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Lesson 3, Week 9: Introduction to Collage

Ti"e Introduction: Teac#ing $%%roac#es
oll call
(Instruct students to sit near projector
Introduction to lesson:
Instruct students that the dry pastel task
is to be completed for homework. It
MUST be handed up on Friday. If they
need to borrow pastels, they may do so
at the end of the lesson.
Inform students that they will be starting
a new unit on collage portraits.
Purpose of task This task will enable you
to understand how to use colour to
create tonal !alue and depth within a "#
artwork. $It is essentially building on
students% knowledge and understanding
from the last unit.
&'oll call is done at the
start of the
lesson, so that
it isn%t
about, and for
&Introduction to the
lesson gi!es the
students conte(t on why
we are studying this
topic on collage.
Ti"e 'ain Content Teac#ing $%%roac#es
Introduction to ne, unit* Collage
)sk students& *hat is a collage portrait+
*hat do you think it in!ol!es+
Present PowerPoint slides on collage
Speak about tonal !alue and light source
&Prompting ,uestions
allows students to think
about the task at hand,
rather than -ust being
told what to do.
&These !ideos are
instructional on the
-.e/ .no,ledge and Skills students s#ould ac#ie0e in t#e lesson1
Students will know how to select areas of tonal !alue.
Students will be able to select a range of contrasting colours to represent
light and dark tones.
Curriculu" $rea: .isual )rts
2ear Le0el: /0
To%ic: Introduction to 1ollage
Lesson 3 -single1: *ednesday, *eek 2
Lesson O34ecti0e:
Students will understand how to use colour to create tonal !alue and
depth within a "# artwork.
Watc# a 5e, s#ort 0ideos on %roducing a
collage %ortrait:
The way the artist chooses their colours
4rst and then cuts them into tiny pieces.
The way the artists start using dark
colours 4rst and then use light colours to
layer on top.
5ne artist glues straight away, whilst the
other artist waits and 4ts pieces and
colours in 4rst before gluing. It might be
a good idea to follow this artist that
doesnt glue straight away.
Hand out task sheets
ead task s#eet to students:
6o through the assessment and the
processes in!ol!ed to produce their
Instruct students to 3egin t#eir task:
Students are to begin by selecting their
choice of portrait from the pictures
They will be instructed to begin tracing
their picture using the light bo( 7)nne%s
room, 8ulie%s room and the corridor each
ha!e a light bo(9.
For those that are waiting to use the light
bo(, they can begin to make colour
selections using the maga:ines pro!ided.
Note that it might be easier to stick
with a range of approximately 4
colours; howeer! they can hae
di"erent tones of each of those
processes of portraiture
collage and can be
replayed in future if
students want to watch
them again. It%s also
useful to ha!e these
!ideos for when some
students are absent.
Then they can -ust
watch these when they
are in class ne(t, rather
than the teacher ha!ing
to do a demonstration
o!er and o!er again.
&;ecause it is a single
lesson most students
will only start the
tracing of their portraits
and the selection of
colours from maga:ines.
&;y starting di<erent
students on di<erent
tasks 7some tracing and
others searching for
colours9, this will allow
the classroom and the
students to work more
Ti"e Conclusion Teac#ing $%%roac#es
Lesson closure: Instruct students to pack up
and to try and bring :ip lock bags to ne(t
lesson to keep their maga:ine colour swatches
Making the students
aware of the time and
telling them to start
packing up, allows me
and them to get into an
end&of&class routine.
7Include e,uipment re,uired for class and>or for teacher preparation9

Paper roll
?esson Plan
PowerPoint Presentation 7collage portraits9 and pro-ector
Mini !ideos on collage portrait making
Task sheets ( "@
)A photos of people in black and white
)A plain paper
3ewspaper 7for underneath their work9
P.) glue and brushes
There is no assessment for this lesson but students will be introduced to
the assessment criteria for each of the tasks they will be completing
throughout the unit. This assessment criterion is featured on the
student%s task sheet that will be passed out today.

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