangan.

Homestay Contact: Mr. & Mrs. Teh: (05-8069153) or Mr. Danny (012-5619732)

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