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GOAL: Teachers will be aware of the benefits of collaborating with the librarian to help

student achievement on the Standards of Learning tests.

Objective: Teachers will receive information about the importance of collaboration with
the librarian to teach skills related to the Standards of Learning.
Target Groups: Teachers at TES
What? Share statistics of the impact of school libraries on student achievement.
Where? Library
When? ctober !"#$$
Who? Librarian
%ow? &lyer in their mailbo' on (onday) ctober !"
) with an invitation to visit
library the ne't week on the teacher work#day to pick up some cookies) check out
collaboration e'amples) and talk to me about possible collaborations. They will receive a
reminder email on &riday the !*
Communication Tools: +nitial invite will be with a flyer and then a reminder email.
Statistics on the impact of school libraries and student learning will displayed on posters
in the library on the work#day. ,ookies and flyers with e'amples of collaboration will be
given to teachers as they visit.
Evaluation: Success of the invitations will be measured by the number of visits on
(onday the $!
and the number of teachers who will collaborate on a lesson.

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