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The United Nations estimates that there are now ____________billion people on Earth.

____________ are growing faster than ____________in many poor countries in Africa and Asia.
At the same time, _______________________in Japan and many European nations have raised
concerns. There may not be enough people to fill jobs in the future.
opulation e!perts at the United Nations estimate that the world"s population reached si!
____________ in #ctober $%%%. They predict it will reach ____________billion by &&&&&&&,
and ____________billion by the end of the century.
'hina has a population of ____________billion, which is currently the world(s ____________.
)ndia is second at $.* billion. +ut )ndia is e!pected to pass 'hina and reach $., billion people
around *-*,. )ndia will also have one of the world(s ____________populations.
)n )ndia, young people will gain many &&&&&&&&& in their country"s growing economy. At the same
time, other countries will have ____________populations. +ut economists say that current growth
rates, although high, may not create enough jobs.
Also, the public education system is _________________. There are too many students in many
places. .chooling is often of poor &&&&&&&&&&&. Another concern is ____________. Nearly
half of )ndia"s children under the age of ____________ are malnourished. .arah 'rowe at the
United Nations 'hildren(s /und in New 0elhi says these two problems 1could 2eep )ndia bac2.1
.A3A4 '3#5E6 1That child is unable to really grow to its ability and will remain in a state of
stunting and not be able to learn when it goes to school 77 when he or she goes to school, and
indeed later ____________and really pay bac2 and pay into the economy and help the country
and the region move forward. 5e have, you 2now, out of every ____________ million children
who start school, only ____________percent complete grade twelve.1
8ichal 3ut2ows2i is the director of human development in .outh Asia at the 5orld +an2. 4e says
the seven billionth person was li2ely to be a &&&&&&&&&&&, born in rural Uttar radesh. Uttar
radesh is one of )ndia"s poorest and most crowded states, with nearly *--
____________people. 4e says reaching ____________billion people in the world is a good
time for a call to action.
failing 9 populations 7 economics 9 low birth rates 9 billion 9
nine 9 *-,- 9 $.: 9 five 9 aging 9 youngest 9 ;uality 9 largest
9 health care 9 seven 9 girl 9 ten 9 earn 9 million 9 two

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