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Exchange Student Program 2014-2015 at

Tokyo Institute of Technology !a"an

#!$SS% Scholarshi"&
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) gives opportunity to Students of UGM to
join Exchange rogra! in the acade!ic year of "#$%&"#$'( Tokyo Tech hosts t)o
exciting exchange progra!s* the +oung Scientist Exchange rogra! (+SE) for
second,-nal&year undergraduate students and !asters. students/ and the 0cade!ic
1ooperation 0gree!ent rogra! (010) for 2oth undergraduate (second year or
a2ove) and graduate&level students( +SE has t)o progra!s* +SE 3ocused on
4esearch (+34)/ one year progra! and +SE Experiencing 5apan (+E5)/ a six&!onth
$( 'ndergraduate students of '() and (raduate students of '()
"( 1o!plete application for! (online application)
7( G0 !ini!u! 7(# (roven )ith 89cial 0cade!ic Transcript)
%( 4eco!!endation letter
'( 1erti-cate of enroll!ent
:( 1erti-cate of Eligi2ility (designed for!)
;( ro-cient in English < T8E3= ''#/ 1o!puter&2ased TE83= "$7/ T8E3= I>T ;#/
or IE=TS :(# (taken )ithin " years) (T8E3= rediction )ill not 2e accepted)
?( 1opy of passport < on 0% si@e paper/ ersonal history/ 7 photos (7x% c!)
letter of no!ination fro! faculty to 8I0 UGM
3or !ore infor!ation and detailed re6uire!ents can 2e o2tained in the )e2site*
0ll the docu!ents (2 co"ies) !ust 2e su2!itted to Cantor Urusan Internasional
(CUI) 3$7 no later than *ecem+er 5 201,(

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